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Graduate Student Test: MR Weather App CCN Experiment

ceceliadid edited this page Mar 5, 2020 · 24 revisions

Test Description

This test assesses how easy it is to access code, run with different resolutions, atmospheric physics packages, and a different physics parameter, and then visually compare the results of these. The test case is a hurricane Dorian simulation using the UFS Medium-Range Weather Application. It is an example of a code usability evaluation following the "graduate student test" protocol developed for the Unified Forecast System (UFS).

Run the Control Case

Follow the instructions on the Getting Started page to run the Hurricane Dorian case at C96 resolution, with the GFSv15p2 physics, without the post-processor turned on, for two days.

Run the Experiments

Use the Medium-Range Weather Application User's Guide Workflow Quick Start section to figure out how to set up the following two additional cases, also running for 2 days:

a. The Hurricane Dorian case at C192 resolution, with the GFSv15p2 physics - call this case DORIAN_C192_GFSv15p2

From the scripts dir, create newcase again, setup, build.

Use the Medium-Range Weather Application User's Guide FAQ section to figure out how to change a name list parameter.

c. Start with the DORIAN_C96_GFSv15p2 case and change the Cloud Condensation Nuclei concentration namelist parameter.

Edit user_nl_ufsatm ccn_l = 900. ccn_o = 300. Add at the end of the file

Then do preview_namelists to be sure and check input.nml uder the run directory.


ccn_l = 300.
ccn_o = 100.


ccn_l = 900.
ccn_o = 300.

Compare outputs

Describe which scripts to use, show images for the results for comparison.