- The system is built to provide travel services
- Frontend : HTML, CSS (Bootstrap), JS
- Backend : PHP
- Customer :
- Login/Signin
- View tour information
- Book tours
- Manage personal information
- View tour booking status
- Manager :
- Login/Signin
- Manage(add, remove, update) tours
- Manage(remove) member
- Manage tour booking
- Nguyễn Đại Tiến (Leader) : Customer (Fullstack)
- Nguyễn Trương Phước Thọ : Customer (Fullstack)
- Mai Quốc Trị : Admin (Fullstack)
- Trần Đắc Thanh Trung : Admin (Fullstack)
- Import code_tour.sql with database name : code_tour
- Modify source_code/public/.htaccess (RewriteBase path_name)
- A admin account is provided in database
- username : tien2114988
- password : tien2114988