First you need to install the docker daemon on your server.
If your server is running debian/ubuntu you can simply do
sudo apt-get install -y && sudo systemctl start docker
Then clone the repository
git clone
cd kag-dedicatedserver
modify to have the proper configuration following the instruction below.
Then start your server with ./
Create a script to start the docker container with the correct parameters
docker run --rm -d -p 50301:50301 harrisonmiller/kag-dedicatedserver:latest
You can copy the example script and the Security folder. The security folder contains the Official KAG Server Admin Seclev. You should also add your own name to the superadmin.cfg
Use the environment variables as needed to configure the basics of your server
docker run --rm -d -p 50301:50301 -e NAME="Verra's CTF"
-e DESCRIPTION="Vanilla CTF server hosted by Verra" harrisonmiller/kag-dedicatedserver:latest
Additional environment variables and their defaults
NAME="Default Server"
In the same directory as your startup script create a Mods folder and install your mods there. Then make your mods.cfg file
Then add -v Mods:/opt/KAG/Mods -v mods.cfg:/opt/KAG/mods.cfg
to your command.
Create a Security directory in the same location as your startup script then add
-v Security:/opt/KAG/Security
to your command.
If you need to change the autoconfig beyond what the environment variables can do, you can create an autoconfig.cfg file in the same location as your script.
-v autoconfig.cfg:/opt/KAG/autoconfig.cfg