diff --git a/Projeto/witcher3Reviews.txt b/Projeto/witcher3Reviews.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0352859 --- /dev/null +++ b/Projeto/witcher3Reviews.txt @@ -0,0 +1,1416 @@ +Halfhoot,-,5,-,false,-,I'm very late to the Witcher scene. I just picked it up because it was so hyped and I wanted to see how the company that makes the game I really want to play has done in the past (Cyberpunk 2077). I have to say... I knew due to the reviews and hype that it would be worth playing... but I was not expecting it to get so near the top of my best games all-time list. It has a fantastic story and I love the personality of the main character. I think what really makes this shine beyond something like Skyrim is the fact that there are so many side-quests that are not just bland time fillers. A lot of the side quests are such good, amazing stories in themselves. You're just just going through them to get xp without really paying any attention... you are engaged for so much of this game. Then add in that the gameplay is just solid. Nothing truly groundbreaking, but it's a lot of fun. I like the detective elements and the preparation for fighting a big monster. It's just a good solid all-around game that truly lives up to all the reviews and hype. +Abcoe,-,1,-,true,-,Needs better controller support. +Atreides-NL,-,5,-,false,-,I have to praise this masterfull game i might even not finish: (But i hope i do.) I recieved this game for free, more then 3,5 years ago, it came bundled with my Asus Strix GTX 960 4GB, and i have been playing it, among a lot of other games since, got 96 hours in it, and i am not even finished by a long shot. (It also is the game i played the longest so far, since i got back to Pc gaming, in 2011, after 13 years.) Second: Shadow Warrior 2. I recently did a final upgrade to a: MSI Geforce GTX 1060 6GB 9Gbps GDDR5 Gaming X Plus card, @120Hz, for my old i7 2600 @3,4 Ghz, 16GB DDR3@ 1333Mhz, Asus CG8250 computer, (Just had to say this as a "nerdy" video game fanatic, and i'm proud of my low end system.) and i have been playing it even more intensely since then. Some "words" defining The Withcher 3: Wild Hunt, for me: Incredible Outstanding Masterfull Atmospheric Excellent Superior Voice Acting Intense ambience sound, and environmental sound effects Relaxing Super smooth at almost maxed out settings + Superb weather effects and effects overall, it's like experiencing a "miracle" :P, ok that one was to corny, but almost true imo, it really is amazing, even for today standards. (I am getting risky now, but in my opinion, the only developer that might be able to top this, might be DICE imho, or Platinum Games. (You should have seen them rock the Wii U.) + Masterfull facial expressions Intense Story Characters Charismatic Technical Masterpiece Immersive Beautifull The reason why you like video games Sexy Superior optimisation Engaging Complex If you want it to Smooth Indulging Fun Sweet Free Enhanced Crystal Clear Magnificent Intriguing Thank you CD Projekt RED. +Drakkoone,-,5,-,true,-,More than 3 years after its release, The Witcher 3 is still the best AAA game available. It's beautiful, it's huge, it has an incredible sense of details and an amazing story-telling. +Supernecrodragon,-,3,-,false,-,"2015. The world is heating up. People bring guns to a Church and a newspaper office. 'Gamers' aren't 'dead'." I remember being saddened by the abysmal framerate this game ran with on my computer as the gamer community's showered unequivocal praise on the game. Three years later, with all three games behind me, I just want it all to stop. Putting in about 154 hours together into this game (through GOG Galaxy) and its expansions (through Steam, where the GOTY edition costs less than 5 USD in INR during discount seasons), I realised that I cannot appreciate what is, to me, a combination of a third-person walking simulator with cues from Ubisoft, and an sword combat game poorly mimicking "Dark Souls" combat, having lost its RPG roots previously. "But the quests are some of the best in all of videogaming," you may say. True. And that CD Projekt Red provided options that would let you miss out on some of these quests is certainly brave of them. Yet, most of the game involves moving to a place and fighting creatures or humans: combat is easier to design than cutscenes with dialogue that tries too hard, after all (seriously, Yennefer can go henpeck herself). Velen was great, with forests you could fly through that would have previously been level boundaries. But in Novigrad, the checklist quests and the claustrophobia taint the whole experience. Skellige, with its uneven level geometry your horse stops for and giant bodies of water to slow you down further, does not make it better. The story is not particularly great either, with Ciri, Geralt's adopted daughter, apparently in grave danger but conveniently waiting for you to finish dealing with the locals' problems. This places the game next to Bethesda's 2015 release in main quest design. There is much to be appreciated, yes, but why couldn't CD Projekt Red just focus on providing a better made conclusion instead of this mess? I mean, I know why, but that is because I am not a gamer. Kind of glad that that is so. +Goliaf,-,5,-,false,-,Серия игр Ведьмак входит в 3-ку моих любимых игр. CD Project Red вы отличные разработчики. Продолжайте в том же духе. Не расстраивайтесь из-за необоснованной критики=) Счастья Вам! +Cectus,-,5,-,false,-,Najlepsza część trylogii, bardzo dobre zakończenie trylogii, wybory mają znaczenie i nie są jedynie iluzją, bardzo gra wciąga na kilkadziesiąt godzin, bardzo dobra gra polecam. +YTSamTheGamer,-,5,-,false,-,Definetly one of the best games ever made ! no doubt about it +NaabKing,-,5,-,false,-,Best game until Cyberpunk 2077 comes out :) +Blackejgr,-,5,-,false,-,Best game of my live +Martin367ZB,-,5,-,true,-,Great game. +arcapello,-,5,-,false,-,It's atmospheric, it's beautiful and the lore is deep and immersive. I'm sure most people will really enjoy this experience. +JeneLitsch,-,5,-,false,-,This game has a lot of high quality content. Even side quests have well written stories. The world is completely open to explore and you will find something interesting. The expansions are at the same high quality level. No matter what you do there are never good and evil: everything is way more complex. The very atmospheric and beautiful graphics, results in deep immersion int this game postiv: + open world filled with a lot of interesting places + really good main story + the most bad ass protagonist the world has never seen before + every important quest has its own story + even little side quest have some bit story + will made fighting system, feels dynamically and direct + complex system of "good" and "evil" + very good expansion + beautiful graphics negativ: - It is "only" 100 h long. I need more witcher... just a little joke there are no negativ things :D +MisterJeffry,-,5,-,false,-,This game is absolutely incredible. The writing, characters, and vast environments make an astonishing game that feels whole. It's probably the most- if not most- well done game ever made. The DLC even is up to par with the main game, and expands on how it ends with Blood and Wine. This has to be a must play for anyone who likes RPG's, story-based games, or really just games in general. I wish I could wipe my memory to replay it over. 12/10. +Zablodzkiblublon,-,5,-,true,-,Idealna i tyle! +-Y-,-,5,-,true,-,My only complaint, is that the game at some point ends. At that point I felt a profound sense of loss that not even NEW GAME + could help with. Anyway, a great game, I managed to get hundreds of hours of fun out of it - just exploring every nook and cranny of Skellige/Touissant/Velen. +powerstrokegt,-,5,-,false,-,One of my top 10 games of all time. I'm nearing 40 and have played a lot of games. :-) I have played it many times and am still in love. It runs great on older equipment and looks amazing on most graphic settings. Lots of mods out there too, if that's your thing. I know the hopes for a new Witcher game is slim at this time, but I know story wise it can be done. Let's all hope! :D If you like adventure fantasy games at all, you owe it to yourself to buy this game and play it. +adrian95999,-,5,-,false,-,Best game ever played! +manuel3007,-,5,-,false,-,I've absolutely loved playing this game for countless hours. One of the best games I've ever decided to buy +SlayerBWK,-,5,-,false,-,Ich habe The Witcher 3 durch den Youtuber Gronkh gefunden und wie soll ich es sagen ich bin ihm mehr als dankbar. Es ist einfach das beste RPG das ich je gespielt habe und bin wirklich beeindruckt, wie gut dieses Spiel immer noch aussieht. 2 mal (+DLCs) habe ich die Geschichte rund um Gerald von Riva der seine Ziehtochter Ciri sucht bereits erlebt und bin jedes mal aufs neue begeistert, wie Wunderschön die Welt gestaltet ist und wie toll die Charaktere ausgearbeitet sind. Die Geschichte ist fesselnd und regt, dass ein oder andere mal zum Nachdenken an klare Kaufempfehlung von meiner Seite! Ich bin jedoch sehr traurig, dass die Geschichte von Gerald schon ihr enden nimmt mit diesem Teil. Und hoffe, dass wir, trotz dem noch ein paar wundervoll RPG Perlen aus dieser Welt zu Gesicht bekommen können, da es eine Schande und eine riesen Verschwendung wäre diese tolle Welt nicht fortzuführen. Klar ist die Geschichte rund um Gerald leider vorbei aber warum nicht nochmal komplett neu mit einem Jungen Hexer beginnen dessen Ausbildung und Qualen wir während der Mutation mitverfolgen können. Es wäre ein in Erfüllung gegangener Traum für mich nochmal neue Geschichten aus dieser Welt erleben zu dürfen. Danke an das komplette Team von CD Projekt Red für The Witcher 3 Danke ihr habt mit diesem Spiel einen Videospiele Meilenstein gesetzt, Ihr seit der Van Gogh der Spieleindustrie. Ich werde es auf jeden Fall noch einmal durchspielen, aber so langsam brauche ich einen Nachfolger, den ich bestimmt genauso lieben werde wie diesen hier. +Zirael369,-,5,-,false,-,There is no other game like this! Gorgeous! +Mati2004,-,5,-,false,-,I co takiego mógłby rzec człowiek, który ukończył CAŁEGO Wiedźmina 3 łącznie z dodatkami? Jego zdanie wyglądałoby mniej więcej tak: "Nie ma drugiej tak dobrej gry", i biorąc pod uwagę, że jest to ostateczne zakończenie trylogii, "I chyba już tak dobrej gry nie będzie". Geralt i jego cała ferajna, łącznie z postaciami pobocznymi po tej odsłonie udadzą się na zasłużony odpoczynek. Czasami myślę sobie, że ten, kto napisał cały scenariusz tej gry jest geniuszem, a jego dzieło spokojnie może konkurować z najbardziej wyrafinowanymi filmami AAA. Wiedzmin to przede wszystkim historia. Nic tu nie jest przypadkowe, dosłownie każda decyzja podjęta wcześniej czy później ma znaczenie. Świat jest fantastyczny, postacie, potwory, miejsca, które odwiedzamy. Jedno zdanie: cud, miód, malina. Grafika...gdybym mógł wynieść komputer do lasu to nie mógłbym stwierdzić które drzewo wygląda lepiej. Bardzo wysoki poziom i piękne tekstury. Udzwiękowienie jest fenomenalne. Symfoniczna muzyka połączona z wyniosłą, niemal huralną muzyką robią swoje. Questy to jedne z lepszych jakie napotkamy. Każda misja ma swoją historię. Oczywiście, czasami znajdują się też takie zwyczajnie nieciekawe. Jednak giną one w morzu tych dobrze poprowadzonych. Mechanika gry jest w porządku. zręcznościowa walka połączona z dość nużącą eksploracją, tworzą niepewną kombinację, ale wypadają naprawde dobrze. Teraz nadeszła pora na wady. Tak jak już wspomniałem, eksploracja jest dosyć słaba. Gra w pewnych momentach jest bardzo powtarzalna. Chodzimy od znacznika do znacznika i robimy to samo. Tytuł psują sporadycznie glitche i bugi np. koń - Płotka, który niefortunnie potrafi zaklinować się w najmniej oczekiwanym momencie. Nasza postać czasami nie potrafi wskoczyć nawet na najbardziej proste górki. I te co prawda rzadkie questy, których nie da się ukończyć brzez błąd. Jednak Wiedźmin 3 to wspaniałe zamknięcie serii. Posiada co prawda kilka wad, ale giną one w jeziorze zalet. Najlpesza gra ostatnich lat. +Dragonlord888,-,5,-,false,-,I adore this game. From amazingly developed characters to its stunning graphics, this game is a joy to play. I loved every bit of it and I praise the developers for creating this work of art. +LouisianaSound,-,5,-,false,-,Probably the best game that i never played, excepted of course CyberPunk 2077. +lothar69,-,5,-,true,-,The Witcher series, especially wild hunt, does for me what other sandbox RPG's generally fail to do - get me invested in the characters and story. Some developers feel that it's enough to fill their sandbox with toys/attractions and fun just happens. Unless I'm really into the setting or said attractions/gameplay scratches a certain itch it just feels pointless to me at worst and a minor diversion at best. Doing a replay of wild hunt after seeing the first trailer for 2077. <3 +markyCutie,-,5,-,false,-,I mean, I was scared that it would be hard to play for me because I am not a big gamer.. I get frustrated over things that i can't pass pretty easily, but this was just hard enough.. :) And i LOVED it. I usually hate doing side quests, but man, I had to complete all of witcher side quests ♥ +grufield,-,5,-,false,-,Good game 9.5/10 but gothic 2 raven night is still better +fjular,-,5,-,false,-,The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt is a must buy. After finishing the game, I still wanna go back and explore what I have not yet found. Not only the in-game story, but the side quests and their NPC's are unbelievable good. 10/10 would recommend. +filiprizov,-,5,-,false,-,+ I can't really add too much to the best reviews, this game is almost a perfect story-driven adventure RPG, with a ton of lore, not to mention the great writting and great voice-acting. Play at least the Witcher 2 before and keep the saves, they feed into this one! - That being said, you can only play Geralt, who is a close combat sword-master with some basic spells and tons of alchemy (potions and poisons). Although many games give you much more variety in game styles, this game takes this game style to perfection. So don't expect to play a ranger, or sneak around too much. - I wish they would update the in-game Gwent to the actual contemporary game, that is very confusing. * Tips for a better experience - Turn off the map markers for random encounters (get suprised!) and the path indicator (dots), this adds to immersion! So get it, Play it and Enjoy! +Spellsweaver,-,3,-,false,-,I realise that this review is going to differ from the majority. The reason for this is, when a game attracts me, I have to examine it as thorougly as I can. I have to get as intimate with it as possible, explore the world in all its details, learn the intricacies of roleplay system. In this case, this close look is what disillusioned me. Yes, most of the game is kind of nicely done. But that's all about it, all there is is a refinement onto a piece of quartz that makes it look like diamond but can never make it into a real diamond. Everything is just "okay", but never more than that. Combat system? The animations look nice but if you look just a little closer you'll see how generic it is. There are dozens of games where the combat system is almost entirely the same. Character development? Well, it's okay, there are a couple dozen of perks that seem to offer you different ways to build a character. If you look just a little deeper, you'll see, however, that so many perks are absolutely useless and just as many are terribly boring, like +5% damage. Almost none of them actually change the gameplay in a meaningful way (notable exception being the Whirl and some alternative spell modes) and some of them make no sense. Dialogue? Well, it's actually pretty well written, and there seem to be several options. However, most of the time options change nothing in the course of dialogue and when you actually have a choice it's unclear what consequences. Notable example being a dialogue option "push Dijkstra aside" resulting in Geralt breaking Dijkstra's leg and as a long-term consequence blocking a whole questline that could affect the ending. Or dialog option "you don't have to always be the best" when talking to Ciri that results in Geralt and Ciri getting drunk and potentially resulting in a bad ending. Open World? Oh boy, now that's a problem. Speaking strictly in numbers, the world is huge, and the amount of locations is overwhelming. It's only when you actually start exploring this world you notice how it serves no meaning. So many locations are almost the same, like crates with generic bandits running around or a nest of monsters with several monsters around. Those serve literally only so that you can come and get your XP and loot. They tell no story, they add nothing to the context of the world, you could literally replacy and of those monsters' nests with some other monsters' nest and no one would notice. Once in maybe a hundred you would actually find something cool, like a stone circle with an elemental and a dead summoner but that's really rare. Quests? Well, there are some nice quests and the stories can be compelling. But when it comes to gameplay, oh my. Developers seem to think that if they gave Geralt witcher senses (which is basically a special mode that highlights tracks, small quest-related objects etc), then it means every single quest has to involve player using them. This makes me ask, how in the world do protagonists of all those games without witcher senses can possibly complete a single quest? Story? Yeah, in comparison to most of the games, the story is pretty good. On the other hand, the game inherited a really rich and awesome world from Sapkowski's books and that's what makes most of the story. In comparison to the potential of the story that can be performed in this setting (example being, obviously, books themselves), the story is shamefully lacking. Many concepts like White Frost, are oversimplified. Many ideas that were meant to be vague (like why actually was Adda born as a striga) are made straightforward. And making Wild Hunt into antagonist is really cheap. In books, the most horrible monster was always a man. Leo Bonhart and Vilgefortz were both regular people. Here, the enemy is an invader from other world, wearing skeleton-like armor and causing cold wherever it goes. As cheap as any other evil lord. I can't call the game "bad". It would be unfair. But I can't close my eyes to the fact that all the refinement, in the end, masks the lack of preciousness, of uniqueness. I can't close my eyes to the fact that the game is only good until you start examining it thoroughly. Afterwards, it's just "okay". A flashy, highly polished piece of quartz. +yhsperL,-,1,-,false,-,it dont work reainstal it nope still not work +Dr.Joker,-,4,-,false,-,a lot of hours of immersive game play. beautiful landscapes, nice story. But at some point, one realizes, the player doesnt have any impact on the world, he/she is just there to witness the changing world. NPC deaths are predestined and cannot be avoided. apparent decision making on side quests do not have impact on the story and the world. weird gameplay balancing leads to quests where some douchebags in an backyard alley have no sweat roughing up the witcher who killed countless monsters just before this particular quest that threatened the safety of the world and stuff. Why dont these backyard bullies fight those dragons? They are apparently more equipped, if they are able to kill the witcher with one blow! ;) A lot of bugs make this sometimes hard to be immersed in the game. graphical bugs, accidental initiation of adventure paths because the player missteps and falls into an open hole in the street and lands in the sewer system, ladders that do not work, doors do not open even with a key, stuff like that. 90% of the time everything is fine. i got my moneys worth out of it, but i would call it flawless. +vertexi,-,3,-,false,-,I bought this game as all the critics and my friends were simply loving it. and i also loved it from the beginning. The huge world that is filled with life and the vatly different characters made me love it. And for the beginning i was definitely on the hype train. But certain small things began to bug me. Especially the horse. MAybe the developers want it that way but the cool feeling of running calling the horse jumping on it while running to just barely escape a nearly certain death was practical and cool at the same time in MGSV. It made me really loath the horse here when i call it and even simply walk to have that horse stand behind me. especially with that escaping death thing. There were other small things that annoyed me each on their own not an issue but they added and together with my last negative point made me hate that game. To maybe justify my opinion, i never played the witcher 1 or 2 and hence have no bounding to these characters. But i simply dont care what happens to siri. Which would not have been an issue if you just search her and after a while find her. (POSSIBLE SPOILER!!!!!!!/SPOILER!!!!!) but no siri escapes you nearly catch her, and then again, and again and again. I began to hate her more and more because every time i came there completet some miserable quests to get an info i was sent to the next station on her path the first few times were alright but after that i hated it. it wouldnt be that bad but all those sidequest were more fascinating than ciri´s story, and although i tried in a skyrim like run to never even touch the mainquest until the end i did not really get well through the game because next to low level areas there were suddenly too strong enemys.Imo the only way to get to the perfect playing areas you should be in is the story and as i hate that im in a viscious circle of rging about ciri and ending the game to pick it up shortly after to make a sidequest that makes me love the game again to hate it again bc of the story.. +koji54,-,5,-,false,-,Great great game. Trailer of Wild Hunt and 1st Witcher made me want to read the books before starting the 2nd and this game. I'll never regret this order. Love soundtrack, I can't count how many times I've heard it. Little bugs during play, but forgivable. +Sempay3344,-,5,-,false,-,Лучшая в своем роде. +quiro9,-,5,-,false,-,El juego es genial, tienen muchas horas de juego para terminarlo es un RPG largo muy largo; sinceramente lo recomiendo más aun si eres seguidor de la saga o si has jugado al 1 o al 2... a este aún no lo ubico cronológicamente pero en fin; es buen juego, aún así RECOMIENDO que compren la versión "game of year" que es completa con sus expansiones y DLC. +HardmanX,-,5,-,false,-,I own this game on steam and it's the best game ever! +qaqqaq1234,-,5,-,false,-,當代神作~為什麼要讓我玩到這麼好玩的遊戲~以後玩不到怎麼辦啊~~~ +njc0125,-,5,-,false,-,when does this game start to gog connect? +tgkingben,-,3,-,false,-,The game is super well made but it isn't a style of rpg that really suits me. I played over 6 hours of it because of how many times that I was reassured that it is an amazing game and that I would love it, but I've found it just isn't for me. I was told that the story was amazing and keeps you enticed but after all this time I still haven't been pulled into it. The movement was horrible and combat doesn't feel very intuitive either, however not so much that it would really be a deal breaker for me. The world is huge and gorgeous but it feels really empty. I would go from one quest objective to another with nothing but fields that I saw. It didn't feel like the world was very interactive, it was kind of just there. For me, it also was hard for me to immerse myself in the story when I don't really have much say in the persona around the character that I play. I much prefer an rpg experience where I get to make the character feel a bit more me and have looks to match the type of person that I envision them as. I don't think I would recommend this game to people who have similar game tastes but I also definitely won't dissuade anyone from it either. +HoboZero,-,2,-,true,-,For one of the supposedly greatest RPGs of all time, the controls are garbage. +Rhedoxon,-,5,-,false,-,Nach 375 Spielstunden, mehreren Durchgängen, 3 Jahren sowie allen DLCs ist es einfach immer noch gut. Die Atmosphäre, die Grafik, die Tiefe der Charaktere. Das sind nur ein paar Gründe die das Spiel für mich zum besten überhaupt machen. +miguelfelixr,-,5,-,false,-,Probably the best game I have ever played. Story is rich and deep, very complex. Many hours spent on this version, also on xbox one. Thanks CDPR for making such a masterpiece! The only other game that had this impact on me was Chrono Trigger, and that is saying a lot. Truly a masterpiece I will recommend to anyone and keep playing for many more hours. +xiprox,-,5,-,false,-,Remember the "diving" stuff in Sci-Fi futuristic media where you'd virtually go into a different world? This is the current-gen equivalent of that. A beautiful open living world that never kicks you out of your immersion and keeps calling you back long after you've completed the masterfully-told story. Insane attention to detail, crazy polish, characters from integral ones to NPCs that actually don't remind you they are scripted, hundreds of unique side quests, much more, and a weird horse. +ronj19915,-,5,-,false,-,This is the best RPG i have played in aaaaaages, and one of the best games i have ever played in over 20 years of gaming. The story is great, the gameplay is great, the world is huge, and the music and enviroments are both beautifully, and compliment each other perfectly. Even though the game world is huge, it doesnt feel empty, its full of side quests to do, places to explore and points of interest to visit. If you are a completionist like me, it is even a little overwhelming at times. This is a game that is allmost with flaws entirely, and certainly has no big flaws, all my gripes are very small and fixed by mods. This game has set the bar for all future RPGs of this kind so high, it wont be surpassed anytime soon, if it all. +RadekZRivi,-,5,-,false,-,Najlepsza gra w histori :) +biniek97,-,5,-,false,-,One of the best RPGS of all time +aetherreise,-,5,-,false,-,I played TW1 and TW2 before TW3 was the glorious ending which Geralt deserves! I love everything about the game. The mix of story, dialouges, music and atmosphere hamonizes perfectly. Playing it for the 3rd time right now, it never gets boring and you always discover new things. Thank you for such a masterpiece! :) +Rattay,-,5,-,false,-,It's got it flaws but it's certanly the best singleplayer RPG of the last few years. +NO_11,-,5,-,false,-,我玩过最棒的RPG游戏。 虽然玩的是steam版,但为了支持,入了份GOG版。 +AndAnotherWitcher,-,5,-,false,-,Часть 3 В магазине Steam я обозрел 1 и 2 части лучшей игровой трилогии. Они получились шедевральными и ничем друг другу не уступали (ИМХО), но не такого уровня, как Скайрим, GTA V или Dragon Age Origins. Их нельзя было занести в список "лучшие из лучших игр", смотря на них объективно. В основном потому, что они не давали игроку достаточно свободы. Поначалу в них я чувствовал, будто они зажимали меня своими условностями, а после того, как понял, что каждая локация там давалась лишь на одну главу, так и вовсе был морально раздавлен. И тут выходит третья часть, и с первых минут игры я понял - это игра моей мечты. Она избавилась от всех ошибок первых двух частей, а достоинства усовершенствовала. Мало того, она выглядит так же и на фоне всех остальных игр - лучшая из лучших! Глубокий, захватывающий, нелинейный сюжет, невероятно красивая графика, огромный открытый мир в 130 кв. км, продуманная система боёвки и враги, персонажи, новые и старые, оставляют после себя неизгладимый след в памяти, музыка, которую готов слушать вечно, ГВИНТ, такие большие, густонаселённые бесшовные 4 города и не менее запоминающиеся мелкие деревушки и замки - достоинства этой игры можно перечислять бесконечно, а недостатки как-то даже в голову не лезут, а если они и есть, то они совсем не выделяются на фоне бесконечной глади её достоинств... Это самая лучшая часть Ведьмачьей серии, если не лучшая игра вообще! Это единственная игра, которой я бы поставил ровно 10/10! Я написал в обзоре Ведьмака 1, что он - самая отличающаяся от остальных часть серии, но это не так. Ведь тут у нас огромный открытый мир, а значит с ним можно взаимодействовать. Взаимодействие с миром тут построено на интриге: на карте виден знак вопроса, но вы не знаете, что он обозначает, и вы едете к нему, чтобы это узнать. Добавили нормальное передвижение по миру: коным (на Плотвах) и пешим (сюда ещё и добавили систему свободного паркура), а любой из 300+ квестов интересен и имеет несколько концовок! И последнее, прежде, чем покупать Ведьмака 3, купите первые две части серии, ибо Ведьмак, как трилогия смотрится гораздо лучше, чем просто Ведьмак 3. +Terra9213,-,5,-,false,-,Super gra z ekstra grafiką, fabułą i nie tylko! Warta zakupu! +iSac3753,-,5,-,false,-,Eins der besten RPGs überhaupt 12/10 Punkte ;) +proximmus,-,5,-,false,-,simply...breathtaking. +DinuAswathy,-,5,-,false,-,First, i thought witcher will be the best game ever.... then i thought witcher 2 will be the best game ever.... now i am thinking that witcher 3 is the best game ever... ;) Simply the best immersing game for me, I finished it in XBOX one, PS4 and PC now i buy it from GOG to get the DRM free version. +MC_Eucaryote,-,5,-,false,-,Un jour dans les programmes d'Histoire des Arts dans les universités, si tout va bien. +VenonX05,-,5,-,false,-,A legjobb single player játék amivel valaha játszotam és CD Projekt RED a legjobb fejlesztők sokan példát vehetnek róluk ! <3 +n4nirmal09,-,5,-,false,-,The true strength in witcher series is being honest with the story and characters. +dracosummoner,-,3,-,true,-,The presentation values are excellent, from the gorgeous if slightly familiar setting to the carefully staged cutscenes (complete with realistic camera), the awe-inspiring soundtrack, and superb voice acting that makes even RPG staples like "thank you for saving my life for no payment" feel heartfelt and convincing. The gameplay felt thrown together to justify the excellent story. Playing through Death March difficulty, many enemies were vulnerable to the same tricks and strategies available early on, particularly with one spell that's so effective at stun-locking as to make some of your few others often redundant. Some foes neatly highlight certain tactics, such as 'extinguishing' a fire elemental via a wind gust. Some foes hardly seemed to notice me nearby. The melee is adequate, neither poor nor original, but focusing on magic makes your stamina quick to recharge and has few drawbacks, unlike the melee (repair bills) or potion-making (toxicity); the mutagen system heavily encourages specialization anyway by giving bonuses to same-type skill groupings. Since a spell upgrade allows you to quickly heal in combat for free, you can sell health foods to augment your often meager quest rewards. Most enemies aren't bulky or damaging enough to mandate potion use until the final, much harder boss fights, where to be fair, magic doesn't always help. One quest involving an invincible rat had a companion-AI/locked-door bug that nearly forced me to start the game over but for a backup save. The plot is incredibly emotionally moving but dubiously paced, with a dangerous if unexciting villain often sidelined for genuinely interesting but wildly off-topic tangents like dealing with a man's numerous 'girlfriends' or the poignant aftermath of a miscarriage. Romance feels like a botch, choosing between a woman who manipulates and disrespects you, and a kind one who's drunk at a party. The main story's conclusion is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen in a video game. +LeGOGAccount,-,5,-,false,-,The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is one of the best games I've ever played (if not the best). I particularly like that it's not one of the games whose main quest can be finished in a few hours, and then you're done. You can easily spend weeks or months playing this game, and that's what I like about it. That, and the vast open world, graphics quality, and Gwent! +cryotek,-,1,-,false,-,Where's our HDR support, CDPR? It's ridiculous to deny a key feature to your PC fanbase. +salute123,-,3,-,false,-,i really like the devs and really appreciate their effort in order to provide a good experience, sadly there are some issues with this game, that hamper the experience for me. let me explain it to you why: - Story: its a breeze of fresh air. the story is riveting and the main questline is actually pretty well written. - World: beautiful to look at. they nailed the presentation. the music and the visuals are amazing. - Quest design: the secondary quests and witcher contracts on the other hand are literally MMO level of quest design. "Few" of them are unique but good luck searching the unique ones that change the main story. i gave up on it after i saw, how lazily designed they were. thats a shame because those few of them are actually well written and interesting. - Gameplay: I finished this game a day ago and i have to say, that its probably one of the worst aspects of this game. even on the hardest difficulty, it offers no challenge. its way to easy and way too boring after the first 2 hours. Conclusion: Witcher 3 is a massive disappointment to me, after so much praise, i was left with a game that is at its core a glorified amalgam of every single mainstream open world action adventure game with a good story and extremely slow pacing. gameplay boils down to pressing two buttons, in some of the most boring fights you have seen from a game released in 2013. there are no gameplay changes when you wield new weapons, its all the same moveset, against an AI which is assassins creed 1 level of broken. the sheer amount of copy pasted content scattered throughout the entire map, reminds me of Ubisoft level of laziness. its basically a 20-30 hours game, padded a la dragon age inquisition. i had friends of mine who uninstalled the game before they even got to see the interesting plots in the story. i give it 2.5/5 its style over substance. +Fatalb0ss,-,5,-,false,-,One of the best game I ever played in my life. A true masterpiece. Mesmerizing story, unforgettable characters, great settings, cool combat system. If you haven't played it yet..do youself a favor, play it. +blodpik,-,3,-,false,-,All in all Witcher 3: Wild hunt is a decent game. The graphics are okay, the gameplay is great but a lot of stuff in the story confused me. In real life I slay hella