The DIPAS project is a combination of different frameworks. Lean here, how they interact
In DIPAS we use a headless drupal in combination with a VueJS frontend. The communication between both components works with a REST API interface. Data are hold in a PostgreSQL database.
Drupal Version 9 is used as backend to configure the DIPAS project. Three new drupal modules were created during the development.
module dipas
- this module gives configuration possibilities to the project administrator
- it experimentally includes a keywords service to allow the automatical keyword generation for given texts
- also natural language processing (NLP) is experimentally implemented
- data for external applications will be provided via PDS API interface
- this module gives configuration possibilities to the project administrator
module masterportal
- this module gives configuration possibilities for the masterportal
- masterportal is an open source project of Geowerkstatt Hamburg which is included in DIPAS
module domain_dipas
- this module allows the usage of the drupal module domain together with DIPAS
- the DIPAS implementation of the domain module allows to set up several proceedings parallelly with very little effort but granular access rights
DIPAS is used with a PostgreSQL database, currently version 13.4
The DIPAS frontend is created with VueJS and uses vue-cli.
The communication between the front- and the backend works with a REST API. You will find a documentation here.