This is a growing collection of Fortran procedures related to factorization of integers and polynomials, and prime factorization.
Division is basically the reverse operation of multiplication. But it gets a little more difficult when your factors can only be whole numbers.
The factors are any of the numbers (or symbols) that form a product when multiplied together.
So, for example an Integer Factor is one of two or more integers that can be exactly divided into another integer.
Another equivalent way to define "factor" is that it is quantity which is multiplied by another quantity.
This is in contrast to statistics, where a factor can mean any independent variable.
There are a few basic example programs included as well ...
- lcm - display least common multiple of a list of whole numbers
- factors - display prime factors of numbers
- gcd - display greatest common divisor of a list of whole numbers
All the procedures are gathered into the Fortran module M_factor.f90. So far ...
M_factor(3fm) - module for least common multiple, greatest common divisor, and prime factors
use M_factor, only : least_common_multiple, greatest_common_divisor
use M_factor, only : prime_factors, i_is_prime
Least common multiple of two integers or vector m(:), matrix m(:,:) or cuboid m(:, :, :)
greatest common divisor of two integers or vector m(:), matrix m(:,:) or cuboid m(:, :, :)
decompose a number into its prime factors
Determine if a number is prime using Sieve of Erasthosthenes
This module is a collection of procedures that perform common functions found in arithmetic and number theory such as Least Common Multiples, Greatest Common Divisors, and Prime Factors of INTEGER variables. The INTEGER values are typically limited to values up to the magnitude (2**31)-1= 2147483647.
The individual man(1) pages for each procedure contain examples and a full description of the procedure parameters.
git clone
cd M_factor/src
# change Makefile if not using one of the listed compilers
# for gfortran
make clean
make F90=gfortran gfortran
# for ifort
make clean
make F90=ifort ifort
# for nvfortran
make clean
make F90=nvfortran nvfortran
This will compile the Fortran module and basic example program that exercise the routine.
Alternatively, download the github repository and build it with fpm ( as described at Fortran Package Manager )
git clone
cd M_factor
fpm run "*"
fpm run --example "*"
fpm test
or just list it as a dependency in your fpm.toml project file.
M_factor = { git = "" }
A single page that uses javascript to combine all the HTML descriptions of the man-pages is at BOOK_M_factor.
a simple index to the man-pages in HTML form for the routines and programs
There are man-pages in the repository download in the docs/ directory that may be installed on ULS (Unix-Like Systems).
CHANGELOG provides a history of significant changes