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Change Log

v0.4.0 (2023-10-13)

Full Changelog

Headline changes

  • Deprecate cycle, repeat, and iterate for lists #458 (treeowl)
  • Compability with GHC 9.8 #457 (monoidal)
  • Drop compatibility with GHC 9.0 #442 (aspiwack)
  • Implements Semigroup / Monoid instances for Ur #461 (konn)
  • Adds Functor instances for the linear arrow #460 (konn)
    • This fixes an issue with linear lenses (both Data and Control) #459


  • Implement toSystemIO safely #444 (treeowl)
  • Stop testing with GHC 9.2, though it this version is still expected to work #448 (tbagrel1)
  • Benchmarks:

v0.3.1 (2023-03-17)

Full Changelog

Headline changes

v0.3.0 (2022-10-26)

Full Changelog

Headline changes

  • Support GHC 9.4 in addition to GHC 9.2 and GHC 9.0 (GHC 9.0 is no longer tested though) #427 (matthew-healy)
  • Improvement of the resource-aware IO (RIO) monad's interface
    • Add some Handle operations to RIO #425 (endgame)
    • The Handle type is now transparent, to make extensions of the API possible #428 (aspiwack)



v0.2.0 - 2022-03-25

Full Changelog

Breaking changes

  • Remove Prelude.Linear.asTypeOf #397 (tbagrel1)
  • Add (and use) linear generics for many classes #394 (treeowl)
    • Control.Functor.Linear.Functor, Data.Functor.Linear.{Functor,Applicative} can now be derived through Generically1
    • Data.Functor.Linear.Traversable cannot be derived directly, but one can get genericTraverse for a Generic1 type and then set traverse = genericTraverse
    • Data.Unrestricted.Linear.{Consumable,Dupable,Movable} can be derived through Generically
  • Rework Data.Monoid.Linear module (affects linear Semigroup and Monoid) #314 (sjoerdvisscher), #381 (tbagrel1)
    • Remove superclass constraint on Prelude.{Semigroup,Monoid} for Data.Monoid.Linear.{Semigroup,Monoid}. Data.Monoid.Linear.Monoid instances now have to define mempty
    • Add many missing instances of Data.Monoid.Linear.{Semigroup,Monoid}
    • Deprecate Data.Monoid.Linear.{Adding,Multiplying,getAdded,getMultiplied} in favor of Data.Semigroup.{Sum,Product} (reexported under Data.Monoid.Linear) which now have linear Semigroup and Monoid instance. Sum and Product inner values can be extracted linearly with pattern-matching
    • Data.Semigroup is no longer reexported as a whole under Data.Monoid.Linear. Instead, only newtypes with a linear Semigroup instance are reexported
  • Add missing fixity declarations for every operator of linear-base #386, (tbagrel1)
    • Unchanged (already present):
      infixr 0 $, infixl 1 &, infixr 2 ||, infixr 3 &&,
      infix 4 ==, /=, <=, <, >, >=, infixr 5 :>
    • Add: infixr 0 `lseq`, `seq`, $!
    • Add: infixl 1 <&>, >>=, >>, &
    • Add: infixr 3 ***
    • Add: infix 4 `compare`, `elem`
    • Add: infixl 4 <$>, <$, <*>, <*
    • Add: infixr 5 ++
    • Add: infixr 6 <>
    • Add: infixl 6 +, -
    • Add: infixl 7 *
    • Add: infixr 9 #., .>, .
    • Previously missing fixity declarations defaulted to infixl 9, so some code might subtly break when updating to v0.2.0
  • Improve consistency of module naming #383 (tbagrel1)
    • System.IO.Resource -> System.IO.Resource.Linear
  • Rework Data.V.Linear API #360 (tbagrel1)
    • Data.Functor.Linear.Applicative instance
    • empty :: forall a. V 0 a
    • consume :: V 0 a %1 -> ()
    • cons :: forall n a. a %1 -> V (n - 1) a %1 -> V n a
    • uncons# :: 1 <= n => V n a %1 -> (# a, V (n - 1) a #)
    • uncons :: 1 <= n => V n a %1 -> (a, V (n - 1) a)
    • elim :: forall (n :: Nat) a b f. IsFunN a b f => f %1 -> V n a %1 -> b
    • make :: forall (n :: Nat) a f. IsFunN a (V n a) f => f
    • fromReplicator :: forall n a. KnownNat n => Replicator a %1 -> V n a
    • theLength :: forall n. KnownNat n => Prelude.Int
    • dupV is now part of Data.V.Linear:
      dupV :: forall n a. (KnownNat n, Dupable a) => a %1 -> V n a
  • Replace dupV in the minimal definition of Data.Unrestricted.Linear.Dupable with dupR :: a %1 -> Replicator a #360 (tbagrel1) #365 (facundominguez)
    • Introduce a new data type Data.Replicator.Linear.Replicator, which represents an infinite linear stream producing values of type a, with a stream-like API and a Data.Functor.Linear.Applicative instance
    • Data.Unrestricted.Linear.Dupable no longer depends on Data.V.Linear
    • Add dup3, dup4, dup5, dup6, dup7
  • Polymorphise the type of some Prelude.Linear functions in levity and multiplicity #353 (treeowl)
    • ($) :: forall {rep} a (b :: TYPE rep) p q. (a %p-> b) %q-> a %p-> b
    • (&) :: forall {rep} a (b :: TYPE rep) p q. a %p-> (a %p-> b) %q-> b
    • ($!) :: forall {rep} a (b :: TYPE rep) p q. (a %p-> b) %q-> a %p-> b
    • (.) :: forall {rep} b (c :: TYPE rep) a q m n. (b %1-> c) %q-> (a %1-> b) %m-> a %n-> c
    • forget :: forall {rep} a (b :: TYPE rep). (a %1-> b) %1-> a -> b
  • Multiplicity-polymorphise the type of some Prelude.Linear functions #319 (aspiwack)
    • id :: a %q-> a
    • const :: a %q-> b -> a
    • asTypeOf :: a %q-> a -> a
    • seq :: a -> b %q-> b
    • curry :: ((a, b) %p-> c) %q-> a %p-> b %p-> c
    • uncurry :: (a %p-> b %p-> c) %q-> (a, b) %p-> c
    • runIdentity' :: Identity a %p-> a
  • Remove LinearArrow usage in Control.Optics.Linear and use FUN 'One instead #308 (sjoerdvisscher)
    • This change add a Data.Profunctor.Linear.Profunctor instance to FUN 'One
  • Add .Linear.Internal modules (and only export parts of them in publicly-exposed .Linear modules) #306 (ekmett)
    • Data.Array.Destination[.Internal]
    • Data.Array.Mutable.Linear[.Internal]
    • Data.HashMap.Mutable.Linear[.Internal]
    • Data.Set.Mutable.Linear[.Internal]
    • Data.Vector.Mutable.Linear[.Internal]
    • Foreign.Marshal.Pure[.Internal]
    • System.IO.Resource.Linear.[.Internal]
    • This principle has been applied for newly-created modules in the subsequent PRs

