{{#block "logo"}} {%= include("update/logo") %} {{/block}}
{{#block "community" heading="### Community"}} {%= include("update/community") %} {{/block}}
Most updaters do one specific thing. This updater updates package.json
in the current working directory using [normalize-pkg][].
{%= include("update/updater-install") %}
{%= include("update/updater-run") %}
What will happen?
Upon running $ update package
command, this updater's default
task will update the package.json in the current working directory using the default settings and schema in [normalize-pkg][].
Learn how to automatically run this updater{built-in-tasks.md#init} with the update
{%= apidocs('index.js') %}
Visit the documentation for tasks{tasks.md}.
- fixes how contributors are updated to ensure that any existing contributors (on the package.json contributors array) are retained and merged with the contributors from github's API
- fixes package.json license when an invalid value exists (from an old bug that has been fixed in [verb][])