- Note: If you are working with XCode 8+, to allow encryptions work properly with the Paystack SDK, you may need to enable
Keychain Sharing
for your app. In the Capabilities pane, if Keychain Sharing isn’t enabled, toggle ON the switch in the Keychain Sharing section.
It's a cinch to obtain a single-use token with the Paystack SDKs using the PaystackPlugin. Like most Cordova/PhoneGap plugins, use the PaystackPlugin after the deviceready
event is fired:
window.PaystackPlugin.getToken(successCallbackfn, failureCallbackfn, cardNumber, expiryMonth, expiryYear, cvc);
To be more elaborate:
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
// Now safe to use device APIs
function(resp) {
// A valid one-timme-use token is obtained, do your thang!
console.log('getting token successful: ', resp);
function(resp) {
// Something went wrong, oops - perhaps an invalid card.
console.log('getting token failed: ', resp);
You must not forget to build your project again - each time you edit native code. Run cordova build ios/android
or similar variants.
Explaining the arguments to window.PaystackPlugin.getToken
Argument | Type | Description |
cardNumber | string | the card number as a String without any seperator e.g 5555555555554444 |
expiryMonth | string | the card expiry month as a double-digit ranging from 1-12 e.g 10 (October) |
expiryYear | string | the card expiry year as a double-digit e.g 15 |
cvc | string | the card 3/4 digit security code as a String e.g 123 |
An object of the form is returned from a successful token request
token: "PSTK_4aw6i0yizwvyzjx",
last4: "1381"
Send the token to your server and create a charge by calling the Paystack REST API. An authorization_code will be returned once the single-use token has been charged successfully. You can learn more about the Paystack API here.
Endpoint: https://api.paystack.co/transaction/charge_token
- email - customer's email address (required)
- reference - unique reference (required)
- amount - Amount in Kobo (required)
curl https://api.paystack.co/transaction/charge_token \
-H "Authorization: Bearer SECRET_KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"token": "PSTK_r4ec2m75mrgsd8n9", "email": "customer@email.com", "amount": 10000, "reference": "amutaJHSYGWakinlade256"}' \
You can complete a transaction using the Paystack Android SDK. This method is, however, only available on the Android pltform at this time. Like most Cordova/PhoneGap plugins, use the PaystackPlugin after the deviceready
event is fired:
window.PaystackPlugin.chargeCard(successCallbackfn, failureCallbackfn, cardNumber, expiryMonth, expiryYear, cvc, email, amountInKobo);
To be more elaborate:
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
// Now safe to use device APIs
function(resp) {
// charge successful, grab transaction reference - do your thang!
console.log('charge successful: ', resp);
function(resp) {
// Something went wrong, oops - perhaps an invalid card.
console.log('charge failed: ', resp);
You must not forget to build your project again - each time you edit native code. Run cordova build ios/android
or similar variants to refresh your cached html/js views.
Argument | Type | Description |
cardNumber | string | the card number as a String without any seperator e.g 5555555555554444 |
expiryMonth | string | the card expiry month as a double-digit ranging from 1-12 e.g 10 (October) |
expiryYear | string | the card expiry year as a double-digit e.g 15 |
cvc | string | the card 3/4 digit security code as e.g 123 |
string | email of the user to be charged | |
amountInKobo | integer | the transaction amount in kobo |
An object of the form is returned from a successful charge
reference: "trx_1k2o600w"