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Pizza Sales Analysis

Power BI POSTGRESQL Microsoft Excel Canva Visual Studio Code Markdown Microsoft Office Microsoft Word GitHub

Pizza Sales Analysis has a comprehensive year's worth of sales data from a fictitious pizza place. The dataset includes detailed information about each order, such as the date and time of purchase, the types of pizzas served, their sizes, quantities, prices.




Project Structure

├──          <- README for using this project.
├── query              <- Code of the DB creation and queries.
│   │
│   └── pizza_sales_db.sql       <- DB creation.
│   └── query.sql                <- Final queries.

├── reports            <- Folder containing the final reports/results of this project.
│   │
│   └── Pizza_Sales_Report.pdf   <- Final analysis report in PDF.
│   └── query_report.pdf         <- Final query report in PDF for verifying data.
├── src                <- Source for this project.
    ├── data           <- Datasets used and collected for this project.
    ├── pizza_sales_images       <- Additional images for Dashboards.
    ├── data_dictionary.csv      <- Data Dictionary for the dataset.

Dataset Overview

Dataset contains valuable information that could help us optimize our operations, boost sales, and enhance customer satisfaction. Here's a quick rundown of what you can expect from the dataset:

  • Date and Time: We have meticulously recorded the date and time of each order, allowing us to analyze customer behavior and identify potential peak hours.
  • Pizza Details: Each entry includes comprehensive details about the pizzas ordered, including their types, sizes, quantities, prices, and the tantalizing ingredients that create an unforgettable culinary experience.


  1. Customer Traffic Analysis: Uncovering how many customers visits each day and exploring whether certain times of day experience higher footfall.

  2. Bestselling Pizzas: Analyzing the data to find out which pizzas are the most popular among our customers. Identifying bestsellers can inform our marketing strategies and help us focus on promoting these crowd favorites.

  3. Revenue and Seasonality: Calculating the total revenue generated over the year to get an overall picture of our financial performance. Additionally, investigating whether there are any seasonal patterns in sales to plan for peak and slow periods.

  4. Menu Optimization and Promotions: Using the data to identify pizzas that are underperforming or receiving little attention.

Key Questions Explored

  1. Total Revenue: Total Revenue generated over the period.
  2. Average Order Value: Average order value throughout the year.
  3. Total Pizza Sold: Total number of Pizzas sold.
  4. Total Orders: Total Orders placed.
  5. Average Pizzas Per Order: Average Pizzas ordered per order.
  6. Daily Trend for Total Orders: By days of the week, trend for sales throughout the year.
  7. Monthly Trend for Total Orders: Monthly Trend for Total Orders to analuze seasonality.
  8. % of Sales by Pizza Category: Percentage of total sales, each 4 Categories contributes.
  9. % of Sales by Pizza Size: Percentage of total sales, each of 5 sizes Contributes.
  10. Top 5 Best Sellers by Revenue, Total Quantity & Total Orders: Top 5 Best selling Pizza by Revenue, Total Quantity & Total Orders.
  11. 5 lowest Sellers by Revenue, Total Quantity & Total Orders: 5 lowest selling Pizzas by Revenue, Total Quantity & Total Orders.
  12. Number of Customers each day & Busiest hours: Number of customer served each day and busy operating hours.
  13. Average Orders & Pizzaper Day:Average Orders placed per Day & Pizzas sold per day.

Summary of Findings

  • Most occupied Days & Month:

  • Days-Orders are highest on Friday & Saturday evenings

  • Month-Orders are highest on January & July

  • Sales Performance:

  • Category-Classical contributes maximum to Sales & Total Orders

  • Size-Large pizza contributes maximum to Sales

  • Best Sellers:

  • Revenue-Thai Chicken Pizza contribute maximum to Revenue

  • Quantity-Classical Deluxe Pizza contributes maximum to Total Quantities

  • Total Orders-Classic Deluxe Pizza contributes maximum to Total Orders

  • Lowest Sellers:

  • Revenue-Brie Carre Pizza contribute minimum to Revenue

  • Quantity-Brie Carre Pizza contribute minimum to Total Quantities

  • Total Orders-Brie Carre Pizza contribute minimum to Total Orders

  • Most occupied Time:

  • Lunch-12 P.M. - 1:30 P.M., Dinner-6 P.M. - 8 P.M.


Contact me!

If you have any questions, suggestions, or just want to say hello, you can reach out to us at Tushar Aggarwal. We would love to hear from you! 1 2