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File metadata and controls

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This page discusses certain conventions specific to TractoR.


TractoR is designed to work with MRI data sets, each consisting of a series of magnetic resonance images, potentially including structural, diffusion-weighted and functional images. The package stores all images and other files within a managed file hierarchy called a session. The overall layout of a session directory is shown below. session directory
  /tractor...................main managed directory
    /transforms..............stored transformations between different spaces
    /diffusion...............diffusion-weighted images and their derivatives (e.g. diffusion tensor components)
    /fdt.....................images and other files used by FSL's diffusion toolbox
    /fdt.bedpostX............images and other files produced by FSL BEDPOSTX
    /structural..............structural (e.g. T1-weighted) images
    /freesurfer..............output from the Freesurfer pipeline
    /functional..............functional (generally T2*-weighted BOLD) images
  [other subdirectories].....unmanaged files, such as DICOM-format files

TractoR maintains this structure and expects to find the files it uses in these places. This is arranged by the package itself if the session hierarchy is set up using TractoR preprocessing scripts, but if the preprocessing steps are carried out independently then the hierarchy must be arranged in this way manually, or remapped (see below).

Session maps

The reason for using a managed file hierarchy is to avoid the need to specify the locations of several standard image files when using TractoR's core functionality. By establishing standard locations for all such files, only the top-level session directory needs to be specified, since everything else can be found by the code. TractoR therefore favours convention over configuration, but if the names of specific images within a managed directory are not in keeping with the default, there is a mechanism for telling TractoR about this, through so-called "session maps". For example, the default map for the diffusion subdirectory, as of TractoR v3.0.0, is

rawdata: rawdata
data: data
refb0: refb0
mask: mask
maskedb0: maskedb0
s0: dti_S0
fa: dti_FA
md: dti_MD
eigenvalue: dti_eigval%
eigenvector: dti_eigvec%
axialdiff: dti_eigval1
radialdiff: dti_radial
sse: dti_SSE
parcellation: parcellation

This map is stored at $TRACTOR_HOME/share/tractor/session/diffusion/map.yaml, and any or all of the default names can be overridden by placing a file called map.yaml in the diffusion subdirectory of a given session, using the format above. Note that the % symbol is used to indicate an index, so the first eigenvalue image will be called dti_eigval1, the second dti_eigval2, and so on. No image format suffix (e.g. .nii) should be given.

The path script (added in TractoR v2.5.0) can be used to obtain the actual full path to the image of a particular type. For example,

tractor -q path /data/subject1 FA
# /data/subject1/tractor/diffusion/dti_FA

Similarly, the names of the subdirectories within the main tractor directory can be specified in a top-level session map. This mechanism can be used to point to data outside the session directory as well, and this can be useful, for example, when processing a single data set in several different ways. For example, say we want to process the data from a single subject using bedpost, with both 2 and 3 fibre options. We could process the 2 fibres case, and then create a new session, say /data/subject1_3fibres, which points to the same diffusion data. The /data/subject1_3fibres/tractor/map.yaml file would then contain

diffusion: /data/subject1_2fibres/tractor/diffusion

It should, however, be borne in mind that this will make the session less portable. The full default map can be found at $TRACTOR_HOME/share/tractor/session/default/map.yaml.

Experiments and workflows

Experiments, otherwise just called "scripts", are R source files that provide the interface between the tractor program and TractoR's internal functionality. They allow common tasks to be performed without interacting directly with R, providing considerable flexibility through arguments and named configuration variables. The list of available scripts can be found by typing tractor list, and information about a particular one is available through tractor -o (script name). The standard experiment scripts that come with TractoR can be found within $TRACTOR_HOME/share/tractor/experiments, but additional ones can be put in $HOME/.tractor or anywhere on the TRACTOR_PATH.

Workflows are small shell scripts, through which TractoR interfaces with third-party software such as FSL and FreeSurfer. They can be run explicitly with the workflow script, or implicitly, for example by the dpreproc script. If you need to provide extra arguments to a third-party program, or otherwise modify how TractoR calls it, you can duplicate a standard workflow from $TRACTOR_HOME/share/tractor/workflows to your working directory, or the $HOME/.tractor directory, and modify it as needed. New workflow files, with a .sh extension, can also be added to those places or TRACTOR_PATH.

