diff --git a/Assets/SEE/Tools/Videochat.meta b/Assets/SEE/Tools/Livekit.meta
similarity index 100%
rename from Assets/SEE/Tools/Videochat.meta
rename to Assets/SEE/Tools/Livekit.meta
diff --git a/Assets/SEE/Tools/Livekit/LivekitVideo.cs b/Assets/SEE/Tools/Livekit/LivekitVideo.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e75bb77358
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/SEE/Tools/Livekit/LivekitVideo.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+using UnityEngine;
+using Unity.Netcode;
+using SEE.Controls;
+using SEE.Utils;
+namespace SEE.Tools.Livekit
+ ///
+ /// Handles the positioning of the Livekit video stream relative to the player's head.
+ ///
+ public class LivekitVideo : NetworkBehaviour
+ {
+ ///
+ /// The Transform representing the player's head.
+ ///
+ private Transform playerHead;
+ ///
+ /// The bone path leading to the player's head. Used to position the video.
+ ///
+ private const string FaceCamOrientationBone = "CC_Base_BoneRoot/CC_Base_Hip/CC_Base_Waist/CC_Base_Spine01/CC_Base_Spine02/CC_Base_NeckTwist01/CC_Base_NeckTwist02/CC_Base_Head";
+ ///
+ /// Determines whether the video is in front of the face or above the head.
+ /// True if positioned in front of the face.
+ ///
+ private bool faceCamOnFront = true;
+ ///
+ /// Offset for positioning the video in front of the player's face.
+ ///
+ private readonly Vector3 offsetInFrontOfFace = new Vector3(0, 0.065f, 0.15f);
+ ///
+ /// Offset for positioning the video above the player's head.
+ ///
+ private readonly Vector3 offsetAboveHead = new Vector3(0, 0.35f, 0);
+ ///
+ /// Initializes the player head reference and names the object according to the owner ID.
+ /// Logs an error and disables the component if the player head cannot be found.
+ ///
+ private void Start()
+ {
+ gameObject.name = "LivekitVideo_" + OwnerClientId;
+ // Localizes the player's head bone for the positioning of the video.
+ playerHead = transform.parent.Find(FaceCamOrientationBone);
+ if (playerHead == null)
+ {
+ Debug.LogError($"Player head not found for client ID {OwnerClientId}. Disabling LivekitVideo component.");
+ enabled = false;
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Updates the position of the video every frame. Toggles the video position based on input.
+ ///
+ private void Update()
+ {
+ UpdatePosition();
+ if (SEEInput.ToggleFaceCamPosition())
+ {
+ faceCamOnFront = !faceCamOnFront;
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Updates the position and rotation of the video based on the player's head.
+ ///
+ private void UpdatePosition()
+ {
+ if (faceCamOnFront)
+ {
+ // Position the video in front of the player's face.
+ transform.SetPositionAndRotation(playerHead.TransformPoint(offsetInFrontOfFace), playerHead.rotation);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Position the video above the player's head.
+ transform.position = playerHead.TransformPoint(offsetAboveHead);
+ // If this object is not owned by the local client, make it face the main camera.
+ if (!IsOwner && MainCamera.Camera != null)
+ {
+ transform.LookAt(MainCamera.Camera.transform);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/SEE/Tools/Videochat/LivekitVideo.cs.meta b/Assets/SEE/Tools/Livekit/LivekitVideo.cs.meta
similarity index 100%
rename from Assets/SEE/Tools/Videochat/LivekitVideo.cs.meta
rename to Assets/SEE/Tools/Livekit/LivekitVideo.cs.meta
diff --git a/Assets/SEE/Tools/Livekit/LivekitVideoManager.cs b/Assets/SEE/Tools/Livekit/LivekitVideoManager.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7c83784d29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/SEE/Tools/Livekit/LivekitVideoManager.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+// Code inspired by https://github.com/livekit-examples/unity-example/blob/main/LivekitUnitySampleApp/Assets/LivekitSamples.cs
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using UnityEngine;
+using LiveKit;
+using LiveKit.Proto;
+using RoomOptions = LiveKit.RoomOptions;
+using UnityEngine.UI;
+using TMPro;
+using Unity.Netcode;
+using SEE.Controls;
+namespace SEE.Tools.Livekit
+ ///
+ /// Manages LiveKit video streams and plays them via the LivekitVideo object in the player objects.
+ /// Handles publishing/unpublishing local video, subscribing/unsubscribing to remote video,
+ /// and switching between available camera devices.
