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This package provides tools to facilitate an easy install without worrying about dependencies. This file describes two simple means on how to install the software on a minimal CentOS 7 and minimal CentOS 8 install. This software package provides 2 scripts that help compiling and installing all software modules on a fresh minimal CentOS 7/8 install.

Build and Install

In case the build and install is preferred to be completely manual, please check the source directory of each module for additional README and INSTALL files that do explain how the install should be done. This will be of big help if the installation is done on systems other than CentOS7 and CentOS8.

This install section deals with helper scripts that allow a plug & play install fully automated as well as partial automated. The most important script for building the software is It is highly recommended to get familiar with all the options of this script which can be retrieved using the parameter -?.

This script removed the hassle of specifying all configure parameters etc. It allows to install the complete software in the folder where the code base is located in. This is of interest for everyone who prefers to have the install sandboxed.


We thoroughly tested the configuration on different platforms such as Physical systems, VirtualBox, Proxmox, and Docker. All systems were using CentOS-7 and CentOS-8 installs (minimal)

It is important to notice that the virtualized systems require the capability to modify the systems networking. To allow that for docker instances, each container must be called using the following command or similar:

docker run --cap-add=NET_ADMIN -ti --name=C7 centos:7 bash

Manual Install

Installing everything manual without any install script. This method does not use the install script specified in the file. For this method all libraries must be installed by hand before calling the ./ script.

To see the full list of repositories needed consult the CONTENT file. It is updated to provide the latest information.

The following command allows to generate a list of packages to required.

cat CONTENT | grep requires | sort -u

To generate the list with yum install command use the command below

cat CONTENT | grep requires | sort -u | sed -e "s/- requires/yum install -y /g" | sh

Once all libraries are installed call the build script.

./ -A -T -X examples 1 -I

  • -A: Answer all questions with Y(es)
  • -T: Touch all autoconfig files. This is sometimes required.
  • -X: Pass a configuration setting to the given module.

The parameter -X examples 1 specifies to have one parameter to the script of examples. The parameter is -I for automated NIC-ALIAS installation.

In case the build script fails, it is recommended to clean the failed module by calling ./ -D <MODULE> before starting a new attempt.

Each script provides the parameter "-?" for help. Also see the appropriate README file in each module folder for more information.

Automated Install

To facilitate automated installation, create a file on the target system called This file should be located in the /opt folder or any other folder you plan on installing the software in. Edit the newly created file and copy the bash script listed at the end of this file into the newly created file.

Once this is done, call sh The script will ask for a set of parameters.

  • (git|zip) Specifies the source of the software, clone a git repo or download and extract the zip file
  • (master|v5|v6) Specifies the version. Since 6.1 master and v6 are same.
  • (c8) Specify this install is on CentOS 8
  • (-I) Specify that interfaces are to be installed if missing, needed for the EXAMPLE project

This form is the simplest install. The install script does install all required libraries, installs the system, and executes the system checks.


Install or Compile Fails

First look at the output and try to identify what went wrong. In most cases the system provides enough information towards the end of the output what happened. Each file can be compiled individually by specifying the module name. It is recommended to use get familiarized with the build script using the -? parameter. The proper command is ./ -?.

To clean a module (uninstall and clean configuration) cal the build script ./ -D <module-name> or omit the <module-name> to clean all modules.

Problems Installing the Examples

The most common error while compiling and installing the examples is related to networking. The examples are using multiple different interfaces. In case not enough interfaces are available the system allows to automatically install the required interfaces using ALIAS interfaces.

To allow an automatic install of ALIAS interfaces, the configure script of the examples project needs the parameter -I. To pass this parameter to the configuration script the script provides a mechanism to pass the parameters through to the install script. This is done using the parameter -X <module-lower-case> <num-params> <param> [<param>*]. in this case the proper command is ./ EXAMPLES -A -X examples 1 -I where the parameter -A which allows to answer every user input with 'Y'.

Then automatically installing the examples the configuration script determines how many IP addresses are needed and scans each interface available. Then it uses the already assigned IP address of the interface and tries to locate available IP addresses int he /24 network of the NICS's IP address.

NOTE: While parsing through the /24 network, the configuration script provides a search progress bar [pppp-pp-] with p indicating an address is used and - a free address is located and will be used. The parsing starts from A.B.C.1 to A.B.C.254.

Error During Install incl. Bootstrap Install Script

In case the script terminates in an error, analyse the output of the script. Most likely the script will provide enough information to decide the next steps.

