All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](, and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
- Getting and plot integrated intensity now support signals containing nan (#722)
- Add Symmetry1D signal class and symmetry analysis methods (#724)
- BeamShift class, which includes the make_linear_plane method for better correction of the beam shift when scanning large regions in STEM (#746)
- Add unit testing of docstring examples (#766)
- lazy_* virtual imaging has been removed, use get_integrated_intensity (#722)
- Code now support python 3.9
- Code now runs on hyperspy 1.6.2
- np.bool replaced by bool
- np.object replaced by object
- load_mib (#734)
- correct_bad_pixels now returns the same result when lazy/not-lazy (bug #723, fix #735)
- mirrored templates now correctly dealt with in radial template matching (#740)
- further bugfixs for AcceleratedIndexationGenerator (#744)
- a k-space error effecting azimuthal integration (#738)
- bug in .to_crystal_map()
- lazy_virtual_bright_field, use get_integrated_intensity instead
- lazy_virtual_dark_field, use get_integrated_intensity instead
- Faster rotation indexing, using in plane speeds up, added as AcceleratedIndexationGenerator (#673)
- get_direct_beam_position now supports lazy proccessing (#648)
- center_direct_beam now supports lazy processing (#658)
- Several functions for processing large datasets using dask (#648, #658)
- Methods to retrieve phase from DPC signal are added (#662)
- Add VirtualImageGenerator.set_ROI_mesh method to set mesh of CircleROI (#700)
- Added a setup.cfg
- The importing of pyxem objects has been standardized (#704)
- get_direct_beam_position now has reversed order of the shifts [y, x] to [x, y] (#653)
- .apply_affine_transform now uses a default order of 1 (changed from 3)
- find_peaks is now provided by hyperspy, method 'xc' now called 'template_matching'
- virtual_annular_dark_field and virtual_bright_field renamed; now have a "lazy_" prefixing (#698)
- Plotting large, lazy, datasets will be much faster now (#655)
- Calibration workflow has been altered (see PR #640 for details)
- Azimuthal integration has been refactored (see PRs #625,#676 for details)
- Diffraction2D.remove_dead_pixels has been removed, use .correct_bad_pixels (#681)
- Diffraction2D.remove_background, has been moved to .subtract_diffraction_background (#697)
- The diffraction_component and scalable_reference_pattern modules have been removed (#674)
- local_gaussian_method for subpixel refinement has been removed
- utils.plot removed, functionality now in signals.diffraction_vectors
- utils.subpixelrefinement_utils removed, functionality in subpxielrefinement_generator
- utils.dpc_tools removed, either downstreamed to diffsims or up to
- utils.diffraction_tools removed, downstreamed to diffsims
- utils.sim_utils removed, instead use the relevant diffsims functionality
- utils.calibration_utils removed, downstreamed to diffsims
- CI is now provided by github actions
- Code now depends on hyperspy==1.6.1 and skimage>=0.17.0
- This project now keeps a Changelog
- Slow tests now don't run by default
- Depend only on hyperspy-base and pyfai-base