+ ///
+ public class LivekitVideoManager : NetworkBehaviour
+ {
+ ///
+ /// The URL of the LiveKit server to connect to.
+ ///
+ public string LivekitUrl = "ws://localhost:7880";
+ ///
+ /// The URL used to fetch the access token required for authentication.
+ ///
+ public string TokenUrl = "http://localhost:3000";
+ ///
+ /// The room name to join in LiveKit.
+ ///
+ public string RoomName = "development";
+ ///
+ /// The LiveKit room object that manages connection and tracks.
+ ///
+ private Room room = null;
+ ///
+ /// The local video track being published to the LiveKit server.
+ ///
+ private LocalVideoTrack publishedTrack = null;
+ ///
+ /// The WebCamTexture used to capture the video stream from the selected camera.
+ ///
+ private WebCamTexture webCamTexture = null;
+ ///
+ /// The index of the currently selected camera.
+ ///
+ private int currentCameraIndex = 0;
+ ///
+ /// An array containing the available webcam devices.
+ ///
+ private WebCamDevice[] devices;
+ ///
+ /// The dropdown UI component used to select between different available cameras.
+ ///
+ public TMP_Dropdown CameraDropdown;
+ ///
+ /// A dictionary that maps participant identities to the GameObjects that represent their video streams.
+ ///
+ private Dictionary videoObjects = new();
+ ///
+ /// A list of video sources created from the local webcam that are currently being published to the room.
+ ///
+ private List rtcVideoSources = new();
+ ///
+ /// A list of video streams from remote participants in the LiveKit room.
+ ///
+ private List videoStreams = new();
+ ///
+ /// Initializes the video manager by obtaining a token and setting up the camera dropdown.
+ ///
+ private void Start()
+ {
+ SetupCameraDropdown();
+ StartCoroutine(GetToken());
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Cleans up resources when the object is destroyed, including stopping the webcam
+ /// and disconnecting from the LiveKit room.
+ ///
+ private void OnDestroy()
+ {
+ if (webCamTexture != null)
+ {
+ webCamTexture.Stop();
+ }
+ room.Disconnect();
+ CleanUp();
+ room = null;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Toggles video publishing on and off.
+ /// It can be toggled with .
+ ///
+ private void Update()
+ {
+ if (SEEInput.ToggleFaceCam())
+ {
+ if (publishedTrack == null)
+ {
+ StartCoroutine(PublishVideo());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ StartCoroutine(UnpublishVideo());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Pauses or resumes the webcam video when the application is paused or resumed.
+ ///
+ /// Whether the application is paused.
+ private void OnApplicationPause(bool pause)
+ {
+ if (webCamTexture != null)
+ {
+ if (pause)
+ {
+ webCamTexture.Pause();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ webCamTexture.Play();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #region Camera Methods
+ ///
+ /// Initializes the camera dropdown menu with the list of available camera devices.
+ /// This method populates the dropdown with the names of all connected camera devices
+ /// and sets up a listener to handle camera selection changes.
+ ///
+ private void SetupCameraDropdown()
+ {
+ // Retrieve the list of available camera devices.
+ devices = WebCamTexture.devices;
+ if (devices.Length > 0)
+ {
+ List cameraNames = new();
+ // Iterate through each device and add its name to the list.
+ foreach (WebCamDevice device in devices)
+ {
+ cameraNames.Add(string.IsNullOrEmpty(device.name) ? "Unnamed Camera" : device.name);
+ }
+ CameraDropdown.ClearOptions();
+ CameraDropdown.AddOptions(cameraNames);
+ CameraDropdown.onValueChanged.AddListener(OpenSelectedCamera);
+ // Open the first camera by default.
+ OpenSelectedCamera(0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Debug.LogError("[Livekit] No camera devices available");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Opens and starts the selected camera device based on the provided index.
+ /// This method stops any currently active camera, initializes a new WebCamTexture with the selected
+ /// camera device, and starts capturing video from it. It also republishes the video stream.
+ ///
+ /// The index of the selected camera device in the dropdown list.
+ private void OpenSelectedCamera(int index)
+ {
+ if (index >= 0 && index < devices.Length)
+ {
+ webCamTexture?.Stop();
+ string selectedDeviceName = devices[index].name;
+ // Initialize a new WebCamTexture with the selected camera device.
