Last updated - 2016-10-11
- Role startup tasks cannot directly execute a Powershell script – use console application or a batch file that starts the PowerShell script.
- Setting RoleEnvironmentChangingEventArgs.Cancel to true will take the respective instance offline and bring it back again after the configuration changes have been applied.
- SQL Server service tier cannot be changed when Geo-Replication is enabled.
- Restore window for Basic tier is 7 days.
- Restore window for Standard tier is 14 days.
- Restore window for Premium tier is 35 days.
- Port should not be specified in the connection string.
- Sharding/clustering is only available with the Premium plans.
- Get Queue Metadata is used to retrieve the approximate size of the queue.
- Shared Access Signature without Stored Access Policy can only be revoked by changing the account key.
- Page Blobs are optimized for random I/O operations.
- Block Blobs are optimized for sequential I/O operations.
- Zone redundant storage does not support page blobs.
- Sysprep with Generalzie option is used to prepare a VM to be captured as an image.
- Waagent with Deprovision option is used to prepare a Linux to be captured as an image.
- Only VMs in the same cloud service can be part of an availability set.
- When an endpoint is first created, all traffic is permitted for that endpoint.
- When one or more Permit rules are added, traffic is implicitly denied for all IP ranged not included in the Permit rules.
- When one or more Deny rules are added, traffic is implicitly allowed for all IP ranged now included in the Deny rules.
- No implicit rules are applied when both Permit and Deny rules are used.
- CloudQueue.FetchAttributes must be used before ApproximateMessageCount property can be read.
- ApproximateMessageCount provides the approximate number of messages in the queue.
- When swapping, App Settings can be configured to be swapped or to stick.
- When swapping, Configuration settings can be configured to be swapped or to stick.
- When swapping, diagnostic settings are always swapped.
- When swapping, endpoints are not swapped.
- When swapping, Webjob content is swapped.
- When swapping, Webjob schedulers are not swapped.