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Fix usage tracking for shadowed values
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by storing the usage information in a reference both in the value as
well as the usage table, which now becomes a list. This way, the usage
can be changed directly on the reference, which updates the usage list.
  • Loading branch information
tjammer committed May 26, 2024
1 parent 6aa8993 commit 333bcbd
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Showing 2 changed files with 96 additions and 76 deletions.
170 changes: 96 additions & 74 deletions lib/typing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,8 +39,26 @@ type value = {
mname : Path.t option;

type usage = {
loc : Ast.loc;
used : bool ref;
imported : bool;
mutated : bool ref;

type value_internal = {
typ : typ;
param : bool;
(* More like force-capture *)
const : bool;
global : bool;
mut : bool;
mname : Path.t option;
usage : usage;

module Used_value = struct
type t = key * value
type t = key * value_internal

let compare (ak, av) (bk, bv) =
let p s = match s with Some p -> p | None -> "" in
Expand All @@ -50,13 +68,6 @@ end
module Closed_set = Set.Make (Used_value)
module Set = Set.Make (String)

type usage = {
loc : Ast.loc;
used : bool ref;
imported : bool;
mutated : bool ref;

type ext = {
ext_name : string;
ext_typ : typ;
Expand All @@ -66,8 +77,6 @@ type ext = {
closure : bool;

type usage_tbl = (Path.t, usage) Hashtbl.t

type module_usage = { name : Path.t; loc : Ast.loc; used : bool ref }

and touched = {
Expand All @@ -78,15 +87,17 @@ and touched = {
tmname : Path.t option;

type usage_list = (Path.t * usage) list ref

type scope_kind =
| Stoplevel of usage_tbl
| Sfunc of usage_tbl
| Stoplevel of usage_list
| Sfunc of usage_list
| Smodule of module_usage
| Scont of usage_tbl
| Scont of usage_list

(* function scope *)
type scope = {
valmap : value Map.t;
valmap : value_internal Map.t;
closed : Closed_set.t ref;
labels : label Map.t; (* For single labels (field access) *)
labelsets : Path.t Lmap.t; (* For finding the type of a record expression *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -153,7 +164,7 @@ let empty_scope kind =

let empty ~find_module ~scope_of_located modpath =
values = [ empty_scope (Sfunc (Hashtbl.create 64)) ];
values = [ empty_scope (Sfunc (ref [])) ];
externals = Etbl.create 64;
in_mut = ref 0;
Expand All @@ -170,29 +181,47 @@ let is_imported modpath = function
| None -> false
| Some mname -> Path.share_base mname modpath |> not

let add_value key value loc env =
let add_value key (value : value) loc env =
match env.values with
| [] -> failwith "Internal Error: Env empty"
| scope :: tl ->
let valmap = Map.add key value scope.valmap in

(* Shadowed bindings stay in the Hashtbl, but are not reachable.
Thus, warning for unused shadowed bindings works *)
(match scope.kind with
| Stoplevel tbl | Sfunc tbl | Scont tbl ->
let mutated = if value.mut then ref false else ref true in
let used =
String.length key > 1
&& Char.equal (String.get key 0) '_'
&& not (Char.equal (String.get key 1) '_')
(* Allow identifiers starting with '_' to suppress unused warnings, like wildcards *)
ref true
else ref false
and imported = is_imported env.modpath value.mname in
Hashtbl.add tbl (Path.Pid key) { loc; used; imported; mutated }
| Smodule _ -> assert (Option.is_some value.mname));
let usage =
match scope.kind with
| Stoplevel usages | Sfunc usages | Scont usages ->
let mutated = if value.mut then ref false else ref true in
let used =
String.length key > 1
&& Char.equal (String.get key 0) '_'
&& not (Char.equal (String.get key 1) '_')
(* Allow identifiers starting with '_' to suppress unused warnings, like wildcards *)
ref true
else ref false
and imported = is_imported env.modpath value.mname in
let usage = { loc; used; imported; mutated } in
usages := (Path.Pid key, usage) :: !usages;
| Smodule _ ->
assert (Option.is_some value.mname);
(* Don't track usage for imported values *)
{ loc; used = ref true; imported = true; mutated = ref true }

let value =
typ = value.typ;
param = value.param;
const = value.const;
global =;
mut = value.mut;
mname = value.mname;
let valmap = Map.add key value scope.valmap in