+ webCamTexture = new WebCamTexture(selectedDeviceName);
+ webCamTexture.Play();
+ StartCoroutine(RepublishVideo());
+ Debug.Log($"[Livekit] Switched to camera: {selectedDeviceName}");
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region Connection Methods
+ ///
+ /// Fetches an authentication token from the token server and connects to the LiveKit room.
+ /// Makes a GET request to the token server with the room name and participant name.
+ /// The name of the participant is the local client ID.
+ ///
+ /// Coroutine to handle the asynchronous token request process.
+ private IEnumerator GetToken()
+ {
+ // Send a GET request to the token server to retrieve the token for this client.
+ using (UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest www = UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest.Get(
+ $"{TokenUrl}/getToken?roomName={RoomName}&participantName={NetworkManager.Singleton.LocalClientId.ToString()}"))
+ {
+ // Wait for the request to complete.
+ yield return www.SendWebRequest();
+ // Check if the request was successful.
+ if (www.result == UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest.Result.Success)
+ {
+ // Token received, proceed to join the room using the received token.
+ StartCoroutine(JoinRoom(www.downloadHandler.text));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Connects to the LiveKit room using the previously fetched token.
+ /// Initializes the room, subscribes to events, and connects with provided room options.
+ ///
+ /// The authentication token received from the token server.
+ /// Coroutine that handles the connection to the room.
+ private IEnumerator JoinRoom(string token)
+ {
+ // Initialize a new room instance.
+ room = new();
+ // Subscribe to events related to track management.
+ room.TrackSubscribed += TrackSubscribed;
+ room.TrackUnsubscribed += UnTrackSubscribed;
+ RoomOptions options = new();
+ // Attempt to connect to the room using the LiveKit server URL and the provided token.
+ ConnectInstruction connect = room.Connect(LivekitUrl, token, options);
+ yield return connect;
+ // Check if the connection was successful.
+ if (!connect.IsError)
+ {
+ Debug.Log("[Livekit] Connected to " + room.Name);
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region Publish Methods
+ ///
+ /// Publishes the local video track to the LiveKit room.
+ /// Creates a video track from the webcamtexture and publishes it to the room.
+ /// Updates the mesh object for the local client with the video.
+ /// The Mesh object is provided by LivekitVideo.prefab,
+ /// which is instantiated as an immediate child of the Player object.
+ ///
+ /// Coroutine to handle the asynchronous publishing process.
+ private IEnumerator PublishVideo()
+ {
+ // Check if the room is initialized.
+ if (room != null)
+ {
+ // Create a video source from the current webcam texture.
+ TextureVideoSource source = new TextureVideoSource(webCamTexture);
+ // Create a local video track with the video source.
+ LocalVideoTrack track = LocalVideoTrack.CreateVideoTrack("my-video-track", source, room);
+ // Define options for publishing the video track.
+ TrackPublishOptions options = new TrackPublishOptions
+ {
+ VideoCodec = VideoCodec.H264, // Codec to be used for video.
+ VideoEncoding = new VideoEncoding
+ {
+ MaxBitrate = 512000, // Maximum bitrate in bits per second.
+ // Higher values improve the quality, but require more bandwidth.
+ MaxFramerate = 30 // Maximum frames per second.
+ },
+ Simulcast = true, // Enable simulcast for better scalability.
+ // Allows participants different quality levels, but increases the server load.
+ Source = TrackSource.SourceCamera // Specify the source as the camera.
+ };
+ // Publish the video track to the room.
+ PublishTrackInstruction publish = room.LocalParticipant.PublishTrack(track, options);
+ yield return publish;
+ // Check if the publishing was successful.
+ if (!publish.IsError)
+ {
+ Debug.Log("[Livekit] Video track published!");
+ publishedTrack = track;
+ // Find and update the mesh object for the local client with the video.
+ string localClientId = NetworkManager.Singleton.LocalClientId.ToString();
+ GameObject meshObject = GameObject.Find("LivekitVideo_" + localClientId);
+ if (meshObject != null)
+ {
+ MeshRenderer renderer = meshObject.GetComponent();
+ if (renderer != null)
+ {
+ // Enable the renderer and set the texture.
+ renderer.material.mainTexture = webCamTexture;
+ renderer.enabled = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Store the mesh object in the dictionary.
+ videoObjects[localClientId] = meshObject;
+ }
+ // Start capturing and updating the video source.
+ source.Start();
+ StartCoroutine(source.Update());
+ rtcVideoSources.Add(source);
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Unpublishes the local video track from the LiveKit room.
