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Here I show how to perform paper-quarilty QSGW calculations with minimum costs.

Honestly speaking, it is not so easy to calculate bandgap with the accuracy of less than 0.1 eV. In cases, it is easy, but in cases not so easy. So, it is better to use “simple criterion”. “Not stick to convergence so much. Just stick to Reproducibility.”

Caution: For 4f and probably also for 5f systems, some special care is required; just defaults ctrl will not work; Ask it to (I have some informations, but I need to compile it up).

Except 4f systems, use default setting (just change k points). However, we may need to reduce computaional time. Following are hints.

LDA calculation

We need to confirm LDA-level of calculations first. The ctrl file is generated just from ctrls.* (crystal structure file) by ctrlgen.*. However, we pay attention to MMOM (initial magnetic moment), and k points NKABC or nk1,nk2,nk3.

For calculation of GW, use large enough NKABC, so as to avoid convergence check on them. lmf-MPIK is k-parallel.

Edit GWinput.

Set# of k points

We use different number of k points for self-energy. The 6x6x6 k points is good setting for ZB structure (2 atoms per cell).

It is better to use this level of k points. In other words, 6x6x6x2 ∼ 432 ∼ (k points × atom number) should be used for calculaitons. For example, when we try 8 atoms per cell, we can use 4x4x4 or 3x3x3 is fine because 4x4x4x8 ∼ 400. For metallic systems, larger is fine, but limited by computational time. See takao kotani’s papers, for example, In my observation, good news is that we don’t need to use so many k points as in one-body part (NKABC in ctrl).

4x4x4 for ZB is not so bad — roughly speaking, a lower limit for publication probably. This means 3x3x3x8 (for 8 atom case) is not so bad. (3x3x3x8 > 4x4x4x2). See an examination

Reduce # of lcutmx

In my experience, this is effective to reduce computaional time. To reduce the computaitonal time, we reduce number of MPB (mixed product basis). One is lcut off of PB within MT. Use 2 for oxygen or something (s,p block atoms). Thus it is like ---- lcutmx(atom) = maximum l-cutoff for the product basis. =4 is required for atoms with valence d, like N 4 4 4 2 2 2

Note that ordering of atoms in the cell are shown by $lmchk si or so. The atoms ordering specified by ctrl do not mean atom id in the calculation.

(NOTE: we know that lcutmx =6 is requied for 4f systems. Ask to takaokotani.)

Reduce IPW of MPB, Reduce IPW of psi and Reduce emax_sigm, and pwemax.

QpGcut_cou is the Interstitial plane wave (IPW) for MPB. QpGcut_psi is for expantion of eigenfunctions. emax_sigm is the upper cutoff (relative to the Fermi energy) to calculate self energy. pwemax (in ctrl) is the APW basis cutoff for the eigenfunciton. To reduce computational time, we may use

QpGcut_psi 3.0 QpGcut_cou 2.5 emax_sigm 2.0 pwemax=2 (in ctrl file).

T.Kotani use this setting sometimes as long as the numerical results are affected little (check this with small number of k points).

How to check convergence

QSGW calculation contains (1) and (2) (1) One-body self-consistent calculation (where we add sigm = Sigma-Vxc^LDA to one-body potential). H_0 is determined. (2) For given H0, we calculate sigm file.

Big iteration cycle of QSGW is made from (1)+(2). (gwsc script. not run_arg is a subroutine of bash script) With (1), we have small iteration cycle of one-body calculaiton with keeping given sigm.

In save.*, we see total energy (but not the total energy in the QSGW mode), a line per each iteration of (1). A line “c …” is the final iteration cycle of (1).”x …” is unconverged (but no problem as long as we finally see “c …”).

The command “grep ‘[cx] ’ save.*” gives an indicator for going to be converged or not. Or you can take “grep gap llmf.*run” (see it bottom.)

Another way: $~/ecalj/TestInstall/bin/diffnum QPU.3run QPU.6run is to compare two QPU files which contains QP energies. (note: QP energies shown are calculated just at the begininig of iteration).

For insulater, (I think), comparing band gap for each iteration is good enough to check onvergence. But for metal, it is better to plot energy bands for some of final iterations, and overlapped (cd RUN.ITER* and run job_band).

Another way is >grep rms lqpe* This gives rmsdel. Diffence of self-energy (at least we see it is getting smaller for initial first cycles).

How to make 80%QSGW +20% LDA, and SO setting

Note that sigm file contains Vxc^QSGW-Vxc^LDA. If sigm exists, lmf (lmf-MPIK) read it, and run self-consistent calculations with adding sigm to the one-body potential.

See TableII in

  1. QSGW80(NoSC) For practical prediction of band structure, such as band gap and so on, it may be better to use 80% QSGW +20% LDA procedure when you make band plot. After, you have rst and sigm files determined self-consistently Run >job_band gaas -np 4 -vssig=0.80 (check ssig is defined and cited as ScaledSigma={ssig} in the ctrl file). This gives a result of QSGW80nosc in the TableII.
  2. QSGW80(Nosc)+SO 80%QSGW+20%LDA with SO=1 (L.S method). If you like to include L.S method

    >mpirun lmf-MPIK gaas -np 4 -vssig=0.80 -vso=1 -vnspin=2 this procedure makes self-consistency with keeping the sigm file. This may/(or may not) required. If you expect large obital moment this procedure may be needed.)

    >job_band gaas -np 4 -vssig=0.80 -vso=1 -vnspin=2

    NOTE: nspin=2 is required for so=1 rst and sigm are expanded for npsin=2 (you can not run nspin=2, after rst and sigm are expanded).

  3. QSGW80 With ssig=0.80, you can run QSGW calculaiton in gwsc. Then you have self-consistent results of QSGW80. You can simultaneously use the setting so=2 (Lz.Sz scheme). Be careful for z-direction and setting of SYMOPS (so as to keep the z-axis), for so=2. If you like to get results of QSGW80+SO, you need to set so=1 after self-consistent of sigm atteined.
  4. Check for GaAs case. and caution. Check band gap, and SO splitting at top of valence of Gamma point for ZB structure as GaAs.

    Before run it, make sure your ctrl file include variables ssig, so, nspin by >grep ssig ctrl.gaas >grep so ctrl.gaas >grep nspin ctrl.gaas to know the variable ssigm is defined and used as ScaledSigma={ssig}, NSPIN={nspin}. For -vso=1 work, you also need to so is defined and SO={so} is set.


In ctrl file, we use default PWMODE=11 (2019may), But t.kotani will change it to PWMODE=1, This means that number of APW is fixed only at Gamma point.

Probably, this is better for calculaitons.