If your server application (most likely on Linux) language supports FFI to C, it is possible to call wallet core.
Here is a step by step example of cgo, using Wallet Core docker image.
docker run -it trustwallet/wallet-core
The librabry is already built in this image (Build instructions here) Note: may not be the most recent version. -
Install go:
apt-get update && apt-get install golang
(or download from here go1.13.3, configureGOROOT
and appendGOROOT/bin
). -
Save the sample code below to file called
package main
// #cgo CFLAGS: -I/wallet-core/include
// #cgo LDFLAGS: -L/wallet-core/build -L/wallet-core/build/trezor-crypto -lTrustWalletCore -lprotobuf -lTrezorCrypto -lc++ -lm
// #include <TrustWalletCore/TWHDWallet.h>
// #include <TrustWalletCore/TWString.h>
// #include <TrustWalletCore/TWData.h>
// #include <TrustWalletCore/TWPrivateKey.h>
// #include <TrustWalletCore/TWPublicKey.h>
// #include <TrustWalletCore/TWMnemonic.h>
import "C"
import "fmt"
import "unsafe"
import "encoding/hex"
// C.TWString -> Go string
func TWStringGoString(s unsafe.Pointer) string {
return C.GoString(C.TWStringUTF8Bytes(s))
// Go string -> C.TWString
func TWStringCreateWithGoString(s string) unsafe.Pointer {
cStr := C.CString(s)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cStr))
str := C.TWStringCreateWithUTF8Bytes(cStr)
return str
// C.TWData -> Go byte[]
func TWDataGoBytes(d unsafe.Pointer) []byte {
cBytes := C.TWDataBytes(d)
cSize := C.TWDataSize(d)
return C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(cBytes), C.int(cSize))
// Go byte[] -> C.TWData
func TWDataCreateWithGoBytes(d []byte) unsafe.Pointer {
cBytes := C.CBytes(d)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cBytes))
data := C.TWDataCreateWithBytes((*C.uchar)(cBytes), C.ulong(len(d)))
return data
func main() {
fmt.Println("==> calling wallet core from go")
str := TWStringCreateWithGoString("confirm bleak useless tail chalk destroy horn step bulb genuine attract split")
emtpy := TWStringCreateWithGoString("")
defer C.TWStringDelete(str)
defer C.TWStringDelete(emtpy)
fmt.Println("<== mnemonic is valid: ",C.TWMnemonicIsValid(str))
wallet := C.TWHDWalletCreateWithMnemonic(str, emtpy)
defer C.TWHDWalletDelete(wallet)
key := C.TWHDWalletGetKeyForCoin(wallet, C.TWCoinTypeBitcoin)
keyData := C.TWPrivateKeyData(key)
keyHex := hex.EncodeToString(TWDataGoBytes(keyData))
fmt.Println("<== bitcoin private key: ", keyHex)
pubKey, _ := hex.DecodeString("0288be7586c41a0498c1f931a0aaf08c15811ee2651a5fe0fa213167dcaba59ae8")
pubKeyData := TWDataCreateWithGoBytes(pubKey)
defer C.TWDataDelete(pubKeyData)
fmt.Println("<== bitcoin public key is valid: ", C.TWPublicKeyIsValid(pubKeyData, C.TWPublicKeyTypeSECP256k1))
address := C.TWHDWalletGetAddressForCoin(wallet, C.TWCoinTypeBitcoin)
fmt.Println("<== bitcoin address: ", TWStringGoString(address))
- Compile it by
go build -o main
- Run
and you will see the output below:
==> calling wallet core from go
<== mnemonic is valid: true
<== bitcoin private key: 945f423798858e24aa1ab490648013db63ad1f539ebbb8cb1399edd1d0b59716
<== bitcoin public key is valid: true
<== bitcoin address: bc1qw29x4hrt6tahz4jvuhzrq6y5el3spqt499zuay
- You might want to copy and run
outside of the docker container, make sure you havelibc++1
installed in your host Ubuntu.
- Install from NPM or GPR
npm install @trustwallet/wallet-core
- Check tests for API usage