Swift Go back to the main article : Main Go to the Objective-C article : Objective-C DanielGindi's Charts 🔗 LineChart (with legend, simple design) LineChart (with legend, simple design) LineChart (cubic lines) LineChart (single DataSet) Combined-Chart (bar- and linechart in this case) BarChart (with legend, simple design) BarChart (grouped DataSets) Horizontal-BarChart PieChart (with selection, ...) ScatterChart (with squares, triangles, circles, ... and more) CandleStickChart (for financial data) BubbleChart (area covered by bubbles indicates the value) RadarChart (spider web chart) Kevinzhow's Swift PNChart 🔗 i-schuetz's Swift Charts 🔗 PandaraWen's PDChart 🔗 All of their images are currently unavailable. gpbl's SwiftChart 🔗 tylyo's APLineChart 🔗 DuncanMC's PieChart 🔗 kevinbrewster's SwiftCharts 🔗 nero-tang's ARPieChart 🔗 mengmanzbh's KlineInSwift 🔗 AAChartModel's AAChartKit-Swift 🔗 Column Chart Columnrange Chart Area Chart Line Chart Step Area Chart Step Line Chart Infographics sample ** line chart ** ** column chart ** ** bar chart ** ** special area chart one ** ** special area chart two ** ** special area chart three ** ** polar chart ** ** radar chart ** ** pie chart ** ** bubble chart ** ** scatter chart ** ** arearange chart ** ** step area chart ** ** mixed chart **