Treball de fi de grau sobre tècniques d'aprenentatge profund aplicades a la classificació d'escenaris de xarxes oportunistes
May 12, 2023 - Jupyter Notebook
Deep learning is an AI function and a subset of machine learning, used for processing large amounts of complex data. Deep learning can automatically create algorithms based on data patterns.
Treball de fi de grau sobre tècniques d'aprenentatge profund aplicades a la classificació d'escenaris de xarxes oportunistes
Detecting disease for plant from the images using Deep Learning
Naive Bees deep Learning with image projects python
This repository contains assignment solutions for Deep Learning Specialization on coursera.
Training a deep learning model for multimodal data fusion to detect misogyny in internet memes.
An open-source machine learning framework that accelerates the path from research prototyping to production deployment.” Simply put PyTorch is a deep learning framework and scientific computing package based on Python that uses the power of graphics processing units (GPU). PyTorch is a Python-based library designed to provide flexibility as a deep
This repository contains the labs and assignments done as a part of the coursework CSL4020 Deep Learning under Dr. Mayank Vatsa.
This repository contains solution to the assignments for the course Deep Learning (ECE60146) at Purdue University.
Some examples for Machine/Deep Learning and Neural Networks
A man who has basically learnt the fundamental theory of deep learning now decide to give it a try.
Andrew Ng's Deep Learning course will help me refresh my knowledge.
🎓 Exercises for the lecture "Deep Learning" at HTWG.
Explore my diverese colllection of projects showcasing Deep learning and more. Organized by projects, each directory contains code, datasets, documentation and resources. Dive in to discover insights and technique in Deep learning. Reach out for collaborations and feedback.
The final project is mainly based on convolutional neural networks and deep learning built with TensorFlow, and developed both LSTM and shallow/deep CNN.
Deep Learning course - UniMi
Getting Started into the Computer Vision using the tensorflow with the Fashion MNIST dataset
Model creation of pedestrians present in the image and also detects the pedestrian in a video