lot of pussy, and I do it by being very arrogant and by ignoring them and by yelling at them. In this game you only get the cookie if you are nice to them. Thats not very realistic. I do like some of the swords in the game though, and I even saw a horse around a couple of times. Animals are cool imo. +dold,-,5,-,false,-,There are a lot of open world games out now, even more since Witcher 3 has released. And they still haven't learned the lessons of Witcher 3. Witcher 3 leans HARD on its setting, characters, and themes everywhere. It transforms everything that used to feel bland and more like padding, into something more rich feeling. You aren't just going up to nobody villagers and solving their vague ghoul problems. They have their own unique problems. And while the mechanical things you do in each quest ends up being somewhat familiar, it vanishes into the background, because Witcher 3 is really good at exposition. If you don't like listening to NPCs talk, then this game gets a lot worse I guess. But believe the hype. This is the best open world RPG out there, and probably will be for a long time. +Clemeit,-,5,-,true,-,By far the best RPG I've ever played. I was so hooked on this game, I did little else for 3 months. The story line is unbelievably well written, the character development is stellar, the customization is phenomenal, and the graphics are top-notch. The landscapes are beautiful, the towns are extremely detailed, the monsters are awesome, and the combat is highly interactive and very strategic. Bustling towns with markets and inns? Got it! Remote villages with old stone huts? Got that too! Amazing weather, with beautiful sunsets over the sea? You bet. Massive open world? Absolutely. I seriously can't possibly say enough good about this game with words. Please, do yourself a favor and buy it. You should check out some videos and screenshots, but I'd highly advise you to stay away from spoilers. You won't be disappointed! +ismo_laitela,-,3,-,true,-,First 2 hours i played this was enjoyable and i would easily give 5 star if review was based on it. However, advancing into chapter 2 and flaws started to take a toll. +It´s beautiful, graphics are just stunning, especially if you use mods. +Storyline in the beginning. Bloody Baron was highlight of storytelling in this game. Awesome character and well made quests. -First thing i got bored was fighting. It is so repetitive and more i participated on fighting, less fun it was. -RPG elements are very simple: strenght, health, etc. are automatically awarded during level up and you have very simple skill of tree with 12 slots for use. For me, this is as much rpg as Diablo3 is. -Large open world sandbox, expect it is very empty. Yes, there is those question marks to discover, but 95% of time they are same boring guarded treasure with unuseful loot. - Quality of storyline after ACT 1 started to decrease and i lost interest after ACT 2. Overall, it´s not a bad game and i would recommend to try it, but i could not finish this game as i lost interest. +Baarmaboi,-,2,-,true,-,Bad and buggy controlls, very light wannabe rpg elements when advertised and reviewed as the gratest and latest in the rpg genre (i have no clue why), conflict between an unmemorable game environment and the UI (having to constantly look at the ui minimap for navigation) and a god damn idiotic ending system that just punishes you for logican dialogue choises you make earlier in the game right at the end. They dont even once teach you that these dialogue choises have this big of an impact in the end. What a heap of trash. Spent many many months finishing this and was able to look past some issues and care about the game untill the ending. That was just a slap to the face. So fucking dissatisfying. +coldturkey49,-,5,-,true,-,This game is the best. Ever. Full stop. +As002,-,5,-,false,-,better than gotic +HungerHat,-,5,-,false,-,Je ne suis pas un grand joueur, mais pour des jeux comme celui-là, alors oui ! Une claque visuelle, des scénarii prenants, des dilemnes moraux immersifs, une multitudes de détails qui font que ce jeu est exceptionnel ! +Kappa_GreyFace,-,5,-,true,-,I've never played a better game than this, there is so much content, and dlc's that add even more. Best thing is that the dlc is not overpriced! +darkhawk,-,5,-,false,-,Perfect game, Blood and Wine expansion worth the price itself! +khatmar,-,5,-,false,-,I could go on for hours how this game is fantastic. I will try to limit myself. This game has upped the bar in RPG video games in its history. This is an excellent RPG, you play Geralt and although it is up to you to determine what kind of man he is, there is a baseline there which is extremely sympathetic. Geralt is a very gloomy brooding individual. However, when he smiles, he will melt your heart. I cried three times during this game. And every time my heart was jumping out of my chest. The story is excellent. Even if you have not played the previous games, this will grab you and will not let go. This is also not a short game. I clocked in around 90 hours in my first playthrough and still had things left unfinished - this is also vanilla game, not talking about the excellent expansions, (which are not modern dlc, they are expansions like they used to make them 10 years ago). Thusly, even if the story is excellent, you will be doing something outside of conversations. Hows the gameplay? The answer is excellent. The game truly made me feel like a professional monster hunter. Each contract had me reading up on my kill, preparing adequate potions, oils and traps. I would fight a single monster for 20+ mins and felt like a total badass when I finally killed it. I cannot stress this enough. RPGs and video games in general will be compared to the Witcher 3 for the upcoming 10 years, if not more. This game came out in 2015. And I have played many games since. None have been better than the Witcher 3: the Wild Hunt. Get yourself a copy and let it change how you view video games from now on :) +piupiu55,-,5,-,false,-,A way to put my experience in this game, is that, I just went on an journey on a piece of art of a game. +albanaeon,-,5,-,false,-,This is quite simply the game you should play. +mm_farahat,-,5,-,false,-,Score: 10/10 a must play game +kastuch,-,5,-,false,-,Świetna, historia przedsawiona wciągą oby więcej takich gier +Stiefelknecht,-,5,-,false,-,I wont even go into details, a lot of other guys have done that already. i just want to tell you about my personal development with the game. I got it for free with my 970 years ago, i didnt play it too much, didnt really got into it. then friends of mine played it and i heard their conversations about the adventures they experienced. I was hooked, i gave this game another shot. It was one of those decisions youll think back and never regret. The witcher 3 is a true masterpiece of our time. +da.me0108,-,5,-,false,-,Best game ever +xanmimir,-,1,-,true,-,Already paid more for base game than the GOTY before it was even announced and there's no option to upgrade. WHY would I ever buy anything CD PROJEKT RED again? +Frihed1007,-,5,-,false,-,Was soll ich dazu schon sagen. Es ist The Witcher 3 man, kauf dir das spiel einfach! Warum schaust du dir eigentlich überhaupt noch das Review an? Du weist doch das dieses Spiel das beste RPG aller Zeiten ist und wahrscheinlich bist du auch nur deswegen auf GOG.com gekommen. Also häng nicht länger in diesen Rezensionen rum sondern: Scroll hoch, klick auf kaufen, und suchte bis zum St. Nimmerleinstag! Viel Spaß! wünscht euch eure The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Kaufberatung (made by Frihed1007) :D +hagencs,-,5,-,false,-,I just finished my third playthrough, (NG, NG+, NG), with 330+ hours in this game, and have to say this game really stands out! I played all the Witcher games pretty soon after their release, exept this one, back then my computers barely were able to run them, with long loading times. Now this one was one i did not want to miss out, but my pc just wasnt going to handle it, so practically it was the main reason for an upgrade. And boy, The Witcher 3 did not disappoint! No dull fetch quests! Nice voice acting, great story, personally i enjoyed the Blood and Wine expansion the most, but it doensn't mean that the rest is anything but stellar. Whenever other games boasted about choices that matter, ultimately this one was the first for me, where it really counted, things have depth, and very importantly: this game is for grownups! Many times outcomes/quests surprized me, other time i dabbled at a craftsman to make better armor, then i played some gwent. All the elements for a big open world game (main quests, side quests, alchemy, mini games) where just in the right proportions, creating a a truly immersive feeling. So, i say goodbye to Geralt for now, and eagerly await CDPR's next big thing, and i'm happy to say this, i will preorder that, because considering their improvement on every title so far, i believe it will be astonishing! +Setlein,-,5,-,false,-,Best game for all time +AndreiCS9,-,5,-,true,-,This game is a future testament what true passion and dedication can do. Let it be a guiding light for future games that embark on such noble quests of digital creation. Well done CDPR, you deserve every praise! I have never felt so overwhelmed, surprised, intrigued and perplexed by the pure awesomeness of this game. Amazing quests, amazing characters, incredibly believable world, folklore abounds, humour is behind every corner...it's just neverending surprise after surprise. What can I add more that has not already been sung of this game already, except for the fact that Geralt and the Witcher universe will be missed, we've been together through everything you and I! +bikerguy,-,5,-,false,-,Best game ever!! +IEINERI,-,5,-,false,-,Gran juego, mucho por hacer y explorar, grandes graficos y sobre todo la banda sonora muy buena, compra segura. +Stillet_Show,-,5,-,false,-,Хорошо проработанный мир, геймплей просто на вышем уровне ! Писать нечего одна из лучших игр. +s0903085387,-,5,-,true,-,如提 +Blizniak,-,2,-,true,-,Pretty and well written but terrible movement and combat ruin the experience. +iFlighT,-,5,-,false,-,Juste un grand merci a CD Projekt Red pour ces moments de jeux extraordinaire ! L'un des meilleurs jeux jamais crée ! +clausbo,-,5,-,true,-,Summary: A good game with superb writing and a huge world to explore how you see fit. I loved the Witcher when I played the enchanced version many moons ago. It had a raw dark energy. I liked some aspects of Witcher 2, but the gameplay did not feel good to me, I hated the quciktime events and the game felt too linear and it didn't hook me. It took me a while to get into Witcher 3. I was skeptical of the gameplay and I didn't really get into it on my first pass. I put it aside for a long time, but meanwhile I read most of the short stories and got quite interested in Geralt as a character and his history and relationship. I returned to the game with new eyes and discovered the amazing, adult and well developed stories being told. The fantastic dialogue, interesting plotlines and well developed characters. I also turned the difficulty up to Blood and Broken bones so that herbalism and crafting starts to matter and monsters feel dangerous. I have now played almost all the main game has to offer and most of the expansions and I have really enjoyed it. The mix of freedom and superb writing makes this game lots of fun to play and there is a ton of world to explore with monsters, characters and stories all smartly presented without too much explaining or sugar coating. My wife has now also started playing and she has quickly become obsessed with it despite not playing the previous two games or reading the books. +ShepardME13,-,5,-,false,-,Это лучшая в мире игра!!! Спасибо CD Projekt Red!!! +Meltix,-,5,-,true,-,This is the best game ever and its my life saver this Game prevented me comiting suicide no joke i was about to give up but then this aperead and my life is life worthy :) +stratman42,-,5,-,true,-,-Note, I probably have around 40 hours into this at the time of review This game is incredible, it delivers on everything I could have hoped for, great writing, brilliant side quests, a lush open world, fun combat system and an awesome character driven story. This is the first Witcher game I have ever played, and all its made me want to do is finish this one and then buy the rest. The Story is incredible and has moral choice aspects that do more than just give you a different ending, it affects who lives, who dies and what is going to happen next, and they aren't black and white either, and you often don't know how your choices will affect the story. I killed off two central characters to the plot by turning a demon tree into a horse two hours earlier. It's brilliant. The writing and quest design is where I think is where the real strength of the Witcher 3 is. Each side quest feels like an adventure and has its own small self contained story and characters. Everything is incredibly well thought out and all the mechanics are almost all well designed, and the execution is often times near prefect. Now the game isn't perfect, animations can get a bit odd, the horse controls can occasionally be finicky, occasionally the combat feels overwhelming, and the game doesn't always look quite as good as you may sometimes hope, but these are really just nitpicks. If you like good fantasy novels, Western RPG's or just want to be immersed in a beautiful open world, just Buy it, go, now, Buy.... JUST DO IT. +Patroklosz,-,5,-,false,-,Truly the best game i have ever played. First i played with the cracked version but this is the first game what deserves that to buy. So i bought it and i played it through 3 times with all the DLCs. For me this game is the game of the year 2015,2016,2017 :) I'm looking forward to Cyberpunk! +kalset,-,5,-,false,-,bardzo dobra grafika,muzuka i fabuła gg !!! +rdisselt123,-,5,-,false,-,AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA +san4esYou,-,5,-,false,-,игра потресающая... только в сетевом режиме ничего нет, это печально.... а в целом люблю эту игру +RedBred,-,5,-,true,-,Плюсы: Сюжет Открытый мир Графика Атмосфера Озвучка на высоте Минусы: Нету у этой игры минусов) Вывод: Берите не пожелеете! +LeGameurShow,-,5,-,false,-,ce que j,ai vus et super je l,ai acheté il ya 4 jours vraiment un trés bon jeu maleureusement il ya eu un beug a la quete secondaire avec yenefer sur le bateau j,espere qu,il aura un patch +comm1,-,5,-,false,-,There will never be a game like it. I think this may be the best game to ever be made. I don't think with rising costs in the game industry combined with a new love of gambling boxes for kids.... can something like this ever be made again. It does have a few drawbacks. 1. the coding is bad. While i beat the game 4 times i can never play again since the goty update as it produces a headache inducing mouse lag for no reason and no fix. Bugs like that should not exist. 2. writing in some areas are not as good as witcher 1 or 2 such as with radovid who is suddenly so smart he single handedly can deafeat milfguard while also become batshit insane and evil? . Dropped politics from the game as well as downgraded graphics to appease consoles. But the positives are far ahead... unless you can't play it either. +mariusmssj,-,5,-,true,-,Pretty much the best game ever made +Julis,-,5,-,false,-,Just buy it. Just do it. Now. +Makovac,-,5,-,true,-,This is the best game I've ever played 10/10 +Ballovirta,-,5,-,false,-,I bought this game when it was releaced but never took my time to play it until now. And boy what a great game this is after around 50 hours i finaly beat the game and i must say its one of the best games i played. The reason why i didnt play this one was becouse of the witcher 2 it was so linear. I loved witcher 1 the 2nd was ok but not what i expected. +kirianonline,-,5,-,false,-,Very good game +RaithPunget,-,5,-,false,-,This game sets the bar so incredibly high for all other RPGS. Not a single one of the quests felt dull or poorly written, there is so much story and dialogue, and it all is well written. The world is huge, I should know because I made a point of discovering every single marker and beating every single quest in the game, which took around 170 hours including both DLC'S. Oh and by the way, Blood and Wine is like an entire game in of itself and they only asked $20 for it! The developers really can't get enough credit because there is literally nothing I would change in this game, the story drew me in, I fell in love with the crafting system, and the beautifully designed world. If you haven't played this game or are on the fence, do yourself a favor and get it now, its worth more than the full price to me. +LucaCucchia,-,5,-,true,-,This game is a dream and I don't want to wake up. +eroommaharg,-,3,-,false,-,This game has been acclaimed by many people as one of the greatest games of all time, yet it is not even close to meeting those claims. I have tried to get into this game twice and have failed both times. Both experiences started out with numerous technical errors during installation/set-up that although doesn't greatly affect my feelings toward it, left me with a bitter taste in my mouth before even playing. As for the game, it is highly polished and the quality is apparent, yet the combat feels very disfluid and tedious that leaves me wanting to avoid it as much as possible, rather than seeking it out as good combat should. The graphics are stunning, yet low framerate makes them much less enjoyable as well as ruining combat (you have to wait until the middle of a battle, with high lag and low fps to realize just how well you can actually run the game). The game has its fair share of bugs, specifically with Roach, that are frustrating and ruin immersion. I can't comment much on the story, other than Geralt is obviously a one dimensional hackneyed fantasy badass with his atrocious Batman voice acting and ridiculously tough character model. I see the appeal of the game, the world is immersive and the complex mechanics provide endless entertainment. I just don't see how this makes it the best game ever made. Don't listen to that hype or you'll be nothing but disappointed. +kamac,-,5,-,false,-,Great optimization, tons of content. Fun dialogues, deep characters. A well functioning fighting system. One of the best - if not the best - games I've played. +jobemichel,-,5,-,false,-,awesome +suxhard,-,5,-,false,-,THE BEST GAME EVER, BUY IT NOW! +Diktat,-,5,-,false,-,...и остался доволен! Как будто сам пережил все эти события, в некоторых моментах хотелось даже плакать, в общем вещь стоящая! +orenjii,-,5,-,false,-,You can really tell this game was made with attention to detail and love. CD Projekt Red has their fans in mind when they made this <3 Lovely story, environment, and characters! +DutchDoughnutz,-,5,-,false,-,This game, man, its amazing. From the exiting gameplay to the amazing story and great characters, this game has to be one of my all-time favourites. The world soaks you in with its unique lore. If you're into rpg's, fantasy and/or a great story/soundtrack you should definitely buy this game. +thesunny1991,-,5,-,false,-,Habe The Witcher 3 damals zum Release auf der Xbox One durchgespielt. Story und Grafiktechnisch einfach klasse. Das Spiel ist total fesselnd und bereitet mehrere Stunden Spaß. Damals habe ich noch das Hearts of Stone DLC gespielt, das unter einigen Bugs gelitten hatte aber dennoch spaß gebracht hat. Jetzt spiele ich das ganze nocheinmal intensiv auf dem PC durch. Ich muss sagen das Inventar ist übersichtlicher geworden als es noch zum Release der Fall war. In The Witcher 3 steckt viel Liebe zum Detail. Zögert nicht und legt es euch zu. LG Sunny +LoleLOler,-,5,-,false,-,Я уверен это станет классикой! +Nikhil555550,-,5,-,true,-,One of the best games I have ever played +Zaysaki,-,5,-,false,-,I dont believe in perfect anything, but god damn TW3 comes really fucking close. +Nilmaldur,-,5,-,false,-,Je ne vais pas m'étendre car ce n'est un secret pour personne, ce jeu est excellent, c'est un chef d'oeuvre. Tout y est parfait, qu'il s'agisse de l'univers, du scénario, de la carte... On pourra lui reprocher un inventaire très peu pratique, une maniabilité douteuse par moments, plusieurs bugs mais rien de bien méchant. Ces défauts sont légitimes pour un jeu de cette envergure ! Achetez le. +NismoR31,-,5,-,true,-,Arguably the best RPG ever made. All components come together for a truly immersive & enjoyable experience. Many were worried it would have major flaws when it was delayed a number of times, but those delays were justified. The writing in this game is the benchmark all developers should aspire to. Quests are well designed & thought out. In many large games the quality tends to wane towards the latter stages - not so in this one. It's top notch from start to finish. The expansions are a continuation of that. Gameplay is fun & can be very challenging on higher difficulty levels. NG+ is done well. Definitely a must-play for any RPG fan. +horatio4,-,5,-,true,-,best game all time +Starscream203,-,5,-,false,-,I love this game +H8ts,-,5,-,true,-,I don't usually write review, so I'll be brief: Considering its length, possibilities and craftsmanship, it indeed is the best RPG ever created. +morani-x,-,5,-,true,-,10 ИЗ 10 +Alex2309,-,5,-,false,-,Пусть русскоязычный обзор будет в топе ребят. Начнем: Шедевральная игра! Поляки сделали огромный вклад в игровую индустрию. Возьмак является рекордсменом по наградам, было собрано более 800 наград, 250 игровых издателей назвали её лучшей игрой года. Как вообще эта игра может не понравится? Как-то раз возьмак заставил играть аж 12 часов без перерыва... Плюсы: ===== - Графика. Даже после даунгрейд она радует глаз и остаётся на данный момент одной из лучших. ===== - Сюжет. Что тут можно сказать? Просто очень годный сюжет. ===== - Геймплей. ===== - Саундтрек. Больше половины были добавлены в плейлист. ===== - Открытый мир. Многие могут сказать, что он пустой. Леса и поля только, но везде и всегда можно найти приключение на свою ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. ===== - Связи с книгами и предыдущими играми. ===== - Бесплатные DLC и 2 огромных. "Кровь и вино" можно даже брать как отдельную игру. Эти два дополнения идут на 50 часов геймплея Минусы: ===== - Нам обещали что это конец трилогии.. +xLaserCookiex,-,5,-,false,-,The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt ist das beste Rollenspiel das ich bis jetzt spielen durfte. Gute Story, tolle Grafik und mein 2. Lieblingsspiel. Kauft euch das Spiel... bitte... +soulsunlight,-,5,-,false,-,The Game. Nothing else. +MDoerper,-,5,-,true,-,The Witcher 3 is the RPG we deserve, the one we've been clamoring for since the days of Baldurs Gate. The story, the characters, the world building, the adventure, beautiful graphics, smooth gameplay; this game has it all. Unfortunately... this is a mixed blessing. Now don't get me wrong, I absolutely love this game, it's getting 5 stars but... just consider this... The Witcher 3 is the epitome of modern RPGs, it is the diamond in the rough, the shining star in the darkness and it's probably the only time we'll have an RPG of this calibre in our lifetime; those of us alive now who have experienced RPGs going back into the 80s up to today are unlikely to ever encounter a game as good as this again. This is it for us, RPGs have jumped the shark and The Witcher 3 was the one that did it. This is CD Projekt's magnum opus, you can feel the love they had for this game in all asepcts of it. If you haven't added this to your collection, what are you waiting for? +ArchitectOfDeath,-,5,-,false,-,Hard work pays off and it's clear on the result.This artistic masterpiece that's called a videogame is truly amazing.One of the best games ever. Story:✓ Twisting Plot:✓ Gameplay:✓ Badass feeling:✓ Graphics:✓ Nudes(not entirely :P ):✓ Expansion that's like a entirely new game:F#cking double ✓✓ Thanks CDPR for this masterpiece 'cause you are indeed artists! +tym3k,-,5,-,false,-,Hello! I have never been a great gamer and in other games I often got bored after a few hours of playing, but this time it was different. I have just finished the main story and this is my first game that I played fully from the beginning to the end. This game impressed me straight from the beginning, with great storytelling, great and realistic characters who all have a personality and history. The main story is very fascinating and keeps you in tension all the time. In addition to that, you also have lots of side quests, the graphics are awesome and the world is huge and beautiful. Music and sound is also great. This game feels like a great movie/book, it is really unforgettable. I am really satisfied with this purchase and hopefully I still have the DLCs to play. If you haven't played this game, you really should, even if you think you won't like it. I initially didn't even consider playing this game, but after reading many positive reviews and seeing all the awards, I gave it a try and I don't regret it! The Witcher 3 is the best game I have ever played and I am waiting for Cyberpunk 2077, the next game from CD Projekt Red: the best company in the game industry. +grynkose,-,2,-,true,-,Played it for a bit on Windows 10. Then downgraded to Windows 7, and now the game always crashes at the start. Same hardware. +al2653,-,5,-,false,-,Easily one of the greatest games I've ever played. +JiDe,-,5,-,true,-,Quel jeu magnifique avec un tel contenu ! +Serg1152,-,5,-,true,-,Проходил не торопясь наслаждался каждым моментом игры) И уверяю лучшей серии игр я еще не встречал! Лучшая из лучших игр всех времен! безусловно знаменуимая "Игрой Года"! +LazyPower,-,5,-,false,-,Best RPG ever made, good optimalization - you can run it on Intel i3-4160, NVIDIA GeForce GT 730 and 8 GB RAM (maybe on lowest graphic settings, but without lags !!!). +bruxoc,-,5,-,false,-,O melhor jogo de RPG que já joguei na vida e provavelmente irei jogar. (a menos que a CD lance TW4) rsrsr. Batalhas são lindas, os chefes são bem legais, o mundo é vasto e vivo. A historia é sensacional e empolgante. As DLC's são realmente a prova que a CD respeita e ama seus jogadores, é d+! Estou jogando pela 4ª vez a campanha e é sempre incrível. Obrigado CD Project Red Te amo. +iman41216,-,5,-,false,-,eror +tom1862001,-,5,-,false,-,Great game I can run it nearly perfectly with my GTX980+I5 5560 on ultra. The Story is just epic Gameplay is Phenomenal And the Fighting System....just perfect so much details one of the best games I ever played 9/11 wold play it again. +MonteXMat,-,5,-,false,-,The best Witcher. +DomaXimus,-,5,-,false,-,Amazing Game, The Best RPG since years.. +Ircghost,-,5,-,false,-,Truly a remarkable and interesting story. The attention to detail in even the smallest cities is great. A lot of side quests are better than main stories in other games I have seen. I dislike the extreme attention to sexulation of women, but that is a larger problem.. All in all I would still recommend this as one of the best, if not, the best RPG ever made. +hubson437,-,5,-,true,-,Czekam na 4 Redzi ;P +Lightmaster767,-,5,-,true,-,The story, voice acting, cinematics and general graphics of this game are the best I've ever sene, this is esily the best rpg ever made, I really hope EA never buys this company. +Dailnaught,-,5,-,true,-,My #1 all time favorite game. That's said after Fallout 4 and Skyrim. The story is in depth, well developed, and completely matured. I have no times where I wondered what the outcome was after I finished a mission. Many areas, the game goes deeper than expected to sate curiosity. The graphics are superb, very vibrant and well rounded and when I move through the game, if I want to take time to look at a particular scenery, big or small, I just move the camera angle a bit and all good to go. The soundtrack is engaging and very beautifully done. It magnifies the atmosphere wonderfully. There are no pieces of this work that I believe can be improved upon. They could always add more to it, or make more content, but as the game stands with its' expansions, I have no recommendations to improve upon. It is whole, complete and a wonderful work. Thank you. +runequester,-,3,-,false,-,Witcher 3 is a game that stands on the edge of greatness but consistently fails to reach it. Let's get the plusses out of the way. For a lot of gamers, the things it does well will be the things that are all-important to them, which explains its die-hard fanbase. *The story is heavily cliched, but is told very appealingly. *The NPCs are very well done and despite only limited experience with the previous two titles, I had no difficulty in figuring out who was who, and how they related. *Geralt is a bit of a "writers first fantasy hero" but I was surprised how genuinely likeable he became. The scene when you finally find Ciri is very touching and the wry sarcasm plays well against the bleak world. *The game is visually gorgeous. I played on PS4 and it was breathtaking, I can only imagine what it'd look like on a state-of-the-art system. *There is a lot to do. If you like games that you can sink a hundred hours into, you are going to absolutely get your moneys worth. Unfortunately, while the above makes it a very appealing game in the vein of action-adventures like Assasins's Creed, the actual roleplaying elements are very lackluster. *Equipment and loot is handled very poorly. After the first few hours, the items you find are almost universally vendor-trash that has no meaning, since your Witcher gear will be superior. *Combat is stodgy and uninspired. In a world post-Dark Souls and Bloodborne, this isn't acceptable. *Character creation is non-existent. No ability to customize your starting play style. *Levelling and the skill slot system is abstract and arbitrary and does not ultimately amount to much of anything. Of particular frustration is the skill "slot" system. Since you get so few slots, you basically have to continue levelling the same couple of skills to be able to enjoy the benefits of them, making levelling up feel pointless. As it stands, CDPR has some of the best character stories in the industry, but the mechanics are a decade behind. +coveroldan,-,5,-,false,-,Despites of some weird horse riding mecanics. The game thrully teaches how important good writting and attention to details are. I have been playing games since I was 3 and lately games have been suffering lack of depht in exange of graphics and cool efects. The Witcher 3 has everything, especialy some amazing sceeneries. Sure is not a perfect game (glitches and some combat repetitiveness) but it makes the best job at story inmersion. For its value over 100HOURS of gameplay if you rush the story I have clocked 250 already and still have stuff to do. For that and much more the game for me is a MASTERPIECE 10/10. +XIxR3DEEM3RxIX,-,5,-,false,-,I can't explain it right. But I try my best. This game is a masterpiece! One of the best games I ever played in my life. A mix of brutality, sex and erotic, fantasy and such stuff. Performance is awesome! Graphics are awesome! "Hight" settings and no lags. Scary monsters, mythical creatures, beautiful girls (Triss <3), open world... oh man! I don't know what to tell! So much awesome stuff!! I love this game! 10/10 +Timofka,-,5,-,false,-,Прошёл все части ведьмака на 2 аккаунте,после этого хочу кланяться в ноги разработчикам.Настолько проработанных игр не видел давно.CD project red я ваш раб. Найдите хоть одну игру в которой мини-игра будет затягивать на многие часы(гвинт). Я готов расцеловать разработчиков также за то ,что они не жадные. Например я играл в гвинт и решил написать отзыв,в итоге пока искал как его написать подписался на новости,и мне подарили 1 ведьмака. Побольше бы таких кампаний! +mapkoman,-,5,-,false,-,Simply amazing! Smooth immersive gameplay, amazing storyline, amazing graphics. One of the best games ever. I +turtle696969,-,5,-,false,-,the Witcher games in general are brilliant, but this game is by far the best game I've ever played. the story is spectacular especially if you have played the other games, the characters are very in depth, and the amount of content will keep you entertained for many hours. PLAY THIS GAME NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! +MatikThe1st,-,5,-,false,-,Good gameplay, story, graphic, audio... It is one of the best games what I ever seen before. +Maciejov,-,5,-,false,-,The BEST game I've ever played! +movaxbx,-,5,-,true,-,SIMPLY AMAZING. Returned after 2 years since I last completed it, and I am awed by how polished and complete this game is. Everything is just PERFECT. +CosmicRupee,-,5,-,false,-,own it on steam +DaPompousWiz,-,5,-,false,-,Havin 100 hours in it and finished the game twice, I'd say it's alright. +NinjaORC,-,5,-,true,-,All I have to say is please don't let this be the last game of our beloved Monster Slayer Geralt of Rivia! +GamerGobe,-,5,-,false,-,Love this Game +Xland,-,5,-,false,-,Спасибо, за ваш труд и потрясающий мир. +Armandjoubert,-,5,-,false,-,Best openworld game to date. Can't wait for Cyberpunk 2077. +BogW4mP,-,2,-,false,-,Keeping it short. Pros: Pretty graphics, ran well at max. Lots of quests Crafting (weapons, potions, bombs) Decisions in game make a difference 1 v 1 battles Cons: Worst targeting system ever with multiple enemies, switch to targets behind and off screen. Open world, but very linear on actions to achieve goal. Terrain covered in ice. Archers do not put you into battle mode, no dodge or block till you get close. Fix the targeting system 4 stars. Fix targeting, ranged attack to cause battle mode, and make quests not so linear, 5 stars. +judostar25,-,5,-,false,-,This game is without a doubt one of my favourite games of all time. I bought the GOTY edition on steam during the Winter sale and I've had no regrets. I've put in close to 120 hours and I still have more content to do. I loved the main game, HoS was a good DLC as well but for some reason I felt like I wanted more after it was done. Blood and Wine... OMG... Sets a standard on how DLCs should be in future games. It's beautiful and engaging, and that's an understatement... CD:Red actually made 2 maps for the expansion. 