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Support const fixed-size arrays
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Check return for const fixed-size arrays
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tjammer committed Oct 20, 2023
1 parent 3a5a13f commit a1def8d
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Showing 10 changed files with 186 additions and 93 deletions.
60 changes: 42 additions & 18 deletions lib/codegen/
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Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module type Core = sig
open Llvm_types

val gen_expr : param -> Monomorph_tree.monod_tree -> llvar
val gen_constexpr : param -> Monomorph_tree.monod_tree -> llvar

module Make
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -288,28 +289,51 @@ struct

{ value = arr; typ; lltyp; kind = Ptr }

let gen_fixed_array_lit param exprs typ allocref =
let gen_fixed_array_lit param exprs typ allocref const return =
let item_size = sizeof_typ typ in
let lltyp = get_lltype_def typ in

let arr = get_prealloc !allocref param lltyp "arr" in

(fun i expr ->
let dst = Llvm.build_gep arr [| ci 0; ci i |] "" builder in
let src =
gen_expr { param with alloca = Some dst } expr
|> func_to_closure param
let value, kind =
match const with
| Monomorph_tree.Cnot ->
let arr = get_prealloc !allocref param lltyp "arr" in

(fun i expr ->
let dst = Llvm.build_gep arr [| ci 0; ci i |] "" builder in
let src =
gen_expr { param with alloca = Some dst } expr
|> func_to_closure param

match src.kind with
| Ptr | Const_ptr ->
if dst <> src.value then
memcpy ~dst ~src ~size:(Llvm.const_int int_t item_size)
else (* The record was constructed inplace *) ()
| Imm | Const -> ignore (Llvm.build_store src.value dst builder))
(arr, Ptr)
| Const ->
let values = (fun expr -> (gen_constexpr param expr).value) exprs
|> Array.of_list
let lltyp =
match typ with
| Tfixed_array (_, t) -> get_lltype_def t
| _ -> failwith "unreachable"
let value = Llvm.(const_array lltyp values) in
(* The value might be returned, thus boxed, so we wrap it in an automatic var *)
if return then (
let record = get_prealloc !allocref param lltyp "" in
ignore (Llvm.build_store value record builder);
(record, Const_ptr))
else (value, Const)

match src.kind with
| Ptr | Const_ptr ->
if dst <> src.value then
memcpy ~dst ~src ~size:(Llvm.const_int int_t item_size)
else (* The record was constructed inplace *) ()
| Imm | Const -> ignore (Llvm.build_store src.value dst builder))
{ value = arr; typ; lltyp; kind = Ptr }
{ value; typ; lltyp; kind }

let iter_fixed_array_children arr size child_typ f =
let arr = bring_default arr in
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions lib/codegen/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ module type S = sig
Monomorph_tree.monod_tree list ->
typ ->
Monomorph_tree.allocas ref ->
Monomorph_tree.const_kind ->
bool ->

val array_get : llvar list -> typ -> llvar
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75 changes: 39 additions & 36 deletions lib/codegen/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ module Ptrtbl = Hashtbl
let the_module = Llvm_types.the_module
let ( ++ ) = Seq.append
let const_tbl = Strtbl.create 64
let const_pass = ref true

module rec Core : sig
val gen_expr : param -> Monomorph_tree.monod_tree -> llvar
val gen_constexpr : param -> Monomorph_tree.monod_tree -> llvar
val gen_function : param -> Monomorph_tree.to_gen_func -> param
end = struct
open T
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,7 +77,9 @@ end = struct

let finalize = Some fun_finalize in
let param = { vars = tvars; alloca; finalize; rec_block } in
let param =
{ vars = tvars; alloca; finalize; rec_block; const_pass = false }
let ret = gen_expr param abs.body in

(match recursive with
Expand All @@ -95,6 +97,15 @@ end = struct
failwith "Interal Error: generating non-function"

and gen_constexpr param expr =
let e = gen_expr param expr in
match e.kind with
| Const_ptr ->
(* The global value is a ptr, we need to 'deref' it *)
let value = Llvm.global_initializer e.value |> Option.get in
{ e with value; kind = Const }
| _ -> e