The general order for installing is:

  • SCA (needed by SRxSnP, QSRx, and BIO)
  • SRxSnP (needed by QSRx) / BIO (order irrelevant)
  • QSRx / BIO (if not installed already)

In case the install script stops with an error, carefully read the message. Each module can be re-build manually. It is recommended to deep clean a module prior configuration and building. This can be achieved using the command ./ -D <module> [<module> ]*

The most likely error will happen during the configuration of the experiments using the script. In this case the following steps will most likely solve the issues:

  • Deep clean EXAMPLES: ./ EXAMPLES -D
  • Reconfigure and build EXAMPLES: ./ -A -T -X examples 1 -I

Afterwards calling ./ -R allows to quicktest the installation. ssss

Lost ALIAS NIC After System Reboot

Once the system is rebooted, all ALIAS interfaces are lost. To re-bind the previously assigned IP addresses the examples module must be re-configured. To RE-configure the module, call ./ -C EXAMPLES -X examples -1 -A to allow re-binding of the previously installed IP addresses.

In case the IP addresses are not available anymore we recommend to clean the example projects (all changed to installed examples will be lost) and rebuild the examples.

The Fully Automated Bootstrap Install Script

This section provides a script that can be used for a CentOS 7 and CentOS 8 minimal install. Copy the script below into a new install script file and run it. The script is tested and should be free of bugs but regardless it is to be used on your on risk!

The script functions works with default CentOS 7 and CentOS 8 Docker containers, though the configuration of the experiments does fail if not enough interfaces are provided to the container itself. Due to security restrictions, this script is not able to generate alias interfaces from within a docker container as it is possible from within virtual machines, ProxMox containers, and physical systems. The script is configured for CentOS 7 distributions but also can operate under CentOS 8 distributions using the switch 'c8'.

In case the target system is a Docker container, the container must either contain 3 or more NICs or be started with the parameter docker run --cap-add=NET_ADMIN -ti --name=C7 centos:7 bash to allow for the examples being properly installed. The issue is related to allowing the generation of missing ALIAS NICs from within the docker image.


#Install Script for BGP-SRx on clean CentOS 7 and CentOS 8 install
echo "Install Script for BGP-SRx on clean CentOS 7 and CentOS 8 install"

# wget:   needed to retrieve the GitHub repo via zip file
# unzip:  needed to extract the repo
# git:    needed to retrieve the GitHub repo via clone
# epel-release: needed for uthash-devel later on
# sed:    needed to configure the EXAMPLES correctly
# screen: needed to allow EXAMPLES to be started in separate screen sessions
# telnet: needed for view-tables command in examples
# ifconfig: needed to identify IP addresses in the system for EXAMPLES configuration
# gnome-terminal: Only is used on gnome-based systems (manual install)

repo=( "" NIST-BGP-SRx-master
       "--branch__version5__" NIST-BGP-SRx-master
       "" NIST-BGP-SRx-version6
       "" NIST-BGP-SRx-version5

switches=( "master" "v5" "v6" )
sw_str=$(echo ${switches[@]} | sed -e "s/ /|/g")
in_docker_image="$(cat /proc/1/cgroup | grep 'docker/' | tail -1 | sed 's/^.*\///' | cut -c 1-12)"

for item in ${repo[@]} ; do
  echo $item | grep -e "\.zip$" > /dev/null
  if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then break; else zip_start=$(($zip_start+1)); fi

# Used to allow configuration of interface addresses.

while [ "$1" != "" ]
  case "$1" in 
    "git") mode="git"; select_repo=0; tool_pkg="$(echo $tool_pkg) git" ;;
    "zip") mode="zip"; select_repo=zip_start ; tool_pkg="$(echo $tool_pkg) wget unzip" ;;
    "-I")  config_iface='-X examples 1 -I' ;;
    "-h" | "-?" | "?" | "h") 
           echo "$0 <git|zip> <$sw_str> [c8] [-I]"; 
           echo "  git  Retrieve the git repository"
           echo "  zip  Download and install the zip file"  
           echo "  c8   Install on CentOS 8 system"
           echo "  -I   Allow script to install ALIAS interfaces for experiments"
           echo "       if needed. See ./ -? for more information!"

    "master" \
    | "v6") select=0; version="GitHub V6" ;;
    "v5")   select=1; version="GitHub V5" ;;

    "pr6") echo "Pre-Release is deprecated! Abort !!"; exit 99 ;;

    "c8") echo "Prepare for CentOS 8"
          tool_pkg="$(echo $tool_pkg) dnf-plugins-core"
          devel_pkg="$(echo $devel_pkg) make tar patch"
    *) echo "Unknown parameter '$1'"; exit ;; 

if [ "$version" == "0" ] ; then
  echo "You must select an install version."
  echo "$0 <git|zip> <$sw_str> [c8] [-I]"
  exit 1
  echo "Install version $version!"