1 that was the real world and the other... a beautiful miniture world that's for part of a main Quest! The send off at the end of Blood and Wine, hats off to CDR, it was both a "alright Geralt's story is done now, he's going to settle" and a little gift for the fans (whoever you chose to be your main romance shows up, if not Ciri does, and if Ciri doesn't come due to a certain choicing in the main story, then you get Dandellion bro). The mechanics have been improved a lot since TW2. In TW2, the combat system felt restrictive, the lack of a real dodge mechanic made me feel immobile and the lack of being able to jump felt kind of lame. What didn't I like about TW3? Nothing really. The only thing I didn't like was that I wasn't able to talk to Ciri, Triss or Yennefer after beating the main game. Why? because the game puts them in the last mission, where in freeroam you're placed before the events of the last mission and it being completed. What does this mean? they're phased out. But this is minor, nothing a mod or two can't fix and well, it's also kind of fixed after you beat Blood and Wine... if you didn't do the bad endings. +SlyNo0X,-,5,-,false,-,The Witcher 3 est la référence absolue en terme de RPG en monde ouvert. Un LORE cohérent, une fidélité par rapport aux livres exemplaire, CD Projekt a mis tout son amour dans son jeu. Cela se ressent tout au long de l'aventure, et ça force le respect. Au delà des graphismes somptueux, nous trouvons une direction artistique incroyable, un gameplay aux petits oignons, des quêtes bien écrites , des dialogues toujours savoureux. Rien n'est laissé au hasard. En terminant ce jeu, il vous faudra un temps d'arrêt avant de jouer à d'autres RPG. Ils paraîtront en effet bien fades à côté de ce monument. Une aventure à ne manquer sous aucun prétexte. Je joue à The Witcher depuis la sortie du premier, et c'est l'un des meilleurs RPG qui est sortie depuis le premiers voir même mieux. Dans 10 ans on entendra encore parler de The Witcher 3 comme l'une des références. +Rob110577,-,5,-,false,-,I was new to the Witcher series when I started the Witcher 3 and to be honest it did take me a while to get into. I'm normally a completionist for games, but the level of content in the Witcher 3 I found to be overwhelming and it did take me a few stop-starts before I found my way, though once I did I was completely taken in. The world is amazing, with all the characters fully reaslised, existing in a very believable drawn landscape like all the best RPGs are. The music and voice acting is also first class, which gives weight and emotional depth to the stories throughout the entire game. The combat and gameplay is also highly engaging, especially the towards the latter part of the third act, where you had a real sense of being involved in the heart of the action. By the end of the game the Witcher 3 left me with a lasting impression, so much so I'm now going back to try the Witcher 2, though even without playing the previous games, the Witcher 3 was a first class experience, one which I would highly recommend. +L3gendaryLlama,-,5,-,false,-,Witcher 3 offers an enormous world to explore at your leisure with a nice variety of enemies, enviroments and a good storyline to go with it! you will happily get your moneys worth with the base game, it offers a lot more than most RPGs at an amazing price, visually its stunning and runs amazingly considering. the gameplay is fast and satisfying beyond belief and allows a great challange if you want it. CDProjectRed have hit the ball clearly out of the park on this one, not only did they create a masterpeice, they offered it with an amazing price. i would 100% get this game if you like RPGs!! +DiceGordon27,-,5,-,false,-,I've never played a game like this before.It is simply amazing and I usually get bored with rpgs, but not with this one.I've played it for about 20 hrs and yet i m not even close to finishing it, plus their are the DLC chapters yet to do, so youre getting the best value for your money. +kamilo212,-,5,-,false,-,nice game +ClarkH97,-,5,-,false,-,Und mehr ist nicht zu sagen ! +ricosman,-,5,-,false,-,Extraordinaire RPG le 3éme du nom sublime encore un peu plus "si cela est possible" la série! quel bonheur et quelle histoire, un bac à sable immense des quêtes secondaires à ne plus savoir qu'en faire un Must quoi , on dit que la perfection n'existe pas et pourtant The Witcher 3 n'en est pas loin si un jeux mérite 19.9 sur 20 c'est celui-ci. Un incontournable dans la ludothéque de tout joueur de RPG qui se respect. Ricosman. (je ne sais s'il planche sur le 4 mais ils vont en voir pour mieux faire) +McMilek,-,5,-,false,-,I think is the best game 2015 and 2016. +Kyu_Ki,-,5,-,false,-,And that's not hyperbole either. I MEAN that! LITERALLY. +pejako,-,5,-,false,-,As an avid reader of Witcher series books I was looking forward to play this game. After playing Witcher 1 and 2 which were masterpieces I couldn not except anything else from this game. And it did not disappoint. But be warned once you will play this game you will be completely absorbed by it :) +Cheapside,-,5,-,false,-,The best RPG i have played in many many years. im so glad i finaly sad down to play it. its a must play. +roodrigoag,-,5,-,false,-,Masterpiece, pure art. +Zohaibt,-,5,-,false,-,loved it! +Gameruser2015,-,5,-,false,-,I never played witcher 1 and 2, but there many good reviews about it that i tried witcher 3. Hell if i had known earlier this game is blast. The atmosphere, the dialogs, the interactions and "liveliness" of the NPCs are top notch. Rarely have i experience such an feeling of immersion. The combat system is dull, and you mostlikely only have 2 or 3 options how to handle things, but since you have over 50 missions (sidequest and mainquest) it replay value is already high enough. Even sidequest give a feeling of importance. Most games only focus on main story and give it special attention, but this game, no maybe even the developer itself, give attention to almost everything. This game, even without the DLCs is worth every minute of playtime. I bet i have played 20% of my playtime only gwent. This game sure will be the new benchmark all similiar future games are compared with. +Madmaniac01,-,5,-,true,-,Es gibt meines erachtens gar nicht so viel zu sagen über das Spiel, es ist in nahezu jeder Hinsicht einfach perfekt. Und wer es sich tatsächlich entgehen lässt es zu spielen verpasst einen gigantischen Meilenstein der Gamingwelt. Großartige Arbeit CD Projekt Red! +Tiburon13,-,1,-,true,-,Clunky movement and combat, far too much dialogue, mediocre graphics. Do yourself a favor and read a book instead. +nJiKo99,-,5,-,false,-,I dont know what to write. This game is the best RPG i had ever played!! The experience in this game is so nice that you cant even imagine this! This game is worth of every dollar or euro. You have to try it because you wont find better RPG on the market right now! Trust me you wont regret this just buy this game and you will be (cuz of the amazing stories in this game) happy, sad, confused, excited, schocked Totally rate it 10/10 +Shigawire,-,5,-,false,-,Caveat: I did not enjoy Witcher 1, as I only played about 10% of it before I got bored and stopped playing. Witcher 2, I got bored after 30% into it, and stopped. But Witcher 3 blew my mind in every conceivable way. What had stopped me from enjoying the first two games properly was well fleshed gameplay mechanics, that worked fluidly. It's hard to describe exactly what it was about the game mechanics that made Witcher 3 work for me. But I think the fact that the whole game world was a lot more expansive without so many load screens helped a lot, combined with the improved combat mechanics. The stories were so well written, as to cause tears in my eyes at some points, hilarious laughter at other times.. and in between all those very strong moments, I experienced the awe of the world surrounding me, and a genuine lust for exploration. And frankly, I experienced AWE in realizing how much effort CDPR put into EVERY SINGLE SIDE QUEST. What I'm used to with other RPG developers (like Bethesda etc), is that they put very little effort into the quality of their side quests. Dialogue often feels bland and flat in the side quests of most games. The quality of the side quests in Witcher 3 is greater than the best main quests in any Bethesda game. Witcher 3 has basically set a new industry standard for how an Action RPG and storywriting can be. As for criticism, there's not really much to criticize. But if there is something constructive I could say to the developers, I would say the "detective" puzzles where you have to track down a monster seem a bit too simplistic. There is a lot more potential in these detective puzzles. It uses the same kind of formula that I've seen in the Arkham games. It's basically "Enable detective mode" and find the bright glowy clues, and follow the bread crumbs from there. This was the best game of the year it came out. But for me, it's probably the best game ever. I can only imagine what Cyberpunk 2077 will be like after this. +bobo1991,-,5,-,true,-,We will keep it short as so many have already reviewed it and praised Witcher 3 with 5 stars. This is the kind of literary work (it would be injustice to call it a game) that comes once in a decade or more that defines a genre. It is the Game of Thrones' Game of Thrones, Quention Trantino's Trantino, Umberto Eco's Eco, it is simply that good and above anything else I've ever played. From the fabrics to music to number of references to other artistic works - Zed is dead, Defensive Regulatory Magicon and Gottfried’s Omni-opening Grimore ;) - Project Red deserves a standing ovation for producing the kind of multi-layered work that offers everything and more one could expect from an epic work of fiction. As an open world all quests have a sense of purpose as they do impact the main storyline in ways unexpected. If you still did not buy it from GOG, do yourself a favor and buy it now, every price is worth paying. But before, if you have an older machine invest in a new PC with cutting edge graphics card and an SSD to enjoy it the way it was meant to be enjoyed. I wish GOG could implement a system that user could give one game 6 stars to show their appreciation. And also thank you GOG team, I understand GOG supported the project during development. +mariosavagian,-,5,-,false,-,WITCHER 3 IS THE BEST GAME.IM FEELING EMPTY NOW BECAUSE I FINISHED IT.infinite/10!!! CD PROJECT RED WE NEED MORE GERALT!WE NEED WITCHER 4!!!!!!!! +Erzock,-,5,-,false,-,Unglaublich spannendes und kurzweiliges Spiel. Spitzen Arbeit CD Project RED, weiter so! +MarioKandriu,-,5,-,false,-,The greatest game of all time!!! +BLocking94,-,4,-,true,-,The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a wonderful action RPG that is absolutely stuffed with content to discover and explore. The story is well paced with a cast of great characters, and the world is immense and beautiful. If you have the money for the GOTY edition, then I'd highly recommend it. The expansion packs really add a lot to the game, and it would be a shame to miss out if you've bought the game without them. The PC version of this game runs very smooth, although if you're not using a 4GB card or more you may want to turn down shadows, textures and hair effects to achieve a smooth 60 FPS. I would also recommend playing the game on Blood and Broken Bones difficulty to get the best experience out of the game. +Layxs,-,5,-,true,-,Just wow +rillijulle,-,5,-,false,-,Title says it all. Other games have this kind of a empty feeling after I've played Witcher 3. About 170 hours behind, and still haven't finished the main quest, but it's going to be the next move since I'm in the point where's nothing else to do. Not saying that there's nothing do to, but want to continue on expansions, which I've heard to be a great addon for the Witcher saga. So I think I've played the main game enough to write a short review about it. Because I simply love it. I've been playing Witcher 3 for months now. Usually launched the game now and then, but always enjoyed the atmosphere, which is simply the best comparing to any other game there is, hands down. I also enjoyed to have my Witcher 3 server with an Xbox 360 controller. The game kinda feels like it's made to play with controller, because the UI, controls and everything are made to work so smooth. I love that when you launch a game for a long period of time, while doing something else, you immediately remember the controls and everything else in game mechanics. Why? Because the game is made so well. The thing why I play Witcher games is the universe, and how greatly it has been brought into a video game. The ultimately greatest thing in Witcher 3 is the story, characters and how all of this is written to work in a huge interractive play. I simply have nothing to say about Witcher 3, one love for Witcher saga since the first one. +OlgaLBN,-,5,-,false,-,Best game ever! It has unique atmosphere, great dialogues (especially the random ones from NPC's while traveling :-) ), wonderful soundtrack, addictive story (for now Heart of Stone is the best, hadn't played Blood and Wine yet). And in my opinion you should play it only with the original polish voice, otherwise you miss all of this game's flavors that it has to offer :-) +Deasaster43,-,5,-,false,-,Ein echt Gelungendes spiel man kann garnicht mehr aufhören zuspielen und es ist egal ob hauptstory, Nebenquest,Schatzsuche oder Hexeraufträge. Wobei die Hauptstory echt mega gut ist bei denn entscheidungsmöglichkeiten die man hat verändert man sogar die story was in vielen spielen ja nur so scheint ist hier wirklichkeit^^ Spielt man nebenqest oder anderes bekommt man immer eine neue geschichte zuhören selbst wenn man einfach nur rumreitet und die fragezeichen aufdeckt findet man neue qest und keine ist wie die davor wer auf solche spiele steht sollte es sich kaufen. +aldrin88,-,5,-,false,-,The best game ever! +janttlo,-,5,-,false,-,Brilliant game. You cannot call yourself an RPG fan unless this is part of your collection. Fantastic attention to detail and a lot of love was put into this game and it shows +midwaysilver,-,1,-,false,-,was expecting a lot from this game after reading reviews but i guess people are crazier than i thought. The game is awful, bad voice acting, bad story, controls scheme lifted from a sega master system game. the graphics are pretty good but again i was expecting more after the hype, they are no better than many other games of the same age. the only good thing i can say about it is maybe it gets better as it goes on, i dont know because i gave up on it long before it got good. i wouldnt usually leave a bad review of a game, id just move on, but i bought the game on the back of good reviews and am seriously dissapointed and hope i can save some other poor bugger the money iv thrown down the drain on this game +hansyap,-,5,-,false,-,BEST GAME..................... ENOUGH SAID +MethusalemOrion,-,5,-,true,-,I have played Witcher 1 and 2 and recognized that they became better each time. I remember the time when somehow nobody knew about Witcher 1 and I told my friends about it. They bought it for about 5€ and yeah ... Witcher 3 seems to be an awesome open world game. There are a lot like Gothic or Fallout etc. But they seem to be somehow empty. Not in Witcher 3. This world is living and makes fun to explore. What frustrated me: I bought Witcher 3 about two weeks before the GOTY came out. Now I have the game twice. +Ingerar,-,5,-,false,-,Finaly! I found a game that makes me feel like i did in my early days of rpg gaming. I thought i would never see the day!! Awesome! And a huge thanks too CD project red for making sutch an epic experience,and for revitalising the game industry,i realy think they do. In the last years i have always had the feeling that i have payd waaaaay too mutch for smal dlc`s and that mutch of the games are held back on day on just too milk my wallet later on.. With CD Project Red i realy feel that they want me too feel that i get alot for my money,and boy i realy do! I was actualy realy sad when i had finished the main game and didnt have mutch left to do... But what an awesome surprise Hearts of stone and Blood and wine was. Not only more content but also the refining of the game on eatch update. So,if you like big open rpg worlds with insane amounts of stuff to do,insane graphics,insane atmosphere,insanely great story and side missions and an insane amount of detail,it does not get better then The wither 3 Wild hunt. They say that Geralts journey now is over.... I dont want too belive that. :-D +Mortheous,-,5,-,false,-,I was gifted a copy of this game by my cousin and I absolutely LOVE this game! I have lost count how many times I have gone through it changing my answers ever so slightly as to get different respnses from the various NPC's. I loved playing this game so much I went back and purchased 1 and 2 myself to complete the trilogy. Having played them all now from beginning to end I have an even greater appreciation for The Witcher 3. Definitely one of the best games I have ever played regardless of the platform they were one. All three Witcher games are worthwhile and highly recommended. +Daassie,-,4,-,true,-,The game looks and sounds gorgeous, and I am in love with the writing and the universe. I would not hesitate to recommend Witcher 3 to anyone who wants a superb action/traditional RPG mix in 2016, whether they are looking for a high-quality, quite unique fantasy world to sink their time and self into, or just to explore, quest and fight. My grievances with the game are few, but all have to do with off-game mechanics: 1. The FOV is very narrow and cannot be adjusted. It makes me feel sick for half an hour or longer every time I play. It can also make multi-directional fights needlessly frustrating. 2. The game is exceedingly dark with no brightness/gamma setting. I get it, it's for the mood, but really? Having to adjust your monitor every time you play a certain game is CRT era nonsense. (If Cat potion lasted longer than 60 s this would mostly be a non-issue and become an unquestionable feature of the game's world). 3. Geralt's movement is rudimentary compared to Ubi games and even Dark Souls. Collision and passing are janky, parkour is limited and unreliable, and stick hysteresis is too low (Geralt is way too quick to go full tilt). Turning wigs out sometimes (due to collision and steering angles). Fighting works okay, thankfully. I've learned to work around the flaws and limitations, but that doesn't mean they're not there. 4. Hotspot activation does not work at all if you're anywhere close to said spot. You can even see the activation prompt for loot, objects and the like on your viewport's edge, but can't activate them if Geralt is not at arm's length. This goes against common and video game sense, as you are usually quite able to interact with objects in your immediate vicinity - the traditional loot pickup method is touching it, for one thing. Maybe less of an issue with kbm/16:9? Some mechanical bugbears aside, this is a stellar RPG experience with no DRM strings attached. Definitely give it a try, it doesn't get much better than this. +MAJ00R,-,5,-,false,-,Nothing more +Going4yourmom,-,5,-,true,-,One of the best games i have ever played! +kozlowskiw,-,5,-,false,-,This game is one of a kind... This game is milestone in whole industry. You will laugh and cry plaing this title, like an 8yr old child. Mindblowing and speechless.... +username_2085988,-,5,-,false,-,1)"Открытый Мир" - БРЕХНЯ!!! так, МИРОЧИК....- 2) Графика - ничего сверхъестественного, а какая трава..... в WOT, помоем у лучше. 3) Модели персонажей - ОТДЕЛЬНАЯ тема для обсуждения!!! в трёх словах - примерно 10 моделей, растянули на Ооочень много персонажей - ПОЗОРИЩЕ!!! 4) Боевая механика - однотипная, приедается! 5) Экономика - "наплевательская" 6) Алхимия - "ТУПАЯ". В игре "ВЕДЬМАК" - гораздо интереснее!!! 7) Надоело портить вам настроение, но могу продолжить.... :( А теперь самое главное!!! Все то что написано выше, МЕРКНЕТ, после часа игры в этот ШЕДЕВР!!!, моя оценка 10! P.S. Кто не играл в первую часть, даже не заморачивайтесь...... :) +thododros2000,-,5,-,false,-,The witcher 3 is a masterpiece! Momentous story with an epic conclusion for the thrilogy .Every decision you make affects the whole story (the game has 9 different story endings!). The have done a great optimization with outstanding graphics. The combat and navigating mechanics have been perfected, also they add some essential features which were missing from the pevious games . CD PROJEKT RED my humble congrats !! +SadLittleBear,-,5,-,false,-,I'm not a fan of RPG; it's too long for me, so many dialogues etc. But this game is amazing, the story is great, and the side quests are so well written. And the world ! beautiful ! alive ! At the end og Skellige, i stopped , and realised : it's not even the main quest! i played it as the main quest... so well done... THX CD projekt the only other RPG i played was skyrim, but i prefer withcer 3 :) +CarlosRuiz,-,5,-,false,-,amazing, awesome amazing, awesome amazing, awesome amazing, awesome amazing, awesome amazing, awesome amazing, awesome amazing, awesome amazing, awesome amazing, awesome amazing, awesome amazing, awesome amazing, awesome amazing, awesome amazing, awesome amazing, awesome amazing, awesome +YeahCheng,-,5,-,false,-,Good game ! ! +damienPOWER,-,5,-,false,-,I don't usually like RPG's but this game is brilliant. Buy it! +Melkiah,-,5,-,false,-,The first few times I played this game I just could not get into it, to hard, to deep, ect... About 6 months or longer I cant remember I made myself sit down and play the game at my best friends demand. I ended up reaching that level of video game chi, or high, you know where time has no meaning, it's just you and the world your playing. I ended up playing for 9 hours that day and was just blown away at the masterpiece I had sitting on my computer untouched. The sheer depth of this game is unlike any I have ever experienced before, the SIZE of the game is amazing and even though I did not fully play the first 2 games, I did not feel as though I was missing anything story wise, they do a good job at filling you in. The world in this game is so alive and unlike anything I have ever seen, beautiful graphics, amazing story, PLEASE do yourself the pleasure of playing this game, you will not regret it! +JerryGamer097,-,5,-,true,-,What an amazing game. First I had this game on the ps4 but after 70 hours of gameplay and almost completing the story, my save game was lost. So I tought I'd buy it for my pc and the performance on my gtx 960 is great. Even on ''high'' I think it looks better than on the ps4. But enough about that. The story and character-development are amazing and the ficht mechanics are great, even with a mouse and keyboard. The monsters are diverse and the sounds and looks of the game are fantastic. This is absolutly the best game I have ever played. +elvenpast,-,5,-,true,-,I have played many RPG's over the time. Elder Scrolls, Legend, Divinity, Gothic...but non of them come even close to this one. It starts with the mainstory and the hundreds of little sidestories (and i mean HUNDREDS). It's well thought out, gripping, deep...like a really good book you just can't put aside aside despite it being 4 a.m. in the morning because there is this one character... It's not just that, though. The game leaves you all the options to make it into your own story. There are soo many choices, moral or not: kill that one, let that one live, be rude, be nice, kiss her, scold her, do magic or just beat 'em up. Every action has consequences and emotional investment is nearly impossible to avoid. And what I personally found most amazing (and on times uncomfortably disturbing) is, that all you see, do, hear in the game is in some way or another apliccable to real life situations and choices, making the world of witcher 3 (monsters and magic aside) so much more realistic feeling. The other amazing thing is the game itself. A huge open world, lovingly created piece by piece, meaning wandering this world doesn't feel like a rinse repeat but an actual exploration of the countless hidden (and sometimes not so hidden) crooks and nannies with unique stories, unique treasures or some crazy monster you just WANT to slaughter for the hell of it. Because the fighting system is dynamique and alive in a way rarely found in games. There are unique strategies for every monster, like bladeoils, signs and the right combination of dodging and rolling and attacking. You won't get bored fighting because even if it's Drowners...again...you will die, even on higher levels, if you just stand there and mash the buttons. In short, fighting and exploring and LEARNING the game keeps on actively engaging you to the (bitter? happy? you're choice) end. +rek80,-,5,-,true,-,I...just...can't...stop... SEND HELP!!! +daniil43,-,5,-,false,-,БЛИН РЕБЯТ, ЧЕ ЗА ХРЕНЬ, НЕ МОГУ СКАЧАТЬ ЭТУ ИГРУ, ВСЕ ОПЛАТИЛ +gpex,-,5,-,false,-,I've played a lot of RPG titles, and The Witcher 3 simply stands above all of them. A huge world filled with non-repetitive and always enjoyable quests, well written characters and a lot of things to do. 60 hours for now, and not a single minute I've been bored or annoyed. What are you waiting for? Go ahead and click that Add to Cart button. Or go out and grap a physical copy, it's damn worth it. +Prase,-,5,-,true,-,I have to admit, I was a bit sceptical about Witcher 3. First one was decend, but nothing I would tell my grandchildren about. Second one was also pretty good, but I got bored suddenly in chapter 3 and never finished it. And to be honest, I've never been much of a fan of The Witcher books either. So I waited for price to drop, to make sure it's worth the risk... and now I think about refund just to buy this game again, for a full price! Yes, it's that good. Pros: + The world is beautiful, full of interesting places and acctually makes sense. No Bethesda style bullshit. + Quests are fun, and even something that looks like a basic fetch quest can surprise you. Of course, there are fetch quests and go somwhere and kill something quests - you are a Witcher after all, killing monsters is your job. But the number of memorable quests is pretty high. + Dialogues are very well written. + There is no clear good or bad. Most of your choices will make somebody suffer. Same goes with characters - when they choose to help you, you can be pretty sure they do it, because it suits their own agenda, not because they are pure of heart. Plus their motivations are understandale, if not justified. + Gwent is fun, I like it way more than dice poker. + Great performance, game runs smoothly on GTX 460. The only place I've experienced minor frame-rate issues is Novigrad. There are some bugs and glitches, but surprisingly few (version 1.31). Also, very short loading times. Cons: - Main story seems a bit weaker - but I haven't finish the game yet, so I might be wrong. - Controlling Geralt in interiors can be pain in the ass. - Combat system is better than in Witcher 2, but it's far from perfect. - Character progression is very basic and lacking depth. - Boat traveling is boring as hell. To end this overly long text - CD Project Red showed us how it looks, when you acctually *know* how to make open-world RPG. Best open-world experience since New Vegas. +twisizznl,-,4,-,false,-,This is without doubt a must-have if you love RPGs. Finding bugs on a daily basis takes one star off for me though. +POTHERB,-,5,-,true,-,27 hours in and loving this game, everything about this game draws you in possibly the best RPG I have ever played, even though I am crap at gwent..... +Matiosca,-,5,-,true,-,I can say, withouth a doubt, this is one of the best game i ever played. Vast world filled with different stuff to do, never boring. Nice combat and lots of different abilities/gear. Nice soundtrack, stunning landscapes, accurate description of beasts and characters met during the game. Wine and blood keeps the main game quality while changing entirely the location. You can consider this DLC way better of many current "generation" games. Well optimised too, with fast loading time and stunning graphics details also in mid settings. Useless say i recommend buying the witcher 3. +Kolibris_LT,-,5,-,false,-,Honestly the best game I have ever played +Bluetick1000,-,5,-,false,-,I will say this is one of the most polished games I have ever played. The graphics are amazing, the animations are equally impressive. From the characters to the creatures it is one of the most realistic in the movements I have seen in a game. The story line is fantastic and envolving. The game play is varible for the beginner to the hard core. It runs perfectly smooth in every situation on a computer that is not super fast by todays standards. 3.4 ghz AMD 8 core Nvidia GTX 660 2 gig ram. I did really like the previous releases of Witcher but this has exceeded anything I could have imagined. If ever there was a game worth spending your money on this is it and at the price they are asking they are giving it away. After having purchased it on sale for a truly great price and playing it a while I wish I had broken down and bought this game a long time ago " At a lot more money" that is how much I like this game. Invest in a game that will be a classic in history like the rare games before it that truly changed the way we think of gaming. +Eldraq,-,5,-,true,-,The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is definitely worth your time. I cannot stop playing. Graphics: 10/10 (Breath-taking views) Gameplay: 10/10 Combat: 10/10 Main story: 10/10 Additional quests: 10/10 Lore: 10/10 Overall: 10/10 It's my opinion^ +Dofit,-,5,-,true,-,<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 I LOVE THE WITCHER 3.... LOVEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! +edumviana,-,5,-,true,-,One of the best RPG games i ever play in my life. I first bought on the xbox and finished the main store and the expansions more than once. I saw on promotion and decided to purchase again, first becouse CDred deserves all the money and respect, second becouse i got a new PC and wanted to try the game at 60 frames. The Witcher frunchise made me know and read greatest fantasy books ever from polish culture. Not abstante of this, the producers show a great respect with the brazilian public bringing the game entirely in portuguese and selling for a fair price. (sorry about my english). +A_Ivashin21,-,5,-,false,-,..if you know what a masterpiece of a game is, then you'll love it. If you like shallow games, or you are just bad at games you will hate it. 10/10 my most favorite game of all time, and yes I do mean it. +antzware,-,5,-,true,-,I am unable to describe very well why this game is so good, I can say shortly that the graphics and the game world are stunning, the voice acting is movie quality, Geralt is a cool guy, it has jokes, partial nudity, story choices, good soundtrack and specially you can get a very nice ending (they don't do the poetic c**p ending Mass Effect or others do). It is the first game for which I bought the DLC and the only game for which I enjoyed the DLC as much as the main game. The big bad wolf scene from Blood and Wine DLC is epic. +MoLAS_SiWO_BroDY,-,5,-,false,-,Najlepsza gar w jaką dane było mi zagrać +elci,-,5,-,false,-,Team Red outdid themselves, TW3 is a real gem when it comes story, world, story and combat. Plenty of character customization too. Runs amazingly on i5-6600k and gtx 1070 on ultra with hairworks on @2560x1080. +domikon,-,5,-,true,-,Good. +Speedi82,-,5,-,false,-,Это самая офигенная игра этого жанра, в которую я играл за все свои 34 года жизни! Спасибо! +Miked79,-,5,-,false,-,Without a doubt the best single player game I have ever played. It dethroned the metal gear series, and thats not easy feet in my book. Games an absolute 10/10 I mean some side quests are more detailed and almost can take you an hour or two and thats almost the length of some other single player games lol Just amazing stuff going on in this game. +NLKZ,-,5,-,false,-,No words for this game its just incredible. If you dont believe me, try it yourself !!! ;) Thanks CDPR for this amazing game. You destroyed gaming for me because no game can reach the witcher 3 in near future i guess :( and i reccomend everbody buying those Expansions, theyre just as awesome as the main game! +DesertFox-N7,-,5,-,false,-,One of the most memorable games I've ever played. This game nailed it on so many aspects: story, characters. environment, visuals, soundtrack, gamplay, you name it ! So many hours of enjoyment, a must play game for any gamer that enjoys offline games. +mishel_rus,-,5,-,false,-,100% achievements, 243 hours played, 4 playthroughs. Didn't sleep when they dropped dlcs. Only hope they will make more.... +silverhaze787,-,5,-,false,-,Das beste rpg bis jetzt!So müssen spiele sein!Schade nur bei mir habe ich seid dem letzten update habe ich hin und wieder grafikfehler....windmühle ist fehlerhaft dargestellt und in novigrad fehlt n turm und ne brücke,die brücke kann ich aber passieren nur die textur fehlt.... +Jabaabuu,-,5,-,false,-,Its just best game i have played within 10 years or even more. Only downside is combat feels little bit clunky but its still fun. +darkpf,-,5,-,false,-,I highly recommend to play it with HOS & BW. I was completely obsessed with the game, I spent 200 hours on it, exploring every little corner. Once the game finished, I felt quite empty since the story push you through so many emotional lifts if you engage your self into it. I have been almost 20 years gaming, it's a rare feeling. The only one that gave me the same is maybe some of the elder scrolls. The game is running butter smooth on a proper configuration (i7 6700k, gtx1070, 144hz screen. I set my own fps cap to avoid high to low fps modulation even with a gsync screen, I advice 90 for this config). The french version of the game is exquisite, it's actually the best one I have ever heard. The voice and text are of a stunning quality depth and vocabulary diversity. The Soundtrack is also quite an ode to video games players. Usually 1-2 tracks are of admirable quality in great AAA games, for the witcher 3 it's literally a large dozen. My only regret : the modding tool are too limited to allow a real community making new quests. I doubled my hours on most elder scrolls with it, it will apparently not happen for the witcher 3 (like witcher 2) :( So once you are done, you are done. (the ng+ didn't felt like a good idea for now). In anyway, I would like to thank CD red projekt for this impressive adventure. You definitely did set a new standard in the PC gaming world. Like there was a before and an after morrowind/skyrim, there is now an after witcher 3 ! I hope you will release another game in the witcher universe with at least the same depth before 2020 :D +Cake0wnz,-,5,-,false,-,Nothing more to add. +VoLaNYeZ,-,5,-,false,-,Best of the best. 10 out of 10. +niko18888,-,5,-,false,-,Good story with amazing characters and Dlc´s +WalimWTo,-,3,-,false,-,In short: its great tale and bad gameplay. Combat is repetitive and unrewarding, character progression is flat and uninteresting. Level scaling kills all joy of finding new gear and encountering new monsters - only the "level" maters. I'm really disappointed that such good writing (characters specially) was mixed with such mediocre game mechanics. +Maksimilijan,-,5,-,true,-,I've been playing games since the days of Amiga 500, and let me tell you, games like the Witcher 3 are very, very rare. I can count with two hands all the games that had such a stellar and gripping story, interesting and memorable characters, refined and exciting battle system, choices that have long and lasting consequences and impressions, beautiful art direction, music and sound design, and above all a heart and a soul. This is one of those games that leave a permanent impression and refinement on you: I love writing short stories and playing all sorts of pen and paper games, both as a dungeon master and as mere hero in a story. Fallout 1 and 2 introduced me to amazing world building and embracing the strange while creating my stories, Baldur's Gate saga has showed me how to build grandiose and bigger than life story campaigns, Planescape Torment taught me how to weave deeper meanings and philosophy in every quest, Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines showed me that every character you meet can be fascinating and every quest can flow like an excellent TV episode. Witcher 3 has cemented in me all this knowledge and showed me a way or two on how to make combat interesting and how to subvert players' expectations and more. Witcher 3 is by no means perfect: you only have one class to play, as a witcher, and there are no skills that could introduce many different ways of solving a single quest, but dang it all, it tries hard to awe you and teach you so many useful lessons that all of the games minuses are easily forgotten. I could gush on how unique and one of a kind Witcher 3 is, but wouldn't it be better to try it yourself :) Go on, play it, enjoy it, love it. I promise you it will change you for good. To its developers and creators, I salute you, this is an experience that time won't mend away :D +Lffy,-,5,-,true,-,After a year of the original game release I started playing Blood and Wine. It is unchanged how I feel about this game, or shall I say my feeling got even more positive? The graphics, the sound, the music the gameplay and especially the story are incredible. You really can't desrcibe this game, you have to experience it by yourself. CDPR developed imho the best game for the last und coming years! +Portenho,-,5,-,false,-,Ótimo Game! Gráficos! Jogabilidade! +moodypoopman,-,5,-,true,-,There are not a lot of games that are worth 60$ in my opinion but this game is definelty worth every penny. The graphics are amazing and the game runs very smoothly on a mid range PC (i5 2400 - Sapphire hd 7950 3GB). The story is engaging and the characters each have their own personality. Another thing i really appreciate about this game is the level of detail and map size. Each location feels unique and not as if it was copy and pasted. This game deserves every award it gets and more I look foward to purchasing expansions. :) +TvInForest,-,1,-,true,-,I think about this alot. Very controversial. Writers are dishonest this is my point. They remove obvious options to resolve The Dilemma from dialog options because they are too lazy to create solid situations. Not all quests are bad,some of them are interesting! But you can add just three - two steel needles into your breakfast to understand me completely. In one very important (Take me 100+ hours to complete- wow what a Great Game! 100+ hour Interesting quest!) quest they will call you a liar at the end ( and then try to make you feel very sad because of that) - but if you will explore all possibilities in this quest you will understand, that writers remove all options to be honest person! You can't say Truth ( we don't allow you) - thus you are Liar! Perfect logic. Now you will suffer. Real ruthless world of witcher comes. I continued to play and think, that this will be explained in DLC , but unfortunatly nobody cares! In another (big DLC) quest they simply take control of Geralt then make several decisions then return control back - and make me feel responsible for outcome of quest. This is really disrespectful. I took a lot of my time (290 hours) to build strong empathy with characters in game, because I want to understand meaning of this story. Lesser evil, lesser evil - will repeat each quest. And Sauron team will be absolutely black and white antagonist. This is about family? Strange family - nobody cares about you, only talk when and what you must do. In Reality everything can happen and absurd too. Without any reason. May be this game is about reality? But if this is true why I can't react properly? You can't try to shape your destiny, can't be honest with friends. (100 years old sorceresses with psychology of teenagers.) There is no meaning- just exploitation of my empathy. They don't care about well done endings - they don't want to create True stories, only copy pasting style and cheating with player to feel clever. What a shame! +peter_herisson,-,5,-,false,-,Joque os dois anteriores da franquia. E estou jogando o terceiro ainda. Simplesmente épico! Não há muito do que se reclamar, aliás quase nada poderia se reclamar desse jogo. Um dos melhores de todos os tempos sem sombra de dúvidas! +Aperture_Dude,-,5,-,true,-,I will admit, I prepurchased this game mostly on hype and to support the developers. And I am glad I did. I was never a fan of RPG games before the Witcher series. In fact even after I purchased The Witcher 3, I haven't even play the first two or read any of the books. After I bought it, I want to know the full story and move my saves forward to see what my decision would affect. So for two months I played almost exclusively the first 2 witcher games in my spare time. When the game finally came out, I was still 3/4 of the way through the 2nd game. It was so tempting to just stop and play the game from there on out. I'm glad I stuck through the end, as it made it even more rewarding to play this fantastic masterpiece. This game spoiled me for the RPG genre along with everyone else from the reviews and praise I have seen online. After I had finished the main story (at least from what I remember), I purchased the season pass as soon as it was available and enjoyed the expanded areas of Novigrad and the beautiful slopes of Touissant. To anyone who enjoy RPG games fill with magic, politics, and great characters, this is a game for you and anyone else who enjoy a world built with care. I look forward to CD Projekt Red next game, but until than, I will continue to play as Geralt of Rivia. +terakez,-,5,-,true,-,Best game ever!!!!! evryone have to play that!!! i'm waiting for witcher 4 :) +SirSigfried88,-,5,-,false,-,U N I C O nel suo genere. Non c'è altro da aggiungere.... Con oltre 500 ore di gioco. Non stanca MAI! +MrJustMartin,-,5,-,false,-,I have so much to say about The Witcher 3, so much in fact that you probably wouldn't want to read through it all - so I'll be brief. The Witcher 3 is an ethereal experience, it's tries so many things and get all of them so right you wonder just how they managed to make this game. It has the richest, denest and most beatiful open world in all of video gaming. It never ceases to be jawdropping - when you are in a town it feels lived in and alive, the forests feel so dense that you could get lost and the world is so rich that it never feels like a chore to travel it, even after hundreds of hours. There are most quests than almost any other game I have ever played and non of them feel like filler. Its more than just a world that facilitates a story - there are hundreds of different stories being told and they all feel as important as each other. I have always refused to call a game 'the best game ever', but since the inclusion of Blood & Wine I think I can say it about The Witcher 3. I am fairly certain that I will never play anything like this ever again. This is truly a masterpiece that everyone needs to experience. Perfect... +Radjah,-,5,-,true,-,Повёлся на отзывы и ролики, купил, поставил, начал играть. Докупил дополнения, продолжил играть. Раскачал Геральта до 34 уровня, начал квесты из DLC. Вроде только начал, а уже 100+ часов наиграно. Уже не и не вспомню игру, в которой вот так залипал. Бывает, что сядешь погонять часик перед сном, а когда наконец отрываешься от игры, то за окном уже светает. Красивейший мир, шикарная озвучка, просто тонны текста. Хочется обойти каждый уголок мира, забраться в каждую пещеру , перевернуть каждый камень в поисках сокровищ. Каждый ведьмачий заказ имеет свою историю. Побочные квесты можно встретить буквально рядом с дорогой. Даже безмолвные потерянные сокровища расскажут свою историю с помощью какой-нибудь записки, которая обычно к ним приводит. Жизнь ведьмака во всей красе. Сегодня Геральт пьёт вино с императорской чародейкой, а на следующий день по уши в грязи штурмует болота. При этом и так очень красивую игру можно дополнительно раскрасить с помощью модов. +Aregorath,-,5,-,false,-,Personally I don't like RPG type games, but when i saw videos from this one I just thought I have to buy it and I love it!!! +Y2theZ,-,5,-,false,-,In the year 2077, I would be 87 years old. I would be watching a TV show with my grandkids, the show is called "The Video Games that pioneered the future of Gaming!" And at the #1 spot, there it is, the anouncer shouts: "WITCHER 3: THE WILD HUNT". And I will look at my grandkids and tell them: "I was there, I played it, and I reviewed it" +DarkTAO,-,5,-,true,-,As I sit here with (literal) tears in my eyes welling up.. I've had such an adventure the likes of which I may never see again. Leaving things the way they did.. I bid farewell to possibly the most well crafted RPG/Interactive Story ever made. Mass Effect's overall saga is a close second, but dips a bit in Mass Effect 2, gameplay-wise that is. I have countless hundreds of hours into this series, starting from 1 October, 2015 when I initially set out to "Completionist the Witcher" series, until now, early on the morning of 20 September 2016. I've gained and lost so much throughout my journey, and have lamented as well as celebrated the loss and addition of features, locations, and characters. Price is certainly not a concern. This is a $60 game, no way you cut it. The fact CDPR sells it for $40, plus heavily discounts it from there on a regular basis.. well it just goes to show the type of consumer focus that GoG/CDPR have. My review is of course a bit biased, since I started a completionist run, and have played The Witcher, The Witcher 2, and The Witcher 3, all within a short period of time, to pure completionist levels, saving for 1 quest in 3 that I need not finish. I refuse to kill a creature that is just sleeping and wishes to be left alone, but I am unable to finish the quest otherwise. *Fix this oversight maybe, CDPR?* So, You wanna be a Witcher? Well, dive right in. The Witcher 3, or TW3 from here on out, is a gripping story of a man searching for a loved one, across a warntorn country. But along the way, you're still a Witcher, and you can't just quit the Path. Search high and low, insult kings, impress queens, and set out to finish the goal you've long worked to see set right, as you battle an enemy that is quite out of this world. Grab your swords, Silver and Steel, mount your horse, and ride off into the sunset, or at least to the world's very large edge, where only giants are to be found. But play your way, at your pace, and explore at your peril. +Galleguian,-,5,-,true,-,*WARNING: This review is as of 1.31 and covers just the main game.* The Witcher 3 is one of the best games that have come out in recent years, and for good reason. It's the culmination of a saga, with a rich, thought out story that won't dissapoint fans. The choices in the game are pretty grey, most of the time with no "right" answer, and some of them may come to haunt you later, adding an element of realism. Even the most simple contracts have their little story, which makes the world feel real. Gameplay wise, the combat has been improved from its predecessor, feeling more "witchery". Geralt's skills are a step up from TW2, which makes for more varied combat. The game is HUGE, there are a lot of things to see and do, and it takes many hours to do it all. And you just wish there was more Gwent. On the technical aspect, the graphics are pretty amazing. The visuals are beautiful, full of detail. The locales of the game are varied, each one with it's own differentiated inhabitants, fauna and flora. The musical score is also very good, inmmersing you in Geralt's epic tale. Sadly, the game is not without its flaws. To start with, personally I'm not too sure the open world really benefits the game. While it makes for a very big and explorable world, in the end you are limited by your level, which restricts exploration. Plus, since the game is not divided in areas, the story is restricted by that same open world (as opposed to TW2, where you ended up playing a different game based on your choices). There are very glaring clipping glitches that were not present in 1.11, when I first played the game. There are a lot of glitches period, none too big, but annoying. Some still have not been fixed. It seems to me that when CDPR releases a new patch to fix something, they end up breaking something else. Let's just hope it ends up fixed for good some day. All in all, TW3 is a it's a very good game every gamer should have, but its flaws prevent it from being perfect. +thor82,-,5,-,true,-,70+ hours and counting, marvelous story line, epic characterization of the protagonists, fantastic scenarios, level design, dialogues, models, sountrack. Can't find a flaw in this game. +Schikanow,-,5,-,false,-,Eine unglaubliche Spielerfahrung. Ich muss sagen Witcher 3 ist mit Abstand das beste Spiel, das ich je gespielt habe (und ich habe eine Menge gespielt). Wer ein Spiel mit guter Grafik, toller Story und Charaktere möchte kann ohne Bedenken sofort zugreifen. +Tarnqvist,-,5,-,true,-,The best game I've ever played. Gameplay and storywise. Beautiful settings and grim realities in an epic world. Just wished Triss was as hot as in witcher 2 :) +zhangxiangxiao,-,5,-,false,-,This game is amazing in terms of gameplay, story and graphics. This is the first game in a long time that I had played for more than 3 times over, and felt awesome every time. It made me believe that the world can still make quality games, after seeing too much of the fast-food money-sucking style rubbish in the game industry. The makers of this game have put their best effort at it, and more amazingly they are advocates of DRM-free games. The complete devolution to players' rights for games via DRM-free distribution is something worth saluting too, besides for it being such a masterpiece. +ObcanX,-,5,-,true,-,First off, hats off to CD Projekt for actually persuading me that fantasy RPGs can be as riveting an experience as any. Prior to Witcher 2, I avoided the genre. Post Witcher 2, I was actually looking forward to the next chapter. And guess what? Honestly, The Witcher 3 is one of the best, if not the best game I have ever played. Hint: I rarely play an open-world/RPG game (single walkthrough) for more than 30-40hrs. Here, I stopped at around 100, not because of boredom, but because I was overwhelmed. With the amount of quality and fun content STILL to discover and play through!! With a definitive yes for another take at it, itll be another 100+hrs of enjoyment, at the very least. The value and quality one gets with this game and the season pass is simply beyond anything in the game business. You guys stand above the rest, because you clearly value not only the franchise you made, but the customer and fan as well. Just when I thought the main game was exhilarating, I get into the expansions..And my head explodes..Visuals, sound, story, voice-acting, possibilities, gameplay..Triple A caliber. I thank You for all the hard work You guys put into this game, it shows at every turn, every moment of it. So yeah, there is social life, and then there is Witcher 3. Love it! +BobbyD89,-,5,-,true,-,There's almost nothing I can say about this game that hasn't already been said, so I'll be brief. If you haven't played it, you're missing quite possibly the most immersive experience of any medium. Multiple playthroughs still haven't made this less exciting than the first time I loaded it up. +J0hnny110,-,5,-,false,-,I pre-purchased the Collector's Edition and I don't regret it. It's such a great game, I were willing to pay one hundred and more Euro for (if I hadn't bought it yet). It's well balanced, has very nice graphics, is story- and decision-driven and the fighting system is well made. The free DLCs are nice and the expensions are worth your salt! Especially the scope of "Blood and Wine" resembles this of many other games. CDProjektRED set the bar high for their next game called "Cyberpunk 2077" and other big RPGs. I finished the main game and the first expension "Hearts of Stone" and I'm still playing the second one because of it's extent. I don't know when I start with "New Game +". There is so much to explore that I don't know when I finish the whole thing. The cost-benefit ratio is actually too good to be true but it's real. Especial since the GOTY-edition is released the it's worth your money more than you think! +drumspirit,-,5,-,false,-,Everything seems tastless since I had played this game. +angeltower123,-,2,-,false,-,I bought this game months back and i never finished it due to some kind of loss of data and gog not refunding my money or giving me my game back. But even without all that the game itself feels very very clumsy and slow when you try to move theres a huge delay where geralt tries to walk and eventually starts to jog. The combat is extremely clunky and you absolutely have to rely on magic instead of going pure melee because everything from giant golems to tiny imps will stagger you with unblockable and unparryable attacks. Merchants are cheapskates who are only willing to buy a monster head that is worth 1000 gold for only 100. Now there are mods out there, a plethora of mods that can fix alot of things this game does wrong but like make it look better with retextures and new lighting because despite being called "dark fantasy" this game is super bright and saturated like a typical happy fantasy game there is no atmosphere or dark gray skies to indicate that the world is not in a time of happiness. Overall i can't even imagine why this game was voted game of the year over things like ori and the blind forest, undertale, or bloodborne, except for the fact that you can tell they put a lot of work and detail into the tits of every girl you have sex with even the whores. +Rahvinos,-,5,-,false,-,better then Skyrim +jucedogi,-,5,-,true,-,Simply one of the best games ever played. Awesome graphics, music and story. Gameplay gives you various fighting styles and you can choose and develop the ones you want. Sidequests are great... card game is addictive... every detail of the game is just very well polished. You may come upon some bugs and situations where your character gets stuck in a swamp hole for example but at least in my case it was like two or three times in both of the playthroughs I have so far. Just get the game and see what you've been missing if you haven't played this. +Ursudansator,-,5,-,true,-,By far the best RPG I've ever played. This is the epic finale of the best modern game trilogy I've ever played. Just goes to show what passion an determination can do. A game truly made for games, by gamers. If you haven't played it yet, I recommend you get on it right now! 10/10 for both the game, the series and the guys behind it. +robaperas85,-,5,-,true,-,I really enjoyed this game, the story is it's strongest point, the combat was a bit confusing at first, but ends up being really serviceable without taking away from the experience or becoming frustrating. The world/maps are full of life, danger and things to discover (or run from if it has a red skull by it's name), I still haven't bought the last DLC, but I'm sure it's as good as the main game and Hearts of Stone. I absolutely recommend this game, it's a beautiful PC game, really well optimized for a wide range of hardware; the experience seems better with a gamepad, I tried it with KB/M, but it felt a bit clumsy. +Xavier040,-,5,-,false,-,Sans aucun doute le meileur jeu de de role jamais cree a ce jour. +ZORKYTHEDUDE,-,3,-,false,-,this was a real struggle, i feel like i love and hate this game for an amount of facts that regard it's relase and the period before the launch, so im just gonna do the classic pro and cons bullet list. Pros: 1- AMAZING AN MANICAL CURE FOR THE DETAILS, Geralt can do lots of things, and shit happen when you do something from walking to slam a monster on the ground. 2- Immersive world and (obviously) flora and fauna at the highest level of interaction that i have ever saw in a videogame. 3-Animations are stunning. 4- Graphics porn. 5- Accurated medieval fantasy for the enviroment: castles, cities, population, swords and armors are really well caractherized but not exaggerated and exasperated with multiple cultures and ages, im Italian so i know something about medieval things (thank god this game wasn't maded by Americans). 6- Outstanding dialogues face expressions and voices. 7- Loads of characters and references from the series of books (which i absolutley love). 8- (this is a pro but also a con) Huge, just huge multi region "open" world. 9- Awesome monsters. 10- Soundtrack and musics are just...WOW. 10- Side quests are better then the main storyline. (wait, is this even a pro?) Now the cons: 1- First of all the gigantic pile of shitty advertisement and speculation in forums, youtube and social media. Disgusting. Just disgusting. Features and gameplay was really familiar when i bought the game because i knew 70% of the shit it was going to happen in the gameplay by just scrolling my facebook page or the browser. 2- Mechanics are well done but are not lore firendly with books, more action and less strategy are not good for a Witcher. 3- THE FRIGGIN LEVEL SYSTEM. im fucking geralt of rivia, butcher of blaviken, the whitewolf, gwynbleidd im a legend for christ sake (and my fucking memory was restored.). what the fuck do you mean that i can't use that silver sword because im not at it's level. and don't get me started about doing a contract with high level of difficulty. sooooo annoying and badly tought. 3-Narrative and storyline are disappointing, don't get me wrong, have some emotional and well written moments but at a certain point it is just dragged and pushed without no sense for a total boring ending no matter what choiches you've done. It had potential, but it's hilarious at one point when you need to find Ciri (and quickly because the fucking wild hunt is looking for her) to save her and: " oh a contract, wow i need money... ooooh what's in that dungeon... oooo look at this smith he can forge me some cool shit (that i can't wear for some reason)... oh look a side quest... oh wow another contract....(yes fallout 4 im looking at you) 4- The cons about a huge giant open world is that you need to FILL IT. And last but not least: 5- THE BIIIIIIIIIG, HUUUUUUGE... FUCKING... LAMING... ANNOYING AMOUNT OF FREAKING UPDATES. don't get me worng, awesome awesome yeah free content cool very cool, but interface has changed so many times, graphic in a month was well optimized and one month later was not, bugs correction, and again interface changing. for my personal point of view this creates a discontinued and unimmersive way to play a game. Conclusion: I loved witcher 1 and 2, and i loved the third one and as a matter of fact my opinin about this game has changed drastically. But really, I felt like my experience was uncomplete and at the end i felt like... "is that it?" the narrative didn't absolutely get me like the first two chapters, I had a real struggle to continue the game with those updates that was like to play an early access, which is the way that games are done in 2015/16 you just feel to have in your hands a shiny new car designed by Bugatti without no doors and 3 tires. This is a technical masterpiece with some wrong choiches by the developers in my opinion, to me was an early access that neeeded more time and better tought decisions about gameplay and narrative. Beside that this game is worth the money and i had a blast with it anyway and i can feel the passion of Cd Projeckt in making it, but i probably was very very anxious to play the game and the general hype and the reasons that i've previously described have done only bad to my experience and also because it's just different from books in many ways but not in others (this is not a guilt) FINAL VOTEs: 8.5/10 For me. For everyone that is not familiar with books and is looking to play it now that is complete is 9/10 +tom.mil,-,5,-,true,-,The game has everything - great graphics, catchy story line and the best soundtrack I've ever heard. You'll be amazed by the looks of the open world and monsters. Especially, hunting flying monsters is great fun. It's definitely the best RPG on the market. I've also found some cons though. Open world concept is great, but comparing to Witcher 2, side quests are not as interesting. Most of them are only about going somewhere, killing a monster and retrieving an item. I'd prefer less quests, smaller world, but more unpredictable developments and difficult choices. I completely miss "sneaking quests". In Witcher 2 you had a choice and you could complete some quests without killing anyone. In Wither 3, on the other hand, the only option is to wipe out everyone and everything which is pity. There's also less erotic scenes, less swearing, dringking, etc. which was making it so different from other games. I recomend chosing hardest difficulity. Otherwise, bombs, oils, etc. are useless. On lower difficulities you don't even have to parry. Wither 3 os definitely worth the money. I just recomend playing Wither 2 first. +mimaspl,-,5,-,false,-,Jedynie co może przebić Wiedzmina to tylko Cyberpunk 2077. +avatarosko,-,3,-,false,-,I am downloading last uptade but don't come turkish subtitle to my language setting, WHY? +freelance337,-,5,-,true,-,This game made me feel things. It's a crossover between a book, a movie and something entirely new. It keeps you entertained, the quests are interesting and really varied. I've never felt any repetition, in a 120 hr run (And I think I've completed only half of it). I ached when the story ended. I wanted to play again inmediatly. What are you doing reading this? Buy this game! +Sunshineinthebag,-,5,-,false,-,J'ai aimé ce dernier opus, vraiment. Ainsi que les 2 premiers avec au moins autant d'intensité ! Il me reste encore les 2 Dlc à faire je vais les savourer au maximum ! J'ai vraiment été conquis par cette histoire que j'ai suivi durant plusieurs années. Le jeu à encore des défauts c'est certain, mais là n'est pas l'objet de ma critique. Je tiens juste à remercier les développeurs, et une pensée également à monsieur Andrzej Sapkowski pour tout ce travail et les encourage fortement pour la suite. En espérant vous retrouver bientôt pour de nouvelles aventures ! +VjoogerPerson,-,5,-,true,-,Vast world to explore on your (totally normal) trusty steed! +StuartP9,-,5,-,true,-,This is what RPGs need, a well written story with interesting characters. Even the side quests have interesting stories and you get so absorbed with everything that happens you just have to keep playing to see what happens next. I've been playing RPGs for a long time, and this is the best story I have ever seen. Recently it has been difficult for me to finish games because of time constraints, but I made an exception with this game.. I just had to finish it and I was so glad I did as it was full of excitement to the very end with a satisfying conclusion that I was very happy with. +reyher,-,5,-,false,-,Exelent +xenonterran,-,5,-,false,-,As much as I love other great games as Skyrim, Mass Effect and Final Fantasy sagas, this one has totally destroyed them (and any other videogame to be honest). The Witcher 1 & 2 were really nice games too, but this one is superior in all ways. Amazing quests, charming characters spectacularly voiced, beautiful combats and lots of collectibles ("how about a round of cards, Gwent specifically"). I hope other companies learn from CD Projekt, this is how a videogame should be made. +Riaktion,-,5,-,true,-,So that's it, one of the best games I have ever played, plus both of its expansions, completed. After nearly 131 hours played, it is difficult to condense my feelings and experiences of that play time into a short thoughts piece, but I will try. As with almost anything that is simply a pastime, it always comes back to enjoyment, and I can honestly say that throughout my time with the Witcher 3, I didn't once get bored, burned out or otherwise annoyed with it. The games flows beautifully, there were no horrendous spikes in difficulty, enemies and situations slowly ramped up in a perfect difficulty curve, never leaving you in a position where you could mindlessly hammer through it bored to tears, but also not having you smashing your head against a brick wall time and time again. Every challenge in the game could be overcome with some thinking, some skill and most importantly, some preparation. This comes in the form of brewing Witcher potions to drink and oils to coat your sword with, depending on your foe, having the right potions available can turn the tide in a tricky fight, which made the effort and time of brewing these so rewarding. Come up against a bad-ass Vampire, things get a lot easier if you have some Vampire Oil on hand to cover your blade and a "black blood" potion to down. With these in place, your sword becomes poison to the beast and your very lifeblood is toxic to the Vampire, hurting it whenever it feeds on you or otherwise hurts you. Without these things the fight is still do-able, but this preparation side of the game makes you feel like the professional monster hunter you're supposed to be, one that doesn't take chances, who get's the job done and it is great. The world you explore is both lovely and dangerous, the quests you go on, whether they are scavenger hunts to find special equipment, side missions or the excellent story driven objectives are all marvellous, I think it is a testament to the game that side quests in particular didn't become a chore like they do in so many other games, and the characters are believable. In a game as long as this, the main characters need to be interesting, and here they nail it. Like a good book you care about what happens to them, and their relationship with you, something that can only be accomplished with excellent writing, voice acting and in game direction. Honestly, I could probably talk for a long long time about this game and how much I enjoyed it, but I have to give special mention to two very important decisions they made which probably made it as enjoyable as it was for me. The first is that when you brew a potion or oil... that is it, you never need to do it again. As long as you have some alcohol in your inventory your stocks of Witcher oils and potions never run dry. This respects your time as a gamer and you won't spend your finite free time constantly searching the hills for plants and herbs to restock your potion supplies, and I love the game for that. The second mechanic I mentioned is that gaining experience points and therefore levelling up is 100% tied to the quests you complete... not the enemies you kill... which is so awesome I had to mention it. This in one stroke removes grinding and put's the focus solely on adventure, not killing and fighting for it's own sake. If you see some enemies lurking in the woods, you aren't driven to seek them out and destroy them to get XP, you can ride past them without penalty, or perhaps you do want to stop because they are near a village you decide you'd want to protect.. for no reward... but because you're on an adventure, your adventure and it is up to you. Rarely does the game get in the way of you being the protagonist in a glorious story, the systems and mechanics at hand link together so well that it let's you just get on with it. Fantastic. I haven't spoke about my feelings on the narrative in main game and the two expansions as I could go on about that for some time, but it is as much to say they are all excellent with satisfying conclusions and I do encourage you to play the game and it's expansions as one big game. One scene in particular, set in a tavern during the story line for the "Heart of Stone" expansion will probably stay with me forever. It is a moment that someone you're dealing with demonstrates just how dangerous they are.. and for me.. it was a real "oh shit" moment as it dawned on me the situation I was in. If you're interested, I'm sure a search of "Witcher 3 Wooden Spoon" would get you the scene, but obviously... spoiler alert. I haven't spoke about the thousand other things Witcher 3 is and I can't, I'm not sure I can articulate it, or at least do it justice in a short retrospective such as this. All I'll say is that genuinely, if you are a fan of the genre or you're looking for an epic adventure to take part in, currently you need look no further than this game. It is a real achievement and for me, a milestone in what games can accomplish. After 131 hours, there is still plenty to do, side quests I haven't found and literally hundreds of unexplored sites to visit on the map. Should I want to, the adventure can continue for a good while yet, but whether or not that happens, I can safely say I have enjoyed my time with Witcher 3, and if you play it yourself, I think you will too. Cheers. +Callwait,-,5,-,false,-,Это одна из лучших ролевых игр, что я играл!!! Как бы хотелось Ведьмак 4... +PGKANCHI,-,5,-,true,-,It's been more than a year since the game released. I never played a RPG before, my friends