To install or upgrade Apache PredictionIO-{{> pioversionnum}} using The Universal Recommender {{> urversion}} as an example Template.
Do not install as the "root" user. All guides assume that you have a user account that has sudo permission. You will have trouble if you install as "root". If your machine is clean do the following:
Create user for PredictionIO like
on your machine (already done on AWS AMI so if you are using the AMI skip to Upgrade)adduser aml # Give it some password
Give the
user sudoers permissions and login to the new user. This setup assumes theaml
user as the owner of all services including Spark and HDFS (already done on AWS AMI). Do not install or run asroot
! -
Add this line to the file
# Members of the sudo group may gain root privileges # with no password %sudo ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL
Then save and add `aml user to sudoers
Add user to the
groupsudo usermod -a -G sudo aml sudo su - aml
If you already have some older version of PIO and wish to upgrade to the latest stable version.
Move old PIO
mv /path/to/pio pio-old
move the directory containing the old version of PredictionIO, keep it for the configuration.
Download The Apache Release of PredictionIO
PredictionIO moved to Apache in 2016. ActionML was happy to contribute all the enhancements we made to Apache so we are all on the same codebase now.
git clone /path/to/pio
clone to some directory, the easiest to put the new pio where you had the old one.
Checkout the Master branch (latest stable version) or use the tag for the desired release version.
git checkout master
Build PredictionIO
Apache PredictionIO-{{> pioversionnum}} is a source release so you need to build it. This is pretty easy:
cd /path/to/pio ./make-distribution
If you have installed a recent version of PIO in the past, copy the configuration for it.
cp old-pio/conf /path/to/pio/`
If you are setting up a new installation use one of the setup guides here.
To test your installation run pio status
to make sure pio is working. Also check to make sure HDFS and and Spark are running correctly since pio status
does not check the running status of those services.
For a completely fresh new install follow one of the options on the Apache PredictionIO site or use one of our setup guides:
{{> piosetupguides}}
The Universal Recommender
UR installation described here. Make sure to use the Apache compatible v0.5.0+ described there.
Pick another Template
Visit the Apache-PredictionIO Template Gallery for a choice of Templates that implement a variety of Algorithms
Build Any Template
git clone https://github-repo-for-template.git /path/to/template/directory cd /path/to/template/directory pio build