Implicit operations

Some images within a session hierarchy are created "on demand", and coregistration between spaces is also usually performed implicitly. This means that certain files appear as the side effects of running operations that require them. Sometimes this is quite predictable: the tensorfit script, for example, creates diffusion-tensor maps of various kinds, and this is its primary purpose. In other cases, the process is a little less obvious.

A relatively complex example is the parcellation image in diffusion space, which is mentioned in the default map above. When required, for example when trying to seed from a named region using the track script, this is created from the equivalent parcellation in T1 space. The logic is as follows.

  1. TractoR checks whether the parcellation map and associated lookup table exist in the diffusion subdirectory. If so, they are used directly.
  2. Otherwise, TractoR checks whether a parcellation exists in the structural subdirectory. If not, an error is produced and nothing further happens.
  3. TractoR checks whether a transformation from structural to diffusion space has been calculated and stored in the transforms subdirectory. If not, the reference T1-weighted image is registered to the reference b=0 image in diffusion space, and the transform is stored for future use.
  4. The parcellation is transformed from structural to diffusion space, using a non-overlapping binarised trilinear interpolation scheme, whose inclusiveness is determined by track's "ParcellationConfidence" option.

The details of the registrations performed between spaces are controlled by the "transformation strategy", whose defaults can be found at $TRACTOR_HOME/share/tractor/session/transforms/strategy.yaml. This may be overridden per-session, by placing a similar strategy.yaml file into its transforms subdirectory.

File types

TractoR's preferred file format for images is the NIfTI-1 format, although NIfTI-2, the legacy Analyze format and Freesurfer's MGH/MGZ format are also supported. Compression with gzip is fully supported, and recommended to save disk space, although it does incur a modest computational overhead. Auxiliary .tags files may be used to store additional metadata associated with an image, in YAML format, and .dirs files contain diffusion gradient direction information in matrix format. Reading from DICOM files is supported, but TractoR cannot write to DICOM format.

Images may be stored on disk in any voxel order supported by their format, but internally, TractoR standardises on "LAS" voxel order, i.e., moving through images first in the right-to-left direction, then posterior-to-anterior, then inferior-to-superior. This is the radiological convention. Images are usually reordered in memory when they are read into TractoR, voxel coordinates are based on this reordered system, and TractoR's internal viewer shows images this way.

Tractography streamlines are stored in TrackVis .trk format, which makes it easy to visualise them using the popular TrackVis program. The trkinfo script can be used to obtain basic information about these files, such as how many streamlines they contain. TractoR additionally uses an auxiliary file format, with a .trkl extension, which stores information about "labels", named regions that individual streamlines pass through. The beginning of this file is formatted as follows.

struct trkl_header {
    char    magic_number[8];        // The string "TRKLABEL" (hex 54 52 4b 4c 41 42 45 4c)
    int32_t version;                // Version number; currently 1
    int32_t n_streamlines;          // Number of streamlines; should match the .trk file
    int32_t n_labels;               // Number of labels stored
    char    unused[12];             // Padding bytes, currently unused

There then follows a dictionary of names, consisting of a (32-bit signed) integer index value and then a zero-terminated string containing the name, for each label in turn. Indices do not have to be sequential, nor in any particular order. Finally, the mapping from streamlines to labels is given. For each streamline, in the same order as the .trk file, the number of labels associated with it is written as a (32-bit signed) integer, followed by the appropriate number of (32-bit signed) integers giving the indices of each of those labels.

Transformations, containing information on how to move images and points between different spaces, are encapsulated in folders with an .xfmb extension. In each case these contain the "source" and "target" images for the transformation (which may be symbolic links), a file "method.txt" identifying the registration method used, and forward and reverse transform files for each registration performed. The latter are plain-text affine matrices with a .mat extension for linear transforms, and compressed NIfTI-1 images for nonlinear transforms.

Other files generated by TractoR typically have an .Rdata extension. This is a R-native binary format which captures the data fields in an R reference object. Information on such files, and the object they contain, can be obtained using the peek script. The object can be recovered from within R using the deserialiseReferenceObject function.