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File metadata and controls

268 lines (232 loc) · 8.19 KB

Execution sequence

Build mgmt zone (call from an "outside" terraform instance, e.g. on private machine:


cd terraform_otc/tsys_mgmt terraform apply -var-file=mgmtXXXX.tfvars . ''' Creates ssh key 'doaas_mgmt.pem" for access of the jumpserver, and and external IP address with open SSH port 22.

Build pod from management Jumpserver:


cd terraform_otc/tsys_pod terraform apply -var-file=podXXXX.tfvars . ''' Creates ssh key 'doaas_pod.pem' for access of deployed servers in pod.



cd terraform_otc/tsys_image terraform apply -var-file=imageXXXX.tfvars . ''' Note that openstack client calls are made to create image.

Infrastructure deployment

Init: '''

terraform init -var-file=./pods/poc1/vpc.json -var-file=./pods/poc1/pod.json -var topo_file=./podc/poc1/topo.json -var otc_cacert_file=terraform_otc/otc_certs.pem terraform_otc '''

Execution - apply: '''

terraform apply -state=./pods/poc1/terraform.tfstate -var-file=./pods/poc1/vpc.json -var-file=./pods/poc1/pod.json -var topo_file=./pods/poc1/topo.json -var otc_cacert_file=terraform_otc/otc_certs.pem terraform_otc '''

Execution - destroy: '''

terraform destroy -state=./pods/poc1/terraform.tfstate -var-file=./pods/poc1/vpc.json -var-file=./pods/poc1/pod.json -var topo_file=./pods/poc1/topo.json -var otc_cacert_file=terraform_otc/otc_certs.pem terraform_otc '''

Refresh certificates only (including root

Make sure that JAVA_HOME is set in your environment!

Back up old root and intermediate CA certs and remove keys and certs from the topo/cert and topo/keys directories

Execution - refresh certs only: '''

cd terraform_otc terraform taint -state=../pods/poc1/terraform.tfstate -module=refresh-certs null_resource.refresh-ca cd .. terraform apply -state=./pods/poc1/terraform.tfstate -var-file=./pods/poc1/vpc.json -var-file=./pods/poc1/pod.json -var topo_file=./pods/poc1/topo.json -var otc_cacert_file=terraform_otc/otc_certs.pem -target=module.refresh-certs terraform_otc '''

Appendix: Services and dependencies

''' components = [ "identity-service", "ma-service", "content-repository-service", "v3api", "saas", "saas-mac", "saas-ac", "saas-da", "saas-channel", "session-service", "frs", "license-service", "callback-service", "migration-service", "bundle-service", "ca-service", "preference-service", "cloudshell", "cloudUI", "hierarchyservice", "jls-di", "kms-service", "scheduler-service", "auditlog-service", "notification-service", "pkgr", "pc2cloud-service", "pc2cloudUI", "autoscaler-service", "kafka", "zookeeper", "internal-haproxy", "external-haproxy", "ma-haproxy" ]

SERVICES = [ "identity-service", "ma-service", "content-repository-service", "v3api", "session-service", "frs", "license-service", "callback-service", "migration-service", "bundle-service", "ca-service", "preference-service", "cloudshell", "cloudUI", "jls-di", "kms-service", "scheduler-service", "auditlog-service", "notification-service", "pkgr", "pc2cloud-service", "pc2cloudUI", "autoscaler-service", "hierarchyservice", "mass-ingestion", "mftsaas" ]

TERRA_APPS = [ "saas", "saas-mac", "saas-ac", "saas-da", "saas-channel", "saas-validator" ]

HAPROXY = [ "internal-haproxy", "external-haproxy", "ma-haproxy" ]

KAFKA = [ "kafka", "zookeeper" ]

dependencies = [ {"identity-service": ["ma-service", "session-service"]}, {"ma-service": ["session-service"]}, {"session-service": []}, {"zookeeper": []}, {"frs": []}, {"license-service": []}, {"migration-service": ["bundle-service"]}, {"saas": ["autoscaler-service"]} ] ''

Deployed services with python:

