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SSL Management Module

This module provides a standard way to manage your SSL certificates, and currently includes support for auto-downloading your signed certs from InCommon.

Supported platforms are RedHat, Debian and Archlinux (based on $::osfamily fact). Pull requests for other platforms are welcomed.


  • puppetlabs-stdlib >= 2.7.0 (may work with earlier versions)


As it stands, the intention is for the ssl::cert defined type to be used to build a self-signed cert. This process also generates a CSR for us. This is what needs to be submitted to the signing authority.

Once the signing authority signs your cert request, you can plug in the relevant certificate id into the appropriate ssl defined type, and it will automatically download and install the cert for you.

Currently, the only supported signing authority is InCommon (ssl::incommon), but this can easily be expanded to others.


  class { 'ssl': package => 'openssl98' }

  ssl::cert { '':
    alt_names => [ '' ],
    country   => 'US',
    org       => ', LLC',
    org_unit  => 'Web Team',
    state     => 'CA',

  # once we receive our email confirmation with out cert#, we can enter it into
  # the id field, and it will automatically be downloaded if necessary.
  ssl::incommon { '': id => '12345' }


See LICENSE file


Copyright © 2014 The Regents of the University of California


Eric Rasche

  • Debian/Ubuntu Support

Niels Abspoel

  • Archlinux Support


Aaron Russo


Please log tickets and issues at the Projects site