Data: s3://menieres-analysis-results/joint_genotype/2022-04-30_friedman_joint_metadata_04182022/ Final data on CCBB S3: s3://ccbb-projects/2021/20211026_friedman_menieres_disease_wgdnaseq/final_variants_08242022/
This repository should demonstrate how to transform raw WGS fastq files into actionable, rare, deleterious variants in the context of Meniere's disease.
- Call variants on each sample using bcbio, implementing GATK's best practices.
- Fix header of VCF files for joint genotyping (possibly a bcbio fault).
- Joint genotype all samples.
- Variant Quality Score Recalibration (VQSR).
- Normalize variants - store variants at one record per line in VCF.
- Annotate with VEP.
- Convert VEP VCF to individual sample MAF.
- Filter variants.
for maf in $(ls */*/*maf); do out=$(echo $maf | sed 's/vep/vep.coding/'); awk -F '\t' '{ if($1 != "Unknown") { print }}' $maf > $out; done
- Annotate with gnomAD GENOME.
- Further filter for rare and deleterious variants.
Input: *fastq.gz
Output: *-joint-gatk-haplotype-annotated.vcf.gz
You will first have to create a list of samples to run, and then execute
. This script submits
for each sample.
complete=$(aws s3 ls $s3Upload | grep PRE | awk '{print $NF}')
inprogress=$(qstat | grep ubuntu | awk '{print $3}')
for sample in $(cat /shared/workspace/projects/friedman/metadata/friedman_wgs_samples_batch$batch.txt); do
if ! echo $complete $inprogress | grep -w -q $sample; then
echo -e "samplename,description" > $metadata
echo "/scratch/germline/$sample/"$sample"_R1.fastq.gz,$sample" >> $metadata
echo "/scratch/germline/$sample/"$sample"_R2.fastq.gz,$sample" >> $metadata
qsub \
-N "$sample" \
-v sample=$sample \
-v s3Download=$s3Download \
-v s3Upload=$s3Upload/$sample \
-v metadata=$metadata \
echo "Sample $sample is complete. Skipping."
Input: *-joint-gatk-haplotype-annotated.vcf.gz
Output: *-joint-gatk-haplotype-annotated-fixed.vcf.gz
For some reason, bcbio creates both INFO/DP and FORMAT/DP in the VCF header. The joint genotyping code doesn't like this, so we have code to fix it. Execute
, which runs
for each sample and looks like this:
#$ -cwd
#$ -pe smp 4
export PATH=/shared/workspace/software/bcbio/anaconda/bin:$PATH
mkdir -p $workspace
echo "downloading "$sample"-joint-gatk-haplotype-annotated.vcf.gz"
aws s3 cp s3://menieres-analysis-results/$sample/ $workspace --recursive --exclude "*" --include "*gatk-haplotype-annotated.vcf.gz*"
mv $workspace/*/*gatk-haplotype-annotated.vcf.gz* $workspace
echo "removing INFO/DP"
bcftools annotate -x ^INFO/DP $workspace/"$sample"-joint-gatk-haplotype-annotated.vcf.gz -o $workspace/tmp.vcf.gz -Oz --threads 4
mv $workspace/tmp.vcf.gz $workspace/"$sample"-joint-gatk-haplotype-annotated-fixed.vcf.gz
echo "indexing $workspace/"$sample"-joint-gatk-haplotype-annotated-fixed.vcf.gz"
tabix -p vcf $workspace/"$sample"-joint-gatk-haplotype-annotated-fixed.vcf.gz
aws s3 cp $workspace/"$sample"-joint-gatk-haplotype-annotated-fixed.vcf.gz s3://menieres-analysis-results/$sample/$sample/
aws s3 cp $workspace/"$sample"-joint-gatk-haplotype-annotated-fixed.vcf.gz.tbi s3://menieres-analysis-results/$sample/$sample/
All it does is remove the INFO/DP part of the VCF header.
Input: *-joint-gatk-haplotype-annotated-fixed.vcf.gz
Output: menieres-joint-gatk-haplotype-joint-annotated.vcf.gz
Make a metadata file named friedman_joint_metadata_04182022.csv
containing the path of the fixed VCF, sample name, and batch name ("menieres-joint"). There should be one row per sample, formatted as follows:
Add the path of the metadata file to
and execute. It will run bcbio's joint genotyping pipeline.
qsub \
-v workspace=$workspace \
-v metadata=$metadata \
Input: menieres-joint-gatk-haplotype-joint-annotated.vcf.gz
Output: menieres-joint-gatk-haplotype-joint-annotated-vqsr.vcf.gz
We have to run Variant Quality Score Recalibration after joint genotyping. It may be a parameter you can add in bcbio for joint genotyping, but that was realized after the fact, so we are running it manually.
Input: menieres-joint-gatk-haplotype-joint-annotated-vqsr.vcf.gz
Output: menieres-joint-gatk-haplotype-joint-annotated-vqsr-normed.vcf.gz
The purpose of this is to normalize the VCF, so only one variant allele is represented per line so that when the variants are annotated, each gets their own true annotation because VEP only assigns one annotation per line. Execute
to normalize and annotate with VEP.
chr1 15484 . G A,T
chr1 15484 . G A
chr1 15484 . G T
Output: menieres.norm.vep.vcf.gz
for each sample.
Input: menieres.norm.vep.vcf.gz
Output: a. $sample/vcf/$sample.norm.vep.vcf b. $sample/maf/$sample.norm.vep.maf
Input: *.norm.vep.maf
Intermediate: *.norm.vep.coding.maf
Output: menieres.531.intermediate.tsv
Copy MAF from S3 to local directory and run:
for maf in $(ls */*/*maf)
do out=$(echo $maf | sed 's/vep/vep.coding/'); awk -F '\t' '{ if($1 != "Unknown") { print }}' $maf > $out
RScript filterMaf.R
Input: menieres.531.intermediate.tsv
Output: a. *.gnomadv3.vep.vcf b. *.gnomadv3.vep.maf
We have to annotate the variants with gnomAD Genome because VEP only annotates with gnomAD Exome. We need the WGS allele frequencies because there are huge discrepencies. To do this we have to:
1. Convert MAF back to VCF so we can annotate.
2. Annotate using bcftools to query gnomAD's remote DB. This takes a while so thats why we are doing it on filtered variants.
3. Concatenate and sort variants back together.
4. Reannotate with VEP.
This is done in
Input: menieres.531.gnomadv3.tsv
Output: menieres.531.gnomadv3.filtered.tsv
Filter for final set and visualize. This is done in RStudio with maftools
in menierees_variant_summary.R
NOTE: You can see this isn't fully automated and there are some manual linker steps required.