This application will automatically generate a class visit signup sheet in Excel format. All you have to do is supply it with a JSON file of all the classes.
How do you get a JSON file with all the classes, you ask? Simple. Well, not as simple as if I had bothered to add login. Or maybe I just didn't want to share that code ;)
At this time, you need to
- Sign in to MyTRU
- Go to "Course Planning and Registration", then "Browse classes". Then, select the current semester.
- First, add "COMP" into the Subject. Then, open the Network inspector. Look for the JSON XHR to searchResults?txt_subject=..., and open it in a new tab. Edit "pageMaxSize" to something like 150. It needs to be bigger than the number of classes offered that semester.
- Save in the same folder as this program as "classes.json"
Simple, right? By doing this, you will officially be a Banner Hacker.
See releases.
You will need the .NET 3.1 SDK (or higher).
To build from the command line, run dotnet build
. This will generate a debug build.
To run what you just built, cd into the project directory and run dotnet run
To publish, specifically in a single-binary release, run dotnet publish -r {RID} -c Release /p:PublishSingleFile=true /p:PublishTrimmed=true
. Replace {RID}
with the runtime identifier of the platform you are targetting. For example, for 64-bit Windows use win-x64