+ /// Stops the video, disables the mesh renderer, and removes the video track.
+ ///
+ /// Coroutine to handle the asynchronous unpublishing process.
+ private IEnumerator UnpublishVideo()
+ {
+ // Check if the room is initialized.
+ if (room != null)
+ {
+ // Unpublish the video track from the room.
+ UnpublishTrackInstruction unpublish = room.LocalParticipant.UnpublishTrack(publishedTrack, true);
+ yield return unpublish;
+ // Check if the unpublishing was successful.
+ if (!unpublish.IsError)
+ {
+ Debug.Log("[Livekit] Video track unpublished.");
+ publishedTrack = null;
+ // Find and update the mesh object for the local client.
+ string localClientId = NetworkManager.Singleton.LocalClientId.ToString();
+ if (videoObjects.TryGetValue(localClientId, out GameObject meshObject) && meshObject != null)
+ {
+ MeshRenderer renderer = meshObject.GetComponent();
+ if (renderer != null)
+ {
+ // Disable the renderer and clear the texture.
+ renderer.enabled = false;
+ renderer.material.mainTexture = null;
+ }
+ // Remove the mesh object from the dictionary.
+ videoObjects.Remove(localClientId);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Republishes the video track, typically used after switching the camera.
+ ///
+ /// Coroutine that handles the republishing of the video.
+ private IEnumerator RepublishVideo()
+ {
+ if (publishedTrack != null)
+ {
+ yield return StartCoroutine(UnpublishVideo());
+ StartCoroutine(PublishVideo());
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region Track Methods
+ ///
+ /// Callback method that is invoked when a remote track is subscribed.
+ /// Handles the display of the remote video stream on a mesh object.
+ /// The Mesh object is provided by LivekitVideo.prefab,
+ /// which is instantiated as an immediate child of the Player object.
+ ///
+ /// The remote track being subscribed to.
+ /// The publication details of the track.
+ /// The remote participant owning the track.
+ private void TrackSubscribed(IRemoteTrack track, RemoteTrackPublication publication, RemoteParticipant participant)
+ {
+ if (track is RemoteVideoTrack videoTrack)
+ {
+ Debug.Log("[Livekit] TrackSubscribed for " + participant.Identity);
+ // Find the LivekitVideo object to display the video stream.
+ GameObject meshObject = GameObject.Find("LivekitVideo_" + participant.Identity);
+ if (meshObject != null)
+ {
+ MeshRenderer renderer = meshObject.GetComponent();
+ // Create a new VideoStream instance for the subscribed track.
+ VideoStream stream = new VideoStream(videoTrack);
+ stream.TextureReceived += texture =>
+ {
+ if (renderer != null)
+ {
+ // Enable the renderer and set the texture.
+ renderer.material.mainTexture = texture;
+ renderer.enabled = true;
+ }
+ };
+ videoObjects[participant.Identity] = meshObject; // Add the VideoStream to the list of video streams.
+ stream.Start(); // Start the video stream.
+ StartCoroutine(stream.Update()); // Continuously update the video stream.
+ videoStreams.Add(stream); // Add the stream to the list of active video streams.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Callback method that is invoked when a remote track is unsubscribed.
+ /// Cleans up the mesh object associated with the remote video stream.
+ ///
+ /// The remote track being unsubscribed.
+ /// The publication details of the track.
+ /// The remote participant owning the track.
+ private void UnTrackSubscribed(IRemoteTrack track, RemoteTrackPublication publication, RemoteParticipant participant)
+ {
+ if (track is RemoteVideoTrack videoTrack)
+ {
+ if (videoObjects.TryGetValue(participant.Identity, out GameObject meshObject) && meshObject != null)
+ {
+ MeshRenderer renderer = meshObject.GetComponent();
+ if (renderer != null)
+ {
+ // Disable the renderer and clear the texture.
+ renderer.enabled = false;
+ renderer.material.mainTexture = null;
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove the stream from the list of active video streams.
+ videoObjects.Remove(participant.Identity);
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region Cleanup Methods
+ ///
+ /// Cleans up all video-related objects and stops all video streams and RTC sources.
