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Contributing to the AWS SDK for JavaScript

We work hard to provide a high-quality and useful SDK, and we greatly value feedback and contributions from our community. Whether it's a bug report, new feature, correction, or additional documentation, we welcome your issues and pull requests. Please read through this document before submitting any issues or pull requests to ensure we have all the necessary information to effectively respond to your bug report or contribution.

Filing Bug Reports

You can file bug reports against the SDK on the GitHub issues page.

If you are filing a report for a bug or regression in the SDK, it's extremely helpful to provide as much information as possible when opening the original issue. This helps us reproduce and investigate the possible bug without having to wait for this extra information to be provided. Please read the following guidelines prior to filing a bug report.

  1. Search through existing issues to ensure that your specific issue has not yet been reported. If it is a common issue, it is likely there is already a bug report for your problem.

  2. Ensure that you have tested the latest version of the SDK. Although you may have an issue against an older version of the SDK, we cannot provide bug fixes for old versions. It's also possible that the bug may have been fixed in the latest release.

  3. Provide as much information about your environment, SDK version, and relevant dependencies as possible. For example, let us know what version of Node.js you are using, or if it's a browser issue, which browser you are using. If the issue only occurs with a specific dependency loaded, please provide that dependency name and version.

  4. Provide a minimal test case that reproduces your issue or any error information you related to your problem. We can provide feedback much more quickly if we know what operations you are calling in the SDK. If you cannot provide a full test case, provide as much code as you can to help us diagnose the problem. Any relevant information should be provided as well, like whether this is a persistent issue, or if it only occurs some of the time.

Submitting Pull Requests

We are always happy to receive code and documentation contributions to the SDK. Please be aware of the following notes prior to opening a pull request:

  1. The SDK is released under the Apache license. Any code you submit will be released under that license. For substantial contributions, we may ask you to sign a Contributor License Agreement (CLA).

  2. If you would like to implement support for a significant feature that is not yet available in the SDK, please talk to us beforehand to avoid any duplication of effort.

  3. Wherever possible, pull requests should contain tests as appropriate. Bugfixes should contain tests that exercise the corrected behavior (i.e., the test should fail without the bugfix and pass with it), and new features should be accompanied by tests exercising the feature.

  4. Pull requests that contain failing tests will not be merged until the test failures are addressed. Pull requests that cause a significant drop in the SDK's test coverage percentage are unlikely to be merged until tests have been added.

Testing the code

To run the tests locally, install phantomjs. You can do so using Homebrew:

brew install --cask phantomjs

Then, to run all tests:

npm test

To run a particular test subset e.g. just the unit tests:

npm run unit

See the implementation of the test script in package.json for more options.

Optional: run integration tests located in features folder:

Make sure you have valid AWS credentials available and run then the the integration test for specific service, for example:

AWS_REGION=[set region] node node_modules/cucumber/bin/cucumber.js --tag @s3

Hardcoded region strings are not allowed in the SDK. To check the code for the presence of hardcoded region strings, run

node ./scripts/region-checker/index.js

from the project root directory. If this command shows any output, the PR will not be merged. Any lines that appear here must have the region string removed or be added to scripts/region-checker/allowlist.js. Lines should only be allowlisted if absolutely necessary.

Testing the documentation changes:

To test the documentation changes, please ensure you have the following requirements installed (Please make sure you have the latest version of Ruby):

  • gem install bundler

Once the bundler is installed, you need to execute the following commands, to install rake:

bundle install

Once done, please run this command to get the documentation in (doc/latest/_index.html)

bundle exec rake docs:api


We have moved to using a changelog to document changes between SDK versions instead of release notes. The release notes generally contained service client updates, and major SDK changes. Our goal with the changelog is to document all changes made with each version of the SDK. When submitting a pull request, please run the add-change script and commit the resulting JSON file so that your change gets added to the changelog. From SDK root:

npm run add-change

See the add-change cli notes for more information.