A RVIZ plugin to visualize/control CARLA.
This plugin is expecting a ego vehicle named ego_vehicle
When a actor.pseudo.control
is attached to a camera (using the carla_spawn_objects node), it allows to move the camera around in the CARLA world, by publishing a Pose message.
The current vehicle state is visualized:
- Vehicle Control
- Position
By using the drive-widget from the RVIZ Visualization Tutorials and a node to convert from twist to vehicle control it is possible to steer the ego vehicle by mouse.
By using carla_ros_scenario_runner, it is possible to trigger scenarios from within RVIZ.
Similar to the rqt CARLA plugin, it's possible to control the CARLA world, if synchronous mode is active.
Topic | Type | Description |
/carla/status |
carla_msgs.CarlaStatus | Read the status of CARLA, to enable/disable the UI |
/carla/ego_vehicle/vehicle_status |
carla_msgs.CarlaEgoVehicleStatus | To display the current state of the ego vehicle |
/carla/ego_vehicle/odometry |
nav_msgs.Odometry | To display the current pose of the ego vehicle |
/scenario_runner/status |
carla_ros_scenario_runner_types.CarlaScenarioRunnerStatus | To visualize the scenario runner status |
/carla/available_scenarios |
carla_ros_scenario_runner_types.CarlaScenarioList | For providing a list of scenarios to execute (disabled in combo box) |
Topic | Type | Description |
/carla/control |
carla_msgs.CarlaControl | Start/pause CARLA |
/carla/ego_vehicle/spectator_pose |
geometry_msgs.PoseStamped | Publish the current pose of the RVIZ camera view. |
/carla/ego_vehicle/vehicle_control_manual_override |
std_msgs.Bool | To enable/disable the overriding of the vehicle control |
/carla/ego_vehicle/twist |
geometry_msgs.Twist | The twist command, created via mouse |
Service | Type | Description |
/scenario_runner/execute_scenario |
carla_ros_scenario_runner_types.ExecuteScenario | Execute the selected scenario |