suggested me the game long back in May 2015 with a free copy,but I was not ready as I thought it will be a game with hype. All and all, This is a great buy for me! Ohh man do I love this game? Hell yeah. Definitely in my collection #1. Gameplay is as smooth as water flow, sound tracks are as addictive as the Gwent game. With the new updates installed tha game now has better polishing. I am glad and happy that I bought this game and have now put at least 56 Hours and still have the hunger to play. +Erzatz,-,5,-,true,-,L'histoire est béton, on s'ennuie jamais, univers cohérent, Si vous chercher un RPG sur lesquel ruinée votre couple/carriere/Famille a passer votre vie dessus aller y. J'y serais encore dans 90h. Quelque soucis technique au début mais le jeu ne m'a plus posé de probleme depuis. Techniquement solide, mais exigeant, meme avec ma petite config j'arrive à le faire tourné sans pour autant que ce soit une soirée diapo. +Aegon_Gaming,-,4,-,false,-,Bonjour, Je viens juste de commencer le jeu et il ma l'air superbe déjà au niveau graphisme et jouabilité. J'espère ne pas être déçu mais je penses... +bobsp,-,3,-,true,-,Very good game experience, especially side quests. The main scenario is uninspired, but there is so much to do you can focus on interesting parts. Combat system is good, but I would have preferred more variety in enemy/boss. The real default is the absence of a linux release. +robustusdnb,-,5,-,true,-,The best game I have ever played really. I started playing games a while back with the first Prince of Persia and the first Mortal Kombat in the 90s and I have seen a lot - basically the whole evolution of PC (and console) gaming. Needless to say that the technical aspects like graphics, music and sound FX are top notch - one of the most immersive you can find out there now. However, the game also has a great depth to its story, with many different outcomes of events which might be only tiring if you do not really have time to play, meaning you are an adult LOL. Which is my only regret. I wish this game came out when I was 14-15, when I had a lot more time to just sit and play. Anyhow, it was one of the most well spent 50 bucks in my life. +MrMaJeV,-,5,-,false,-,I wasn't a big ban of RPG games before this game, but this game is something special, worth all money in the world and playing for as many hours as possible. +L30R0D,-,5,-,true,-,One of the best games i have played If you liked Mass Effect, Dragona Age or Skyrim you will love the Witcher. +DGrumbler,-,5,-,false,-,Я играю в компьютерные игры более 20 лет. Ведьмак 3 лучшая видео игра из всех, что я видел. Это был неожиданный опыт, помкольку на протяжении нескольких последних лет я искренне полагал, что видео игры мне приелись и ни одна из них уже не сможет повторить восторг The Gothic или Morrowind. Ведьмак 3 доказал мне обратное. Год назад я прошел оригинальную игру, а сейчас взял отпуск для того, чтобы пройти игру заново - совсеми дополнениями. Я убежден в том, что играть в компьютерные игры и пропустить Ведьмак 3, значит бессмысленно тратить время. +xcariboux,-,5,-,false,-,Just amazing. Horse controls are a little off though +Spuck3,-,1,-,true,-,Ok... So, i played the first two games but this one just dont work. I tried everything to fix it but I still get that "back to the desktop"- error. The thing which makes my very mad is, that I wrote a mail to the GOG- Support and also to the Publisher but I dont get a response. And that was weeks ago. So .. i just spend money on a game which I can´t play and where no one seems to feel responsible.... THX ALOT !!! +Maxijackok,-,5,-,true,-,Amazing +slayer766,-,5,-,false,-,What we have here is a true work of art! The greatest game I have ever played. Graphics are insane, gameplay is enjoyable from using oils and signs to crafting all of your gear. Exploring what CD Projekt Red has created is truly remarkable, everything in this game seems to have been placed with meaning and not just randomly placed to fill up an empty dull looking area as some games do. It's so vibrant wandering around the forests of Velen, Kaer Morhen, and Skellige...boy, Skellige is sure a beauty. Landscapes are amazing! This game is just simply breathtaking, and just wait until you get to the Blood & Wine DLC of Toussaint! If you think the base game of this was great, Toussaint is just that much better as it's a land not torn by war. The dutchesses palace is always amazing to look at when traveling around. If you don't have this game or are thinking about it it's a definite by if you love open world fantasy rpg games. Hands down. Go get it! +Akka,-,5,-,true,-,Let's keep it simple : one of the very, very best RPG (and even video game in general), ever. +PostScriptum1,-,5,-,true,-,Что можно сказать о трилогии The Witcher? Пожалуй, для меня, главным оказалось то, что она органично сочетается с сагой Сапковского. Начав знакомство с миром "Ведьмака" с книг, я надеялся, что CD Project RED не уронят планку, заданную паном Анджеем. И им это удалось. И безусловно кульминацией их труда стал Ведьмак 3. Что можно сказать о нем? Кроме уже избитых фраз о превосходном геймплее, прекрасном сюжете, огромном самобытном мире игры... То, что его просто нужно пройти, ведь не сделав это, вы не получите океан удовольствия от добротно сделанной игры. +sergiu_dm2010,-,5,-,true,-,I cant believe that a video game developer , in 2016, could put that HUGE amount of high quality content in a game. Dammit, even the secondary quests feel so original and they are far from being repetitive.The characters are very interesting , the plot grabs you from the very beginning and it simply refuses to leave you be until you finish the hell out of this game.....and believe me ...it will take you more than 100 hours to savor this masterpiece. It has some flaws, of course...the combat in tight places feels very stiff, the climbing in some areas is broken..but in my opinion , this game is a 10/10 .WARNING: This game is highly addictive and it can make you forget about sleep , food , responsibilities etc. Good job CD PROJEKT RED ! +Vapir,-,5,-,false,-,Possibly the greatest game ever created. It really is that simple. +Kdsfsf,-,5,-,false,-,Игра Шедевр. Но у меня проблема: Поставил себе последний патч (1.22), пк версия, такая проблема: появились пять новых общих способностей. С одной всё в порядке, а вот с оставшимися четырьмя проблемы. Они называются: Охотник, Разpушительные удары, Дотошность, Сбалансированное питание. Во-первых, они не работают или работают неправильно, во-вторых, у них перепутаны иконки. Например, у способности Охотник явно иконка от способности Сбалансированное питание. В-третьих, у двух из них в описании вместо цифр, вот такая белиберда $|$. Кому не сложно посмотрите. Просто интересно, это у всех так или только у меня? +Zhenil,-,5,-,true,-,This is the best RPG game I've ever yet played. I've played a lot of RPG computer games in the past, from the Ultima series to the very fine Elder Scolls instalments. The graphics are amazing. It is a joy to just witness the scene, whether on a snow capped mountain, during a sunrise/sunset, or during a storm. The attention to detail is another bonus. Pigs basking in a late summer sun. Kids skipping stones across a lake or river. Your choices do matter many many hours in. The soundtrack is one of the best I've heard in recent years. The game can be tailored to your style of gameplay, which is awesome. There is no shame in playing at an easier settting. The story is that good. Heck, some of the many side missions are that good. Bravo Team RED! +JMan141,-,5,-,false,-,I love it 100% I love the fact that its open world you can pick in what order you like to do things. its still hard to believe that a game this beautiful is pure pleasure. Everything about it the characters leave a lasting impression on you Toggel your HOME key on/off take a great screenshot and set your new custom desktop wallpaer Witcher 3 is an evergreen good all year round 100/10 +sixteen97,-,5,-,true,-,The Witcher 3 is easily a contender for GOAT in my book. Everything from the acting, music, graphics, fight mechanics, story, and accessibility were simply top notch. The acting is fantastic in its quality and the vast amount of spoken dialogue. The spoken dialogue definitely helps to bring characters to life especially when coupled with quality voice actors. What really surprised me was how even the characters you meet only once in some random quest by the side of the road have all their lines voiced. Background music is rarely something I notice in a game but the score was overall fantastic with a couple pieces that I had to stop and listen to just because it fit the scene and characters so perfectly and really helped to add to the overall impact. Fight mechanics had the right amount of depth to avoid being a hack and slash while not making it so in depth that you had to read a thesis to understand how to properly set up your character. Nothing wrong with the latter in games where the sole focus is on the combat however. Outside of fighting, things such as jumping, swimming, and horse riding were the only source of frustration I had with this game. At times they simply felt broken as Geralt struggled to get on a boat, turn around underwater, or step over a small fence. In Roach's case, she struggled with ANY movement that doesn't involve staying on the worn path. The story develops at a good pace with plenty of interesting characters and twists along the journey. Every quest has a purpose, and an interesting story to go along with it. No grinding 30 kobolds for broadsword. Instead quests are more focused on exploring and detective work and the combat develops naturally and feels more relevant as you progress instead of a simple grind. I can't recommend The Witcher 3 enough. My friend stopped playing because he didn't like that the trees constantly look like they are in a hurricane. To each his own. +mintee,-,3,-,true,-,What can I say, huge fan of the series. Witcher 2 was my go to game, loved it and got lost in the story and exploration. Preordered W3 and waited for the perfect time to play it, well after release date as I wanted to give it my whole attention and love. 12 hours of gameplay later I am finding myself looking for another game. Why? Its just not that fun. Fantastic gorgeous landscapes, interactive open world exploration, detailed and unique characters and NPCS, perfectly animated monsters, weather, plants, trees.......................... and I just dont want to play anymore. Why again? hideous controls. If I have to spend another 5 seconds repositioning myself to pick up herbs or loot I will scream. If I have another baffling combat battle where weird things happen seemingly of their own volition I will throw my mouse. Even giving up and just spamming fast attack is a hot mess with camera views and feeling out of control of my characters actions. If I have to kick Roach again to get him to canter and watch him slog off to the left instead I will have a tantrum. If I run past my target again and stop 3 ft past then I will sigh in desperation. If I have one more day of dim shadowy landscapes at high noon I will get a headache. If I have to remember to toggle on walk before I can loot my fallen foes more easily I will just walk away. If I have one more view blocked by geralts arse I will rage. If i hear another villager spit on me I will flip them the bird. hours searching and loading mods to fix my complaints. No new game needs this much work in order to have the basics: such as a zoomable camera view to players preference, player control of inventory, easy to use spells and bombs, easy to control main character. As for the landscape.... oh what a landscape. At the highest settings it pops, it sways, it sighs, gurgles and cracks. Gorgeous. I get lost in exploring the wilds until i stop to pick a flower or combat happens. so disappointed +angelus121091,-,5,-,false,-,Замечательная сюжетная история в которую хорошо вплетаются второстепенные задания в виде заказов и расследований, огромный открытый мир и ваши действия и решения влияют на него, отличная графика, пусть и отличается от показанной на E3, и отличное завершение истории о Геральте из Ривии. наиграл уже 800 часов и до сих пор тянет в этот жестокий, но прекрасный мир:) Покупайте, не пожалеете! +XEDNEM,-,5,-,false,-,It is friday night...or more like saturday morning around 4:00. I got myself some new games past the last weeks: Overwatch, Elite Dangerous, XCOM 2, Take on Mars, new Fallout 4 DLCs and some of my favorite alpha access games got updated. I ended up playing Witcher 3 all night. Again, only managing to finish one single quest, spending most of the time walking and stopping: to look and listen and drift from one fight to the next; getting caught by surprise, dying; repeating all over again, forgetting about time, life and the world outside. Whatever games you might like; you do not have WItcher 3? - Buy this! It is good for you! Technically: Witcher 3 is the best game for UHD resolutions that I own. Some other look great too: GTA V for example(dump money for SLi rig btw. I stick with 1080), or Fallout 4 (with some 200 mods and ENB+ReShade etc.). Those have a downside though. Although graphics look great, UI scaling does not come out as expected. Fonts, Minimaps etc simply get too small. Total War series for example is fun and looks good in UHD...except that one has to sit 1 meter away from a 50 inch screen, still struggling to read the text windows because everything is becoming to small. Another issue is field of view: Witcher 3 is one of the few games that does not have that "shoe box effect". That feel of looking through a limited frame that Fallout 4 has(tweaks help). The field of view is just right to pull you into this magnificent dreamworld without making you dizzy by scewing and bending on the corners of the FOV. Texture selection and resolution is something in between over the top and mind blowing. It delivers a really decent performance considering the density and variety of the vegetation. No textures look blurred or pixelated. Only few remind you of the possibility that it was originally designed with 1080p in mind...which ain't a downside. Waters are totally stunning, lightning and LOD/Detail scaling are out of this world. Performance: For 1080p get a decent GTX960. For UHD you will need a GTX980. That is if you want to max out on all settings. I got the game preorder and have been through the whole patching process with 3 installations (one modded/two clean). My experience with GOG store application and patching the game was rather unsatisfying; nevertheless the support is superfast and supereffective. So I think five stars is a fair rating. With everything flawless it would deserve a sixth star. Concerning patch content and quality, this game beats what I have seen of BETHESDA and Co. Story: My English lacks the superlatives to describe how awesome the story is. You might think you already know games with fantastic plots and deep characters - If you have not played this yet, you do not know. I really liked the plot of GTA V and III. I also enjoyed Elder Scrolls series and Dragon Age. Compared to these, Witcher 3 knocked me of my feet. Not to mention the language and subtitle options and incredible voice acting. Yen sounds so hot in polish, damn! Gameplay: If you liked exploring and slaying ugly things in games like Diablo, you might just be satisfied with that for quite some time; and follow the story a while later....That way you can blow your mind twice - just sayin. When you should overdose on awesomeness, play a round of GWINT maybe? Difficulty can be set to supereasy for just enjoying the story; or to a really challenging grade with the extra option to levelscale your enemies. Just think of the number of mods you needed in other games to achieve this. There are games out there that are harder to beat. Witcher 3 may not be Dark Souls style difficulty, but it is close. It may also be the possibility to save your game almost everywhere when out of combat, that makes it feel a bit easier. Compared to Fallout 4 survival mode, Witcher 3 on highest difficulty feels more like a real challenge. Controls are, as almost all aspects of the game, formidable. The first RPG I prefer playing with an XBOX controller. User Interface was very good from the beginning. The patched improvements topped my expectations and made UI mods obsolete. Overall: I compared Witcher 3 to other open world games that may not be well comparable. Apples and Oranges? - Yes. Witcher 3 = a masterpiece of art. The rest is just really good games. The games cons are obvious: your sleeping rythm, social life and productivity are going to suffer or will disappear for a while. It is okay and totally worth it, trust me ;) +unsightlycone3,-,5,-,true,-,just do yourself a favor and buy this game. trust me it will be worth every penny +Wil01,-,5,-,false,-,Quand on commence The Witcher 3, on débute véritablement une épopée, une aventure époustouflante et incroyable. Je crois qu'il n'est pas nécessaire de s'étendre sur cet avis et invite celui qui ne connaît pas la série à commencer par le premier titre. The Witcher 3 est la consécration d'une histoire originale, sanglante et tellement magnifique ! On ne peut qu'être sous le charme et étonné devant l'incroyable perfection presque ultime de ce titre. Un jeu à ne pas mettre entre toutes les mains (violence et sexualité à foisons !) mais les développeurs ont ici réellement réalisé une oeuvre d'art faite de romance, de d'intrigues, d'humour, d'explosions et de passion. Une vraie réussite à ne pas manquer ! >> 20/20 +leigh547,-,5,-,true,-,is it i dunno but its the perfect end to the great rpg trilogy of recent memory and its the most enjoyable game ive played in a few years and the most enjoyable rpg i can ever remember playing cannot reccomend it enough +6Micahal8,-,5,-,false,-,I LIKE THIS GAME +Moss7,-,5,-,false,-,I've played hundreds of games. Maybe Thousands. Thoroughly. And I can tell you this, I've never played a game that got as close to perfection as The Witcher 3 did. I won't tell you for what technical reasons I believe so, you'll find those everywhere on the internet and from people who speak much better than me so I just wanted to share my feelings about this game. The Witcher 3 is the purest, most lovingly made video gaming experience I've ever had. From music to gameplay to visuals to plot and so on, and so on. Everything was made with love and deep respect for video gaming. When I launch the game I listen to the whole team several times over before I load my game. I don't fast-travel to enjoy the living, lush, coherent, stunning scenery. Nothing in this game was rushed and sloppy. Nothing. And what can I say about the story, rich, breathtaking, immersive, full of colourful people. If I had anything bad to say about it would be about the horse that feels a bit uncomfortable at times, the fact that you can (and should) go about looting houses and streets unpunished when a "law enforcement" system actually exists as well as the inability to follow custom markers on the map. These aspect are but drops in an ocean of fun. This is how I feel about TW3. Others might have felt differently and honestly wish I could know how they did not love this game. The game is on sale every now and then and drops around 25€ which is nothing compared to the amount of fun you'll get so buy it. Seriously, do it now. +sahaj_pal,-,5,-,true,-,^ I would give this game the title of "Game of the decade" without even glancing at other titles, if it exists, that is.... If you play this game you will realize that the developers have put in a lot of work in this masterpiece. This game was a money well spent for me! When I played Bethesda's Skyrim back then I was amazed but after playing witcher 3 I got blown away! This game has no negatives whatsoever, at least for me. This game will be remembered for long among the gamers, I'm certain of that! In closure, yes I highly recommend this master piece. Get it and you won't be disappointed. But don't get it if you have any exams just around the corner hehe as you will most probably dive deep into this game and never look back. +TanenbergIS,-,5,-,true,-,Сложно придумать что-то оригинальное описывая её. Очень сложно. Я давно не играл во что-то столь же захватывающее и приносящее столько эмоций. Для меня единственный минус в этой игре это то что она закончилась. Конечно, если придраться, то можно найти минусы. Кто-то говорит что от нашего выбора не так много зависит как хотелось бы. Кто-то говорит что в диалогах слишком мало опций. Есть некоторые баги небольшие, например Плотва скачущая по склону вниз начинает почти переворачиваться, а после последнего патча у той же Плотвы пропал хвост. Где-то игра не очень логична. Местами есть притензии к озвучке. Обо всем это стоит сказать для справедливости. Но игра берет совсем не этим.. В диалогах интересно попробовать все неквестовые опции. Персонажи окружающие ведьмака, все с эмоциями и почти что живые. Эта игра берет историей, сюжетом, в который ты не играешь, а принимаешь участие. Мир ведьмака живой. В ней полно отсылок к книге, а если вы её не читали, то игра дает понять что у всего есть своя предыстория и кратко её описывает. За неё просят гораздо меньше чем она в самом деле стоит. Я эту игру прошел дважды. Я эту игру купил дважды вместе с сизон пасом. Это наименьшее чем я мог поблагодарить разработчиков за этот шедевр. +ModernMartyr,-,4,-,false,-,A game unlike any other, an experience unmatched. From the dialogue to the complex characters and questlines, The Witcher 3 tossed me into a world of darkness, racism, love, contempt, and of course, monsters. I couldn't have asked for more, and after playing the last two in the installment mere weeks before the release, I can say that this game seamlessly integrates with the rest of the lore and atmosphere, as envisioned by Andrzej Sapkowski. That being said, I'm stuck playing V 1.02 because I lost my GOG code, (AFTER USING IT and GOG not understanding, removing the code entirely from my account, then losing the physical copy in the move to my new place.) and therefore cannot mod nor install any DLCs that I am entitled to with the season pass. This has turned a game I'd replay many times into a chore I rush to fight through. It's still an incredibly fun game, but I deserve patches and support, regardless of whether I can prove this hard copy is mine or not. I bought it, physically, in stores. HELP ME PLZ. +Creskendoll,-,5,-,false,-,If you're considering on buying a game, buy this. It's probably the best game in the universe. +Case39,-,5,-,false,-,The Witcher 3 und seine DLC's sind kurzum die Referenz im RPG Genre. Das Gameplay, Grafik und Artwork hat sich seit dem ersten Teil kontinuierlich gesteigert. Das Storytelling ist auf höchstem Niveau. TW3 ist absolute Pflicht für passionierte Gamer (aller Genre). Die Spielzeit von über 130 Std, ist auch wirklich sinnvoll gefüllt....man sollte wirklich alles entdecken! +viklit88,-,5,-,false,-,The Witcher 3 has everything you could want in an RPG. Mature storyline where your decisions matter Brilliant graphics Runs well Great combat system Amazing world/characters to discover GWENT!!! I was jealous when I saw one of my friends starting this game, knowing that he was getting to experience it all for the first time. It was then I knew that I had to get the expansion packs so that I could also experience a new chapter to this great game In an era of "dumbed down" gaming this game shines brightly, if you have been unsure about buying it, I hope this small review amongst all the others helps you make the right choice! +KillerPhoenix05,-,5,-,false,-,Un jeu magnifiquement bien réalisé, avec quelques coceptes repris de skyrim, juste parfait! +negativefx,-,5,-,false,-,Had fun with DA:Inquisition, Pillars, Divinity, etc. but Witcher 3 is the only one that I wanted to play through more than once, and also the one that got me to explore every aspect. Can't praise it enough, so I'll just stop now. Thanks CDPR!!! +eternal_beauty,-,5,-,false,-,First, I am writing this after finishing the whole game (speaking main quest and ALL side quests available to me) and the Heart of Stones DLC. Second, after approx. 150 hours into the game I am fanboying so hard, I hardly can contain myself from throwing the words 'amazing', 'awesome', 'the best ever' in every sentence but I will try to be reasonable. Also, I am waiting for Blood and Wine to come to the stores in my country just to have a neat box with Geralt on my shelf, yeah, that's how low I fell. There are a lot of reviews that tell all about the game mechanics, good-looking graphics, great plot and so on. I will tell you how Witcher takes you and brings you into his world, full of darkness and light, love and loathing, deathly mistakes and heroic deeds. It makes you come again and again, crave for more side quests, more stories, more monsters, anything involving Geralt. It hooked me on the books, the game of gwynt, the mesmerizing soundtracks, made me buy TW2 just to keep it going. From day one I saw myself roaming the White Orchard on Roach's back in my dreams. This game is hauntingly beautiful, every new location makes you do a double take and catch your breath a little. I played on Asus K555L laptop (Nvidia Geforce 940M, i7-5500 Li, 8 GB RAM) on medium settings, though I tried High but it was a little to late into the game and I was a little scared of overheating because it's +30 over here so I continued on medium. I see people complain about the cutscenes. I enjoyed them thoroughly, it's a nice way to rest between gaming and listen to sweet voice of Geralt (I am a girl if you didn't understand earlier). Credits to voice actors - they did an admirable job, I enjoyed the cinematics thoroughly. Also credits to the team of translators - Russian text was superbly written (I played with Russian localization). There are a lot of people who deserve credit for this masterpiece, it's impossible to mention everyone. All in all, AMAZING, AWESOME, THE BEST EVER. Guys, I really tried. +Nekkrid,-,5,-,false,-,Well coded, runs flawlessly, beautiful graphics. The game is a masterpiece, so varied in content, weather its quests or the world itself or even the characters you encounter. There is an almost overwhelming amount of quests, but the quest tracker works brilliantly. Can be very hard at times, but I love a challenge and the game keeps you playing. I love the Witcher games and this is the best one yet. +Dioso,-,5,-,true,-,Amazing game! I bow my head to the team of people that made this game. Big respect and big thank you. Cheers : ) +Henkkaa666,-,5,-,false,-,Well worth money and time.Great story and gameplay. +CliveChance,-,5,-,false,-,My only complaint for this game is that I played it for a solid seventy hours when I first picked it up and do not have the time for that commitment again. The Witcher 3 is a massive game, with hours of exploration and fun to be had. +johu19,-,5,-,true,-,Graphics: 10/10 Gameplay: 10/10 Story: 11/10 (I fell in love with Ciri) +Ayosinho,-,5,-,false,-,Después de pasarme el juego y sus dos expansiones, puedo decir con total certeza, que es el mejor juego que he jugado nunca. Su historia como su jugabilidad es una maravilla, no se puede describir, se tiene que jugar y explorar su vasto mundo lleno de vida y de peligros. Gracias a CD PROJEKT RED por esta obra maestra. Muy bien lo tienen que hacer los chicos de Bethesda con su TES 6 para superar este juego. +charismazo,-,5,-,true,-,pros no need to comment cons too many ? especially under the sea uncomfortable attaching oil +kaweeks1,-,5,-,true,-,Whenever a new DLC comes out you think it's going to be a few new quests and maybe some new armor or sword, nope you practically get a whole new game . I think they said it was supposed to be 30 extra hours I'm way past that and I think it's finally over it hard to tell. Even after the credits roll your love interest shows up and you can finish more quests that you may have missed. I just hope this isn't last of the Witcher I own own all three and they are just great. +RAZOR1515,-,5,-,true,-,lo primero que puedo decir que GOG es una plataforma de juegos exquisita, witcher 3 es la sin duda un juegazo que te atrapa de principio a fin asi que sin palabras compren este juego en GOG que es muy barato. gracias!!! +awadiak,-,5,-,true,-,The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is simply one of the best RPGs of all time, with its enormous content, beatiful graphics and fantastic landscapes. Everything in this game is polished, like the game of Gwent, which could be sold as a separate game by some gaming companies. There's at least a million ways to keep you glued to the screen for long hours. Completely deserved all the awards it got. CD Projekt RED is definitely one of the best gaming companies out there. +Firr0qs,-,5,-,true,-,Это та игра, где забываешь обращать внимание на глюки и недочеты. А расставание с героями навевает тоску и грусть. CD Project, вы молодцы!!! +maddox731,-,5,-,true,-,A truly excellent game which was a pleasure to play. After playing, I was immediately hooked to play Witcher 1 and 2, of which I was rewarded with more excellent storytelling. Witcher 3 has grand scope, yet focused storyline. It is an open and alive world, yet does not leave you wondering where to go. It has numerous quests, but none of them are formulaic or copies of (go gather 10 of this thing). Voice acting is superb and action was perfect. Highly recommend to anyone. +ladjarevic,-,5,-,true,-,So I bought Witcher 3 and all it's expansions for around $60 and I played it for around 300 hours so far. That's $60/300=$0,2. I bought Star Wars Battlefront for $70 and played it for an hour. $70/1=$70. Since $0,2 is much much less than $70, you do the math... +Danielegaro,-,5,-,false,-,I bought the game a year ago, the d1 edition, and I decided to make my review after all the patches and the two expansions (already owned). The game is almost perfect, since from the beginning I've noticed very few bugs, and the continuous work of patching made by CD Projekt was perfect. The game is fantastic, the base version of the game can occupy your days and life for a lot of hours, at least 200, expansions excluded! I suggest to play this game ( and the previouses) after the reading of the books, because there are a lot of references for the lovers of the books. If the base version of the game is fantastic the two expansions are the perfect end for such a masterpiece, specially the last one, Blood and Wine, which introduces a new beautiful area, Touissant, a managerial system and a lot of new witcher gears, and of course a new gwent deck, the Skellige one. I loved every single piece of this great game, and even after 300 hours of gaming I've only finished the base version and HoS main story, and still I have a lot to do. The physical edition of the game is amazing, but also the digital one have a lot of beautiful goodies, such as the papercraft toys or the 300 pages' artbook. Buy this game, now. (sorry for any possible language mistake) +szhong,-,5,-,false,-,Well, what can I say? After playing this game, I realized that only CD Projekt Red can give me my next good RPG fix. Amazing main quest line and secondary quests with interesting characters and good dialogue. Thanks a lot CD Projekt Red... I've tasted the good stuff, and now I can't go back to the cheap stuff for a good high anymore. +Owsikowy,-,5,-,false,-,If you still haven't tried it... Just do it. Even though it has some flaws (like roach bugs) it is still one of the best games I've ever played. I highly recommend it. +TheEvilBob,-,5,-,false,-,Possibly the best RPG I've ever played. Not to say I hunt them all down, but to take the crown from Morrowind is no small feat. An excellent story on its own but gains even more depth if you've read the books by Andrzej Sapkowski, also well worth your time. It doesn't have the instantly gripping, fast-paced start of the second game, but it builds in a way that is ultimately more satisfying. Saying too much would risk ruining a few moments so you'll have to take my word, and everyone else's, on that. Gameplay is nicely rewarding and the challenges are effected by more than the difficulty. A powerful shield is almost like cheat mode and a few fights would have been incredible tests of skill without it. I'm not ashamed to have relied on it more than once. You could easily forego it if you're a master at dodging or maybe at knockdowns, or have a panache for setting people on fire. My only complaints are partially of my own making: If you want to complete every quest and point of interest then the pace of the story will suffer somewhat and in Skellige you'll grow to hate the water. And you'll learn, never trust a horse. The visual design has captured the atmosphere of the Witcher's world wonderfully. From the brown, dirty, muted life of war-torn rurals, to the frigid beauty of isolated islands, to the lush splendor of a perpetually partying dutchy. The only disappointment is that the graphics themselves could have been much better - luckily we have mods for that. There's simply nothing to complain about with the audio. Beautifully scored, and with excellent foley work, the emersion is wonderful. As with any RPG, you'll also wish the game had five times the voice content, but what is there is still impressive. As I mentioned, there's no lack of mods to help further enrich things as well. Too many to list but I strongly recommend two: The HD Reworked Project - an impressive bump without changing the world All Quest Objectives - will save a lot of wasted time +Dron96,-,5,-,false,-,Крутая игра +Psyko655,-,5,-,false,-,Full Disclosure...I LOVE THIS GAME!!!. I found myself frequently comparing this game to Skyrim and, to be fair, that's not a fair comparison at all. Skyrim is more of a role playing game, Witcher has a pre-defined hero and somewhat more limited decisions that affect who he becomes. But lets not get into that. I'll start with the open world It's EPIC! With the addition of Blood and Wine we know have 3 massive open worlds to discover, as well as two smaller sandbox locations. Skellige has the cold and mountainous feel of Skyrim, Toussant has the colorful feel of Mania from Elder Scrolls IV's dlc, and Velen/Novigrad have the feel of Oblivion's Cyrodiil. The Story If you haven't played or read up on previous installments on wikipedia, I recommend you take the short version and read up on the previous games (or just play the first two games and import your