+ ///
+ private void CleanUp()
+ {
+ foreach (KeyValuePair videoObject in videoObjects)
+ {
+ foreach (RtcVideoSource rtcVideoSource in rtcVideoSources)
+ {
+ rtcVideoSource.Stop();
+ }
+ foreach (VideoStream videoStream in videoStreams)
+ {
+ videoStream.Stop();
+ }
+ rtcVideoSources.Clear();
+ videoStreams.Clear();
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/SEE/Tools/Videochat/LivekitVideoManager.cs.meta b/Assets/SEE/Tools/Livekit/LivekitVideoManager.cs.meta
similarity index 100%
rename from Assets/SEE/Tools/Videochat/LivekitVideoManager.cs.meta
rename to Assets/SEE/Tools/Livekit/LivekitVideoManager.cs.meta
diff --git a/Assets/SEE/Tools/Videochat/LivekitVideo.cs b/Assets/SEE/Tools/Videochat/LivekitVideo.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 61108e0b0c..0000000000
--- a/Assets/SEE/Tools/Videochat/LivekitVideo.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-using UnityEngine;
-using Unity.Netcode;
-using SEE.Controls;
-using SEE.Utils;
-public class LivekitVideo : NetworkBehaviour
- ///
- /// The object with the position where the player's head is located.
- ///
- private Transform playerHead;
- ///
- /// The relative path to the bone of the player's head.
- /// This is used to position the Livekit video.
- ///
- private const string faceCamOrientationBone = "CC_Base_BoneRoot/CC_Base_Hip/CC_Base_Waist/CC_Base_Spine01/CC_Base_Spine02/CC_Base_NeckTwist01/CC_Base_NeckTwist02/CC_Base_Head";
- ///
- /// The status of the position of the Livekit video.
- /// Can be positioned in front of the face or above the face, tilted towards the observer.
- /// When faceCamOnFront is true, the video is positioned in front of the face using offsetInFrontOfFace.
- /// When faceCamOnFront is false, the video is positioned above the head using offsetAboveHead.
- ///
- private bool faceCamOnFront = true;
- ///
- /// Offset for positioning the video in front of the player's face.
- /// Used when faceCamOnFront is true.
- ///
- private Vector3 offsetInFrontOfFace = new Vector3(0, 0.065f, 0.15f);
- ///
- /// Offset for positioning the video above the player's head.
- /// Used when faceCamOnFront is false.
- ///
- private Vector3 offsetAboveHead = new Vector3(0, 0.35f, 0);
- ///
- /// Called when the script instance is being loaded.
- /// Initializes the player head reference and sets the object name so that it contains the owner ID of the client.
- ///
- private void Start()
- {
- // Set the name of the object to "LivekitVideo_" followed by the owner client ID.
- gameObject.name = "LivekitVideo_" + OwnerClientId;
- // Localizes the player's head bone for the positioning of the video.
- playerHead = transform.parent.Find(faceCamOrientationBone);
- }
- ///
- /// Called once per frame to update the position and rotation of the video.
- /// Toggles the position of the video between above the player's head or in front of it.
- /// The position can be toggled with .
- ///
- private void Update()
- {
- // Update the video position when the player's head is found.
- if (playerHead != null)
- {
- UpdatePosition();
- }
- // Check for input to toggle the video position.
- if (SEEInput.ToggleFaceCamPosition())
- {
- faceCamOnFront = !faceCamOnFront;
- }
- }
- ///
- /// Updates the position and orientation of the video based on the player's head.
- ///
- /// If the video is positioned in front of the player's face, it follows
- /// the head's position and rotation. If positioned above the head, it faces the camera
- /// for remote clients.
- private void UpdatePosition()
- {
- if (faceCamOnFront)
- {
- // Position the video in front of the player's face.
- transform.SetPositionAndRotation(playerHead.TransformPoint(offsetInFrontOfFace), playerHead.rotation);
- }
- else
- {
- // Position the video above the player's head.
- transform.position = playerHead.TransformPoint(offsetAboveHead);
- // If this object is not owned by the local client, make it face the main camera.
- if (!IsOwner && MainCamera.Camera != null)
- {
- transform.LookAt(MainCamera.Camera.transform);
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/Assets/SEE/Tools/Videochat/LivekitVideoManager.cs b/Assets/SEE/Tools/Videochat/LivekitVideoManager.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e577c6798..0000000000
--- a/Assets/SEE/Tools/Videochat/LivekitVideoManager.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,466 +0,0 @@
-// Code inspired by https://github.com/livekit-examples/unity-example/blob/main/LivekitUnitySampleApp/Assets/LivekitSamples.cs
-using System.Collections;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using UnityEngine;
-using LiveKit;
-using LiveKit.Proto;
-using RoomOptions = LiveKit.RoomOptions;
-using UnityEngine.UI;
-using TMPro;
-using Unity.Netcode;
-using SEE.Controls;
-/// Manages LiveKit video streams and plays them via the LivekitVideo object in the player objects.