{ env with values = { scope with valmap } :: tl }

Expand All @@ -201,6 +230,9 @@ let add_external ext_name ~cname typ loc env =
match env.values with
| [] -> failwith "Internal Error: Env empty"
| scope :: tl ->
(* external things cannot be mutated right now *)
let used = ref false and mutated = ref true in
let usage = { loc; used; mutated; imported = false } in
let value =
Expand All @@ -210,19 +242,16 @@ let add_external ext_name ~cname typ loc env =
const = false;
mut = false;
param = false;
let valmap = Map.add ext_name value scope.valmap in

let used = ref false in
(match scope.kind with
| Stoplevel tbl | Sfunc tbl | Scont tbl ->
(* external things cannot be mutated right now *)
let mutated = ref true in
Hashtbl.add tbl (Path.Pid ext_name)
{ loc; used; imported = false; mutated }
| Stoplevel usages | Sfunc usages | Scont usages ->
usages := (Path.Pid ext_name, usage) :: !usages
| Smodule _ -> failwith "Internal Error: add_external on Smodule");

let valmap = Map.add ext_name value scope.valmap in

({ env with values = { scope with valmap } :: tl }, used)
let tkey = Type_key.create ext_name in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -253,19 +282,13 @@ let mark_unused key env =
match env.values with
| [] -> failwith "Internal Error: Env empty"
| scope :: _ -> (
match scope.kind with
| Stoplevel tbl | Sfunc tbl | Scont tbl -> (
match Hashtbl.find_opt tbl (Path.Pid key) with
| Some usage ->
let used = !(usage.used) in
usage.used := false;
| None ->
"Internal Error: Missing key for unmarking used " ^ key
|> failwith)
| Smodule _ ->
failwith "Internal Error: Should not be module for unmarking function"
match Map.find_opt key scope.valmap with
| Some value ->
let used = !(value.usage.used) in
value.usage.used := false;
| None ->
"Internal Error: Missing key for unmarking used " ^ key |> failwith)

let add_labels typename labelset labels scope =
let labelsets = Lmap.add labelset typename scope.labelsets in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -356,19 +379,17 @@ let open_thing thing modpath env =
| _ -> failwith "Internal Error: Module not finished in env (function)");
{ env with values = empty_scope thing :: env.values; modpath }

let open_function env = open_thing (Sfunc (Hashtbl.create 64)) env.modpath env

let open_toplevel modpath env =
open_thing (Stoplevel (Hashtbl.create 64)) modpath env
let open_function env = open_thing (Sfunc (ref [])) env.modpath env
let open_toplevel modpath env = open_thing (Stoplevel (ref [])) modpath env

let find_unused ret tbl =
(fun name (used : usage) acc ->
let find_unused ret usages =
(fun acc (name, (used : usage)) ->
if used.imported then acc
else if not !(used.used) then (name, Unused, used.loc) :: acc
else if not !(used.mutated) then (name, Unmutated, used.loc) :: acc
else acc)
tbl ret
ret usages

let rec is_module_used modules =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -401,7 +422,10 @@ let close_thing is_same modpath env =
!(scope.closed) |> Closed_set.to_seq |> List.of_seq
(clname, { typ; param; const; global; mname; mut = clmut }) ->
( clname,
{ typ; param; const; global; mname; mut = clmut; usage = _ }
(* We only add functions to the closure if they are params
Or: if they are closures *)
(* Const values (and imported ones) are not closed over, they exist module-wide *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -447,15 +471,15 @@ let close_thing is_same modpath env =

match scope.kind with
| (Stoplevel usage | Sfunc usage) when is_same scope.kind ->
let unused = find_unused unused usage in
let unused = find_unused unused !usage in
( { env with values = tl; modpath },
closed @ old_closed,
touched @ old_touched,
sort_unused unused )
| Stoplevel _ | Sfunc _ ->
failwith "Internal Error: Unexpected scope type"
| Scont usage ->
let unused = find_unused unused usage in
let unused = find_unused unused !usage in
aux (closed @ old_closed) (touched @ old_touched) unused tl
| Smodule { name; loc; used } ->
let unused =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -540,14 +564,11 @@ let find_val_opt loc key env =
let find_val loc key env =
match find_val_opt loc key env with Some vl -> vl | None -> raise Not_found

let mark_used name kind mut =
let mark_used usage kind mut =
match kind with
| Stoplevel tbl | Sfunc tbl | Scont tbl -> (
match Hashtbl.find_opt tbl name with
| Some (used : usage) ->
if !mut > 0 then used.mutated := true;
used.used := true
| None -> ())
| Stoplevel _ | Sfunc _ | Scont _ ->
if !mut > 0 then usage.mutated := true;
usage.used := true
| Smodule usage -> usage.used := true

let query_val_opt loc pkey env =
Expand All @@ -566,7 +587,8 @@ let query_val_opt loc pkey env =
| _ -> ()

let found key lvl kind ({ typ; const; mname; global; mut; param } as v) =
let found key lvl kind ({ typ; const; mname; global; mut; param; usage } as v)
let in_module =
match kind with
| Smodule _ -> true
Expand All @@ -576,7 +598,7 @@ let query_val_opt loc pkey env =
else if (* Add values in modules to scope list *)
in_module then add 1 (key, v) env.values;
(* Mark value used, if it's not imported *)
mark_used (Path.Pid key) kind env.in_mut;
mark_used usage kind env.in_mut;
Some { typ; const; global; mut; mname; param }

Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions test/functions.t/shadowing2.smu
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
fun diff(x, y): x - y

-- TODO this should be marked as used
let _ =
let diff = 12
Expand Down

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