UtilityVM is intended to make the spin up of new VMs more easily. The whole idea is to offload any package installation to a file within the cloud-automation folder.
Originally, modules would use a custom AMI created though Packer, although this is still a good practice, different issues arises, like keeping the image updated updated.
The main advantage of this utilityVM module is the ability to add custom bootstrap script without altering the user_data portion in terraform and also the custom script in the packer image creation.
TODO: migrate this thing to deploy a chef role instead of a flavor/
script ...
gen3 workon csoc <commons account name>_utilityvm
Once you workon the workspace, you may want to edit the config.tfvars accordingly
ubuntu@csoc_admin:~$ cat .local/share/gen3/csoc/test_utilityvm/config.tfvars
bootstrap_path = "cloud-automation/flavors/nginx/"
bootstrap_script = "es_revproxy.sh"
vm_name = "test"
vm_hostname = "test"
vpc_cidr_list = ["", "", ""]
extra_vars = ["public_ip="]
By default, when the VM comes up, it'll be placed in /home/ubuntu, therefore you want to provide the bootstrap_path accordingly, you could always use absolute paths nonetheless.
vpc_cird_list would try to send traffic out of the NAT gateway directly.
This variables would be initialized when you first workon
the module. They still need to be updated accordingly.
Name | Description | Type | Default |
bootstrap_path | Folder where the bootstrap script is located. Can be absolute or relative. If you want to use relative, keep in mind that you will be located in /home/ubuntu . |
string | "cloud-automat/flavor/" |
bootstrap_script | Script o execute located at the path previously set. | string | "" |
vm_name | Name you want for the VM | string | "" |
vm_hotname | Hostname you want for the VM | string | "" |
vpc_cidr_list | List of CIDRs to overpass the proxy | list | ["", "", ""] |
This variables are not initialized but you can change them if needed.
Name | Description | Type | Default |
ami_account_id | AWS account id to use for AMI search. | string | "099720109477" |
image_name_search_criteria | Criteria to search among images released by the account ID specified in ami_account_id | string | "ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-xenial-16.04-amd64-server-2018" |
aws_account_id | Account ID of where the VM would be spun up. By default we use CSOC's. | string | 433568766270 |
aws_region | Region where the VM would be put on. | string | us-east-1 |
vpc_subnet_id | Subnet within vpc_id. | string | "vpc_subnet_id" |
ssh_key_name | This one will most likely be overwritten, but in case something goes wrong with the execution script, you might still be able to access the VM. | string | "fauzi@uchicago.edu" |
environment | For tagging purposes | string | "CSOC" |
instance_type | Self explanatory | string | t3.micro |
proxy | If the VM will be behind a proxy | boolean | yes |
authorized_keys | Path to file containing ssh keys that will be copied to /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys . |
string | "files/authorized_keys/ops_team" |
branch | For testing purposes | string | "master" |
user_policy | additional policy for the role | string | "" |