No labels!
There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.
performance related issues
label to indicate that this issue is/was part of the roadmap and is visible on the website
A small improvement which can hopefully be implemented within a short time frame.
issues that won't result in code but in knowledge when done
meets our definition of done
this issue has been opened before and new information should go in the original
"tested" for blind fixes or old code removal with no expected regressions
This issue has been tested by the support team
We tested it and are about to release it
Issue has been tested but some issues were found and needs review.
issues that are not significant enough to invest in or that are intended behaviour
issues with the offline database of the native clients
A/B testing, experience sampling and usage data collection (excluded from release notes)
visual glitches, missing buttons, wrong text...
an uncaught error that turned up in the reports mailbox.
issues with the website
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