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A self-contained bootloader for MC68HCS08 (a.k.a 9S08) MCUs

No external application is required. Firmware is sent as plain S19 (or S28 for MMU based MCUs) ASCII file using any standard serial terminal emulator (such as PuTTY).

This project is compatible with my own assembler only: ASM8

I do not recommend porting to other assemblers as there are too many dependencies on specific ASM8 syntax features and/or idioms which may be very hard to express in most other assemblers.

(That does not restrict your application to use whatever language and tools you prefer.)


TBoot's purpose is to permanently reside inside your product for the possibility you ever need to upgrade the firmware. It is specifically designed to not require any external support by a custom application running on a PC.

Requiring a custom PC application is a common long-term failure pattern. A device that needs to be upgraded years after it was put into service is often found unable to perform the upgrade due to the original upgrade companion application failing to run in later PC/OS and/or hardware combinations than for which it was designed.

With TBoot, the end-user may have any PC/OS, or other type of device that can send ASCII text over serial communications, and still be able to perform the firmware update.

TBoot is safe in that only the S19/S28 firmware ASCII file is required. Any terminal emulation program can be used to connect to the device, enter TBoot, and transfer the firmware with a simple copy-paste operation. Example: User clicks on the firmware website link, the firmware file opens up as text page, the user presses CTRL-A to mark the whole text, then CTRL-C to copy it to the clipboard, swithes to the terminal emulator window (with TBoot ready to accept the firmware), and presses CTRL-V to paste the file to the device.

Due to the nature of S19/S28 files, one could even carefully type in the firmware (e.g. from a magazine page). Tedious, but not impossible.

TBoot is written 100% in optimized assembly language offering both very low reset-to-app latency, and a tiny memory footprint.

For most MCU configurations, it takes less than two full Flash pages (1KB in most 9S08 MCUs) of your precious application Flash memory.

TBoot will redirect all vectors to your application using either hardware vector redirection (where available) or low-overhead software vector redirection.

TBoot has proven itself for over ten years to perform as expected in a wide variety of commercial products.

Assembly-time conditionals

A variety of assembly-time conditions can alter TBoot features and/or behavior.

  • HZ................: MCU effective clock as Hz
  • KHZ...............: MCU effective clock as KHz
  • MHZ...............: MCU effective clock as MHz
  • BDIV..............: Bus divisor (where available)
  • FLASH_DATA_SIZE...: Flash size for user data
  • ALLOW_EEPROM......: Allow EEPROM address range
  • NVOPT_VALUE.......: Use a specific NVOPT value
  • RXINV.............: SCI RX line inverted
  • TXINV.............: SCI TX line inverted
  • BPS...............: BPS = 3/12/24/48/96/192/384/576(00)
  • SCI...............: SCI = (SCI)1 or (SCI)2 or SoftSCI (-1)
  • ENABLE_RUN........: Enable [R]un command
  • NO_IRQ............: Disable IRQ pin test
  • DISABLE_SURE......: Disable 'Sure?' message (not recommended)
  • DEBUG.............: For debugging only

HZ, KHZ, and MHZ define the effective MCU clock in the respective units. Together with BDIV (where available), one can define the exact MCU bus clock required, if other than the carefully chosen default.

FLASH_DATA_SIZE defines the Flash size to be used for saving user configuration for your app. From experience, most apps need no more than a single Flash page, and that's the default.

ALLOW_EEPROM will enable EEPROM address range overwrites. If you don't care to preserve your end-user's configuration (if any), you can use this option.

NVOPT_VALUE defines a specific NVOPT value. Since this value is stored in the protected memory region together with TBoot, you should be careful what you use.

HARD_FLOW_CONTROL enables RTS/CTS control and requires the corresponding definition of RTS_LINE and CTS_LINE pins. Unless your device is connected to equipment that requires hard flow control at all times, and cannot possibly function without it, you should leave this setting disabled. This way, TBoot will also allow updates when flow control lines are either damaged or disconnected. Whether your application uses flow control or not is irrelevant as you can always update that aspect to the alternate possibility at any later time.

RXINV will invert the SCI RX line. Some circuits require inversion to work correctly.

TXINV will invert the SCI TX line. Some circuits require inversion to work correctly.

