simulation of tyre motion for tbd car game
a build in folder builds
- left click mouse to open values tweak menu
requires Unity AssetStore assets to be put in folder Unity project/Assets/Third-Party
- Easy Tweak (
- Quick Outline (
YouTube demo:
tyre physics implemented:
- linear momentum
- spring effect (dampened spring + visual deformation)
- rotation due to linear momentum on contact
- friction (air, roll, transversal slip)
not implemented (yet):
- roll due to gravity (downhill roll behaviour observed is due to spring effect, gravity, rotation due to linear momentum on contact and friction)
- angular momentum from inertia due to transversal tilt on contact
- tyre to tyre contact
tyre properties:
radius 0.991199m
width 1m
weight 40kg
pressure 0.25
dampening 1200
spring constant 30000
spring code excerpt:
// tyre acts like dampened spring
// dampen force is proportionally tyre movement in spring force dir as long as tyre surface contacts the ground
// spring force dir is tyreSquishForceDir
// when tyre surface looses contact to ground, tyre surface stops moving as spring instantly (this is an approximation here)
// springTyreAcceleration is acceleration of the whole tyre due to the acting like a spring
min = radius to tyre surface indentation
tyreSquishForceVal = (tyreRadius - min) / unitTyrePressure;
springTyreAcceleration = (tyreSpringConstant * tyreSquishForceVal - dampening * Vector3.Dot(velocity, indentationDir)) * indentationDir / tyreMass;
static Vector3 gravity = new Vector3(0, -9.81f, 0);
const float airFrictionCoefficient = 0.01f;
const float rollFrictionEarthRubberCoefficient = 0.0013f;
const float slideFrictionEarthRubberCoefficient = 100.0f;