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[oneMKL][RNG][Spec] Added oneMKL RNG Device APIs (#493)
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iMartyan committed Sep 5, 2023
1 parent 84ec400 commit e494df3
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Showing 72 changed files with 2,829 additions and 162 deletions.
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.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Intel Corporation
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
.. _onemkl_device_rng_distributions_method:

Distributions Template Parameter Method

.. tabularcolumns:: |\Y{0.4}|\Y{0.2}|\Y{0.4}|

.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
:class: longtable

* - Method Type
- Distributions
- Math Description

* - ``uniform_method::standard``
- ``uniform``
- Standard method. ``uniform_method::accurate`` checks for additional ``float`` and ``double`` data types.
For ``integer`` data types, it uses ``double`` as a ``BRNG`` data type (``float`` ``BRNG`` data type is used in
``uniform_method::standard`` method on GPU).
* - ``gaussian_method::box_muller2``
- ``gaussian``
- Generates normally distributed random numbers `x1` and `x2` through the pair of uniformly distributed numbers `u1` and `u2` according to
the formulas: :math:`x_1 = \sqrt{-2 \ln u_1} \sin {2 \pi u_2}`\ :math:`x_2 = \sqrt{-2 \ln u_1} \cos {2 \pi u_2}`\
* - ``exponential_method::icdf``
- ``exponential``
- Inverse cumulative distribution function (ICDF) method.
* - ``lognormal_method::box_muller2``
- ``lognormal``
- Normally distributed random numbers `x1` and `x2` are produced through the pair of uniformly distributed numbers `u1` and `u2` according to the formulas:
:math:`x_1 = -2 \ln u_1 \sin {2 \pi u_2}`\ \ :math:`x_2 = -2 \ln u_1 \cos {2 \pi u_2}`\

Then `x1` and `x2` are converted to lognormal distribution.
* - ``bernoulli_method::icdf``
- ``bernoulli``
- Inverse cumulative distribution function (ICDF) method.
* - ``poisson_method::devroye``
- ``poisson``
- Acceptance/rejection method for :math:`\lambda \geq 27` with decomposition into four regions:

* Two parallelograms
* Triangle
* Left exponential tail
* Right exponential tail

`NOTE:` Methods provided for exposition purposes.
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.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Intel Corporation
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
.. _onemkl_device_rng_distributions:

Device Distributions

oneMKL RNG routines are used to generate random numbers with different types of distributions. Each function group is
introduced below by the type of underlying distribution and contains a short description of its functionality, as well
as specifications of the call sequence and the explanation of input and output parameters. The Device Continuous
Distribution Generators table and Device Discrete Distribution Generators table mention random number generator routines
with data types and output distributions, and sets correspondence between data types of the generator routines and the
basic random number generators.

**Device Continuous Distribution Generators**

.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1

* - Type of Distribution
- Data Types
- BRNG Data Type
- Description
* - :ref:`onemkl_device_rng_uniform_continuous`
- float, double
- float, double
- Uniform continuous distribution on the interval [``a,b``)
* - :ref:`onemkl_device_rng_gaussian`
- float, double
- float, double
- Normal (Gaussian) distribution
* - :ref:`onemkl_device_rng_exponential`
- float, double
- float, double
- Exponential distribution
* - :ref:`onemkl_device_rng_lognormal`
- float, double
- float, double
- Lognormal distribution

**Device Discrete Distribution Generators**

.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1

* - Type of Distribution
- Data Types
- BRNG Data Type
- Description
* - :ref:`onemkl_device_rng_uniform_discrete`
- integer
- float
- Uniform discrete distribution on the interval [``a,b``)
* - :ref:`onemkl_device_rng_bits`
- integer
- integer
- Bits of underlying BRNG integer sequence
* - :ref:`onemkl_device_rng_uniform_bits`
- integer
- integer
- Uniformly distributed bits in 32/64-bit chunks
* - :ref:`onemkl_device_rng_poisson`
- integer
- integer
- Poisson distribution
* - :ref:`onemkl_device_rng_bernoulli`
- integer
- integer
- Bernoulli distribution

`NOTE:` In case of ``integer`` check desired distribution for supported data types.