saves you Witcher fan, you). It will help with understanding the lore as well as where Geralt is coming from. There are a LOT of references made to events from prior games (and the DLCs introduce characters from prior games) so it helps to understand who everyone is and what's going on in the world. The story itself, for those unaquainted with the prior installments, is not hard to follow. You're a professional monster slayer trying to rescue a surrogate daughter from a mystical threat known as "The Wild Hunt." You'll have adventures across two continents and through dozens of quests and many more side quests and monster hunter contracts. You'll get to shape the world around you and learn more about the lives of villagers and even help them out on random occasion....back to the main story. It definitely had its moments, and even made me tear up towards the end, and I can truly say its a well-written tale of love, revenge, honor, hope, and more. It's not a pure fantasy tale like Skyrim but a more down-to-earth type tale. You'll hear cavalier talk of rape, and a general downtrodden air about the world Gameplay It's inspired by Batman Arkham Knight although not with all the finesse. Not a problem, the combat manages just fine and the control scheme is easy to learn and master. Walking around as Geralt and Roach is cumbersome but with the advent of an update that adds an "alternative" control mode to both this was made much more fluid. Geralt still suffers from poor fall distance damage but the developers added a "roll" button to remedy that. You can always mod it out on your own. Speaking of mods: MOD SUPPORT!!! It's probably not going to reach Skyrim levels due to the limited modding tools but what is out there is certainly promising. There are mods that improve the lighting, draw distance, graphics, HUD and immersion, as well as custom camera controls, skins, etc. (you know the deal). They're easy to use with Nexus Mods and I highly recommend immersive Cam and friendly hud (just to name a few) as they add a whole new level of immersion to the game. +mrslake,-,5,-,false,-,It is the best RPG I played in last 4 years. I would put it in one line with Skyrim. Good thing is that characters are like I imagined them by the books (but as for me, maybe Geralt is little bit old). +rockjeter,-,5,-,false,-,Explore the world with your own experience. Every adventures is a whole new experience. +Dmitry_Masley,-,5,-,false,-,When I saw The Witcher game in store at first time, I was very skeptic. After I read all books about Gerald I thought game can only ruin this great story. But I was wrong. Every Witcher game became excellent extension of the books story, and Whild Hunt definitely worth its prise, and extensions too. P.S. I still playing in Hearts of Stone and very liked how Gerald quoted "Anna Karenina" about happy families. +graphmotion,-,5,-,false,-,An experience to how game can change your perception about videogames, a new way about storytelling, his game mechanics and stunning graphics. One of the best games of the entire history. Geralt in the game is the perfect description of Geralt in his books. His voice,his way to move, absolutely perfect. I can say the same about the rest of the main characters. A masterpiece. +Zedris,-,5,-,false,-,Literally one of the best games I have every played, truly. A true masterpiece the game-play, the world,the graphics,the story(my god the story...) A definite must buy for any one out there +Amphastar,-,1,-,false,-,I've tried playing this game several times now since release, and I find it just tedious. It's so bad. +somingcx,-,5,-,true,-,Best Game of the 21/22. century +hossamyy,-,5,-,false,-,This game is just indescribable in so many terms. I have never had so much fun in a game since 2004. I'm not a hardcore gamer and so i didn't expect me to spend over 300 hours playing this game. The story, game play, graphics, characters, open world and pretty much everything else are just too great. I had given it 4 stars already, but the reason behind that fifth star is; - DRM-Free which means that they trust the game and their hard work, and they trust us too. - The expansions and DLCs are real. They don't sell empty bottles expecting you to pay for the actual drink. - I normally don't like these kind of games (RPGs like Dark Souls, Dragon Age, Elder Scrolls an so..) but this game changed my mind. +tropit9,-,5,-,true,-,a game to remember, to be held in high esteem and be compared to in the years to come. a work of art, and passion for fantasy and gaming, and simply telling a heck of story. worth your time, and money. +SWol,-,5,-,false,-,Unfortunately, there are no possibility to rate 6 stars, 5 only is available :) The greatest game that has been created ever. Wonderful graphic, story, gameplay, everything, I spent about 240 hours(I finished base twice and adds 1 time each) and it was the best hours that I spent in game ever. Thank you, guys, for this game, and hope to see more great projects from your studio. +xRelentlessx,-,5,-,false,-,Even on really low graphic settings it its playable because the story and fightsystem is just awesome, always hyped for upcoming DLC's. Recommend highest difficulty that it becomes a real challenge. Gwent is a good incendital too if you fighted too much. Even after i knew the complete story and all quests (except the completion of the gwent cards) i'm motivated to play it twice through. The story got me always emotional. There is only one thing in my opinion that is a little bit strange.. that wolfs that are 30 levels under me, do 3 hits and i'm dead. But all in all it's my favorite game i have ever played. 10/10 +naomha,-,5,-,false,-,Just wanted to throw this out there in "review land". 204 hours. That's how much time I've invested into this game just to finish the main story line. 204 hours of constant entertainment and fun. 204 hours I'll never regret. Not once. The Witcher 3 is a pinnacle of interactive arts entertainment. Runs amazingly well on an all AMD rig (FX 8350 BE, Dual Sapphire Tri-X R9 290s, 16 GB Ram). I'll be honest I don't think I've ever put this much time into a game on a single run, in recent memory. Oblivion and Skyrim came close. Divine Divinity, while fantastic, only got me about 100 hours or so. Don't get me wrong, I've done a few multiple playthroughs of games that clocked in some hours, but, a single run at over 200 hours and never got bored once? Yeah, that's probably never happening again. All in all, when it's all said and done, TW3 has got to be the most entertaining, involved and exciting RPG I've ever played. At 40+ years of age, this game will most definitely sit atop my vast collection of RPGs with pride. It's an achievement I'm going to experience more of as I go on and tackle the additional DLCs I've barely touched. Looking forward to it all. Amazing. Just amazing. +tymoris,-,5,-,false,-,The Witcher is a series where the developers learnt from the mistakes of the previous 2 and made a gem among rpgs worthy of the time invested into it. Witcher 3 features interesting characters, a world that seems realistic enough without going overboard with the dark/brooding themes that plagued the previous two but also a story and an open world them that really fleshes it out. A great plus is that it has a very good performance even on average systems which gives it great value. Highly recommended even if like me you hated the first and found the second good only for its story, it will change your mind for sure. +DamZe,-,5,-,false,-,The Witcher 3 is a monumental achievement in the open world ARPG genre, it combines superb immersion, lore, story and design into one fantastic gaming package. One would have to be truly ignorant not to see its strengths and appreciate every minute of it, if this genre however doesn't interest you then I implore you to give it a go, you will be amazed at just how much content is on offer here. CDPROJECT RED has put every other developer to shame, and set a new bar for open world ARPGS, no doubt about it. +oliverfd,-,5,-,false,-,Goes in see skellige bring in nostaliga every time i leave the island because i´m an nord and the islands fells like home. +luc3336,-,5,-,false,-,GREAT!!!! GRAPH.9/10 HISTORY 10/10 GAMEPLAY 8/10 +olliewollie,-,5,-,false,-,I had never played a Witcher game before this, but due to the hype and the marketing surrounding it I though I would give it a go. From the get go, the experience was great. The packaging itself came with many great things that left a great impression. I then started playing the game. Whilst I initially had a few issues getting into the first scene, I finally solved it (expected on a launch day) and began to play. The first positive was the graphics. This game is stunning! The user interface was done great, as were all the heads up indications Secondly were the controls. They took some time to get used to but after that, they were easy and fluent. Finally, Gwent. A mini game that found throughout the game world, It has to be one of the best card games around. Still waiting to buy a real set! In all, this game is a must buy. +Can3112,-,5,-,true,-,This Game is just pure beauty. In every way. Quests. Graphics. Design. Story. Gameplay. The World in The Witcher 3 is full of storys. Each different and beautiful +c0wabunga,-,5,-,false,-,I played all three games by now and have to say it's astounding what CD Project Red did here. I loved the first game for the story. It had its flaws in combat and such, but i was immersed as good as it gets. The second one had some things i didn't like so much, the world was instanced too much and the combat mixed up with QTE's through me off, but still a really good game with a good story. The third i an evolved game, everything is just better. They changed combat and made the world a whole again. You can see how they learned from the previous installments and did whats best for the game and the players. If you are into fantasy just a little bit, this is your best bet to get what you are looking for. Sure it has still some flaws, but they don't overshadow the whole experience in any way. Lets hope other majors learn from CDPR and i'm just exited what will come next. Thanks for the experience CDPR & Andrzej Sapkowski and all people who worked on that franchise. +Akalipt0s,-,5,-,false,-,What do you mean you dont "own" this game yet !? :D One of the best games out there so far... worth having for many reasons... + Graphics +Sounds and soundracks (music) +Story (is sexy-scary-funny-epic etc. the same time ) +Quests (also side quests) +Gameplay (can be 200 hours in main game..) +The expansions after the main game +Difficulty (few like very easy games.. are boring) +ryszardpalus,-,5,-,true,-,Masterpiece! Masterpiece! Masterpiece! +BarackOshizzle,-,5,-,false,-,The Witcher 3 is an open world game filled with life and things to do. Even though I only have 4 hours I can see myself playing for several hundred more. The Good: + Good story + Beautiful open world + Good voice acting + Amazing gameplay The bad: - Movement is sometimes horrible. You'll occasionally find yourself bumping into walls and such. Final score: 10/10 - Quite a masterpiece. +darkuni,-,5,-,false,-,My full review of Witcher 3 is posted here: http://reviewlagoon.com/why-witcher-3-is-the-best-game-in-20-years/ .... I considered just copying it over. The endorsement I give this game is that I loved it SO MUCH I was willing to spend hundreds of hours not only playing the game - but recording and producing a music video out of it. I've never loved anything enough to spend 100+ hours slaving away behind a video editor slicing and dicing for a 3:54 music video. To me, this embodies my review of WItcher 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AL-LzExBAws +Mr. D™,-,4,-,true,-,Tolles Rollenspiel, unglaublicher Umfang. Die schiere Größe der Witcher Welt ist ehrfurchtgebietend, das Maß an Details beeindruckend. Spielmechanik, Grafik, Soundtrack, Lokalisierung usw usw. Alles von allererster Güte. Und dies ist zugleich die Crux dieses Spiels in meinen Augen nach der ersten zwölf Stunden. Dieser Inhaltsgigant und die Tatsache daß dies der dritte Teil einer großen Saga ist, macht es für mich verdammt schwer in die Handlung hineinzukommen bzw mich für das Schicksal der Figuren überhaupt zu interessieren. Tatsächlich habe ich von vielen Leuten gehört, das sie aufgrund der Größe einen Bogen um das Spiel gemacht haben. Es stellt sich mir also die Frage, das wollten wir doch eigentlich all die Jahre, oder? Ein bis zum bersten gefülltes Spiel mit einer verzweigten & großen Handlung. Vielleicht berührt "The Witcher 3" einfach eine Grenze für mich, wie viel Zeit ich in virtuellen Welten verbringen will. Wer weiß. Die Geschichte des Hexers sorgt eben für eine gewisse Distanz zum Geschehen. Keine Frage, Geralt von Riva ist eine Schnetzeldrecksau mit Humor und Charme. Aber ist es doch diese vorgegebene Figur die zugleich Stärke und Schwäche von "The Witcher 3" ist. Man erlebt die Stärken einer Handlung mit vorgegebener Figur, Anders als bei Skyrim bei dem man den Vorzug einer eigenen Figur hat, aber eben mit einer recht beliebigen Handlung. Ich kann nur vermuten das der dritte Teil der Saga für jeden der die Bücher gelesen hat, bzw die ersten beiden Teile gespielt, hat der vorläufige RPG-Olymp ist. Die Qualität steht außer Frage. Mir ist zu diesem Zeitpunkt trotzdem nicht klar ob ich das Spiel bis zum Ende durchspielen werde. Stellt euch folgendes Bild vor: ein Zocker, erschlagen von einer riesigen Retailbox von "Se Witscha Drai", nur der Arm schaut heraus und zeigt den Daumen nach oben. +medallish,-,5,-,true,-,I've had Witcher 3 since release, sadly I kept putting off playing it, I had played it a little, liked what I had seen, but then a reinstall would happen, or another game was released that demanded my attention, I remember in my first attempt at the game I was stuck at Novigrad on a mission that didn't seem to lead anywhere, so the fact that I lost that save was probably a good thing, as this time, I started it and I didn't stop, I got good at battling in the game, and got a good feel how to use it's other mechanics, I recently completed the main quest, a really good main quest I should add, despite it's length nothing ever feels rushed, I then went on to Hearts and Stone, it's a nice story, Gaunter O'Dimm is a really interesting character, so with virtually all quests completed, you can go on Witcher contracts, the first time I saw a leshen I was so hyped, it's an awesome creature, but it doesn't take long before you're twiddling your thumbs, waiting for the next big DLC, then I discovered, Gwent, now the game suggests you try Gwent early on, I avoided it because usually I'm not a big fan of card games, I've tried Hearthstone but it just never gets me excited, I tried a few matches in the beginning, and like a fool I skipped over the tutorial so I spent all my cards on the first round thought, how am I supposed to get through 3 rounds of this? Thanks to me not finding anything else to do, I decided to do what I should have done and research how the game worked, and it's weird to describe, but it's only once I started playing the game with my newfound knowledge I found out how amazing the game was, the psyching, bluff, and planning you can do made it so amazing to play, I can't describe how sad I was finding out that there is no stand alone Gwent game you can play against others this is so needed! Anyway tl:dr Witcher 3 is amazing, fun to play, great story telling, the DLC is quite good, and Gwent is the best! +mikulda007,-,5,-,false,-,i have a prob. installing wind. 10 deleted wicher so i cant ply it anymore +rooftop903,-,3,-,false,-,ok so i bought this game at my local walmart and it installed and ran on my laptop just sloppy casue it wasnt made to handle the game. so i install it on my custom desktop and when i go to play it a window pops up saying theres missing files...please help. +solidsnake97,-,5,-,false,-,I was initially reluctant to but this game, because of some reviews that said that the open world was something that made this game worst than its predecessor, but i got surprised. Pros *The overall plot and characters are the best i have seen in a rpg. *Combat system has a lot of options *The open world is vast and varied, with a lot of side quests. *Side quests are not repetitive and most of them interesting stories *Gwynt minigame is very addictive *Good optimisation Cons *White orchard zone is desestimated after the prologue *Iorveth does not appear. *Some unbalance in the level system, for example. +AndersEriksson,-,5,-,false,-,Simply amazing. Through all of the Witcher games, I have never played a series with such natural dialogue and characters. The games make you actually care for the characters and the storytelling is extremely engaging. Regarding the gameplay, it's the best by far of the Witcher games. The only thing I find a bit monotone is the Witcher contracts. Regular sidequests usually confront you with moral dilemmas and the like but the Witcher contracts are always the same, very repetitive. Graphics are great and this time around, they actually nailed the music as well. Easily one of the best games I have ever played. +uhur44,-,5,-,false,-,....It is probably the game history changer. After so much games ive played and so much hours ive spent playing hundrets of different games during my lifetime... i can say, that this game is the absolute and unbeatable best game in game history!!! The gameplay, environment, story, lore, characters, monsters, epic quests, graphics and and and.... this game has something for every type of gamer. Probz to the whole CD-Project team and their work put into this masterpiece of a game :) +sit_dmitriy,-,5,-,false,-,GOTY 10/10 . +FoxyYTB,-,5,-,true,-,I started playing this game when i knew nothing about it! But the thing is that Cd Project Red made an amazing RPG game that offers you emotion ... You get to know all the characters even if you haven`t play the Witcher 1 and 2.. For me Witcher 3 is the best game ever realesed because it has everything. Congratz , CD PROJECT RED the three years that you spent creating this game were worth it ! +SkyHighGam3r,-,4,-,false,-,I bought The Witcher 3 for one reason, and one reason ONLY. To hunt monsters. Based on this alone, this is one of the greatest games ever. There are no such things as monster hunting games. Vampires, Werewolves, Ghouls, Ghosts, Demons... THOSE are monsters. (That nonsense in the deceptively named "Monster Hunter" are jokes... dragons and dinosaurs are stupid) There needs to be a game that is 100% dedicated to the kind of actual hunting of actual monsters that you can do in this game, and then set it in a realistic and more modern world... That would be the single greatest video game ever made. I'd probably stop playing everything else. NOW, all that being said, there is a lot more to this game... and that's where things start to break down. The RPG mechanics in and of themselves are great. There's a lot of different skills and your dialogue options don't feel too cramped. If you enjoy RPGs, there's not much to hate here. However, the inventory system is incredibly convoluted. Simply because it's too simple for there being so many different types of potions, herbs, bombs, ingredients, etc etc... It needed some more love without a doubt. There's one thing I just can't get over though, and this is personal preference... The story/setting. For what it is, the story is well written. The characters are believable, and motivations aren't random. WHAT IT IS THOUGH, is your typical 'fantasy-realm' bullcrap. Lords and Ladies and thys and thoughs nonsense. You hear annoyingly stupid crap like "Nilfgaardians" and "I was too afeared good sire" ... and if I have to hear him call his horse "Roach" one more time I might put a bullet in my brain... It's stupid and I hate it. However, circling back, if you like the concept of hunting down supernatural creatures and exterminating them... you will love this game. Provided you can get over the Tolkien level of nonsense that is present. +SirSludge,-,5,-,false,-,Sure it has a much better story than most games. Ok the graphics look pretty and the combat is fine. The world is nice I guess. It may be the best roleplaying experience I've ever gotten out of a game. But I just liked Price of Persia more. So I hve to give this game a 3/4 cause it's just not as good as CS:GO +Bakudoshin,-,5,-,false,-,The Witcher. What else? +sami.awile,-,5,-,false,-,It's the best game on this world. +littek,-,5,-,false,-,This is the best RPG game I've ever played. Even if the graphic wasn't so nice as it is, this game with it's plot, action, characters, sounds and music was great as well. The world, that CDP have created is so beautiful and realistic, that I can't stop playing and don't want to live it till next time i run ythis game. Yes, I'm addicted, and I'm not the only one. +rikurik,-,5,-,false,-,LOVE this game. In a sea full of unfinished trash, THIS GAME gives me hope for the future of the industry. This game has it all, you aren't likely to be disappointed. +Abyssic,-,5,-,false,-,The Witcher 3 is easily the best 3rd-person RPG to come out in years, maybe even ever. It is a work of similar magnificence as the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy if you ask me. A huge production value put to best use with top notch graphical fidelity and performance, lifelike animations and dialogues, and a story that will take you with it. And tho i'm not much of a nerd for movie or game soundtracks, i was absolutely stunned by this game's great soundtrack featuring slavic folk music with the help of the band Percival and epic orchestral pieces. This game is worth every single dollar and more. +beefkrieger320,-,5,-,false,-,Man merkt das CDPR sehr viel Liebe dem Spiel gegeben hat und deswegen eins der besten Rollenspiele das derzeit draußen ist. CDPR macht weiter so ! +Hertyk,-,5,-,false,-,Don't buy it. You are not worthy of such a great experience, no one but me is. +jarragorn,-,5,-,false,-,I never thought i would be able to get so in to a game's world like i did in Skyrim but The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt proved me wrong. The world is massive and full of detail like in The Witcher 2, I honestly thought because the game was going to be open world it would take away the detail The Witcher 2 had. Here again CDPR proved me wrong. The detail makes it a lot of fun to just explore and look around every corner where you find some of the best world design ever. The gameplay is fantastic, the fluid sword combat combined with the amazing signs, potions and bombs to use, makes every fight different and unique. There are so many ways to kill a enemy and that makes every fight exciting and challenging. The story really got my attention and with every clue you found about Ciri it got more interesting. The amount of options you were given throughout the story makes this a game worthy of the RPG sticker put on it. The Witcher 3 has some of the best character design i have ever seen. I found myself becoming friends with characters from the game, and when i had finished the game, i started missing those friends. This for me got made me realize how good the witcher's character design actually was. And when a friend died it felt so real and painfull. the amount of content in The Witcher 3 is just insane. i have put around 140 hours in to the game, and i still find new things. Every sidequest has got it's own story and they are all unique. I really enjoyed the witcher contracts every monster you got a contract for is different than all the other monsters and all the contracts are boss fights! And with the Hearts of Stone expanion pack (10+ hours) and the Blood and Wine expansion pack (20+ hours) the game only gets bigger. The visuals of The Witcher 3 are stunning, and if want to improve them, or make them look more like the e3 trailers, there is the modding community to fix it! this makes The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt A must have for RPG lovers! and my GOT 2015 +Grzanek,-,5,-,false,-,Best game ever. You will not regret spending money on this. Best plot ever. +Nobodynever98,-,3,-,false,-,I installed it and played one time. When I try to start it now it says mfc140.dll is missing. Can someone tell me where I can get it or how I can fix it? +Econom,-,5,-,false,-,Лучшая в своём роде +vanski,-,5,-,false,-,Witcher 3 is truly a masterpiece. Amazing story, beautiful graphics, big open world to explore. I definitely recommend buying this game! +gronkal,-,5,-,false,-,Best ever! :D +jakubanas,-,5,-,false,-,So much activities +DonMare,-,5,-,false,-,i can't stop playing :) this game is GOTY 2015/2016 :) +xiSheya,-,5,-,false,-,Srunning graphics, excellent soundtrack, lovable characters and interesting story! If you haven't played it yet, shame on your whole family! Simply the best ;D +pbupm,-,1,-,false,-,got bored after 10 hours and a console downgraded port +chris97tvb98,-,5,-,false,-,what i can say? i have no words for this games its just amazing +yzod,-,5,-,true,-,Havent been so hooked up by an RPG since Nox(2000). You can see a lot of passion and work was put into the game. Everything from the story to the graphics and sound are great. +Magier_Christoph,-,5,-,false,-,I played nearly EVERY RPG on this world really and I must say that The Witcher 3 is one of the best RPG´s I have ever played. The Witcher 3 is my new number 1 +veelqnexus,-,5,-,false,-,I need Blood and Wine! :D +Stefan.01,-,5,-,false,-,Amazing game +TwinSeeker,-,5,-,false,-,This game really did it! What so many similar games failed this game kept me locked and glued to the screen for many many hours! And it still does, i still play it every day, whenever i have at least 3h to spare... The story, the elements, the graphics, the vast open world, the character personalities, great and immersive dialogs, all waiting for you the moment you launch the game for the very fist time. I don't even want to start on the combat and the situations the player runs into and the many possible solutions all put before you to chose your own fate every time the dice is tossed down. Of course there is a card game included, of course the slavic people played cards in the days! Brilliant! It won't take long before you decide to never get back out until you see and experience everything, truly a masterpiece in it's own right, well done team red well done! I cannot wait for the expansions and the honor to play them and continue the adventures of Geralt and may they never stop! +Kainnemesis,-,5,-,false,-,Story Rich and packed with a lot of Video bombing characters in scenes! must own! +justkean,-,5,-,false,-,it quickly became my favorite game. period. +mao_dze_dun,-,5,-,false,-,Despite technical problems, bugs, wonky crossfire support and a bit repetitive treasure hunts and some minor side quests, this is still one of the best games ever made. It took me 7 or 8 months with large pauses in playing this to go through the 157 hours I needed to complete nearly all quests, treasure hunts and contracts but it was so worth it. Anything less than 5/5 would be an insult to gaming. +ruslanon,-,5,-,false,-,The best game of the year +kadodm23,-,5,-,false,-,Best game I've ever played Truly a masterpiece Thanks CD Projekt Red +Timito,-,5,-,false,-,Einfach der Hammer! +XsceletoX,-,5,-,false,-,The graphics are amazing the fighting is superb and the story is jaw dropping responsive gameplay Awesome AI what more is there to say, best game of 2015. followed by metal gear solid v tpp, which was also amazing +Epsilon33,-,5,-,false,-,Juste parfait... désolé j'y retourne ! +Erikkolai,-,5,-,true,-,I can be a bit elitist when it comes to RPGs, and tend to stick with the old classics. Have always been extremely picky. I'm very glad to say that despite all that, the Witcher 3 has become my all-time favorite game. It's impressed me immensely. Strongly recommend it. Many thanks to CD Projekt Red! +Wyzzlex,-,5,-,false,-,Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt setzt im Bereich Rollenspiele neue Maßstäbe. Als Spieler übernimmst du die Kontrolle von Gerald von Rivia, welcher als Hexer mit der Monsterjagt sein täglich Brot verdient. Dass es nicht beim simplen Monsternschnetzeln bleibt, sollte dabei natürlich jedem klar sein. Im Laufe der spannend erzählten Handlung erlebt man allerhand Abenteuer und lernt viele interessante Charaktere kennen. Besonders herausragend ist die Gestaltung der Welt gelungen. Jedes kleine Fischerdorf, jeder dichte Wald und vor allem die Stadt Novigrad sind wundervoll und detailliert umgesetzt worden. Diese zu erkunden macht einfach Spaß. Weniger gut gelungen sind leider die Menüs, die sich weder mit Tastatur und Maus noch mit dem Gamepad richtig gut steuern lassen. Vor allem langen Crafting- und Alchemie-Listen und die teilweise arg umständliche Karte haben noch viel Luft nach oben. Witcher 3 ist ein Meilenstein der Spielegeschichte. Als Freund von großen offenen Welten solltest du dir das Spiel auf keinen Fall entgehen lassen. Wenn du mehr wissen möchtest, kannst du dir meinen ausführlichen Test unter http://videospielkombinat.de/witcher-3-vom-jaeger-zum-gejagten anschauen. Dort gehe ich sowohl auf positive als auch auf negative Kritikpunkte vertieft ein und du bekommst einen besseren Eindruck davon, worauf du dich in Witcher 3 freuen kannst. +Tim_Shackleford,-,5,-,true,-,For some reason, I could never get into rpgs... well I got this game free with my gpu, and its actually great! awesome combat, and very immersive story. I might buy it on steam just to give cdprojectred some extra money. +PsychoHUN,-,5,-,false,-,[NO Spoiler] This is best RPG game since the Gothis series. Highly recommended for RPG lovers. Pros and cons: + Boobs + Very sexy sorceress girls + Very sexy girls everywhere + Craft,leveling,skill points + Items damage,carry weight + Signs for magic + Open world + Large sandbox world + Dope and exciting quests included the side quests + Not only one ending - Camera rotation like hell sometimes - Controls is annoying sometimes - Carry weight annoying sometimes - Items needs repair and it's annoying sometimes but gives RPG feel - "Look I found that relic sword OMG!" - "What? I need to be level 40 to use it?" -said level 20. It's annoying sometimes. - Cannot fast travel from anywhere (There is a mod for it, but I warn You, quests may BUGGED!) Overall: Epic game, epic RPG, good combat system, goog craft and leveling. INHUMAN GODLIKE music and graphics ( Witcher 3 HD Reworked mod strongly agreed) , see Nexusmods for more mods. GG WP CD Projekt Red! +PhysicsWins,-,5,-,false,-,There is not much to say here. The game provides you with hundreds of hours of amazing gameplay ( everything from the main storyline, the side quests to the optional treasures was extremely entertaining for me) not to mention the gwent (which I started doing in my second playthrough because thought it would be something boring ) which is very interesting of itself. There is pretty decent character customization and gear/crafting system which is enough for having fun at trying new things (especially at maximum difficulty). The graphics look amazing even on medium. +shizzle31,-,5,-,false,-,what can i say? since 19th May 2015 the best game existing... +Razor380,-,5,-,false,-,I love these types of games. I've played skyrim and other open world games before, but The Witcher 3 was by far the best in action and story. I am happy to have bought this game and can't wait for the second expansion (Blood and Wine) to come out. +DetouR6734,-,5,-,false,-,Simply Beautiful, as i cannot add anymore than whats already been said in well over 5000 reviews. +toady1,-,5,-,true,-,I played this on the ps4 while my pc was being repaired. Had to get again on pc. Clocked it and the dlcs again. Now im on to new game plus with a level 65 geralt. Why do I play this game so much? Because it has fast believeable combat involving sweeping longsword strikes with out ridiculous action game wind ups and foot work. It has geralt bare knuckle boxing at points and its not Skyrims "Hook-a-thon" Fisticuffs but actual use of upercuts, straights and hooks to go with knees and boots to the snout. But well crafted combat mechanics aside the thing this game has on top of the previous witcher games and most games in general is a coherent and vast and enthralling story. Worthy of the Multiple purchases I have made. Great Job CD Projekt Red. Good luck with Cyberpunk and thank you for this great send off for Geralt. +AakiWolf,-,5,-,false,-,Just perfect! +VaclavZemanek,-,5,-,true,-,Děkuji firmě GOG za jejich přístup a CD-Projektu za perfektní hru. Jste opravdu skvělí a přeji ať se Vám daří. Witcher (Zaklínač) je skvěla hra a graficky perfektní a to ještě po dlouhé roky. Také děkuji za překlad (translate) to Czech thank you so much. You are the best game creator (for me). +yumaz,-,5,-,true,-,I have played previous games in series and TW3 exceeded all my expectations. Most obviously the graphics, performance and smoothness of gameplay is not just an improvement over TW2, it is a quality of it's own. Atmosphere is kept true to the books and previous games both. Beatiful (but not overstated) graphics, music and soundtrack all create an illusion that can last uninterrupted for over 100 hours of gameplay without ever becoming tiring. I remember first dusk in my playthrough and the urge to get under cover and out of the darkness. The above could very well earn the game a five stars on it's own. But it's the writing, the characters and hundred's of little interactions between them that will stay with the player for a long time. These are sometimes darkly funny, sometimes heart rending, sometimes outright bizarre and random but in a way that reminds of real life chaos. I cannot say anything more without spoiling. Temptation is great though... Lastly- I have mentioned over 100h gameplay - at this point some maps have still blank spots to be discovered, I'm sure that there are some quests undiscovered. On the next playthrough :) - for sure there is going to be next one and one after that. +venomx1,-,5,-,false,-,one of the greatest RPG games in history ever even the best +I47,-,5,-,false,-,Ich habe die Reihe von Anfang gespielt und somit begleitet. Für den dritten Teil bleibt nur ein Wort: Großartig! Der Abschluss der Witcher Trilogie ist ein Meilenstein Videospielgeschichte ;-) +giam,-,5,-,true,-,Это лучшая игра в которую я когда-либо играл. Один минус, после ее прохождения не могу заставить себя играть в другие РПГ, которые