BPS overrides the default bits-per-second selection. You can set it to one of the following standard bps rates: 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600. If you plan ahead, it would be preferrable to choose the same rate as that used by the application. This will make it easier for the end-user to switch between TBoot and your application without having to re-adjust the terminal emulator's bps rate.

SCI overrides the default SCI to use. The default is the primary SCI (SCI1) or, for MCUs without hardware SCI, the software SCI (-1)

For the few MCU variants that lack a hardware SCI, a bit-banged software SCI driver is used. You should use relatively low bps speeds with those to avoid dropping characters.

For software SCI to work you will have to define SCI_TX_PIN and SCI_RX_PIN as pins (pin pseudo-op or -d assembler option) to whichever port pin can support regular I/O.

ENABLE_RUN enables an extra [R]un command which lets you run the loaded application without resetting the MCU. This is a deprecated feature meant mostly for some debugging scenarios. It's use is NOT recommended, and it will most likely be removed in future versions.

NO_IRQ disables the startup IRQ pin test for forced entry to TBoot. A low IRQ during startup is the primary and recommended method of entry to TBoot. It has the advantage of always succeeding even if your application is faulty enough to not allow software entry to TBoot.

This conditional option is provided for those few cases where the IRQ pin is used by your application for free running signals that appear before any MCU initialization. Such condition could cause an inadvertent entry into TBoot if the timing is unfortunate.

On the other hand, applications that use the IRQ pin after initialization of peripherals do not need to remove this functionality from TBoot. TBoot is smart enough to release the IRQ pin back to your application immediately after checking it at startup. At no other time is the IRQ pin checked by TBoot as TBoot does not run in the background, having absolutely no control of the MCU.

DISABLE_SURE option should normally not be used. However, in some circumstances where the binary overflows into one more Flash page by just a few bytes (thus, taking a whole new Flash page), this option can be used to remove some extra code and squeeze the overall size down a bit.

In general, however, you would want a strong confirmation by the end-user to proceed with the Erase action.

DEBUG is meant to enable debugging definitions and/or code. It is currently not used at all in the public version of TBoot so you can ignore it.

Note: All assembly time options are fixed for the life of your product. You cannot make changes afterwards. Choose wisely to accommodate for possible future updates. For example, if the original version does not need to keep user configuration, you shouldn't just disable that without thinking ahead. What if you will need that capability in the future? TBoot should be burned inside the end-user's MCU to allow for that possibility.

Application requirements for use under TBoot

There is minimal conformance required by your application in order to co-exist with TBoot without conflict.

When assembling TBoot with the -exp+ option, a tboot.exp file will be generated that contains various equates. Some of these are mentioned below.

  • Application memory range:

    All MCU RAM is available to your application.

    All ROM between APP_CODE_START and APP_CODE_END inclusive is available for your application code. This excludes vectors that have their own separate space outside the mentioned range.

    Flash based user configuration (enabled by default) should be placed within EEPROM and EEPROM_END inclusive. You can disable user configuration (and free the corresponding memory for code use) by making the symbol FLASH_DATA_SIZE zero with an asm8 tboot -dFLASH_DATA_SIZE like command. A FLASH_DATA_SIZE of any (reasonable) size will allocate as many Flash pages as required for your particular MCU variant. You only need to give FLASH_DATA_SIZE the exact number of configuration bytes your application will require. Example: asm8 tboot -dFLASH_DATA_SIZE=50

    Not all MCU variants use the exact same Flash page size. The value of FLASH_DATA_SIZE will be automatically rounded up to the next Flash page, whatever size that happens to be for the chosen MCU.

    Note: Before permanently disabling the user configuration Flash for your product, you should carefully consider the possibility of requiring it in future upgrades of your firmware. If you do this wrong, the only way to update TBoot itself and correct the issue is via the BDM port of your MCU, using appropriate hardware (such as USBDM), and your end-user will most likely not be able to do that or there would be no point for TBoot at all. Also, (if you add custom encyption to TBoot to secure the distribution of firmware images from product cloners) you wouldn't want to give your custom TBoot image to the end-user, except as pre-loaded into your product's MCU. Enough said.

  • Vector relocation:

    Whether or not your particular MCU variant supports vector redirection, TBoot will redirect all vectors using either hardware or software vector redirection. The original vectors are not updateable due to Flash protection, required to save TBoot from accidental erasure. Also, the original reset vector must always point to TBoot itself.

