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Add automatic partial application
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... like in OCaml. I'm not sure I quite like the feature but with the
way we compile closures right now, it is a needed workaround. See the
parser generator code. If we tracked closures better and not use
`upward` to malloc but `escaping`, this might not be needed anymore.
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tjammer committed Oct 17, 2023
1 parent 730fa3d commit 3a5a13f
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Showing 2 changed files with 125 additions and 33 deletions.
145 changes: 112 additions & 33 deletions lib/typing/
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Expand Up @@ -601,6 +601,117 @@ end = struct

let string_typ = Talias (Path.Pid "string", Tarray Tu8)

let partially_apply_call ~switch_uni loc env callee typed_exprs =
(* Partial application only applies if we know the calle and can tell we
don't apply all arguments. In these cases we create for the return type a
new function which has the un-applied parameters of [callee] prepended *)
let args = (fun (a, pattr, _) -> { pattr; pt = a.typ }) typed_exprs
let apply param (texpr, _, _) =
({ texpr with typ = }, param.pattr)
let targs = List.map2 apply args typed_exprs in

(* We can't use clean here, because we don't want to mess with linked
types *)
let rec is_partial = function
| Tfun (ps, ret, kind) ->
let rec find_rem used_ps args ps =
match (args, ps) with
| _, [] ->
(* Either the argument number matches param numbers or is more. In
either case, we unify normally *)
| [], _ :: _ ->
(* The callee has more params than we supply arguments. Define type
of the returned function *)
Some (List.rev used_ps, ps, ret, kind)
| _ :: atl, p :: ptl -> find_rem (p :: used_ps) atl ptl
find_rem [] args ps
| Tvar { contents = Link t } | Talias (_, t) -> is_partial t
| _ -> None

match is_partial callee.typ with
| None ->
let res_t = newvar () in
if switch_uni then
unify (loc, "In application")
(Tfun (args, res_t, Simple))
callee.typ env
unify (loc, "In application") callee.typ
(Tfun (args, res_t, Simple))

(* Extract the returning type from the callee, because it's properly
generalized and linked. This way, everything in a function body should be
generalized and we can easily catch weak type variables *)
let rec extract_typ = function
| Tfun (_, t, _) -> t
| Talias (_, t) | Tvar { contents = Link t } -> extract_typ t
| t -> t
let typ = extract_typ callee.typ in
let attr = builtins_hack callee typed_exprs in

(* For now, we don't support const functions *)
{ typ; expr = App { callee; args = targs }; attr; loc }
| Some (used_ps, missing_ps, eventual_ret, kind) ->
let res_t = newvar () in
let this_ret = Tfun (missing_ps, eventual_ret, kind) in
if switch_uni then
unify (loc, "In application")
(Tfun (args, res_t, Simple))
(Tfun (used_ps, this_ret, Simple))
unify (loc, "In application")
(Tfun (used_ps, this_ret, Simple))
(Tfun (args, res_t, Simple))
(* Construct a lambda expression with the remaining call. See
[wrap_in_lambda] for a similar function *)
let pn i _ = "_" ^ string_of_int i in
let nparams = List.mapi pn missing_ps in

(* Get touched values. Hopefully we don't miss any here. This isn't
properly tested yet. By using [follow_expr] we might miss used values
in rhs of lets *)
let touched =
(fun (t, tattr, _) ->
match Typed_tree.follow_expr t.expr with
| Some (Var (tname, tmname)) ->
let tattr_loc = Some t.loc in
Some { tname; tmname; ttyp = t.typ; tattr; tattr_loc }
| _ -> None)

let func =
{ tparams = missing_ps; ret = eventual_ret; touched; kind }
let args =
(* These args and generated ones from param *)
@ List.mapi
(fun i p ->
let mut = mut_of_pattr p.pattr in
let attr = { no_attr with mut } and expr = Var (pn i 0, None) in
let expr = { typ =; expr; attr; loc } in
(expr, p.pattr))
let attr = builtins_hack callee typed_exprs in
let body =
{ typ = eventual_ret; expr = App { callee; args }; attr; loc }
let abs = { nparams; body; func; inline = false } in
{ typ = this_ret; expr = Lambda (lambda_id (), abs); loc; attr }

let rec convert env expr = convert_annot env None expr

and convert_annot env annot = function
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -952,40 +1063,8 @@ end = struct
(e, a.apass, e.attr.mut))
let args_t = (fun (a, pattr, _) -> { pattr; pt = a.typ }) typed_exprs
let res_t = newvar () in
if switch_uni then
unify (loc, "In application")
(Tfun (args_t, res_t, Simple))
callee.typ env
unify (loc, "In application") callee.typ
(Tfun (args_t, res_t, Simple))

let apply param (texpr, _, _) =
({ texpr with typ = }, param.pattr)
let targs = List.map2 apply args_t typed_exprs in

let attr = builtins_hack callee typed_exprs in

(* Extract the returning type from the callee, because it's properly
generalized and linked. This way, everything in a function body should be
generalized and we can easily catch weak type variables *)
let typ =
let rec extract_typ = function
| Tfun (_, t, _) -> t
| Talias (_, t) | Tvar { contents = Link t } -> extract_typ t
| t -> t
extract_typ callee.typ

(* For now, we don't support const functions *)
{ typ; expr = App { callee; args = targs }; attr; loc }
partially_apply_call ~switch_uni loc env callee typed_exprs

and convert_bop_impl env loc bop e1 e2 =
let check typ =
Expand Down
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions test/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1023,6 +1023,14 @@ let test_farray_inference () =
"(defn print-snd [arr] (ignore (fmt-str arr.(1)))) (print-snd #[1 3 2]) \
(print-snd #[\"hey\" \"hi\"])"

let test_partial_move_outer_imm () =
test_exn "Cannot move string literal. Use `copy`"
"(def a \"hii\") (defn move-a [_ a!] a) (ignore ((move-a 0) !a))"

let test_partial_move_outer_delayed () =
test_exn "Cannot move string literal. Use `copy`"
"(def a \"hii\") (defn move-a [a! _] a) (ignore ((move-a !a) 0))"

let case str test = test_case str `Quick test

(* Run it *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1444,4 +1452,9 @@ let () =
case "nested lit" test_farray_nested_lit;
case "generalize / instantiate" test_farray_inference;
] );
( "partial application",
case "move outer imm" test_partial_move_outer_imm;
case "move outer delayed" test_partial_move_outer_delayed;
] );

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