The backend of the app made using dart_frog
The server
is a chat server meant for realtime chat communication using websockets. The server is written in dart
and made using dart_frog
dart pub global activate dart_frog_cli
This will activate the dart_frog cli ,thus providing the dart_frog executable to run and start the server
dart pub get
dart_frog dev
The example and the endpoints to the restapi is provided below
Index route
Create Room
- Endpoint:
- type:
Required a
in body to create a roomcurl -i -H 'Accept: application/json' -d '{"max":3}' http://localhost:8080/create_room
{ "_id":"63f61e230a98bac932793734", "roomId":"QNQT", "max":3, "count":0 }
Creates a unique
and returns the roomId along with max attendes count and number of attendes that are already joined that is obious to be zero as the room is just now created - Endpoint:
Check Room
- Endpoint:
- type:
Required a
in body to create a roomcurl -i -H 'Accept: application/json' -d '{"roomId":"QNQT"}' http://localhost:8080/check_room
{ "state":"joinable", "room":{ "_id":"63f61e230a98bac932793734", "roomId":"QNQT", "max":3, "count":0 } }
Checks the roomId and provides the state of the room whether is full,joinable or undefined,if joinable then return the room details
- Endpoint:
Chat route
- Endpoint:
- type:
Its a dynamic route that takes the generated roomId checked or created along with the username of the user and returns a chat stream
- Endpoint: