- Folks developing on Windows please see this - https://github.com/rkbalgi/go/wiki/Building-on-Windows
- Doesn't follow standard go style (coding conventions etc) - WIP
- Not for production use - perhaps best suited for simulators
An open ISO8583 Simulator
- The application is built using go and GTK+2 bindings made available at github.com/mattn/go-gtk (Thanks a ton Yashuhiro Matsumoto!)
- The entire source code is available at https://github.com/rkbalgi/go
- The interesting packages would be github.com/rkbalgi/go/execs/paysim, github.com/rkbalgi/go/paysim and github.com/rkbalgi/iso8583
- There are loads of other interesting things available in other packages – like a minimalist implementation of a Thales HSM for basic commands (A6, MS, M6 and the like)
I have put together a brief presentation which is available here - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1UxxL4f_SO3NGpnx_N_v21RJoADOVK8YLrJYXRVnLw-4/edit?usp=sharing