-/// Handles publishing/unpublishing local video, subscribing/unsubscribing to remote video,
-/// and switching between available camera devices.
-public class LivekitVideoManager : NetworkBehaviour
- ///
- /// The URL of the LiveKit server to connect to.
- ///
- public string livekitUrl = "ws://localhost:7880";
- ///
- /// The URL used to fetch the access token required for authentication.
- ///
- public string tokenUrl = "http://localhost:3000";
- ///
- /// The room name to join in LiveKit.
- ///
- public string roomName = "development";
- ///
- /// The LiveKit room object that manages connection and tracks.
- ///
- private Room room = null;
- ///
- /// The local video track being published to the LiveKit server.
- ///
- private LocalVideoTrack publishedTrack = null;
- ///
- /// The WebCamTexture used to capture the video stream from the selected camera.
- ///
- private WebCamTexture webCamTexture = null;
- ///
- /// The index of the currently selected camera.
- ///
- private int currentCameraIndex = 0;
- ///
- /// An array containing the available webcam devices.
- ///
- private WebCamDevice[] devices;
- ///
- /// The dropdown UI component used to select between different available cameras.
- ///
- public TMP_Dropdown cameraDropdown;
- ///
- /// A dictionary that maps participant identities to the GameObjects that represent their video streams.
- ///
- private Dictionary _videoObjects = new();
- ///
- /// A list of video sources created from the local webcam that are currently being published to the room.
- ///
- private List _rtcVideoSources = new();
- ///
- /// A list of video streams from remote participants in the LiveKit room.
- ///
- private List _videoStreams = new();
- ///
- /// Initializes the video manager by obtaining a token and setting up the camera dropdown.
- ///
- private void Start()
- {
- SetupCameraDropdown();
- StartCoroutine(GetToken());
- }
- ///
- /// Cleans up resources when the object is destroyed, including stopping the webcam
- /// and disconnecting from the LiveKit room.
- ///
- private void OnDestroy()
- {
- if (webCamTexture != null)
- {
- webCamTexture.Stop();
- }
- room.Disconnect();
- CleanUp();
- room = null;
- }
- ///
- /// Toggles video publishing on and off.
- /// It can be toggled with .
- ///
- private void Update()
- {
- if (SEEInput.ToggleFaceCam())
- {
- if (publishedTrack == null)
- {
- StartCoroutine(PublishVideo());
- }
- else
- {
- StartCoroutine(UnpublishVideo());
- }
- }
- }
- ///
- /// Pauses or resumes the webcam video when the application is paused or resumed.
- ///
- /// Whether the application is paused.
- private void OnApplicationPause(bool pause)
- {
- if (webCamTexture != null)
- {
- if (pause)
- {
- webCamTexture.Pause();
- }
- else
- {
- webCamTexture.Play();
- }
- }
- }
- // Camera Methods
- ///
- /// Initializes the camera dropdown menu with the list of available camera devices.
- /// This method populates the dropdown with the names of all connected camera devices
- /// and sets up a listener to handle camera selection changes.
- ///
- private void SetupCameraDropdown()
- {
- // Retrieve the list of available camera devices
- devices = WebCamTexture.devices;
- if (devices.Length > 0)
- {
- List cameraNames = new List();
- // Iterate through each device and add its name to the list
- foreach (var device in devices)
- {
- cameraNames.Add(string.IsNullOrEmpty(device.name) ? "Unnamed Camera" : device.name);
- }
- cameraDropdown.ClearOptions();
- cameraDropdown.AddOptions(cameraNames);
- cameraDropdown.onValueChanged.AddListener(OpenSelectedCamera);
- // Open the first camera by default
- OpenSelectedCamera(0);
- }
- else
- {
- Debug.LogError("[Livekit] No camera devices available");
- }
- }
- ///
- /// Opens and starts the selected camera device based on the provided index.
- /// This method stops any currently active camera, initializes a new WebCamTexture with the selected
- /// camera device, and starts capturing video from it. It also republishes the video stream.
- ///
- /// The index of the selected camera device in the dropdown list.
