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new file mode 100644
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+# tsshd
+[![MIT License](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-green.svg?style=flat)](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/)
+[![GitHub Release](https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/trzsz/tsshd)](https://github.com/trzsz/tsshd/releases)
+[`tssh --udp`](https://github.com/trzsz/trzsz-ssh) 类似于 [`mosh`](https://github.com/mobile-shell/mosh), 而 `tsshd` 类似于 `mosh-server`.
+## 优点简介
+- 低延迟( 基于 QUIC / KCP )
+- 端口转发( 与 openssh 相同 )
+## 如何使用
+1. 在客户端(本地电脑)上安装 [tssh](https://github.com/trzsz/trzsz-ssh)。
+2. 在服务端(远程机器)上安装 [tsshd](https://github.com/trzsz/tsshd)。
+3. 使用 `tssh --udp` 登录服务器。如下配置可省略 `--udp` 参数:
+ ```
+ Host xxx
+ #!! UdpMode yes
+ #!! TsshdPath ~/go/bin/tsshd
+ ```
+## 原理简介
+- `tssh` 在客户端扮演 `ssh` 的角色,`tsshd` 在服务端扮演 `sshd` 的角色。
+- `tssh` 会先作为一个 ssh 客户端正常登录到服务器上,然后在服务器上启动一个新的 `tsshd` 进程。
+- `tsshd` 进程会随机侦听一个 61000 到 62000 之间的 UDP 端口,并将其端口和密钥通过 ssh 通道发回给 `tssh` 进程。登录的 ssh 连接会被关闭,然后 `tssh` 进程通过 UDP 与 `tsshd` 进程通讯。
+- `tsshd` 支持 `QUIC` 协议和 `KCP` 协议(默认是 `QUIC` 协议),可以命令行指定(如 `-oUdpMode=KCP`),或如下配置:
+ ```
+ Host xxx
+ #!! UdpMode KCP
+ ```
+## 安装方法
+- Ubuntu 可用 apt 安装
+ sudo apt install tsshd
+ ```sh
+ sudo apt update && sudo apt install software-properties-common
+ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:trzsz/ppa && sudo apt update
+ sudo apt install tsshd
+ ```
+- Debian 可用 apt 安装
+ sudo apt install tsshd
+ ```sh
+ sudo apt install curl gpg
+ curl -s 'https://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x7074ce75da7cc691c1ae1a7c7e51d1ad956055ca' \
+ | gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/trzsz.gpg
+ echo 'deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/trzsz.gpg] https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/trzsz/ppa/ubuntu jammy main' \
+ | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/trzsz.list
+ sudo apt update
+ sudo apt install tsshd
+ ```
+- Linux 可用 yum 安装
+ sudo yum install tsshd
+ - 国内推荐使用 [wlnmp](https://www.wlnmp.com/install) 源,安装 tsshd 只需要添加 wlnmp 源( 配置 epel 源不是必须的 ):
+ ```sh
+ curl -fsSL "https://sh.wlnmp.com/wlnmp.sh" | bash
+ sudo yum install tsshd
+ ```
+ - 也可使用 [gemfury](https://gemfury.com/) 源( 只要网络通,所有操作系统通用 )
+ ```sh
+ echo '[trzsz]
+ name=Trzsz Repo
+ baseurl=https://yum.fury.io/trzsz/
+ enabled=1
+ gpgcheck=0' | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/trzsz.repo
+ sudo yum install tsshd
+ ```
+- ArchLinux 可用 [yay](https://github.com/Jguer/yay) 安装
+ yay -S tsshd
+ ```sh
+ yay -Syu
+ yay -S tsshd
+ ```
+- 用 Go 直接安装( 要求 go 1.21 以上 )
+ go install github.com/trzsz/tsshd/cmd/tsshd@latest
+ ```sh
+ go install github.com/trzsz/tsshd/cmd/tsshd@latest
+ ```
+ 安装后,`tsshd` 程序一般位于 `~/go/bin/` 目录下( Windows 一般在 `C:\Users\your_name\go\bin\` )。
+- 用 Go 自己编译( 要求 go 1.21 以上 )
+ sudo make install
+ ```sh
+ git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/trzsz/tsshd.git
+ cd tsshd
+ make
+ sudo make install
+ ```
+- 可从 [GitHub Releases](https://github.com/trzsz/tsshd/releases) 中下载,国内可从 [Gitee 发行版](https://gitee.com/trzsz/tsshd/releases) 中下载,解压并加到 `PATH` 环境变量中。
+## 联系方式
+有什么问题可以发邮件给作者 ,也可以提 [Issues](https://github.com/trzsz/tsshd/issues) 。欢迎加入 QQ 群:318578930。
+## 赞助打赏
+[❤️ 赞助 trzsz ❤️](https://github.com/trzsz),请作者喝杯咖啡 ☕ ? 谢谢您们的支持!
