MySQL Query optimization with the EXPLAIN
command is unnecessarily complicated: The output contains a lot of cryptic information that is incomprehensible or entirely misleading.
This Laravel package collects many query metrics that will be sent to and transformed to be much easier to understand.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require tpetry/laravel-mysql-explain
Three new methods have been added to the query builder for very easy submission of query plans:
Type | Action |
visualExplain |
returns URL to processed EXPLAIN output |
dumpVisualExplain |
dumps URL to processed EXPLAIN output and continue normal execution |
ddVisualExplain |
dumps URL to processed EXPLAIN output and stops execution |
explainForHumans (deprecated) |
returns URL to processed EXPLAIN output |
dumpExplainForHumans (deprecated) |
dumps URL to processed EXPLAIN output and continue normal execution |
ddExplainForHumans (deprecated) |
dumps URL to processed EXPLAIN output and stops execution |
// $url will be e.g.
$url = Film::where('description', 'like', '%astronaut%')
// URL to EXPLAIN will be printed to screen
$users = Film::where('description', 'like', '%astronaut%')
// URL to EXPLAIN will be printed to screen & execution is stopped
Film::where('description', 'like', '%astronaut%')
In some cases you are executing raw SQL queries and don't use the query builder. You can use the MysqlExplain
facade to get the EXPLAIN url for them:
use Tpetry\LaravelMysqlExplain\Facades\MysqlExplain;
// $url will be e.g.
$url = MysqlExplain::submitQuery(
'SELECT * FROM actor WHERE first_name = ?',
composer test
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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.