Here is the list of data that repository consists of:
#Countries List of 241 countries.
- Names are translated into 3 languages: English, Russian, Azerbaijani.
- 200 flags images.
- to add missing flags
- to check translations
- to add more languages
#Cities List of 4088 cities
- Names are translated into 3 languages: English, Russian, Azerbaijani.
- Organized by countries
- 189 linked city photos.
- to add more photos
- to check translations
- to add more languages
#Companies List of 2002 worldwide companies
- Information is mainly on English but structure is open for translation.
- Organized by countries
- All of them have logos.
- to add more companies
- to check translations and information
- to add more languages
#Universities List of 9498 Universities from all over the world.
- translated into 3 languages: English, Russian, Azerbaijani.
- 3072 of them have logos.
- organized by countries
- to add missing logos
- to check translations
- to add more languages
- to add more universities
#Football Clubs List of 1602 football clubs from all over the world.
- organized by countries
- all of them have logos
- to check logos if they're current
- to add more clubs
#Industries List of 81 industries.
- Translated into 3 languages: English, Russian, Azerbaijani.
- to check translations
- to add more languages
- to add more industries
#Professions List of 75 professions based on parent-child structure.
- Translated into 3 languages: English, Russian, Azerbaijani.
- to check translations
- to add more languages
- to add more professions
#Education degrees List of 11 education degrees with abreviations in English.
- to add more languages
#Schools Currently consists of 296 schools that located in Azerbaijan.
- organized by countries
- to add more schools and make database of all schools over the world
#Bad words Currently consists of 77 censored/dirty words in English.
- to add more languages
- to add more words
#Currencies Currently consists of 156 currencies from almost every country. Names are in English
- organized by countries
- to add more languages
Good coding!