and gen_expr param typed_expr =
let fin e =
match (typed_expr.return, param.finalize) with
Expand All @@ -111,7 +122,10 @@ end = struct
Hashtbl.replace free_tbl id v;
| Mconst (Fixed_array (arr, allocref, ms)) ->
let v = gen_fixed_array_lit param arr typed_expr.typ allocref in
let v =
gen_fixed_array_lit param arr typed_expr.typ allocref typed_expr.const
List.iter (fun id -> Strtbl.replace free_tbl id v) ms;
| Mconst c -> gen_const c |> fin
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -168,15 +182,15 @@ end = struct
List.iter (fun id -> Strtbl.replace free_tbl id value) ms;
fin value
| Mif expr -> gen_if param expr
| Mrecord (labels, allocref, id, const) ->
gen_record param typed_expr.typ labels allocref id const
| Mrecord (labels, allocref, id) ->
gen_record param typed_expr.typ labels allocref id typed_expr.const
|> fin
| Mfield (expr, index) -> gen_field param expr index |> fin
| Mset (expr, value, moved) -> gen_set param expr value moved
| Mseq (expr, cont) -> gen_chain param expr cont
| Mctor (ctor, allocref, id, const) ->
gen_ctor param ctor typed_expr.typ allocref id const
| Mctor (ctor, allocref, id) ->
gen_ctor param ctor typed_expr.typ allocref id
| Mvar_index expr -> gen_var_index param expr |> fin
| Mvar_data (expr, mid) -> gen_var_data param expr mid typed_expr.typ |> fin
| Mfmt (fmts, allocref, id) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -427,11 +441,11 @@ end = struct
a pointer. This isn't pretty, but will do for now. For the single
param, unboxed case we can skip boxing *)
let arg =
match (arg'.typ, pkind_of_typ oarg.mut arg'.typ, arg'.kind) with
match (pkind_of_typ oarg.mut arg'.typ, arg'.kind) with
(* The [Two_params] case is tricky to do using only consts,
so we box and use the standard runtime version *)
| (Trecord _ | Tvariant _), Boxed, Const
| (Trecord _ | Tvariant _), Unboxed (Two_params _), Const ->
| (Boxed, Const | Unboxed (Two_params _), Const)
when is_struct arg'.typ ->
box_const param arg'
| _ -> get_mono_func arg' param oarg.monomorph
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -835,7 +849,7 @@ end = struct

let value, kind =
match const with
| false ->
| Cnot ->
let record = get_prealloc !allocref param lltyp "" in

Expand All @@ -850,19 +864,12 @@ end = struct
set_struct_field value ptr)
(record, Ptr)
| true when not !const_pass ->
| Const ->
(* We generate the const for runtime use. An addition to
re-generating the constants, there are immediate literals.
We have to take care that some global constants are pointers now *)
let value =
let f (_, expr) =
let e = gen_expr param expr in
match e.kind with
| Const_ptr ->
(* The global value is a ptr, we need to 'deref' it *)
Llvm.global_initializer e.value |> Option.get
| _ -> e.value
let f (_, expr) = (gen_constexpr param expr).value in
let values = f labels |> Array.of_list in
Llvm.const_named_struct lltyp values
Expand All @@ -872,13 +879,13 @@ end = struct
ignore (Llvm.build_store value record builder);
(record, Const_ptr))
else (value, Const)
| true ->
let values = (fun (_, expr) -> (gen_expr param expr).value) labels
|> Array.of_list
let ret = Llvm.const_named_struct lltyp values in
(ret, Const)
(* | Const -> *)
(* let values = *)
(* (fun (_, expr) -> (gen_expr param expr).value) labels *)
(* |> Array.of_list *)
(* in *)
(* let ret = Llvm.const_named_struct lltyp values in *)
(* (ret, Const) *)

let v = { value; typ; lltyp; kind } in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -933,9 +940,7 @@ end = struct
let ptr = get_const_string s in
{ value = ptr; typ; lltyp; kind = Const }

and gen_ctor param (variant, tag, expr) typ allocref ms const =
ignore const;

and gen_ctor param (variant, tag, expr) typ allocref ms =
(* This approach means we alloca every time, even if the enum
ends up being a clike constant. There's room for improvement here *)
let lltyp = get_struct typ in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1128,7 +1133,7 @@ and Auto : Autogen_intf.S = Autogen.Make (T) (H) (Ar)

let fill_constants constants =
let f (name, tree, toplvl) =
let init = Core.gen_expr no_param tree in
let init = Core.gen_expr { no_param with const_pass = true } tree in
(* We only add records to the global table, because they are expected as ptrs.
For ints or floats, we just return the immediate value *)
let init =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1248,9 +1253,7 @@ let generate ~target ~outname ~release ~modul
(* Fill const_tbl *)
fill_constants constants;
def_globals globals;
const_pass := false;

(* Factor out functions for llvm *)
let funcs =
let vars =
Expand All @@ -1268,8 +1271,7 @@ let generate ~target ~outname ~release ~modul
(* Generate functions *)
(fun acc func -> Core.gen_function acc func)
{ vars; alloca = None; finalize = None; rec_block = None }
{ no_param with vars } funcs

let free_mallocs tree frees =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1309,7 +1311,8 @@ let generate ~target ~outname ~release ~modul
if not (Seq.is_empty frees) then
let loc = (Lexing.dummy_pos, Lexing.dummy_pos) in
let body =
Monomorph_tree.{ typ = Tunit; expr = Mconst Unit; return = true; loc }
{ typ = Tunit; expr = Mconst Unit; return = true; loc; const = Cnot }
add_global_init no_param outname `Dtor (free_mallocs body frees));
(* Generate internal helper functions for arrays *)
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9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion lib/codegen/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,10 +18,17 @@ type param = {
alloca : Llvm.llvalue option;
finalize : (llvar -> unit) option;
rec_block : rec_block option;
const_pass : bool;

let no_param =
{ vars = Vars.empty; alloca = None; finalize = None; rec_block = None }
vars = Vars.empty;
alloca = None;
finalize = None;
rec_block = None;
const_pass = false;

let context = Llvm.global_context ()
let the_module = Llvm.create_module context "context"
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