    You may choose to place your interrupt vectors (including reset) either at their default (VECTORS) or the redirected (RVECTORS) location. If you place them at their default location, TBoot will move them to the matching redirected vectors during loading of the respective S19 record.

  • MCU initialization:

    TBoot is transparent, and it will enter your application with no changes to any of the configuration registers. This means your application needs to initialize the MCU as if the MCU booted directly into it, and not assume any registers are pre-set.

    The only exception to the above is the non-volatile registers that control Flash protection or security (e.g., backdoor), and are 'burned' into the MCU together with TBoot. You will not be able to alter these at a later time. You need to carefully choose those values during TBoot installation.

  • CPU clocks

    TBoot always uses internal CPU clocks even if your application is based on external clocks. There is no need for TBoot to have the same clock as your application. Besides, using only internal clocks guarantees TBoot will be available even in the event the external clock malfunctions allowing you to possibly update the firmware to a version that does not require external clocks as a temporary fix until the hardware issue is resolved, thus minimizing equipment downtime.


Assuming all required files can be found by the assembler's -I option (default is usually adequate), the command:

asm8 tboot -dXXX will assemble TBoot for MCU XXX which is one of the supported MCU variants.

To see a list of supported MCUs and options, give ? for XXX in the above command.

It's recommended to produce an EXP file to be used by your application. To do this, you'll have to add the -exp+ option.

For MMU variants, you may turn on MMU support, or leave MMU support off. The difference is the amount of Flash that TBoot will be able to access for erasure or programming.

For example (assuming default ASM8 configuration):

asm8 tboot -dQE128 -mmu -exp

will assemble TBoot for 9S08QE128 with MMU support and produce an export file to be used (#Uses or #Include) by the application.

Optional includes

TBoot can optionally #include up to two files, if present during assembly. These files may be generated on the fly by MAKE or other utilities.

  • If present, is expected to contain a single FCC 'hashhash' assembler statement. Note the leading space before FCC to make it a valid ASM8 statement. The 'hashhash' part is the commit hash of the particular checkout. This hash will appear with the copyright message and can help determine which exact TBoot version is loaded into a device.

  • If present, shutdown.tmp is expected to contain whatever ASM8 instructions are required to keep the device in a fail-safe state. This can include commands to place specific port pins into a given state so as to keep things from malfunctioning during the firmware upgrade process. Usually, BSET and/or BCLR instructions are used to turn specific pins into high/low outputs. These instructions are executed as soon as possible after entry to TBoot, either by reset or application.

    Care should be taken not to inadvertently flip the CCR[I] bit which is used afterwards to determine whether TBoot was entered by reset or the application.

    In general, the code in this file should be the shortest possible and not do anything that isn't truly necessary.

End-user experience

For the end-user, firmware updates should be easier than sending the product back to the factory with delays and costs for both parties involved. They could also be remotely performed by tech support if an end-user is unable to complete the process on their own.

Once a connection is made to the device (often this is already present for the sake of the application itself), a simple Erase-Load-Escape (from TBoot) cycle is used to update the firmware within a few seconds.

Having the upgrade process interrupted mid-way (e.g. power/battery failure or user error) is 100% safe. Simply try the process again.

The user sees a series of dots ending with an exclamation point and back to the prompt. If nothing but dots appear, s/he knows the update went well.

The following section shows all possible feedback codes.

Feedback during firmware loading

The following symbols indicate success, warning, or failure of each loaded S19/S28 record:

  • . = Successful programming of S19/S28 record (informational)
  • ! = End of S19/S28 file (informational)
  • C = S19/S28 record CRC failure (warning)
  • F = Flash programming failure (error)
  • R = S19/S28 record address range violation (warning)

Warnings may not necessarily result in unused code loaded.

As an example, a failed CRC may be the result of user error (e.g., editing the S19 file accidentally), or momentary SCI error (especially with the lower accuracy of the software SCI) due to noise on the CRC byte alone.

A range violation may happen if, for example, you try to load the user configuration area with defaults, but TBoot was assembled not to allow that.

Of course, it could happen when attempting to load a completely irrelevant firmware file.


If you would like to contibute support for additional MCU variants, please contact me with pull requests. Make all your work in a separate, uniquely named branch, such as your [nick]name for easier management by both parties.

Last update: January 1, 2022