New additions

  • Add Data.Arity.Linear module containing type-level helpers to deal with n-ary linear functions and type-level structural integers #390 (aspiwack), #391 (tbagrel1)
  • Add void function to consume Control.Functor.Linear.Functor inner value #387 (tbagrel1)
  • Add inspection tests to check inlining of Data.Replicator.Linear.elim and Data.V.Linear.{make,elim} #367 (tbagrel1)
  • Add genericTraverse to Data.Functor.Linear for Generics.Linear.Generic1 types #366 (tbagrel1), #384 (aspiwack), #385 (treeowl)
  • Add Unsafe.toLinearN (and narrow the scope of some coercions in the module internals) #346 (treeowl)
  • Add newtype Data.Unrestricted.Linear.AsMovable to derive Consumable and Dupable from Movable #357 (tbagrel1)
  • Add Data.Unrestricted.Linear.{Consumable,Dupable,Moveable} instances for all Word and Int types #352 (googleson78)
  • Add benchmarks for Data.HashMap.Linear #338 (utdemir)
  • Add benchmarks for Data.Array.Mutable.Linear #331 (utdemir)
  • Add Data.Unrestricted.Linear.{Consumable,Dupable} instances to Data.V.Linear.V #324 (aspiwack)
  • Add Data.Unrestricted.Linear.UrT, the unrestricted monad transformer #304 (sjoerdvisscher)

Code improvements

  • Add robustness improvements to Data.Replicator.Linear.elim and Data.V.Linear.{make,elim} #364 (tbagrel1), #382 (tbagrel1), #390 (aspiwack), #391 (tbagrel1)
  • Add various optimisations for Data.HashMap.Linear #337 (utdemir)
  • Improve performance #334 (utdemir)
  • Remove one unsafeCoerce use from Unsafe.coerce #330 (utdemir)
  • Improve Prelude.Linear.seq performance #329 (utdemir)
  • Use safer Vector.fromArray in Data.Array.Mutable.Linear internals #327 (utdemir)
  • Remove some incomplete pattern matches in Data.List.Linear.{scanr,scanr1} #299 (utdemir)

CI/Tooling improvements

Documentation improvements

  • Change relative links for absolute ones in the README #401 (tbagrel1)
  • Add comparison table between Prelude and Prelude.Linear classes #368 (tbagrel1)
  • Add Hackage and Stackage badges #336 (utdemir)
  • Hide internal modules from haddock documentation #326 (utdemir), #363 (tbagrel1)
  • Add a note that GHC 9.2 fixes linear case in the user guide #320 (monoidal)
  • Replace #-> with %1 -> in the documentation #315 (sjoerdvisscher)
  • Fix rendering in Data.Unrestricted.Linear.Ur documentation #303 (sjoerdvisscher)
  • Fix a typo in Data.Array.Mutable.Linear.unsafeWrite documentation #301 (daig)
  • Add a list of introduction talks about linear types in the README #300 (aspiwack)
  • Improve developer documentation in Data.Array.Polarized.Push #294 (Divesh-Otwani)

v0.1.0 - 2021-02-09

  • Initial release