. HAProxy ''' Generate haproxy.cfg Three modes are supported: 1. Reload (default): Running a background consul-template command which will update haproxy.cfg and reload HAProxy; 2. Once: Running a one-time consul-template command to generate haproxy.cfg; 3. Dummy: Running a background consul-template command which will update haproxy.dummy file. """

    command_reload = "sudo nohup /usr/local/bin/consul-template -template \"/etc/haproxy/haproxy_consul_config.ctmpl:/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:chown haproxy.haproxy /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg && systemctl reload haproxy\" &>/dev/null &"
    command_once   = "sudo /usr/local/bin/consul-template -template \"/etc/haproxy/haproxy_consul_config.ctmpl:/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:chown haproxy.haproxy /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg\" -once"
    command_dummy  = "sudo nohup /usr/local/bin/consul-template -template \"/etc/haproxy/haproxy_consul_config.ctmpl:/etc/haproxy/haproxy.dummy:chown haproxy.haproxy /etc/haproxy/haproxy.dummy\" &>/dev/null &"

. ITERRA apps if app_name == "saas-mac": self.app_abbr = "mac" self.port_number = "16005" elif app_name == "saas": self.app_abbr = "saas" self.port_number = "16006" elif app_name == "saas-ac": self.app_abbr = "ac" self.port_number = "16011" elif app_name == "saas-channel": self.app_abbr = "channel" self.port_number = "16010" elif app_name == "saas-da": self.app_abbr = "da" self.port_number = "16009" elif app_name == "saas-validator": self.logger.warn( "not implemented") else: self.logger.error("???") sys.exit(-1)

cd /{1}/shared_dir/downloads; ./ -l \"{2}\" -t""\

    shared_dir = "/%s/shared_dir/downloads" % ("opt" if == "saas-mac" else "data")
    command = """if [ ! -f {0}/{1} ];

then sudo su {2} -c "cd {0}; ./ -a {3} -b {1} -t dev; ./ -l "{4}" -e -b {1}; ./ -l "{4}" -f -b {1}; ./ -l "{4}" -t" fi""".format(shared_dir, terra_build, self.app_user, self.ma_url, self.app_abbr)

ALive checks: cmd = "sudo curl -i -s --cacert /etc/ssl/infaca/ca-bundle.pem --cert /etc/ssl/infaca/host-key-bundle.pem https://{0}:{1}/{2}/web.saas.service/html/terraalive.html"
.format(self.hostname, self.port_number, self.app_abbr) else: cmd = "sudo curl -i -s --cacert /etc/ssl/infaca/ca-bundle.pem --cert /etc/ssl/infaca/host-key-bundle.pem https://{0}:{1}/{2}/terraalive.html" \


''' .



Validator ''' //shared_dir/downloads/ -v ''' Start ''' /data/shared_dir/downloads/ -l "" + super.getShortname() + "" -i -d -y -b " + this.saas_build + " ''' Stop ''' /data/shared_dir/downloads/ -l "" + super.getShortname() + "" -p '''

Ext. HAProxy

''' if (super.getInput().equals("kill")) { return ssh + "'ps -ef | grep hap | grep -v grep | awk "{print \$2}" | while read pID; do sudo kill -9 $pID; done';"; } else if (super.getInput().equals("chefCreateConfig")) { return ssh + "'sudo chef-client -o recipe[haproxy-consul::createExternalConfig]';"; } else if (super.getInput().equals("removeConfig")) { return ssh + "'sudo rm -rf /etc/haproxy/00-haproxy.cfg';"; } else if (super.getInput().equals("start")) { return ssh + "'sudo systemctl start haproxy';"; } else if (super.getInput().equals("createReload")) { return ssh + ""echo 'sudo /usr/local/bin/consul-template -template \"/etc/haproxy/haproxy_consul_config.ctmpl:/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:chown haproxy.haproxy /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg && systemctl reload haproxy\" &' > /tmp/""; } else if (super.getInput().equals("chmodReload")) { return ssh + "chmod +x /tmp/;"; } else if (super.getInput().equals("execReload")) { return ssh + ""nohup /tmp/ > /dev/null 2>&1 &""; } else if (super.getInput().equals("checkStatus")) { return ssh + "'ps -ef | grep hap';"; } '''