diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index b2fd0e5..7fca81e 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -155,7 +155,12 @@ cmp_ai:setup({ provider = 'Ollama', provider_options = { model = 'codellama:7b-code', + prompt = function(lines_before, lines_after) + -- prompt depends on the model you use. Here is an example for deepseek coder + return '
 ' .. lines_before .. ' ' .. lines_after .. ' ' -- for codellama
+    end,
+  debounce_delay = 600, -- ms llama may be GPU hungry, wait x ms after last key input, before sending request to it
   notify = true,
   notify_callback = function(msg)
@@ -168,6 +173,54 @@ cmp_ai:setup({
+Models for Ollama are available at [here](https://ollama.ai/library). For code completions use model that supports it - e.g. [DeepSeek Base 6.7b](https://ollama.ai/library/deepseek-coder)
+To use with [LlamaCpp](https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp):
+local cmp_ai = require('cmp_ai.config')
+cmp_ai:setup {
+  max_lines = 30,
+  provider = "LlamaCpp",
+  provider_options = {
+    options = {
+      n_predict = 20,  -- number of generated predictions
+      min_p = 0.05, -- default 0.05,  Cut off predictions with probability below  Max_prob * min_p
+      -- repeat_last_n = 64, -- default 64
+      -- repeat_penalty = 1.100, -- default 1.1
+      -- see llama server link above - to see other options
+    },
+    prompt = function(lines_before, lines_after)
+      -- prompt depends on the model you use. Here is an example for deepseek coder
+      return "<|fim▁begin|>" .. lines_before .. "<|fim▁hole|>" .. lines_after .. "<|fim▁end|>" -- for deepseek coder
+    end,
+  },
+  debounce_delay = 600, -- ms llama may be GPU hungry, wait x ms after last key input, before sending request to it
+  notify = true,
+  notify_callback = function(msg)
+    vim.notify(msg)
+  end,
+  run_on_every_keystroke = false,
+  ignored_file_types = {
+    -- default is not to ignore
+    -- uncomment to ignore in lua:
+    -- lua = true
+  },
+[LlamaCpp Server](https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/blob/master/examples/server/README.md) has to be started manually with:
+./server -m ./models/deepseek-coder-6.7b-base.Q4_K_M.gguf -ngl 50 -c 2048 --log-disable
+LlamaCpp requires model in GGUP format. Here is the current model I use for coding:
+ - [DeepSeek Base 6.7b](https://huggingface.co/TheBloke/deepseek-coder-6.7B-base-GGUF/blob/main/deepseek-coder-6.7b-base.Q4_K_M.gguf)
+ It is good to have at least 12GB of VRAM to run it (works best with NVIDIA - due to CUDA acceleration). If you want you can grab smaller models too (faster to run, but lower quality of completions)
 ### `notify`
diff --git a/lua/cmp_ai/backends/docilellamacpp.lua b/lua/cmp_ai/backends/docilellamacpp.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27d4191
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lua/cmp_ai/backends/docilellamacpp.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+local requests = require('cmp_ai.requests')
+DocileLlamaCpp = requests:new(nil)
+function DocileLlamaCpp:new(o, params)
+  o = o or {}
+  setmetatable(o, self)
+  self.__index = self
+  self.params = vim.tbl_deep_extend('keep', o or {}, {
+    base_url = 'http://localhost:5000/forward',
+    -- model = 'codellama:7b-code',
+    options = {
+      temperature = 0.2,
+    },
+  })
+  return o
+function DocileLlamaCpp:complete(lines_before, lines_after, cb)
+  local data = {
+    -- model = self.params.model,
+    -- prompt = '
 ' .. lines_before .. ' ' .. lines_after .. ' ', -- for codellama
+    prompt = "<|fim▁begin|>" .. lines_before .. "<|fim▁hole|>" .. lines_after .. "<|fim▁end|>", -- for deepseek coder
+    stream = false,
+  }
+  data = vim.tbl_extend('keep', data, self.params.options)
+  data.prompt = self.params.prompt(lines_before, lines_after)
+  self:Get(self.params.base_url, {}, data, function(answer)
+    local new_data = {}
+    -- vim.print('answer', answer)
+    if answer.error ~= nil then
+      vim.notify('Docile error: ' .. answer.error)
+      return
+    end
+    if answer.stop then
+      local result = answer.content:gsub('', '')
+      -- detect if 'CodeQwen' string in answer.generation_settings.model
+      if string.find(answer.generation_settings.model, 'CodeQwen') then
+        -- also get rid first letter - which is always the same space - but only for CodeQwen....