на фоне 3-го Ведьмака выглядят уныло. CD Projekt своим Witcher 3 задрал планку для жанра РПГ на пока недосягаемый для других студий уровень. Закончу первое дополнение и придется зайти на второй круг в ожидании 2-го дополнения. Игра просто шедевр ! +KnightakaCristi,-,5,-,true,-,This is the best RPG ever made! I love this game! +samppasa,-,5,-,true,-,You'll choke to death on 3 pounds of steel +zanzibar_007,-,1,-,true,-,C'est l'un des pires jeu vidéo sur lequel j'ai pu mettre la main depuis des années, une escroquerie dont seule CDPR a le secret. Le jeu est mauvais, pas que pour son Gameplay ( Ablette énervante, Geralt qui se déplace comme un char d'assaut de la première guerre mondiale, IA pathétique ou irritante, etc...), mais aussi pour son histoire. Et là l'histoire elle vaut le coup d'oeil tellement elle est pleine d'incohérence, d'arrogance, et de mépris envers le Lore, Geralt n'est jamais pertinent dans ses répliques ou situations, d'ou lui vient la capacité de Traqueur ( la fameuse vision pour repérer les indices) ? De nulle part, elle a été inventé de toute pièce par une bande de décervelé. Geralt n'est pas foutu d'attraper du poisson pour en faire une soupe dans les livres, c'est pas un mutant à indices mais un " danseur " à l'épée. CDPR n'a rien trouvé de mieux que d'amputer Geralt là ou il est interessant, son talent d'épéiste, et lui a trouvé des supers pouvoirs venus dont on ne sait ou, quelque chose qui n'a jamais existé. Geralt est en plus complètement idiot lors des contrats, il a besoin d'indices alors qu'il sait dans la plupart des cas contre quoi il devra se battre, bien avant, mais le pire c'est que tout Géralt de Riv qu 'il est il passe dans ce jeu pour un larbin de bas étage passant la serpillère alors que SA fille adoptive est en danger de mort... ça laisse rêveur. L'open World est mort né, et figé de la pire des façons, on peut absolument rien y faire, c'est joli et c'est tout ce qui en devient particulièrement ironique sachant que CDPR se veulent etre des Rebelles qui font les jeux par et pour les Gamers mais entrent dans le piège des Ubisoft et consorts... Je ne parlerais pas de l'histoire de La Main Quest qui est juste un énième sauvetage des mondes, ce qui en Fantasy est particulièrement novateur. ( ironie inside) Bref en un mot comme en cent, franchement que fait Ciri avec Avallac'h qui lui a soumit un chantage ignoble et qu’elle traite d'assassins avant de partir de Tir Na lIa, c'est sans aucun doute l'amnésie du à la Pommade magique... Quel mépris, quel arrogance, quel manque d'intelligence, bref ce jeu est une honte et une escroquerie qui se vautre dans du racolage de cliché de Fantasy de bas étage. Une Honte !! +Fakace,-,5,-,false,-,best +Hatered,-,5,-,false,-,Это игра просто шедевр! Поиграл в пиратку пару часов, чтобы проверить, как она идет на моем барахле, + новую видюху прикупил, оптимизация хороша, правда бы еще немного меньше была бы нагрузка на процессор и было бы великолепно. В результате купил сегодня игру и ввел ключ, чтобы разработчики знали, что и я внес свою лепту в количество проданных копий. Спасибо огромное CD Project Red, вы создали великолепные миры и истории, от первой до третьей части, низкий вам поклон и надеюсь, что вы будете еще долго создавать такие шедевры, Я доволен) +denek559,-,5,-,false,-,amaizyng +Jackisme,-,4,-,false,-,Great Game,beautiful landscape,Cool Characters ,Nice Story,very good language support !!!! and most important the hole Game is on the Cd and not 70% there and the rest i have to Download Wtf. Thanks Cd Project Red !!!!!!! +DGreekStallion,-,5,-,false,-,To put it simply, buy this game if you haven't already. It is incredible in every way I can describe it. The game is just superb. It is as polished as a Nintendo game. +Hapciu,-,5,-,false,-,I'm not gonna praise it anymore than the others, but I'll say this. If I was stranded on an island with only one game to play forever, I know what I'd pick... I mean, literally everything that counts has been polished to a near perfect state. Sure, it has its flaws, won't deny that... but its pros heavily outweigh the cons :D CD Projekt blew the world's mind with this title, not just mine... My mind I mean... Cheers to you, you crazy passionate Polish developers. May you create works of art such as this one forever and ever until the end of time! +wyratt14,-,5,-,false,-,This game is a true masterpiece. Everything about it is amazing, from the combat to the story to the graphics to the world. It is easily my favorite game ever and worth well more than it's price of $50. If you don't already have it buy it now. You won't regret it. +KEI213,-,2,-,false,-,Игра полностью разочаровала - неудобная боевая система, никакой свободы действий, никуда нельзя пойти, если ты недостаточно прокачан, однообразные бои. Единственное, что хорошо - это озвучка и графика. Но я брал ее не из-за этого, так что ставлю самую низкую оценку, ибо у меня эта игра вызывает лишь раздражение и боль ниже спины. Ужасно. Только зря деньги выкинул. +Sharkley22,-,5,-,false,-,Best game i ever played! +Strid92,-,5,-,true,-,After playing Witcher 3 on PS4 around release I was impressed. Now the PS4 has gone and I have a PC. Buying Witcher 3 again was a no brainer and once I knew RED were responsible for GOG I got it here rather than steam. PC running everything as ultra as it goes and it looks amazing, obviously better than PS4 and I'm running it at 100fps on a 144hz screen. Excellent job with everything from gwent to the open world combat. I have to also add that allowing mods means I can rid myself of things such as limited bag space, a big annoyance when I played before. Top job, just stunning. Game of every year ever! +Tatwaffel,-,5,-,false,-,this game is my top rpg singleplayer game since years if you like to play in thirdperson. so much love in every single quest, nice turns in story here and there, even the small quests have nice turns and such a variety of tasks. i just can recommend this game to every rpg lover and ofc to people who want an immersive story. +Ariantau,-,5,-,false,-,Einfach ein Meisterwerk! Absolut fantastische große abwächslungsreiche Map. Spannende Charakterentwicklung. Grafik sehr naturgetreu. +Hivin,-,5,-,true,-,Félicitations à l'équipe pour ce travail remarquable !! plus de 200 heures de jeu sans me lasser. Quasiment pas de bugs (en comparaison de AC Unity), les paysages et les décors sont magnifiques, les personnages ciselés et expressifs, les costumes et pièces d'équipement super, les mouvements sont fluides et naturels, le scénario tient la route, les dialogues sont à la hauteur et même l'humour est au rendez-vous. De plus, la possibilité d'une petite pause coquine avec des filles sublimes ravira les jeunes et les moins jeunes. suggestion d'améliorations : - ajouter la possibilité de zoomer sur le personnage et les pièces d'équipement (armures, épées, etc...) lors du choix du materiel. - ajouter des critères de tri pour ce qui est stocké dans le coffre de la réserve. +Gde_Plotva,-,5,-,false,-,Спасибо вам CD projekt red за такой шедевр! Игра затягивает и не отпускает, от начала и до конца. Графика и геймплей завораживают. Я являюсь большим фанатом творчества пана Сапковского и история этой игры достойна книги. Надеюсь вы не забросите эту историю. Поставил бы 100!! P.S.-Сделайте пожайлуста отдельную игру про гвинт, игра шикарна! +greveby,-,5,-,false,-,One of the best rpgs ever! Everyone has to play. The world around you is amazing and alive, short loading times, great combat and most importantly amazing story! BUY BUY BUY BUY +kfbr392,-,5,-,true,-,Never would have thought that some game could come close to Baldur's Gate 2, Planescape Torment or Mass Effect 2, or surpass it. But this game is just mind blowing. Wish I was able to wipe my memory and start over again. Thank you CDPR for this wonderful game. +bigbloodymess,-,2,-,false,-,The graphics are great, the story is just ever so gripping, but just as it gets good, it gets bad. At the end of the game things start going bellyup, I'm not going to spoil anything but on one of the major finale battles, non of the enemies moved, they just froze there, I mean, this was great for just whizzing through the mission nice and quick, but it wasn't really immersive. Secondly, there's a part of the later game where you accompany Ciri, except, Ciri doesnt move, she just stands there, you have to figure out where you have to follow Ciri to and run there yourself (Youtube tutorials help here) and this triggers a cutscene and Ciri will teleport. All this great game and story telling just leads up to a massive anti-climatic lump of broken mess that is almost impossible to play, oh and the almighty 'loading screen of eternity' you have to suffer to load the game! +rinchic,-,5,-,false,-,Я её прошел давно, но играю в нее до сих пор. Мне понравиласт графика, геймплей, физика. Ещё очень, очень много заданий, много сокровищ, много предметов (мечей, доспехов, сэтов). Моя оценка 10/10! +OlbertPLZ,-,5,-,false,-,Awesome RPG, my ending made me wanna hang myself though. You happy now CDPR? 11/10 +gameITgame,-,5,-,true,-,I've put almost 150hrs into this game and I can safely call it the best game I have ever played. The game takes you on an amazing journey with interesting characters, plot lines, enemies and so on. It does that while looking gorgeous. While not the end all be all feature of a game, it truly does help players immerse themselves in the game's world, if the visual fidelity is top notch. Witcher 3 delivers on that front and then some. Graphics in this game made me stop a bunch of times and just look at the sights. Yes, they're that good, even though they did suffer a downgrade from the footage shown before launch. The sound quality is likewise very good. From character voices, to music, from monster growls and howls to excellent environment sounds. The sounds while in witcher senses mode is particularly good. It makes all of the sounds seem to be close to you. With a good pair of headphones or a good speaker system it can make you turn your head once in a while. The story is great and I felt kinda sad that the game ended. I wanted more stories about Geralt and others. Well, that's what the DLCs are for and I'm sure to pick them up. Getting back to the main game I really licked how they made some of your choices affect the world. Even seemingly good and benevolent choices could lead to dire consequences for individuals and whole communities. I dig that. It was fun to see how your actions changed the world around you. There's lots more I could say about this game but many before probably have said enough. It's a huge game with level of detail traditionally reserved for much shorter, more linear games. It's a masterpiece of a game for me and it will stay at the top of my list for many years to come. +Zura22,-,5,-,false,-,This is one of these rare games that come once in a while and just blow you away. I spent over 150 hours of my lifetime in this game and every hour was spend well! This is also the first game that I bought 2 times, for PS4 and PC and this speaks for itself. I recommend to play the prequels before this 3rd installment for maximum fun. But also without the prequels you also will appreciate this great masterpiece. Also the marketing and the communication CD Project Red did beforehand is an example how it should be done! Thank you very much CD Project Red for your hard work and for this great expierience! I am looking forward for your next project! +j_nowotny+101,-,5,-,false,-,zzzzz +an_actual_puppy,-,5,-,false,-,About two years ago I tried playing The Witcher 2. I didn't like it all that much but wasn't too raw about it as I hadn't spent much money on the game anyway. I played it for perhaps two hours and realised it wasn't for me. Then The Witcher 3 was released. It wasn't on my radar due to my reaction to its predecessor. My friend, though, owned it and couldn't stop raving about it, saying that I would love it as much as he had and he also disliked W2, etc. etc. And it was nicely discounted... So I bought it. And I don't regret it one bit. This game is amazing. I didn't care for W2 but so what. W3 has thoughtfulness, is absolutely massive, looks incredible and is just plain fun to play. If you didn't like W2, I urge to to give W3 a go anyway- you'll probably end up loving as much as I do. I can say this now even though I haven't played this game all that much yet. I know I want to stick with the characters to see what happens to them all by the end. I want to find out more about the creatures that roam around the world. Hop on your horse, choose a direction and canter off into a new and exciting adventure. There's hours of rich and challenging game play to be had in this game. +timvette146,-,5,-,false,-,To start off with, Witcher 3 is a great step over the previous game with everything except movement on mouse and keyboard(Game is designed for controller/gamepad in mind) In this game you can easily get distracted and lost in the numerous side quests and monster contracts along with treasure hunts, quests in this game put others to shame. You can easily get 80 hours of gameplay out of it even if you skip some of the real petty secondary guests. Combat is really dependant on what difficulty you choose, at the lowest difficulty you basically spam attacks and sometimes use signs/spells, OR you can max it out and have to strategies your movement, attacks, and signs to beat a single opponent. There's a great deal of a open world to traverse and explore, some sections are small while others are vast fields, valleys, mountain ranges, and battlefields with scattered corpses. And with any Witcher game, you get to have "Fun" time with various Witches and ladies of the night, plus a few extras in the base game and DLC. Now the DLC is great, the 16 free pack is very well worth it, some being redone Witch outfits while others completely redo entire quests with a new ending and outcome. While some bugs and other things are still being ironed out, it's still a great buy if you love the Witcher games or just want a new RPG experience. You may get lost if you haven't played the previous games(I didn't play the first) You can also purchase the novels and understand some of the lore even better(There's not many, and not as extensive as like Dragon Age or Warhammer 40k with its staggering 40+ novel series) Buying this game is very well worth it. +aniketdawn89,-,5,-,false,-,While most games nowadays are made solely for business purpose and making money, this game is what defines pure love for ones work. CDPR have done the impossible by improving every single sequel in the witcher series. And this is one masterpiece. The Witcher 3 redefines the open world genre while keeping true to its core of strong storytelling. This is an absolute must buy! Don't think twice, just get it. +UN1V3RZUM,-,5,-,false,-,Glad that there is a developer from Eastern Europe from where I am also, who can bring that old school RPG feel to us PC gamers from the 90's. The best PC RPG experience to date with all the beauty of the world and graphics and landscape. This is a must. +tommywho1,-,5,-,false,-,just upgraded to a evga980ti graphic from a 770 just so I can play in uhd and I gotta say was worth it only on level 9 looking forward to more game time but when to stop is the hardest part and I'm an old bloke 58 enjoying computers +sabershadowkat,-,5,-,false,-,I loved both Witcher 1 and Witcher 2, but Witcher 3 blows both out of the water. The story continues Geralt's life of battling monsters and getting reluctantly involved politics. Things that happened and people you met in the first two games are relevant, and you finally get a good explanation as to why you lost your memories in Witcher 1. Everything in Witcher 3 is a choice - there are more cut scenes than battles - but every choice you make is not black and white, good or bad. Most of them are the lesser of two evils, and a chunk of what you choose ends up results in someone dying or being angry with you. It's a thankless task made enjoyable by the depth and breadth of the NPCs. The game within a game, Gwent, is crazily addicting. I had to force myself to stop playing and get back to the main game. There are pages upon pages of side quests, contracts, and treasure hunts, and each bring more than simple xp and gear as rewards. As a down side, I would say that unless you mod, you'll out level quests and gray quests don't give experience. You can't climb when you're stuck in combat mode. Spell casting doesn't respond as well as I would've liked. Also, NPC clothes changed a couple times in the cut scenes, but that's a trifle. Overall, this series has become my second favorite trilogy of all time and I have over 35 years of gaming under my belt. I highly recommend it for people who enjoy immersive storytelling and sandbox exploration. 10/10. +mr.rid,-,5,-,false,-,Однозначно игра года (2015) Огромное спасибо разработчикам за колосаную работу над игрой. +frederiksberg,-,5,-,false,-,There is hope for the future of gaming, if other companies follow CDPRs lead. +jdblacks7,-,5,-,false,-,It's just a Beautiful game... As a 32 year, I expect more from my games and by God did they delivered or what...? I recommend this game to the Casual and Hardcore gamers... Or anyone that considers themselve a "gamer." This is an essential!+ +joeel_99,-,1,-,false,-,cuanto os tardo en descargar?? yo llevo HORAS intentandolo +AlbertSSj,-,5,-,true,-,There are very few series that I consider buying unconditionally. The Witcher is now at the top of the list. I loved the first, because the story was great. I liked the second, it possibly took too much to start but was very worth it. The third is fine craft. The way you choice affect the world, the way NPC act around you, the way Gerald provides hints to the player, the dialogue, the fighting. specially if you are an explorer type of gamer, this game is gonna blow your mind. This game should be voted magna cum laude. +armitom,-,5,-,false,-,One of the best games ever made, every aspect of it is beyond any expectation i had. Just go and play it, a worthy end to this great trilogy of games. Can't wait for the expansions!! +iiBenji,-,5,-,false,-,A truly interesting fun world, a mature story and characters, good there is so much to talk about so I will keep this simple. There wasn't a time where I was bored/annoyed in my entire 100 hour play through. That's saying something! +aanurova,-,5,-,true,-,Please, translate achievments to Russian +oriondom,-,5,-,false,-,Dopo 160 ore di gioco, 60% di achivement sbloccati e aver visto il finale, ora posso dirlo... THE WITCHER 3 è l'rpg TOP degli ultimi 15 anni! Un'esperienza pazzesca, una storia che ti "assorbe" talmente è intensa, mi sono affezzionato a tutti i personaggi, mi ha emozionato, mi ha fatto esultare quando facevo fuori i boss principali, incazzare in alcuni momenti "tragici" o ridere per quelli comici, e questo non mi capitava da un sacco di tempo! Speravo non finisse mai... adesso aspetto Blood & Wine cosi insieme ad Heart of Stone mi dovrebbe garantire almeno altre 40 orette di gioco e dare il degno saluto al mitico Strigo! TW3 è una figata assurda, CDProject una software House con i controcoglioni! +ShiMaZono,-,5,-,false,-,No game can match The Witcher 3 when it comes to open-world and RPG. Out of all the games I've played, it's easily my favorite :) +aninsvet,-,5,-,false,-,I've nothing more to add. Play it and see for yourself! +Damil.led,-,5,-,false,-,Кто уже купил игру, вам артбук по почте пришёл? +fallrazz,-,5,-,false,-,AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME so to sumerize, it's quit AWESOME indeed! <3 +alex.pfabigan,-,5,-,true,-,I haven't spent better money on any Game, ever. The artwork is truly awesome, the Story and Dialogue are so well written, Production Quality is superb. I love the GFX, the sound is professional, the Soundtrack captivating. The Team is patching bugs and still adding content. I can tell the whole company put a lot of heart into this masterpiece. Thank you for this. +HolyGuacamole,-,5,-,true,-,+ Realistic, well-written branching dialogue which fits the character speaking + Countless choices with unforeseen consequences makes the world feel much bigger than the player + Brilliant graphics and optimisation + Gwent...what a game! Nice break in the action, best minigame ever! + Cities feel like cities and villages feel like villages, each having a distinct culture which you might get mixed up in during some of the local quests and contracts + Quests are all of a high quality - even the smallest 'my brother got lost' quest becomes an engrossing mystery full of diverse and unpredictable characters, often including cutscenes too + Bold soundtrack with a unique style which perfectly fits the game + Best animations I've ever seen: Geralt crouches down to talk to children, and does things like roll his eyes or raise an eyebrow to convey expression without the need for dialogue. NPCs have a similar quality of animations, my favourite being the Nilfgaardian bow. + Cutscenes shot like a film, with the quality of the voice acting and animations they are extremely immersive. + Memorable story which rivals (IMHO) LotR and GoT, full of complex characters and factions. + Self-aware dialogue, often commenting on Geralt's lack of emotion, marking out Gwent as the ridiculous 4th wall game that it is, and even mocking the 'killing monsters' trailer. + In general, CDPR have not been lazy. Flashbacks are playable as Ciri, every character and area is fleshed out with ZERO fetch or deliver quests and there are liberal amounts of high quality cutscenes. + I've found TWO small bugs so far in the WHOLE GAME. - Music is often louder than dialogue in cutscenes - Inventory is cluttered - Crafting and alchemy are unnecessarily complicated - Witcher gear is generally your best option and much of the other gear is therefore mediocre and unused - Almost nothing to do post-main story as you outlevel all enemies (so make sure to do side quests as you go) This game is absolutely amazing. +metalpavel,-,5,-,false,-,Just finished the game! I'm happy! +Philzam,-,5,-,true,-,Few games deserve the praise that Witcher 3 does. With vastly improved gameplay, an engaging universe and meaningful quests that actually tell a story instead of simply sending you on errands. Gwent is also a very nice suprise, as far as games within games are concerned, it is one of the best distractions around, with a great balance of simplicity and depth. +NobleStar,-,5,-,true,-,Game of the year 2015, full of beautiful details and an inspiring world of wonderful ecosystems. Great attention to finishing touches, and overall pleasing. +RollingSkull,-,2,-,false,-,Witcher 3 looks beautiful and plays like crap. Geralt controls like a shopping cart and fights like a two-legged cat. Good luck getting him to loot anything or move precisely in any meaningful way. Combat is almost entirely mindless as all the tricks and gimmicks at play add nothing because the system is fundamentally broken. Combine that with the fact that each quest is an incredibly mindless trek across the game's boring wasteland, yet another "follow the glowy-vision trail" segment, and then more of the game's terrible combat and you have a game that somehow respects your time less than MGS5:TPP. The writing has improved a bit from Witcher 2 somehow making a massive plot to eliminate regents in a power-play to control the land INCREDIBLY BORING but not by much. Shame so much of it is just a bit of world-building filler leading to that new filler character telling you to follow another glowy vision trail for a while. How this got to be Game of the Year boggles the mind. +Loaderbot,-,5,-,false,-,Had a blast playing this game where to begin. Pros: Amazing story and several characters that I found interesting -No lack of content here Breath taking graphics if you have the right GPU and CPU configuration Your choices matter and the game really treats you like an adult Attention to detail is beyond words The writing I found to be some of the best in video games Music was perfect and fit well with the game The game has a good length and the pacing is excellent. It will differ for each player depending on the way you want to tackle it. The DLC Hears and Blood and Wine has excellent content and story telling that it beats out most games I've played in the last 10 years. A lot of loot, a lot No lack of content Cons Played the game when it first came out and then again as the DLC's progressively came out over time -there were a few texture bugs -some crashes here and there -nothing substantial or that ever took away from the experience. In short this is how a video game should be, it blew all my expectations out of the water and I was immersed in this game throughout my playthough. An amazing story, great set of characters, graphics that looked life like, soundtracks which were good and a world with a life of its own. +chaostheory6682,-,3,-,true,-,You know, after seeing all of the hype about this game, I expected more. It's not a bad game, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't introduce anything that hasn't been done many times before. In fact, it suffers from many of the same issues that games like this have suffered from for a long time: interacting with and moving around in the game environment can be clunky and unrealistic, the game feels a bit detached from itself at times, and, like some of the other big games in this genre, it is riddled with bugs--sometimes gaming stopping bugs. As of this writing, I have about 8 hours into the game, and I have encountered bugs that have forced me to reload and redo parts of two different missions because of game breaking issues (one with a dog in a doorway, and the other because an item wouldn't allow me to interact with it). The way he interacts with other characters is both rewarding (more cinematic) and, at times, immersion breaking. Also, in my opinion, because of a decay feature, dealing with weapons and armor is more tedious than it should be--and also a throwback to earlier games--one that I was happy to see go away. There are also certain graphics elements that can be distracting and unrealistic, especially in contrast to other onscreen elements. I like the story telling, so far they have done a pretty solid job with it. And although there are some unavoidable A-to-B-to-C-to-A mission elements, they try to provide players with variety. Unfortunately, sometimes it reduces itself to loot-and-grind elements. Maybe it's just because I have done it all before, but running around looting bodies and picking flowers, etc., is something that I find boring and this game has plenty of it. It's a fun game, not amazing or anything, but fun to play for a few hours here and there. It does't push the genre forward, or introduce much in the way of anything that hasn't been done before, but it mingles many of these "tried and true' elements together in a solid manner. +madmanjesu,-,3,-,true,-,Loving the game when it works. The story is grips me and keeps me wanting more. Problem is that it still crashes constantly to desktop, with no error code. like the game was never being played. tried so many ideas on fixes, but honestly, the developers should fix it then release the extra stuff. Developers nowadays seem to release broken games like its the norm. Just because the game has other qualities doesn't mean the flaws should be overlooked. (Its like saying the bugs in the fallout/skyrim games should be ignored because it Bethesda. Nah, Bethesda should be criticized on those flaw and should train their staff to make a working game for a change.) Don't get me wrong I love this game. All I want is to play it without unnecessary irritation. I believe that, for the most part, that you can have a good game that just works with fun game play but has a bad story, but will have a bad game if the story is great but the game play and game itself is broken and sub par. This game stands as a partial exception as I try to push through the flaws, but I couldn't agree its the game of the year. A working version yes, the actual version no. That being said, against the competition this didn't really have much of a fight. I would hope that CDPR will spend time on fixing the game and not on other projects as they were the ones to release it in this state (their current patches not being enough). IF they can fix the game it would be 5 stars. (minor side note that fits with this: I don't believe developers should be given any slack or benefit of the doubt regardless of how much we like the previous works or how cheap a game is. I feel that if you pay for something, that something should work. If not then it should not be sold until it does work. Maybe if that was the case then there would be no income until the game works. yeah there might be less games, but as I've always been told, quality over quantity). Guys fix the game, please. +Wictor147,-,1,-,true,-,How is this the game of 2015? Yes, it's huge and no, it's not completely bad, but it has so many things that SUCK! The good: huge open world that feels like you're inside. Countryside destroyed by war, trees full of hanged corpses, witch hunt in the biggest city, but also tons of tiny stories that you find yourself caring about. And they finally brought Ciri and Yenefer and a storyline that continues the books. The bad: pretty much everything was better in Assassins of kings. Combat is almost the same, but in AoK, it was easy to change targets just by looking and someone else with you mouse; here, Geralt continues hacking in the same direction he's facing until he gets punched from behind, because he's too stupid to turn around. Also, the fast strikes could be actually fast stabs, not fancy pirouettes that take forever to hit a beast. And the game decides if you're in or out of combat. You can grab some ledges above you and pull yourself up, but not in combat. Doesn't matter that monster are too far away to do something and you could use some more space to maneuver or escape. Game says you're in combat, so tough luck. Potion drinking in AoK was awesome, new and in keeping with the books and commons sense: you drank you potions before combat and they lasted 10-15 minutes, so you could finish a dungeon before you ran out. Now, we're back to a diablo-esque drinking-in-the-middle-of-battle. Alchemy - you only make each potion once. Once. Then it sort of get refilled (up to a max of 1-4) when you meditate, using only alcohol, not the original ingredients. Am I diluting the original potion? Do we have homeopathy? The world seems to consist mostly of invisible walls and insurmountable knee-high fences. You wanted to roll out of the way of a golem's fists? Sorry, there's a log lying there, so you just roll in front of it, rather than over it. Also, devs dish out 16 DLCs, but don't fix bugs. Found at least 3 quests that can't be completed. Get AoK, this is crap. +jckresq,-,5,-,false,-,I've just completed the main story with over 200 hours of amazing gaming. I've spent more time on this than I think a straight story play-through needs, and I still have heaps of extra quests to complete. The world created both rich in visual and spoken word, sound effects and pace is amazing and certainly a credit to the developers who have made it so wonderful to play. The gameplay is fun, the controls on PC easy to get used to, the user interface and control of the story easy to follow. I found it hard to stop playing and my several months with this game have been so fun. As someone not usually into RPGs as such, I found this one easy to get into. Initially a little daunting, but once you get the hang of what crafting, alchemy, inventory management is required it makes sense. The world is so beautiful. I have a GTX 970 with i7 CPU and 16 gig RAM so everything was turned to the maximum settings, and ran smoothly everywhere. The effects in the game with the weather, through to the clothing and weapons, the scenery both above ground, in caves and underwater are all top notch. I think there is easily enough to keep you always looking for the next interesting thing just around the corner. There are some similar monsters, but you always get a new one as you progress through the areas and the game. The characters along the way are great and all of them have their own traits, stories and uses. Use the map to find your way around, consider the collectors edition strategy guide which was handy, but only used when I was a bit stuck. Have fun and explore, look up and around, stand and watch the world pass by, all amazing. As someone who grew up with the first ever games, I am so impressed by this game it is probably going to be one of my top 3 games of all time, only because not all games are the same type. So if you are thinking about playing this, YES do it, you will be impressed and pleased. Enjoy. +raziiandstuff,-,5,-,false,-,The Witcher 3. Ich muss gestehen, ich habe die vorherrigen Teile nicht gespielt, ich habe direkt mit Witcher 3 angefangen. Ich bereue es aber nicht. Klar, es fehlt mir etwas an Vorwissen, aber das ist zu verkraften. Pro: + Sehr schöne Grafik + Weitreichende Story + Aufregende Nebenquests (Ein Spiel, wo auch viel Arbeit in Nebenquests steckt!) + Plötze - Ungenaue Steuerung mit dem Controller - Worldstucks Alles in allem kann man sich das Spiel holen, sogar zu Vollpreis! Es ist ein sehr schönes Spiel, sehr viele Details, sogar in den Nebenquests! So viel Mühe habe ich noch nie in unrelevaten Dingen gesehen, wie hier in den Nebenquests. 