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Eugene Lazutkin edited this page Dec 8, 2018 · 12 revisions

Just examples. Think you would do them without stream-chain.

Simple pipeline

const Chain = require('stream-chain');

const fs = require('fs');
const zlib = require('zlib');
const {Transform} = require('stream');

// the chain will work on a stream of number objects
const chain = new Chain([
  // transforms a value
  x => x * x,
  // returns several values
  x => [x - 1, x, x + 1],
  // waits for an asynchronous operation
  async x => await getTotalFromDatabaseByKey(x),
  // returns multiple values with a generator
  function* (x) {
    for (let i = x; i >= 0; --i) {
      yield i;
  // filters out even values
  x => x % 2 ? x : null,
  // uses an arbitrary transform stream
  new Transform({
    writableObjectMode: true,
    transform(x, _, callback) {
      // transform to text
      callback(null, x.toString());
  // compress
// log errors
chain.on('error', error => console.log(error));
// use the chain, and save the result to a file

Using asynchronous generators

const {chain} = require('stream-chain');

const family = chain([
  async function*(person) {
    yield person;
    // asynchronously retrieve parents
    if (person.father) {
      yield await getPersonFromDB(person.father);
    if (person.mother) {
      yield await getPersonFromDB(person.mother);
    // asynchronously retrieve children, if any
    for (let i = 0; i < person.children; ++i) {
      yield await getPersonFromDB(person.children[i]);
  new Transform({
    writableObjectMode: true,
    transform(x, _, callback) {
      // transform to text
      callback(null, JSON.stringify(x));


Combined functions

A block of regular functions can be separated and included in an array. Functions in such block will be combined without using streams to improve the performance.

const lessEfficient = chain([
  x => x * x,
  x => 2 * x
  // ... more stages

const moreEfficient = chain([
    x => x * x,
    x => 2 * x
  // ... more stages

Filter out values

Returning Chain.none terminates the pipeline. In the example below, it is used to filter out all even values.

const {chain, none, final} = require('stream-chain');

const pipeline = chain([
    x => x % 2 ? x : none,
    x => x * x,
    x => 2 * x
  // ... more stages

// input: 1, 2, 3, 4
// output: 2, 18

Return a final value prematurely

Wrapping value in final() terminates a pipeline and uses the value as the final result. The example below does not double odd values.

const {chain, none, final} = require('stream-chain');

const pipeline = chain([
    x => x * x,
    x => x % 2 ? final(x) : x,
    x => 2 * x
  // ... more stages

// input: 1, 2, 3, 4
// output: 1, 8, 9, 32

Slicing streams


This example processes only 5 items from the beginning of a stream.

const take = require('stream-json/utils/take');

const pipeline = chain([
  // ... more stages


This example skips 5 items from the beginning of a stream.

const skip = require('stream-json/utils/skip');

const pipeline = chain([
  // ... more stages

Take & skip together

This example skips 5 items from the beginning of a stream and takes the next 5.

const lessEfficient = chain([
  // ... more stages

const moreEfficient = chain([
  take({n: 5, skip: 5})
  // ... more stages

Conditional take

Takes while a condition is true.

const takeWhile = require('stream-json/utils/takeWhile');

const pipeline = chain([
  takeWhile(item => item !== 'separator')
  // ... more stages

Conditional skip

Skips while a condition is true.

const skipWhile = require('stream-json/utils/skipWhile');

const pipeline = chain([
  skipWhile(item => item !== 'separator')
  // ... more stages

Conditional take & skip together

Processes data between first two separators.

const pipeline = chain([
  skipWhile(item => item !== 'separator'),
  skip(1), // skip the separator
  takeWhile(item => item !== 'separator')
  // ... more stages


It is the same as reduce() in JavaScript's arrays.


const fold = require('stream-json/utils/fold');

const pipeline = chain([
  fold((acc, x) => acc + x, 0)
  // ... more stages

// input: 1, 2, 3
// output: 6


scan() is like fold() but outputs all intermediate values of its accumulator.

const scan = require('stream-json/utils/scan');

const pipeline = chain([
  scan((acc, x) => acc + x, 0)
  // ... more stages

// input: 1, 2, 3
// output: 1, 3, 6

Dedicated reducer

Reduce is a Writable stream, which is used at the end of a pipeline to accumulate items. Its accumulator is available as a property. It can be used like fold() and scan().

const {reduce} = require('stream-json/utils/Reduce');

const toArray = reduce((acc, x) => {
  return acc;
}, []);

const pipeline = chain([
  // ... more stages

// input: 1, 2, 3
// toArray.accumulator is [1, 2, 3]

Combined functions on steroids!

Unlike array-combined functions comp() can combine asynchronous and regular functions and generators. It allows functions to return multiple values wrapped in many(). Of course, none and final() works too.

Using generators

const {comp} = require('stream-chain/utils/comp');

const pipeline = chain([
    function*(x) {
      yield x;
      yield 10 * x;
    x => 2 * x
  // ... more stages

// input: 1, 2, 3
// output: 2, 20, 4, 40, 6, 60 

Using many()

const {chain, many} = require('stream-chain');
const {comp} = require('stream-chain/utils/comp');

const pipeline = chain([
    x => many([x, 10 * x]),
    x => 2 * x
  // ... more stages

// input: 1, 2, 3
// output: 2, 20, 4, 40, 6, 60 

Using asynchronous functions

const pipeline = chain([
    async x => await getItemNumberFromDB(x),
    x => 2 * x
  // ... more stages

Combine functions as a function

Make a separate function has its benefits — you can use it with streams or without streams. comp.asFun() returns an asynchronous function.

const doubler = comp.asFun(
  async x => await getItemNumberFromDB(x),
  x => 2 * x

const pipeline = chain([
  // ... more stages

  .then(value => console.log(value))
  .catch(error => console.error(error));
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