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 4ef8f9f..b8a2121 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
# tsshd
+[![MIT License](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-green.svg?style=flat)](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/)
+[![GitHub Release](https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/trzsz/tsshd)](https://github.com/trzsz/tsshd/releases)
The [`tssh --udp`](https://github.com/trzsz/trzsz-ssh) works like [`mosh`](https://github.com/mobile-shell/mosh), and the `tsshd` works like `mosh-server`.
## Advanced Features
- Low latency ( based on QUIC / KCP )
-- Port forwarding ( same as ssh )
+- Port forwarding ( same as openssh )
## How to use
@@ -14,7 +18,7 @@ The [`tssh --udp`](https://github.com/trzsz/trzsz-ssh) works like [`mosh`](https
2. Install [tsshd](https://github.com/trzsz/tsshd) on the server ( the remote host ).
-3. Use `tssh --udp xxx` to login to the server. Configure as follows to omit `--udp`:
+3. Use `tssh --udp` to login to the server. Configure as follows to omit `--udp`:
Host xxx
@@ -24,14 +28,88 @@ The [`tssh --udp`](https://github.com/trzsz/trzsz-ssh) works like [`mosh`](https
## How it works
-The `tssh` plays the role of `ssh` on the client side, and the `tsshd` plays the role of `sshd` on the server side.
+- The `tssh` plays the role of `ssh` on the client side, and the `tsshd` plays the role of `sshd` on the server side.
+- The `tssh` will first login to the server normally as an ssh client, and then run a new `tsshd` process on the server.
+- The `tsshd` process listens on a random udp port between 61000 and 62000, and sends its port number and a secret key back to the `tssh` process over the ssh channel. The ssh connection is then shut down, and the `tssh` process communicates with the `tsshd` process over udp.
-The `tssh` will first login to the server normally as an ssh client, and then run a new `tsshd` process on the server.
+- The `tsshd` supports `QUIC` protocol and `KCP` protocol (the default is `QUIC`), which can be specified on the command line (such as `-oUdpMode=KCP`), or configured as follows:
-The `tsshd` process listens on a random udp port between 61000 and 62000, and sends its port number and a secret key back to the `tssh` process over the ssh channel. The ssh connection is then shut down, and the `tssh` process communicates with the `tsshd` process over udp.
+ ```
+ Host xxx
+ #!! UdpMode KCP
+ ```
## Installation
+- Install with apt on Ubuntu
+ sudo apt install tsshd
+ ```sh
+ sudo apt update && sudo apt install software-properties-common
+ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:trzsz/ppa && sudo apt update
+ sudo apt install tsshd
+ ```
+- Install with apt on Debian
+ sudo apt install tsshd
+ ```sh
+ sudo apt install curl gpg
+ curl -s 'https://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x7074ce75da7cc691c1ae1a7c7e51d1ad956055ca' \
+ | gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/trzsz.gpg
+ echo 'deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/trzsz.gpg] https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/trzsz/ppa/ubuntu jammy main' \
+ | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/trzsz.list
+ sudo apt update
+ sudo apt install tsshd
+ ```
+- Install with yum on Linux
+ sudo yum install tsshd
+ - Install with [gemfury](https://gemfury.com/) repository.
+ ```sh
+ echo '[trzsz]
+ name=Trzsz Repo
+ baseurl=https://yum.fury.io/trzsz/
+ enabled=1
+ gpgcheck=0' | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/trzsz.repo
+ sudo yum install tsshd
+ ```
+ - Install with [wlnmp](https://www.wlnmp.com/install) repository. It's not necessary to configure the epel repository for tsshd.
+ ```sh
+ curl -fsSL "https://sh.wlnmp.com/wlnmp.sh" | bash
+ sudo yum install tsshd
+ ```
+- Install with [yay](https://github.com/Jguer/yay) on ArchLinux
+ yay -S tsshd
+ ```sh
+ yay -Syu
+ yay -S tsshd
+ ```
- Install with Go ( Requires go 1.21 or later )
go install github.com/trzsz/tsshd/cmd/tsshd@latest