{%= name %} [![npm version][npmv-img]][npmv-url] ![License][license-img]
{%= description %}
Please consider following this project's author, Charlike Mike Reagent, and ⭐ the project to show your ❤️ and support.
If you have any how-to kind of questions, please read the Contributing Guide and Code of Conduct documents.
For bugs reports and feature requests, please create an issue or ping
@tunnckoCore at Twitter.
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Project is semantically & automatically released on CircleCI with [new-release][] and its New Release GitHub App.
This project requires Node.js {%= engines.node %}. Install it using
yarn or npm.
We highly recommend to use Yarn when you think to contribute to this project.
$ yarn add {%= name %}
Generated using docks.
Calculates recommended bump (next version), based on given commits
It always returns an object. If no commits are given it is { increment: false }
Otherwise it may contain patch
, minor
, or major
properties which are
of Array<Commit>
type, based on [parse-commit-message][].
ProTip: Use result[result.increment]
to get most meanigful result.
Each item passed as commits
is validated against the Convetional Comits Specification
and using [parse-commit-message][]. Commits can be string, array of commit message strings,
array of objects (of type Commit as defined) or mix of previous
See the tests and examples for more clarity.
{string||} commit messages one ofstring
{object} pass additionaloptions.plugins
to be passed to [parse-commit-message][]
result like{ increment: boolean | string, patch?, minor?, major? }
import recommendedBump from 'recommended-bump';
const commits = [
'chore: foo bar baz',
`fix(cli): some bugfix msg here
Some awesome body.
Great footer and GPG sign off, yeah!
Signed-off-by: Awesome footer <foobar@gmail.com>`
const { increment, isBreaking, patch } = recommendedBump(commits);
console.log(isBreaking); // => false
console.log(increment); // => 'patch'
// => [{ header: { type, scope, subject }, body, footer }, { ... }]
console.log(patch[0].header.type); // => 'fix'
console.log(patch[0].header.scope); // => 'cli'
console.log(patch[0].header.subject); // => 'some bugfix msg here'
console.log(patch[0].body); // => 'Some awesome body.'
// => 'Great footer and GPG sign off, yeah!\nSigned-off-by: Awesome footer <foobar@gmail.com>'
import { parse } from 'parse-commit-message';
import recommendedBump from 'recommended-bump';
const commitOne = parse('fix: foo bar');
const commitTwo = parse('feat: some feature subject');
const result = recommendedBump([commitOne, commitTwo]);
console.log(result.increment); // => 'minor'
console.log(result.isBreaking); // => false
console.log(result.minor); // => [{ ... }]
{% if (verb.related && verb.related.list && verb.related.list.length) { %}
Some of these projects are used here or were inspiration for this one, others are just related. So, thanks for your existance!
{%= related(verb.related.list, { words: 11 }) %}
back to top {% } %}
Please read the Contributing Guide and Code of Conduct documents for advices.
For bugs reports and feature requests, please create an issue or ping
@tunnckoCore at Twitter.
Become a Partner or Sponsor? 💵 Check the Partner, Sponsor or Omega-level tiers! 🎉 You can get your company logo, link & name on this file. It's also rendered on package page in [npmjs.com][npmv-url] and [yarnpkg.com](https://yarnpkg.com/en/package/{%= name %}) sites too! 🚀
Not financial support? Okey! Pull requests, stars and all kind of contributions are always welcome. ✨
This project is following OPEN Open Source model
Individuals making significant and valuable contributions are given commit-access to the project to contribute as they see fit. This project is built on collective efforts and it's not strongly guarded by its founders.
There are a few basic ground-rules for its contributors
- Any significant modifications must be subject to a pull request to get feedback from other contributors.
- Pull requests to get feedback are encouraged for any other trivial contributions, but are not required.
- Contributors should attempt to adhere to the prevailing code-style and development workflow.
Thanks to the hard work of these wonderful people this project is alive! It follows the
all-contributors specification.
Don't hesitate to add yourself to that list if you have made any contribution! ;) See how,
Charlike Mike Reagent 💻 📖 💬 👀 🔍 |
Consider showing your support to them. 💖
Copyright (c) 2018-present, Charlike Mike Reagent <mameto2011@gmail.com>
& contributors.
Released under the Apache-2.0 License.
[npmv-url]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/{%= name %} [npmv-img]: https://badgen.net/npm/v/{%= name %}?icon=npm
[license-img]: https://badgen.net/npm/license/{%= name %}
[downloads-weekly-img]: https://badgen.net/npm/dw/{%= name %} [downloads-monthly-img]: https://badgen.net/npm/dm/{%= name %} [downloads-total-img]: https://badgen.net/npm/dt/{%= name %}