We welcome contributions from the community! Here are some guidelines to help you get started.
Fork the Repository: Start by forking the AStools repository to your GitHub account. Create a Branch: For each new feature or bug fix, create a new branch in your forked repository.
Develop Your Contribution: Ensure your code adheres to the existing style for consistency. Test your changes thoroughly.
Commit Your Changes: Provide a clear and detailed commit message with your changes.
Submit a Pull Request:
- Ensure your branch is up-to-date with the main branch.
- Describe the changes you've made and any relevant issue numbers.
- Code Review: Once you submit a pull request, it will be reviewed by the maintainers. Be open to discussion and modifications.
Use the GitHub Issues tab to report bugs or suggest features. Provide as much information as possible to help us understand and replicate the issue.
Respect fellow contributors and maintainers. Constructive feedback and discussions are encouraged.
For any questions or discussions, use the GitHub Discussions tab associated with the repository.