**Parent topic:** :ref:`onemkl_device_rng_routines`

.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1


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.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Intel Corporation
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
.. _onemkl_device_rng_engines:

Device Engines (Basic Random Number Generators)

oneMKL RNG provides following device pseudorandom number generators:

.. tabularcolumns:: |\Y{0.4}|\Y{0.6}|

.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
:class: longtable

* - Routine
- Description

* - :ref:`onemkl_device_rng_mrg32k3a`
- The combined multiple recursive pseudorandom number generator ``MRG32k3a`` [:ref:`L'Ecuyer99 <onemkl_rng_bibliography>`]

* - :ref:`onemkl_device_rng_philox4x32x10`
- Philox4x32-10 counter-based pseudorandom number generator with a period of :math:`2^{128}` ``PHILOX4X32X10`` [:ref:`Salmon11 <onemkl_rng_bibliography>`]

* - :ref:`onemkl_device_rng_mcg31m1`
- The 31-bit multiplicative congruential pseudorandom number generator MCG(:math:`1132489760, 2^{32}-1`) :ref:`[L'Ecuyer99a] <onemkl_rng_bibliography>`.

* - :ref:`onemkl_device_rng_mcg59`
- The 59-bit multiplicative congruential pseudorandom number generator MCG(:math:`13^{13}, 2^{59}`) from NAG Numerical Libraries :ref:`[NAG] <onemkl_rng_bibliography>`.

**Parent topic:** :ref:`onemkl_device_rng_routines`

.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1

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@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Intel Corporation
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
.. _onemkl_device_rng_bernoulli:


Generates Bernoulli distributed random values.

.. rubric:: Description

The ``bernoulli`` class object is used in the ``generate`` and function
to provide Bernoulli distributed random numbers with probability ``p`` of a single trial success,
where :math:`p \in R; 0 \leq p \leq 1`.

The probability distribution is given by:

.. math::
P(X = 1) = p
.. math::
P(X = 0) = 1 - p
The cumulative distribution function is as follows:

.. math::
F_p(x) =
0, & x < 0 \\
1 - p, & 0 \leq x < 1, x \in R \\
1, & x \geq 1
class bernoulli

.. rubric:: Syntax

.. code-block:: cpp
namespace oneapi::mkl::rng::device {
template<typename IntType, typename Method>
class bernoulli {
using method_type = Method;
using result_type = IntType;
explicit bernoulli(float p);
float p() const;
.. container:: section

.. rubric:: Template parameters

.. container:: section

typename IntType
Type of the produced values. Supported types:
* ``std::int32_t``
* ``std::uint32_t``

.. container:: section

typename Method = oneapi::mkl::rng::bernoulli_method::by_default
Transformation method, which will be used for generation. Supported types:

* ``oneapi::mkl::rng::bernoulli_method::by_default``
* ``oneapi::mkl::rng::bernoulli_method::icdf``

See description of the methods in :ref:`Distributions methods template parameter<onemkl_rng_distributions_template_parameter_mkl_rng_method_values>`.

.. container:: section

.. rubric:: Class Members

.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1

* - Routine
- Description
* - `bernoulli()`_
- Default constructor
* - `explicit bernoulli(float p)`_
- Constructor with parameters
* - `float p() const`_
- Method to obtain probability `p`

.. container:: section

.. rubric:: Member types

.. container:: section

.. code-block:: cpp
bernoulli::method_type = Method
.. container:: section

.. rubric:: Description

The type which defines transformation method for generation.

.. container:: section

.. code-block:: cpp
bernoulli::result_type = IntType
.. container:: section

.. rubric:: Description

The type which defines type of generated random numbers.

.. container:: section

.. rubric:: Constructors

.. container:: section

.. _`bernoulli()`:

.. code-block:: cpp
.. container:: section

.. rubric:: Description

Default constructor for distribution, parameters set as `p` = 0.5f.

.. container:: section

.. _`explicit bernoulli(float p)`:

.. code-block:: cpp
explicit bernoulli::bernoulli(float p)
.. container:: section

.. rubric:: Description

Constructor with parameters. `p` is a probability.

.. container:: section

.. rubric:: Throws

Exception is thrown when `p > 1`, or `p < 0`

.. container:: section

.. rubric:: Characteristics

.. container:: section

.. _`float p() const`:

.. code-block:: cpp
float bernoulli::p() const
.. container:: section

.. rubric:: Return Value

Returns the distribution parameter `p` - probability.

**Parent topic:** :ref:`onemkl_device_rng_distributions`

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