A library for efficiently constructing and querying DAWG (directed acyclic word graph) data structures, aka DAFSA (directed acyclic finite state automata).
The implementation follows algorithm 1 described in https://aclanthology.org/J00-1002.pdf
The fromWords
builder function takes an iterator of strings. These must be sorted in ascending lexicographical order (like a dictionary).
import { fromWords, has, prefixes, permutations } from 'yodawg';
async function example() {
const words = ['cat', 'cats', 'facet', 'facets', 'fact', 'facts'];
const dawg = await fromWords(words.values());
has(dawg, 'cat'); // true
has(dawg, 'dog'); // false
prefixes(dawg, 'cats'); // Set { 'cats', 'cat' }
permutations(dawg, 'facts'); // Set { 'facts', 'fact', 'cats', 'cat' }
The dawg itself is a flat record of native js structures like Map and Set, so you can use that directly in other graph functions e.g: search.
type Char = string;
type Word = Char[];
type State = number;
type StateKey = string;
interface Dawg {
nextId: () => State;
states: Set<State>; // aka nodes, aka vertices
start: State;
final: Set<State>;
alphabet: Set<Char>;
transitions: Map<State, Map<Char, State>>; // aka edges, aka arcs
register: Map<StateKey, State>;