- private void OpenSelectedCamera(int index)
- {
- if (index >= 0 && index < devices.Length)
- {
- webCamTexture?.Stop();
- string selectedDeviceName = devices[index].name;
- // Initialize a new WebCamTexture with the selected camera device
- webCamTexture = new WebCamTexture(selectedDeviceName);
- webCamTexture.Play();
- StartCoroutine(RepublishVideo());
- Debug.Log($"[Livekit] Switched to camera: {selectedDeviceName}");
- }
- }
- // Connection Methods
- ///
- /// Fetches an authentication token from the token server and connects to the LiveKit room.
- /// Makes a GET request to the token server with the room name and participant name.
- /// The name of the participant is the local client ID.
- ///
- /// Coroutine to handle the asynchronous token request process.
- private IEnumerator GetToken()
- {
- // Send a GET request to the token server to retrieve the token for this client
- using (UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest www = UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest.Get(
- $"{tokenUrl}/getToken?roomName={roomName}&participantName={NetworkManager.Singleton.LocalClientId.ToString()}"))
- {
- // Wait for the request to complete.
- yield return www.SendWebRequest();
- // Check if the request was successful.
- if (www.result == UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest.Result.Success)
- {
- // Token received, proceed to join the room using the received token.
- StartCoroutine(JoinRoom(www.downloadHandler.text));
- }
- }
- }
- ///
- /// Connects to the LiveKit room using the previously fetched token.
- /// Initializes the room, subscribes to events, and connects with provided room options.
- ///
- /// The authentication token received from the token server.
- /// Coroutine that handles the connection to the room.
- private IEnumerator JoinRoom(string token)
- {
- // Initialize a new room instance.
- room = new Room();
- // Subscribe to events related to track management.
- room.TrackSubscribed += TrackSubscribed;
- room.TrackUnsubscribed += UnTrackSubscribed;
- var options = new RoomOptions();
- // Attempt to connect to the room using the LiveKit server URL and the provided token.
- var connect = room.Connect(livekitUrl, token, options);
- yield return connect;
- // Check if the connection was successful.
- if (!connect.IsError)
- {
- Debug.Log("[Livekit] Connected to " + room.Name);
- }
- }
- // Publish Methods
- ///
- /// Publishes the local video track to the LiveKit room.
- /// Creates a video track from the webcamtexture and publishes it to the room.
- /// Updates the mesh object for the local client with the video.
- /// The Mesh object is provided by LivekitVideo.prefab,
- /// which is instantiated as a immediate child of the Player object.
- ///
- /// Coroutine to handle the asynchronous publishing process.
- private IEnumerator PublishVideo()
- {
- // Check if the room is initialized.
- if (room != null)
- {
- // Create a video source from the current webcam texture.
- var source = new TextureVideoSource(webCamTexture);
- // Create a local video track with the video source.
- var track = LocalVideoTrack.CreateVideoTrack("my-video-track", source, room);
- // Define options for publishing the video track.
- var options = new TrackPublishOptions
- {
- VideoCodec = VideoCodec.H264, // Codec to be used for video.
- VideoEncoding = new VideoEncoding
- {
- MaxBitrate = 512000, // Maximum bitrate in bits per second.
- // Higher values improve the quality, but require more bandwidth.
- MaxFramerate = 30 // Maximum frames per second.
- },
- Simulcast = true, // Enable simulcast for better scalability.
- // Allows participants different quality levels, but increases the server load.
- Source = TrackSource.SourceCamera // Specify the source as the camera.
- };
- // Publish the video track to the room.
- var publish = room.LocalParticipant.PublishTrack(track, options);
- yield return publish;
- // Check if the publishing was successful.
- if (!publish.IsError)
- {
- Debug.Log("[Livekit] Video track published!");
- publishedTrack = track;
- // Find and update the mesh object for the local client with the video.
- var localClientId = NetworkManager.Singleton.LocalClientId.ToString();
- var meshObject = GameObject.Find("LivekitVideo_" + localClientId);
- if (meshObject != null)
- {
- MeshRenderer renderer = meshObject.GetComponent();
- if (renderer != null)
- {
- // Enable the renderer and set the texture.
- renderer.material.mainTexture = webCamTexture;
- renderer.enabled = true;
- }
- }
- // Store the mesh object in the dictionary.
- _videoObjects[localClientId] = meshObject;
- }
- // Start capturing and updating the video source.
- source.Start();
- StartCoroutine(source.Update());
- _rtcVideoSources.Add(source);
- }
- }
- ///
- /// Unpublishes the local video track from the LiveKit room.
