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BDO Watchdog

A simple Go program that monitors the BlackDesert64.exe process and its network status. If the process disconnects it sends a custom Telegram message and optionally kills the process or turns off the computer.


How it works

  1. (optionally) Tries to kill all CoherentUI_Host.exe processes (requires admin rights)
  2. (optionally) Changes the CPU process priority on startup (requires admin rights)
  3. Check if the designated process is currently running
  4. Obtain the process ID (PID)
  5. Run cmd.exe netstat -aon and find the PID its output

If the process is running, but its PID is no longer found in the output of netstat it then does the following:

  • Send a Telegram message using a URL query string
  • (optionally) writes the time of disconnect in a log file
  • (optionally) tries to kill the process (requires admin rights)
  • (optionally) shuts down the computer (cmd /C shutdown /s)


On first startup the program creates the config.yml file, where you can provide the details of your Telegram bot. It also contains some program specific options.

Option Description
token The token is a string along the lines of AAHdqTcvCH1vGWJxfSeofSAs0K5PALDsaw that is required to authorize the bot
botid A unique ID of your bot along the lines of 123456789
chatid Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target supergroup or channel
timestamp Append a timestamp to the Telegram message
message The message your bot sends in case of a disconnect
stayalive By default, the program closes if it has detected a disconnect
process The process to be monitored, defaults to BlackDesert64.exe
timebetweenchecksins Time in seconds to wait between each polling interval
faillimit Maximum number of failed checks until exit routine is initiated
shutdownondc Shut down the computer after the client disconnected
killondc Kill the process after it disconnected (requires the executable to be run with admin rights!)
killcoherentui Kill all CoherentUI_Host.exe processes (requires admin rights)
log Write a simple log file with timestamps (log.txt file)
processpriority Set the CPU priority of the process (allowed values: idle, below normal, normal, above normal, high priority, realtime) (requires admin rights)

Setting up the Telegram Bot

  1. Download Telegram for your favorite platform
  2. Initiate chat with the BotFather
  3. Enter /newbot and follow instructions. If successful, you will receive the bot id and token (in the form of <botid:token>).
  4. Initiate a conversation with your bot by entering<bot_username> in your browser
  5. Retrieve your personal user/chat id by entering<BOT_ID>:<TOKEN>/getUpdates. You will see a JSON object that contains "from":{"id":12345678,[...]". The id is the chat id you will need.
  6. Finally, open config.yml and copy the bot id, token and chat id in the corresponding fields. Done!

Compiling BDO Watchdog from source

If you want to compile this program yourself you will need the following programs/tools:

If everything is set up correctly and all executables are in PATH clone this repository, open a command shell in the root directory and enter make. Alternatively, you can also just run go build, but then the command shell window will not be hidden and the executable will not have a fancy icon.


This is a free time project as a means to learn the Go language and not some elaborate venture. By that, I cannot promise any updates or bugfixes. Feel free to fork this project and/or to suggest changes via pull requests.
