A web-based application written in Python (Django) to analyze the enrollment data of university students, particularly students from Independent University, Bangladesh.
- Create a virtual environment using the following command
pip install virtualenv myenv
- Select that environment's python.exe as the interpreter,'path:
- Install all the list of dependencies with the specified version:
pip install mysqlclient==2.1.0
- Django==3.2.9
- mysqlclient==2.1.0
- numpy==1.21.4
- openpyxl==3.0.9
- pandas==1.3.4
- python-decouple==3.5
Try this command in the terminal [VScode] to run the project
python manage.py runserver
The default address [ ] will let you login to the web application
username: topurayhan007 password: 12345
username: zannatchowdhury password: 3451
username: admin password: 12345
- Note that SQLite is used as the default database in this project
- If you choose to use a different database configure it in the Django Settings DATABASE section
- Then migrate to create the tables in the SQL database using the following command
python manage.py makemigrations
followed bypython manage.py migrate
- Create a user by the following command
python manage.py createsuperuser
- To populate the database with data run the following script in python shell
- To run the populationScript.py on windows [make sure you have GitBash terminal in VScode]:
Use the following command
./manage.py shell < scripts/populationScript.py
- To run the populationScript.py on Mac:
Use the following command
python manage.py shell < scripts/populationScript.py
The population Script will take a very long time to populate data if you are using SQLite Database (60 minutes +)- It was lot faster in MySQL like around 4/5 minutes
- These doesn't apply to Mac users, not sure about Linux users
- To run the populationScript.py on windows [make sure you have GitBash terminal in VScode]:
Use the following command
- You should see that your database has successfully populated