if [ "$mode" == "" ] ; then
  echo "You must select an install mode."
  echo "$0 <git|zip> <$sw_str> [c8] [-I]"
  exit 1
  echo "Use $mode mode"

select_repo=$(( ($select*2) + $select_repo ))
select_fldr=$(( $select_repo+1 ))

repo_name="$(echo ${repo[$select_repo]} | sed -e "s/__/ /g")"

tool_pkg="$(echo $tool_pkg) gcc patch openssl epel-release autoconf net-tools bind-utils sudo which sed telnet"
devel_pkg="$(echo $devel_pkg) file screen libconfig-devel openssl-devel uthash-devel readline-devel net-snmp-devel wget bgpdump"
echo "yum -y install $tool_pkg"
yum -y install $tool_pkg
if [ ! $? -eq 0 ] ; then
  echo "An error occurred installing one or more of the required packages!"
  exit 1
# $devel_pkg requires one package from the epel-release repo and for C8 from CentOS8-PowerTools. 
# Therefore 2 steps of install.
if [ $use_c8 -eq 1 ] ; then
  if [ "$in_docker_image" == "" ] ; then
    # In VM or real system
    echo "Enable CentOS-PowerTools"
    yum config-manager --set-enabled PowerTools
    # In docker container
    echo "Enable CentOS-Linux-PowerTools"
    yum config-manager --set-enabled powertools
  if [ ! $? -eq 0 ] ; then
    echo "An error occurred during enabling the PowerTools repository!"
    exit 1
echo “yum -y install $devel_pkg”
yum -y install $devel_pkg
if [ ! $? -eq 0 ] ; then
  echo "An error occurred installing one or more of the required packages!";
  exit 1

if [ "$mode" == "zip" ] ; then
  # Now get the repository and unpack it
  echo "wget $repo_name"
  wget $repo_name
  echo "unzip $( basename $repo_name )"
  unzip $( basename $repo_name )
  # Now get the source via git clone
  echo "git clone $repo_name $repo_fldr"
  git clone $repo_name $repo_fldr

# Enter into the Source code folder
echo "cd $repo_fldr/"
cd $repo_fldr/

# Check if enough IP addresses are available
ip_needed=$(grep "<ip-address-[0-9]\+>" examples/IP-Address.cfg | sed -e "s/.*\(<.*>\)/\1/g" | sort -u | wc -l)
ip_available=$(ip addr | grep "inet " | wc -l)
if [ $ip_available -gt 0 ] ; then
  # Remove count for
  ip_available=$(( $ip_available-1 ))
if [ $ip_available -lt $ip_needed ] && [ "$config_iface" == "" ]; then
  echo "******************************************************************************"
  echo " It is recommended to run the install script with the option -I to allow"
  echo " the installation of additional ALIAS interfaces."
  echo " The current system configuration does NOT have enough IP addresses available"
  echo " to properly install the EXAMPLES."
  echo "   - Available IPv4 Addresses: $ip_available"
  echo "   - Needed IPv4 Addresses: $ip_needed"
  echo "******************************************************************************"
  while [ "$yn" == "" ] ; do
    read -p "Continue using the recommended setting -I ? [Y/N]" yn
    case $yn in
      "y" | "Y") config_iface='-X examples 1 -I' ;;
      "n" | "N") config_iface='' ;;
      *) yn="" ;;

# Build the software (-A runs it fully automated) (-T prevent aclocal error)
# $config_iface might add -I if requested.
echo "./ -A -T $config_iface"
./ -A -T $config_iface

if [ $errCode -gt 10 ] && [ $errCode -lt 20 ] ; then
  errCode=$(( $errCode - 10 ))
  echo "Error during install of SRx Crypto API (SCA)!"
if [ $errCode -gt 20 ] && [ $errCode -lt 30 ] ; then
  errCode=$(( $errCode - 20 ))
  echo "Error during install of SRx Server and Proxy (SRxSnP)!"
if [ $errCode -gt 30 ] && [ $errCode -lt 40 ] ; then
  errCode=$(( $errCode - 30 ))
  echo "Error during install of QuaggaSRx (QSRx)!"
if [ $errCode -gt 40 ] && [ $errCode -lt 50 ] ; then
  errCode=$(( $errCode - 40 ))
  echo "Error during install of BGPsec-IO (BIO)!"
if [ $errCode -gt 50 ] && [ $errCode -lt 60 ] ; then
  errCode=$(( $errCode - 50 ))
  echo "Error during install of Examples (EXAMPLES)!"
  echo "In case alias interfaces needed to be installed,"
  if [ "$(whoami)" != "root" ] ; then
    echo "make sure '$(whoami)' is in the sudoers file."
    echo -n "In addition "
  echo "be aware that interfaces cannot be added from "
  echo "within Docker images. Configure the Docker image with"
  echo "the required amount of interfaces prior configuring the"
  echo "EXAMPLES project!"

if [ $errCode -eq 0 ]  ; then
  # Call the quick tester
  echo "./ -R"
  ./ -R

  if [ $errCode -gt 0 ] ; then
    echo "An error [$errCode] occurred during testing."
    exit $errCode
  echo "To rerun the build script, call ./ [SCA] [SRxSnP] [QSRx] [BIO] [EXAMPLES]"

# Display the compiled and installed software 
echo "The installed software can be found at:"
ls | grep local-

exit $errCode