- Remove waterline as default db adapter
- Package bumps
- Another error fix
- And fix how validation errors are handled
- More error options pt 2
- More error options
- Close the knex connection after running migrations in migration helper
- Small migrate helper option to pass config through without parsing
- Expose express asset config
- Version bumps
- Enable setting dev logger explicitly
- Expose express app through context
- Dependency bumps
- Fix action wrapper/express param management
- Fix redis instrumentation with upgrade
- Enable error handlers as middleware by respecting error if exists in function definition
- Pass helmet options through to enable custom config
Cleaner default error reporter logging
Fix nexi error constructor
- Clean up api error handling and response schema
- Better session configuration
- Shuffle migration wrapper
- Expose knex migrate migration wrapper
- Enable migration client for package & database flexibility (no longer bound to mysql)
- Package bumps
- Default to memory store for session if redis is not set
- Package bumps
Add dns resolver fix to cli entrypoint
Dependency version bumps
- Set default dns result order to ipv4 first for node 18+ support
Decorate redis v4 correctly
Enable other database adapters
- Fix bug decorating async decorators
- Better error message for undefined controller action
- Fix broken handlebars init caused by version bump
- Add cli support to inject context into node repl
- Library bumps and corresponding code changes
- Fix bodyparser lack of configurability
- Add concept of "includes" file (./config/includes.js) that, if exists, is called before the app boots. Provides support for things like instrumentation libraries that need to be required before anything else.
- Fix error reporter's require path to use src root
- Temporarily fully disable helmet's contentSecurityPolicy
- add port to migrate config, package bumps
- Disable helmet's contentSecurityPolicy locally to avoid wonky browser behavior
- Cleaner boot file & handling
- Extended waterline configuration
- Bug fix - Fix router exports
- Large router extension to support middleware scoped to a path and middleware blocks
- Fix initializer directory when app overrides rootDir
- Bump dependencies
- Fix initializer directory when app overrides rootDir
- Bump dependencies
- Look for initializers in the correct directory (config)
- Fix migrations run from globally installed package
- Nexi 1.0! Initial features and conventions ironed out.