- /// Stops the video, disables the mesh renderer, and removes the video track.
- ///
- /// Coroutine to handle the asynchronous unpublishing process.
- private IEnumerator UnpublishVideo()
- {
- // Check if the room is initialized.
- if (room != null)
- {
- // Unpublish the video track from the room.
- var unpublish = room.LocalParticipant.UnpublishTrack(publishedTrack, true);
- yield return unpublish;
- // Check if the unpublishing was successful.
- if (!unpublish.IsError)
- {
- Debug.Log("[Livekit] Video track unpublished.");
- publishedTrack = null;
- // Find and update the mesh object for the local client.
- var localClientId = NetworkManager.Singleton.LocalClientId.ToString();
- if (_videoObjects.TryGetValue(localClientId, out GameObject meshObject) && meshObject != null)
- {
- MeshRenderer renderer = meshObject.GetComponent();
- if (renderer != null)
- {
- // Disable the renderer and clear the texture.
- renderer.enabled = false;
- renderer.material.mainTexture = null;
- }
- // Remove the mesh object from the dictionary.
- _videoObjects.Remove(localClientId);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ///
- /// Republishes the video track, typically used after switching the camera.
- ///
- /// Coroutine that handles the republishing of the video.
- private IEnumerator RepublishVideo()
- {
- if (publishedTrack != null)
- {
- yield return StartCoroutine(UnpublishVideo());
- StartCoroutine(PublishVideo());
- }
- }
- // Track Methods
- ///
- /// Callback method that is invoked when a remote track is subscribed.
- /// Handles the display of the remote video stream on a mesh object.
- /// The Mesh object is provided by LivekitVideo.prefab,
- /// which is instantiated as a immediate child of the Player object.
- ///
- /// The remote track being subscribed to.
- /// The publication details of the track.
- /// The remote participant owning the track.
- private void TrackSubscribed(IRemoteTrack track, RemoteTrackPublication publication, RemoteParticipant participant)
- {
- if (track is RemoteVideoTrack videoTrack)
- {
- Debug.Log("[Livekit] TrackSubscribed for " + participant.Identity);
- // Find the LivekitVideo object to display the video stream.
- var meshObject = GameObject.Find("LivekitVideo_" + participant.Identity);
- if (meshObject != null)
- {
- MeshRenderer renderer = meshObject.GetComponent();
- // Create a new VideoStream instance for the subscribed track.
- var stream = new VideoStream(videoTrack);
- stream.TextureReceived += texture =>
- {
- if (renderer != null)
- {
- // Enable the renderer and set the texture.
- renderer.material.mainTexture = texture;
- renderer.enabled = true;
- }
- };
- _videoObjects[participant.Identity] = meshObject; // Add the VideoStream to the list of video streams.
- stream.Start(); // Start the video stream.
- StartCoroutine(stream.Update()); // Continuously update the video stream.
- _videoStreams.Add(stream); // Add the stream to the list of active video streams.
- }
- }
- }
- ///
- /// Callback method that is invoked when a remote track is unsubscribed.
- /// Cleans up the mesh object associated with the remote video stream.
- ///
- /// The remote track being unsubscribed.
- /// The publication details of the track.
- /// The remote participant owning the track.
- private void UnTrackSubscribed(IRemoteTrack track, RemoteTrackPublication publication, RemoteParticipant participant)
- {
- if (track is RemoteVideoTrack videoTrack)
- {
- if (_videoObjects.TryGetValue(participant.Identity, out GameObject meshObject) && meshObject != null)
- {
- MeshRenderer renderer = meshObject.GetComponent();
- if (renderer != null)
- {
- // Disable the renderer and clear the texture.
- renderer.enabled = false;
- renderer.material.mainTexture = null;
- }
- }
- // Remove the stream from the list of active video streams.
- _videoObjects.Remove(participant.Identity);
- }
- }
- // Cleanup Methods
- ///
- /// Cleans up all video-related objects and stops all video streams and RTC sources.
- ///
- private void CleanUp()
- {
- foreach (var item in _videoObjects)
- {
- foreach (var rtcVideoSource in _rtcVideoSources)
- {
- rtcVideoSource.Stop();
- }
- foreach (var videoStream in _videoStreams)
- {
- videoStream.Stop();
- }
- _rtcVideoSources.Clear();
- _videoStreams.Clear();
- }
- }