+        result = result:gsub('^.', '')
+      end
+      -- vim.print('results', result)
+      table.insert(new_data, result)
+    end
+    cb(new_data)
+  end)
+function DocileLlamaCpp:test()
+  self:complete('def factorial(n)\n    if', '    return ans\n', function(data)
+    dump(data)
+  end)
+return DocileLlamaCpp
diff --git a/lua/cmp_ai/backends/llamacpp.lua b/lua/cmp_ai/backends/llamacpp.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f62ef0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lua/cmp_ai/backends/llamacpp.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+local requests = require('cmp_ai.requests')
+LlamaCpp = requests:new(nil)
+function LlamaCpp:new(o, params)
+  o = o or {}
+  setmetatable(o, self)
+  self.__index = self
+  self.params = vim.tbl_deep_extend('keep', o or {}, {
+    base_url = 'http://localhost:8080/completion',
+    -- model = 'codellama:7b-code',
+    options = {
+      temperature = 0.2,
+    },
+  })
+  return o
+function LlamaCpp:complete(lines_before, lines_after, cb)
+  local data = {
+    -- model = self.params.model,
+    -- prompt = '
 ' .. lines_before .. ' ' .. lines_after .. ' ', -- for codellama
+    prompt = "<|fim▁begin|>" .. lines_before .. "<|fim▁hole|>" .. lines_after .. "<|fim▁end|>", -- for deepseek coder
+    stream = false,
+  }
+  data = vim.tbl_extend('keep', data, self.params.options)
+  data.prompt = self.params.prompt(lines_before, lines_after)
+  self:Get(self.params.base_url, {}, data, function(answer)
+    local new_data = {}
+    -- vim.print('answer', answer)
+    if answer.error ~= nil then
+      vim.notify('Llamacp error: ' .. answer.error)
+      return
+    end
+    if answer.stop then
+      local result = answer.content:gsub('', '')
+      -- vim.print('results', result)
+      table.insert(new_data, result)
+    end
+    cb(new_data)
+  end)
+function LlamaCpp:test()
+  self:complete('def factorial(n)\n    if', '    return ans\n', function(data)
+    dump(data)
+  end)
+return LlamaCpp
diff --git a/lua/cmp_ai/backends/ollama.lua b/lua/cmp_ai/backends/ollama.lua
index 60f282e..ccdefa0 100644
--- a/lua/cmp_ai/backends/ollama.lua
+++ b/lua/cmp_ai/backends/ollama.lua
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ function Ollama:new(o)
   o = o or {}
   setmetatable(o, self)
   self.__index = self
+  self.params = vim.tbl_deep_extend('keep', o or {}, {
   self.params = vim.tbl_deep_extend('keep', o or {}, {
     base_url = '',
     model = 'codellama:7b-code',
@@ -13,7 +14,6 @@ function Ollama:new(o)
       temperature = 0.2,
   return o
diff --git a/lua/cmp_ai/config.lua b/lua/cmp_ai/config.lua
index d53d568..87474c1 100644
--- a/lua/cmp_ai/config.lua
+++ b/lua/cmp_ai/config.lua
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ local conf = {
   run_on_every_keystroke = true,
   provider = 'HF',
   provider_options = {},
+  debounce_delay = 200, -- ms
   notify = true,
   notify_callback = function(msg)
diff --git a/lua/cmp_ai/requests.lua b/lua/cmp_ai/requests.lua
index 5b49dfc..36f0a78 100644
--- a/lua/cmp_ai/requests.lua
+++ b/lua/cmp_ai/requests.lua
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ function Service:Get(url, headers, data, cb)
     vim.notify('Cannot open temporary message file: ' .. tmpfname, vim.log.levels.ERROR)
+  -- vim.print("Request Data: ", vim.fn.json_encode(data))
@@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ function Service:Get(url, headers, data, cb)
         local result = table.concat(response:result(), '\n')
         local json = self:json_decode(result)
+        -- vim.print("Response: ", json )
         if json == nil then
           cb({ { error = 'No Response.' } })
diff --git a/lua/cmp_ai/source.lua b/lua/cmp_ai/source.lua
index ce63038..7b80892 100644
--- a/lua/cmp_ai/source.lua
+++ b/lua/cmp_ai/source.lua
@@ -40,19 +40,70 @@ function Source:_do_complete(ctx, cb)
   local service = conf:get('provider')
   service:complete(before, after, function(data)
     self:end_complete(data, ctx, cb)
-    if conf:get('notify') then
-      conf:get('notify_callback')('Completion started')
-    end
+    -- why 2x ?
+    -- if conf:get('notify') then
+    --   conf:get('notify_callback')('Completion started')
+    -- end
+function Source:trigger(ctx, callback)
+  if vim.fn.mode() == 'i' then
+    self:_do_complete(ctx, callback)
+  end
+-- based on https://github.com/runiq/neovim-throttle-debounce/blob/main/lua/throttle-debounce/init.lua (MIT)
+local function debounce_trailing(fn, ms)
+	local timer = vim.loop.new_timer()
+	local wrapped_fn
+    function wrapped_fn(...)
+      local argv = {...}
+      local argc = select('#', ...)
+      -- timer:stop() -- seems not needed?
+      timer:start(ms, 0, function()
+        pcall(vim.schedule_wrap(fn), unpack(argv, 1, argc))
+      end)
+    end
+	return wrapped_fn, timer
+local bounce_complete, ret_tim =  debounce_trailing(
+  Source.trigger,
+  conf:get('debounce_delay')
+local self_cp, ctx_cp, call_cp -- variables to store last completion context
+local bounce_autogroup = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("BounceCompletion", { clear = true })
+  pattern = "*",
+  callback = function()
+    if self_cp ~= nil then
+      bounce_complete(self_cp, ctx_cp, call_cp)
+    end
+  end,
+  group = bounce_autogroup
+  pattern = "*",
+  callback = function()
+    ret_tim:stop()
+  end,
+ group = bounce_autogroup
 --- complete
 function Source:complete(ctx, callback)
   if conf:get('ignored_file_types')[vim.bo.filetype] then
-  self:_do_complete(ctx, callback)
+  self_cp, ctx_cp, call_cp = self, ctx, callback
+  bounce_complete(self_cp, ctx, callback)
 function Source:end_complete(data, ctx, cb)