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File metadata and controls

198 lines (127 loc) · 6.02 KB

Defined Type: websphere::instance

Manages an installation of WebSphere.

This module was designed to support multiple installations of WebSphere to different locations. This defined type is intended to handle the base installation.

This defined type can optionall manage a user and group that differs from what is declared with the base websphere class. For example, if you wanted a particular installation to be "owned" by a different user.

This defined type manages the installation of WebSphere via the websphere::package defined type. A base directory for WebSphere profiles is managed and a fact is populated with installation information.


## Manage an instance of WebSphere 8.5
websphere::instance { 'WebSphere85':
  target       => '/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer',
  package      => '',
  version      => '8.5.5000.20130514_1044',
  profile_base => '/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles',
  repository   => '/mnt/myorg/was/repository.config',
  user         => 'webadmin',
  group        => 'webadmins',

Example when used in conjunction with the base class:

class { 'websphere':
  base_dir => '/opt/IBM',
  user     => 'webadmin',
  group    => 'webadmins',

## Install with a response file
websphere::instance { 'WebSphere85':
  response_file => '/mnt/myorg/was/was85_response.xml',



Default is $::websphere::base_dir, as in, it will default to the value of base_dir that is specified when declaring the base class websphere.

This should point to the base directory that WebSphere instances should be installed to. IBM's default is /opt/IBM

You normally don't need to specify this parameter.


The full path to where this instance should be installed to. The IBM default is '/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer'

The module default for target is "${base_dir}/${title}/AppServer", where title refers to the title of the resource.

Example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere85/AppServer


The IBM package name to install for the base WebSphere installation.

This is the first part (before the first underscore) of IBM's full package name. For example, a full name from IBM looks like: "". The package name is the first part of that. In this example, ""

This corresponds to the repository metadata provided with IBM packages.

This parameter is required if a response file is not provided.


The IBM package version to install for the base WebSphere installation.

This is the second part (after the first underscore) of IBM's full package name. For example, a full name from IBM looks like: "". The package version is the second part of that. In this example, "8.5.5000.20130514_1044"

This corresponds to the repository metadata provided with IBM packages.

This parameter is required if a response file is not provided.


The full path to the installation repository file to install WebSphere from. This should point to the location that the IBM package is extracted to.

When extracting an IBM package, a repository.config is provided in the base directory.

Example: /mnt/myorg/was/repository.config

This parameter is required unless a response file is provided. If a response file is provided, it should contain repository information.


Specifies the full path to a response file to use for installation. It is the user's responsibility to have a response file created and available for installation.

Typically, a response file will include, at a minimum, a package name, version, target, and repository information.

This is optional. However, refer to the target, package, version, and repository parameters.


Specifies options that will be appended to the base set of options.

When using a response file, the base options are: input /path/to/response/file

When not using a response file, the base set of options are: install ${package}_${version} -repositories ${repository} -installationDirectory ${target} -acceptLicense


The full path to the imcl tool provided by the IBM Installation Manager.

The IBM default is /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools/imcl

This will attempt to be auto-discovered by the ibm_pkg provider, which parses IBM's data file in /var/ibm to determine where InstallationManager is installed.

You can probably leave this blank unless imcl was not auto discovered.


Specifies the full path to where WebSphere profiles will be stored.

The IBM default is /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles

The module default is ${target}/profiles


Boolean. Specifies whether this instance should manage the user specififed by the user parameter.

Defaults to false.

A typical use-case would be to specify the user via the base class websphere and let it manage it.

If this particular instance of WebSphere needs a different user, you may do so here.


Boolean. Specifies whether this instance should manage the group specififed by the group parameter.

Defaults to false.

A typical use-case would be to specify the group via the base class websphere and let it manage it.

If this particular instance of WebSphere needs a different group, you may do so here.


Specifies the user that should "own" this instance of WebSphere.

Defaults to $::websphere::user, referring to whatever user was provided when declaring the base websphere class.


Specifies the group that should "own" this instance of WebSphere.

Defaults to $::websphere::group, referring to whatever group was provided when declaring the base websphere class.


Specifies the home directory for the user. This is only relevant if you're managing the user with this instance (e.g. not via the base class). So if manage_user is true, this is relevant.

Defaults to $target