REST API for the new Ubirch web admin interface.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
If you want to do test for api/v1/devices/batch
endpoint locally, follow this instruction.
What things you need to run the REST api and how to install them.
- Keycloak server:
- Get the KeyCloak server zip here, extract it and run
. This will start a local KeyCloak instance on port 8080. Configure it by logging in the KeyCloak web admin interface here and creating a new admin user. - Create a new realm, called test-realm.
- In this realm, create a new client called ubirch-2.0-user-access-local and configure it with the following informations:
- Root URL: http://localhost:9101
- Valid Redirect URIs: http://localhost:9101/\*
- Admin URL: http://localhost:9101/
- Web Origins: http://localhost:9101/
- Access Token Signature Algorithm: ES256
- ID Token Signature Algorithm: ES256
- User Info Signed Response Algorithm: None
- Access the jwk of the newly created client here and pass it in core/src/main/resources/application.base.conf. Also change the relevant information in this file if need be.
- Get the KeyCloak server zip here, extract it and run
- PostMan (optional). Provide an easy way to send REST requests to the server and obtaining access token delivered by KeyCloak. Installation instructions can be found on the project webpage.
This project can be started by executing the main function in the com.ubirch.webui.server.Boot class.
When running tests locally you have to adjust 2 values related to keycloak in the application.test.conf file as described in that file. Change it back before committing, as our build pipeline requires different values for now.
Then just run:
mvn clean test
A docker image can be found as ubirch/web-admin-api-server:latest. A new one can be created automatically through the spotify docker maven plugin by running mvn install
Helm charts are provided to deploy the system easily. You can modify their parameters in helm-charts/webui-api/values.yaml.
Scalatra - The web framework used. Maven - Dependency Management. KeyCloak - The user management system.