9/10 +ChiefKief,-,5,-,false,-,An open world game with a complex story that is rich with tales! The best game of 2015. Heck, maybe a game of a century! Greatly optimized and runs superb on my GTX 960 boost to 1400 Mhz with my i5 4690k overclocked to 4.5GHz with mostly ultra settings and some very high settings. Setting is beautiful, the graphics are amazing with high resolution character models, the voice acting is marvelous, and the best of all, MODS! +bobdeebloop,-,5,-,false,-,The Witcher 3 is a game that I will always remember, and a gaming experience like no other. And yet it feels like so much more than a game, it offers impactful narrative, not just from the non-linear main story, but from the sidequests that would usually be considered tedious in other RPG titles. The presentation, facial expression, animations and camera angles make all the cutscenes and dialogue feel like a movie. The combat feels cinematic, smooth, and you are given a VAST array on how you can fight your foes, including crossbows, many potions, oils against a specific enemy type, dodging, rolling, fast and heavy attacks, backstabbing for criticals, countering, blocking, and much more. The whole world is beautifully crafted and there is so much detail and thought put into every single piece of this game. As an entry point to the series, The Witcher 3 does a great job by reintroducing and giving you a feel of all of the not so new characters and providing you with a journal to read who they are in the world of The Witcher and who they are to Geralt, the unexpected protagonist of the whole series. The game has amazing optimization, and is the most beautiful looking game to have come out by far and has not one moment where you will be tired of your adventure. The Witcher 3 is the best game I have ever played yet, and I will be playing for the year to come too. Buy this game, there is definitely something in it for you, whether it be the beautiful environments, amazing storytelling, the satisfying combat or the other infinite reasons as to why you will enjoy this game. It is an adventure you will not forget. P.S : My thanks to CD Projekt Red for giving us this gift, and for still pouring love and updates into it months after release to give us the best experience possible. +JexiL,-,5,-,false,-,I've always had trouble immersing myself in RPG:s. Whether it's been frequently reused content, hollow characters or bad writing, there's almost always been something breaking it. In The Witcher 3 nothing has been left untouched. The world abounds with life, and so does all the characters. There are no "kill 5 monsters" quests , all side-quests are unique and tell their own storys, sometimes deeply touching. The writing is superb, and surprisingly human. There are no thing as "the good" or "the evil", and the decisions you make actually matter. Everything you do has consequences. Throw in a great combat system, top notch video and audio work and fantastic support from the developers and you have one of the best RPG in years! Heartily recommended! +lazynazzy,-,4,-,false,-,The game world is "jaw falls loose from skull and hits the floor" stunning. (given the level of gore in the game, I doubt many will cringe at that mental image I just painted) The combat mechanics are good and RED has done an awesome job on the overall witchery feel of the game. Coming to the core of the game; the monsters. AWESOME !! They are smart and will literally tear you to bits if you make mistakes. Love the difficulty increase for NG+ I just have one thing that's bothered me ever since I saw the trailer for the first game. I wish they design Geralt so that he looks like that; scary, unapproachable, almost evil, and possibly untouchable. Maybe in the enhanced version? Finally, why four stars? I levelled out and and had skill points I didn't need. I believe, in the first two games, one had to be really careful about assigning points to skills making our skill choices actually matter. Witcher 2 was similar somewhat in this aspect and was good too. But what the heck!! I can live with this. AWESOME JOB from CDPR!!! +Blue_Spirit,-,5,-,false,-,3 Epilogues 12 World States 36 Character endings About 80hrs for 1 play-through 12x80hrs=960hrs Best part: You won't regret one second +TheDyingScotsman,-,5,-,false,-,This game is so richly detailed in every sense of the word. The graphics are great, sure but it's not just about that by a long shot. Every side quest, every little thing you do feels like you are interacting in a truly alive world where your actions matter, every character has a uniqueness about them. This game has quenched a thirst I've not experienced since Baldur's Gate I & II Simply the best game I have ever played and I've played A LOT of games. A masterpiece, truly superb. +mitsosdrpad,-,5,-,false,-,I'm a fan of The Witcher series.I knew that CD PROJEKT RED studios were evolving all these years,but that was unpredictable.And the result is that The Witcher 3 : Wild Hunt is the greatest medieval RPG of the decade and one of the best games of all time!I highly recommend it! :D +ducnukem92,-,5,-,true,-,Ich habe meiner Freundin am Frühstückstisch von den Geschichten der Quests im Spiel erzählt und sie hat begeistert zugehört. Dabei kann sie mit dem Medium Videospiele und Fantasygenre überhaupt nichts anfangen. Das hat bisher kein Spiel geschafft! Wenn es ein großes Lehrbuch für Spieleentwicklung geben sollte, dann müsste im Kaptitel "Storytelling und Questdesign" The Witcher 3 als Paradebeispiel da stehen. +dprkforum,-,5,-,true,-,It is very rare I am truly impressed with a game. When buying this game, I was not expecting anything special, and quite frankly, did not interest me in the slightest. Until the sale. I am simply blown away - the very first thing I noticed was the very beautiful graphics. Extreme care is taken, and every now again just have to stand around and take in the sights. As for the gameplay, I cannot be happier. The battle system is a little wonky. UI is slightly confusing. Other than that, this game gets an A+ from me. +quantum69,-,2,-,true,-,Very pretty graphics. Choppy frame-rate. Completely horrible controls (designed for console, NOT PC). My specs: I7-5960X, 32GB DDR4 2800 ram, 8TB hard-drive, 2x NVidia GTX980's, Elite eVGA Mainboard. My specs are more than adequate to run anything without issue UNLESS the software itself has problems. In this case, TW3 has the problems. Using the current GoG patch so all the changes should be there. The game plays but still has choppy frame-rate issues. Doesn't matter what res I run at, what settings are used or any combination. Nothing in background except standard winblows stuff, don't use nV game exp either so that's not the problem. All other AAA titles (well-coded I should added) run at full-settings at any res without this kind of stuttering problem. How much high-end hardware does this game need? Apparently no amount of hardware can overcome the shoddy PC-code that ended up in this console port. Which brings me to the next major issue: Horrendous controls. Yes, it was designed for a gamepad and not KB/Mouse, and it shows it's ugly head. Camera ends up in geometry, camera sticks at odd zooms, no way to have the camera facing locked to mouse turns (which makes movement a real pain). This contributes to the problem of trying to face something to interact with it a lot of the time. Since there is no "slow-walk/crouch" it can be a trial to get Geralt to face properly to loot something. Sometimes it takes getting at an odd angle both with Geralt and the camera before a correct loot solution shows up. If they had made a Grabber toggle (make the mouse cursor active for interaction with world objects) it would have been far better. I'm disgusted CD Red didn't address these PC-side issues. I do not recommend it on PC at all. It's console garbage at it's best. It's 2015, you can't simply set the compile target to "PC" and hope everything will magically work out. 2/5 stars. *IF* they ever take the time to fix these issues, I'll reevaluate. TW3 = Console Garbage! +Evstank,-,5,-,false,-,I have never played a game with a more compelling story line and perfect...everything. For the first time in a video game, crafting and alchemy is actually WORTH investing in. The quests above all are fantastic because they are fun, interesting, and contain a morale that is worth learning from. The combat is fast and fun. The characters are unprecedented and essentially the story is like an interactive story book that captures you. The soundtrack is beautiful! I cannot say enough great things about this video game. The game of the year awards are greatly well deserved. I doubt you can find another video game that has done this well with so small a team. Thank you CD Projekt RED!!! Hype for Blood and Wine now... +GyLgames,-,5,-,false,-,no question, this is best game +paul_hoppe,-,3,-,true,-,I am pretty sure the story and voice acting are great. Same goes for the graphic. Unfortunetely the controls are horrid. You are so slow in combat and fights take a long time...it is exhausting and frustrating because your character does not respond to your control inputs. It feels sluggish and laggy. The combat itself disappointed me, I do not like to twitch around for several minutes to bring down an enemy health bar. For me the combat is something annoying to overcome for continueing the game. I wish I bought it on Steam so I could get a refund. +R0DEZ,-,5,-,true,-,This game will be a classic of the genre. +duenor,-,5,-,false,-,But when he does, he only bangs Sorceresses. 10/10, an action RPG for the ages. +Kill3rism,-,5,-,false,-,My old computer ran this game at lower-than-low (had to go through .ini files to make the game stable) at <30 fps, with constant frame drops, and sound distortion due to lag. My new computer runs it at maximum everything with zero lag. This game f*cking blew my mind. Even at lower-than-low (still clocked 30+ hours). Now that I can run it at maximum everything, it blows my mind every time I run it. This game is truly incredible. CDPR deserves every single award that they are receiving and will receive for this masterpiece. +Mantasy,-,5,-,false,-,Cosa si può dire?... Grafica eccezionale riesce a coinvolgerti e a farti assumere le sembianze del witcher, dispiace un pò per quel che è successo alla grafica nel dopo e3 2013 sarebbe stato ancora più appagante; Soundtrack che contorna in maniera fantastica e riesce ad emozionare; gameplay molto ben costruito anche se Geralt non risponde con rapidità ai comandi. Ho rivisto il pc e l'impianto audio per questo gioco e devo dire che ne è valsa la pena. CD PROJEKT RED ben fatto, bel lavoro !! +Prime_96,-,5,-,true,-,Эта игра превосходна во всем, от сюжета до графики и мира. Геймплей отличный и трэки отличные. +Luke25,-,5,-,false,-,GOTY +jacob51697,-,5,-,false,-,Can only express in a few words. This game is epic, it is a masterpiece. I hope i can play more games like this. +Dawnkeyohtea,-,5,-,false,-,An amazing game, but I don't have time to type out a thoughtful message right now. Must go play dlc! +yonatan128,-,5,-,true,-,Amazing game, worth your money and your time! +dragondark18,-,5,-,false,-,best story , best gameplay, best rpg, hours of fun , giant map, choose your own decisions, you always have something to do, events, has great diversity of missions, this game is a precious jewel!!! BUY IT RIGHT NOW!! +kleinfour,-,5,-,true,-,Ridiculous amounts of high quality content. Tremendously engaging characters and stories. Lots of hard choices which don't have easy good/evil or right/wrong alternatives. Even if you ignore the (very good) graphics and just compare the scope and quality of the story, this wins out over all of the old classics in the genre. +deCode666,-,5,-,true,-,I like to keep my reviews brief and easy to navigate so I can say as much as possible about the game in question. So, let's begin: Cons: - limited role playing, since you're playing already established character (books + previous games)* - cannot pause cutscenes / dialogues - longer pauses between saves/quick saves (may be an issue for more frantic F5-ers, like me) - seldom crashes, minor bugs (most fixed by patches) - annoying minor game mechanics like sword auto-sheating, constant sword redrawing when fighting monsters and humanoids at the same time - annoying combat** Pros: - * brilliant role playing. Even though you're playing an already established character, the options within are extensive and still retain Geralt's character. This is the perfect combination for both people who already read the books and know who Geralt is, and those who are new to the franchise - **great combat ... let me explain. It basically needs to be mastered. It's not easy to jump into it and hope for the best while frantically clicking around - (let's get the shallow stuff out of the way ...) graphics are amazing, optimization on PC is very good, animations are perfect, lip syncing is more than good. People, who are talking s**t about the "downgrade" obviously never played one certain another AAA RPG this year (2015) - cough*Fallout*cough*4*cough - extensive settings (key bindings, graphics, HUD, ...) - INTERESTING characters (looking at you Bethesda) - interesting and meaningful story, and this applies to side quests as well! (again ... looking at YOU, Bethesda) - run-of-the-mill fetch/kill/save quests are hidden beautifully behind lore and mini stories (... BETHESDA!) - choices have consequences - good dialogues and perfect voice-over - amazing soundtrack and ambient noise - crafting, runes, glyphs, sets, bombs, potions - enemies :) - cameos, ester eggs TL;DR Reading books will greatly enhance the experience. 397 hours in, 3rd play-through and I'm still finding new stuff. +VenomyEU,-,5,-,true,-,Game of the Year 2015. Do I need to say more? People didn't believe me when I said this game will be GOTY 2015, but I knew it from the start. It's well deserved. Amazing game. This game has an immersive world of adults. It has a story. It has good gameplay, yet it still managed to be a great RPG with massive exploration. The devs actually care about their games. I'd write more if I knew how to do a proper review in the first place, this is my first review ever. +TRUEROKZ,-,5,-,false,-,Epic game, one of the best game of all time, good work CD Projekt +iasnas,-,5,-,true,-,Yup, I said it : The Witcher 3 is one of the best games ever, especially amongst the AAA category. It couples the fine graphics of a high budget game, high polishing (few bugs, runs extremely well in full details, and that could be said from the day of release) and awesome design overall, with the great writing of some of the genre's legends like Planescape Torment. The characters are plentiful, deep and complex, very well written ; the side quests have received as much attention to details as any part of the main quest ; the quest flow is really good ; and the crafting, potions and character development systems are very well thought. Sure, one can criticize the ergonomy of the menus, this and that choice in terms of game design or balance, but the choices that were made are very much defendable and there's such an obvious amount of work on Sapkowski's universe, on writing it all, making each detail count, each character count, that in the end, all that remains is the unique experience of playing The Witcher 3. Oh and all of that evidently applies to that first "Heart of Stone" extension. It's going to be a high climb for other game designers to reach the new heights set by CDProjekt Red with TW3, as much in terms of writing as in terms of technical and graphical design. +Deityfierezy,-,5,-,false,-,i dont have the game but... GOTY MADAFAKA!!! +Bob-Infinite,-,5,-,false,-,The graphics are incredible, the loading times are very short and the game itself is superb. GG CD Project Red +Begleri,-,5,-,false,-,The best game of the series and one of the greatest games ever made! +ZipGuy,-,5,-,false,-,one of the best game i have ever played. I recommend to go and buy this game now! even if you buy it in 60 dollars its the best 60 dollar purchase you will ever have.The game runs excellent on my pc the game is beautiful and very small lode time Good job cd projekt red you made one of the best games ever +nameassassin,-,5,-,false,-,There is no word to say, just play it and you'll see why I told these +JDGoldfish,-,5,-,false,-,The story of this game is amazing, never have I been bored with what was happenning. Graphics are great and you really can get lost in the game. Recently I've been playing fallout 4 which is a good game, probably would of been my favourite game if it wasn't for this. Now I cant help but compare it to the witcher 3. The story and graphics don't come close to this. So many games are released now days which are overpriced, badly optimised or just made to make a game. A lot of effort has been put into this game, nowhere feels the same and all of the quests are new and different. My only gripe with the game is the movement. In combat Geralt is swift and majestic (until he is stumped by a small ledge or box) but out of combat he's dumb and clumsy and don't get me started on fall damage! The sheer amount of times I've died because I rolled off a cliff!!! The reason that it is the best game I've ever played is down to the story. A benifit of being based off a good book and it really shows. If only more games were like this +spirit6310,-,4,-,true,-,Завершение трилогии про Ведьмака Геральта! Отличный сюжет , колоритный персонаж, Живописный мир игры, без цензурная игра)), хорошая производительность даже на старых системах (AMD FX 4100, 8 Gb Ram, Radeon HD 6870) средне низкие настройки в разрешении 1680x1050 30-40 FPS)), также хорошо поработали с производительностью PS4 (ну там уже графика по сочнее)). Огромная благодарность разработчикам за трилогию Ведьмака! Очень необычные, по своему особенные, особенно Славянский фольклор это прежде всего атмосфера, музыка, мифология и многое другое в деталях!!! Желаю Успехов Разработчикам, Креативности, Чтобы Также Радовали Своими Проектами! +soph912,-,3,-,true,-,The game is certainly very big and a huge effort but it's not as good as Witcher 1, except for the combat system. The combat system in Witcher 1 is pathetic and the game is therefore too easy on highest difficulty but atmosphere, story and music are better. Of course Witcher 3 has better graphics but this is not that important for me. Other weaknesses of Witcher 3: -You can steal almost everything in front of the NPC's. This is just ridiculous. -Collecting items is quite pointless since you have always plenty of crowns anyway. Far too many items are useless. +mapkpo,-,3,-,false,-,every 15 minutes the game crashes, and also it doesnt count my game time. +SPaxAge,-,1,-,false,-,Having to shave a beard every ten mins with no way to turn it off, makes this game tedious, and turns the brilliant game design into a joke. Like baking a cake then getting a hobo to keep drinking water to piss on the cake while you eat it. It's good cake but why would I get a hobo to piss on it, I'd rather get the hobo a proper purpose. But if you find beards and shaving a bad looking stubble (like a partially shaved rat) that pops into existence fun -- then this is the not-a-beard-simulator for you! :D +MrIet,-,5,-,true,-,Игра поражает своей глубиной и реалистичностью визуализации мира, созданного Сапковским. Отдельная благодарность CD Projekt RED за отличную оптимизацию игры. +ztk4,-,5,-,true,-,I've never played a Wticher game before but this game has been phenomenal so far. I am blown away by the graphics, from shadows to water refraction, and from facial features to realistic hair. I have every setting turned to the highest value (including hairworks and the like) and have the draw distance on max. I experience no noticeable lag at 1080p (haven't measured the frame-rate, but I do have vsync on so no higher than 60fps). The game will occasionally skip a few frames in a stutter, but this happens ONCE every few HOURS, if at all. I don't think that's anything to worry about. This is running on a GTX-GeForce 970M with 3GB RAM and the Intel i7-4720HQ with 16GB of RAM (although I'm fairly sure you only need just over 8GB to run this game optimally). Also load time is minimal, I usually can't even read the tip that's shown during loading. However, I am running on an SSD so that might change if your running from an HDD. Although for modern gaming, you should definitely invest in at least a small SSD. Its worth it! I spend a lot of time showing off how impressive this game is, and how its ridiculously well it plays on my LAPTOP. Very, very impressed. I've already put in many hours of play and still feel as though the story is just beginning to unfold. So the game has looks, a good feel, and is very captivating. I absolutely recommend this game and am highly considering downloading the expansion pack while its still on sale! +macho100,-,5,-,false,-,This game is incredible. Easily a game of the year contender. While I think that game of the decade is overdoing it, it certainly is one of the best games ever made. However, it is not without its flaws. It has pretty ok combat, but easy to exploit using a shield and rolling. Also, some praises to this game I do not understand. Yet, I recommend this game. Its fun to just walk around and explore. For the most part, bugs and optimization have been fixed, however, there are still some bugs. One time, for example, a person was flying around in a cutscene. Pick this up. I would have been fine paying $60, and yet, I payed $30. +Imachuemanch,-,3,-,false,-,It's really hard for me to objectively rate this game,the hype train and the DowngradeGate aside.It's due to the fact that this game covers both ends of the spectrum of both Good and Bad,with some of the Awful tacked in. The Good.The game is masterpiece in its story telling ways and the background narrative.The stories and NPC we meet in the first half of the main quest are so wonderfully unique and competently presented,I couldn't put myself away from the monitor.The Velen's background,from the political struggle,to the folklore Witches theme and subplot,even your shovelware find and kill X quests in the first 20 hours are so well put together and disguised,that the every single one of them feels unique,even if it's not and at the end of the day you will swing your sword a lot.Unfortunately, the game runs out of its steam mid-game,at the Skellige arc,where I started to get bored and skip on the content (they stopped trying and every single side quest was "eh, I don't care go kill stuff").After the battle at the castle there's not really going for it but to run through the mq skipping the dialogues.I can't put myself to finish it anymore. Still, it's the best game's narrative since Planescape Torment. And that's because of The Bad. The game as a video game is just batshit awful, contributing to the worst cancer of nowadays paradigm of making really subpar, unchallenging and uninspired LMB action games (Batman-schlocks, AC's etc.) with a lot of unrelevant busy-work and minigames that serve no purpose. The character development system is even worse than W2's, with even more +% skills where at least half of them is absolutely useless. They don't impact the gameplay in any meaningful way, other than the generic Persuasion skill for one of the signs. The combat mechanic is just awful and I can't understand why people adore it. The controls and the char. handling are wonky, awful and clearly console-centred. The Witcher 3 is still enjoyable, but definitely overrated.A lot +Andreson,-,5,-,false,-,[Minor Spoilers] I will not repeat what is obvious - Witcher 3 is a great AAA RPG with great narrative as the entire trilogy. ------------------------------- The game is excellent, yet my main concern is the way how the game judges the fate of the main characters. There are essentially 5 scripts that upset/cheer Ciri and based on that very important things happen in the end. That is wrong. CD Projekt, if you truly want a masterpiece - make an Enhanced Edition and fix this. Ciri's fate should be based on the same structure as the relationship of Geralt & Triss/Yennefer is - through dialogue, help - not arbitrary scenarios that are so minor that it breaks the logic of these endings. Truly Witcher 3 deserves better. And I hope it will receive that. +miladed,-,5,-,false,-,So. I've been a gamer for over 15 years. I've played a lot of games. Open world adventure games are my favorite. And this game, this game... it's just the best game I've even played in my life. Pros: 1. Amazing, engaging, compelling, story. 2. Brilliant story telling. 3. Long story, with a lot of quests, truly an RPG experience with a lot consequences based on player's choices. And you make a hell of a lot of choices. 4. Great quest design, almost all of them. 5. Great graphics. It looks gorgeous. Easily one of the best, if not the best graphics of 2015. 6. Rather well optimized. Very little dependency on CPU, even with a slow CPU like mine (FX-8320 @ 4.5 GHz) my GPU is running at 99% all the time. 7. Great sound editing and voice acting. 8. Amazing dev. They listen to customers and have shown that they care. 9. No DRM. Cons: 1. Doesn't scale well on different graphics settings. It's an amazing looking game for sure, but so is GTA V. Okay maybe GTA V doesn't look as good, but it still looks great on Ultra. Witcher 3 looks better on Ultra, but needs a demanding hardware, and unlike GTA V, it won't run well on lower-end hardware. Still, unlike GTA V which is a fast paced action game, this game is bearable at 30 FPS, so there's that. 2. Lost of repetitive collectibles. Seriously, there are a lot of these "question marks" in one part of the map, and it just suck to collect them all. They don't add much to the game either. That's all the cons I can think of. If you haven't played this game, go buy it, and play it. DO IT NOW. This game is bloody brilliant. +Hydroth3rmia,-,5,-,true,-,One of the best games I ever played. Just quality! Well done. +makstery,-,5,-,false,-,The story of a man who fucks on an unicorn and hates portals. 10/10 +Far7799,-,5,-,false,-,Finally...after through blood, sweat and tears of part time job and saving my money to get this game while doing my research (Darn you CDPR for this great game!!), it is a pleasure to finally have a physical copy of this game in my hand, and once again I am too little too late to keep myself updated with GOG (TW3 for 50% off??? Seriously??If only I knew...) Getting back to the review itself, I really do have little things to say as these words are the same with other players who did their own reviews here. Just one word to sum up this game - Awesome +trockburner,-,5,-,false,-,In an age where I had lost interest and faith in video games, The Witcher 3 restored that faith. This game is a true masterpiece of epic proportions. The cities and towns have a life to them that no other video game has replicated since. I had always been interested in what life would be like in a medieval city, this game realizes that dream. The quests, from the main storyline to the most unexpected side quest, branch into something that could easily be an episode on any HBO show. This game does everything right. From graphics, to gameplay. I cannot say enough about this game. To boot, the developers happen to be the antithesis of the scourge that we see from big box developers in this era of gaming. I put 150 hours into my first playthrough. I am currently on my new game plus pushing 240 hours. For me, this is an astonishing time put into a single player video game. I explored the world, and tried to uncover every rock that had been deliberately placed by the developers. I did this because that is the type of game that The Witcher 3 is. It is a game you want to explore, it is a game you want to invest time in, it is the best game I have ever had the pleasure of playing. Thank you for taking the time to read my review. +celroid,-,5,-,false,-,RPG of the Decade! Still miss the cards from TW1 though. +yendor79,-,2,-,true,-,The game seems to be have a hardcoded bottleneck by resolution. I encountered this on my 750m Nvidia i7 Laptop with absolutely no way to get around it if not by reducing resolution which is in stark contrast to virtually every game coming out in 2015 which I would be at 1080p at mid settings at least. Great environments, gameplay & story limited by engine scalability. Disappointing. +DankaLaning,-,5,-,false,-,THE BEST GAME EVER +Solaris10,-,5,-,true,-,Badass monster hunter----Check Badass and funny side character--- Check Good closure on the story --- Check Awesome visuals and vast open world --- Check Affordable DLC --- Check Awesome music --- Check Very satisfying combat system --- Check Choices matters: Check What more can you want? It's frigging Witcher 3. Buy it and play it already! GOTY for me! Con: No linux version.... +LSHE97,-,5,-,false,-,The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt starts off with an understandable tutorial and a goal that pretty much stretches throughout the entire game, the side quests themselves doesn't feel like just some filler objective but some of them even lead into the main story-line, giving them weight in contrast to other RPGs/open-world games, not only that but some of them even has an effect on the outcome at the very end of the story. That alone is a reason to buy this game. But wait! There's more. The combat; some would say it's just spam Spacebar to win and in some cases that's correct, but for the most part it just feels natural seeing as you are constantly fighting monsters that can kill you in 3 hits unless you use Quen (shield sign/magic) or push them away with Aard (windblast sign/magic). The music itself makes the combat or even chases way more intense than they would've been without it, the flow of the combat added with the music just makes it feel more like dancing between enemies than an actual battle which is what they wanted to do so mission accomplished CD Project Red! I could not find a single character which was not at all interesting or made me wonder about their backstory, Yennefer and Triss are more than just fan service *cough* Quiet *cough* and you can chose to romance one or the other... or both but hear me out; just don't, you will regret it. Every single little choice either in dialogue or in action changes an outcome of its own little story. After playing games like Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age and Fallout I feel like this game has put a whole new bar to pass if a game should be counted as an AMAZING open-world RPG. All of this combined: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will forever be one of the best games I have ever played. Maybe someday in the next decade a game will come along to surpass its brilliance, its amazing story, its fantastic open-world and its-out-of-this-world soundtrack. Until then; this is the best game I have EVER played and it damn deserves it. 10/10! +,-,5,-,false,-,When other companies invest only in length, width, and height, focusing in quantity, here we see time invested into quality. Repeatability here works with the most complex element, the taste for the story and his events, the open world is massive and offers exploration everywhere, there is a sense of reality in how things are tied, without filler. Gaunter O'dimm is right in choose time over all dimensions. ;) +dmitrygoguser,-,5,-,true,-,Игра, в которой все сделано с огромной любовью, чувствуется титаничский труд с которым это все делалось. Графика, звук, геймплэй. Про графику можно сказать отдельно - красота такая, что мурашки по коже. И еще для меня, как для Русского - озвучка очень важна, а она здесь сделана на высшем уровне. И я бы не удивлялся, но игра настолько огромная, а озвучено тут все, что просто удивляешся, насколько важно для разработчико было сделать озвучку игры. Спасибо CDProjectRED, спасибо вам за эту невероятную игру. +mopsy94,-,5,-,false,-,Давным-давно, во времена второй Готики, - сидел за ней ночами напролет, а утром на работу. Если честно, думал что просто вышел из того возраста), но вот вышел Ведьмак 3, и оказалось нет, не вышел - и сейчас могу также, просто не попадалось моих игр)) +porjay,-,5,-,false,-,Well this game just made it up into my top 3 all-time games. In my 25 years of gaming I didn't think a game could wow me like the Witcher 3 did. Everything from the Graphics/Audio/Dialog and the overall feel just oozes of amazing talented people pouring anything and everything they could into the game. The main story is very engaging. It makes you want to see what happens next and plenty of times i've played to the wee hours of the early am morning due to just how awesome the story and gameplay is. There is so so and so MUCH many more amazing things I can say about this game. It is a very clear GOTY and would actually be surprised if it doesn't get it this year (2015). It is a game to keep in the collection and while I am currently playing it on the PS4, I plan to buy it once I get a new graphics card to replay this game on the maximum graphical settings. A note I want to finish on is my wife who is not interested in video games. She even stopped dead in her tracks and commented how the game looks amazing and that is something as my wife usually doesn't care about what I play or what's on the screen so well done CD Projekt Red! +RdeFuijk,-,5,-,true,-,Simply one of my all time favorite games. Beautiful open world, tons of stuff to do, great story, acting, voice work and amazing graphics. I recommend it to both veteran fans of the series and newcomers alike. +DarkVoodoo,-,5,-,false,-,Ich habe mir vor einigen Monaten die PS4 Version gekauft, weshalb ich mich nur auf diese Version des Spiels beziehe. Einfach fantastisch, was dieses unabhängige Studio vollbracht hat. So viele Elemente des Spiels beindrucken, dass man gar nicht weiß wo anfangen. Noch nie habe ich eine so tolle Grafik in einem Spiel erlebt. Das liegt weniger daran, dass ich nicht alle Spiele kenne, sondern viel mehr an der einfach meisterlichen Leistung der Entwickler, die man so einfach anerkennen muss. Auch die vielen unterschiedlichen Quests können begeistern. Es war eine Freude sämtliche Quests anzugehen, da sie total abwechslungsreich waren und fast jedes Mal ein anderes Erlebnis boten. Keine leichte Kunst bei der Masse an Aufgaben. Beim einmaligen Durchspielen kam ich auf stolze 223 erledigte Quests. Ich finde klasse, dass die Entwickler eine Dreckswelt fernab amerikanischer Plastik-Fantasy inszeniert. Dazu gehören so heikle Themen wie Rassismus. Eine Auftragskette konfrontiert sogar mit Alkoholmissbrauch, Vergewaltigung und Abtreibung. Was ebenfalls zu sehen ist, sind Kriegsfolgen. Ebenfalls erwähnenswert ist die wirklich äußerst gelungene deutsche Vertonung. Der Sprecher von Geralt hat einen Oskar verdient, ebenso der Dialog-Schreiber. Fernab von den meisten Klischees wirkt nahezu jeder Dialog authentisch und glaubwürdig. Nach rund 150 Stunden waren alle Quests erledigt, die meisten Fragezeichen aufgedeckt und das Finale angegangen. Mit einer ordentlichen Portion Wehmut habe ich gemerkt, dass das Spiel, welches mich in den letzten Monaten so beschäftigt hat, nun leider vorbei ist. Zum Glück wird es zwei Erweiterungen geben, bzw. ist mit Heart of Blood bereits das erste Addon erschienen. Die Geschichte um Geralt geht also weiter... erstmal. Witcher 3 ist viel mehr als nur ein fantastisches Rollenspiel, es ist ein neuer Meilenstein und Maßstab für die Kunst des interaktiven Erzählens. Das für mich bisher beste Spiel in meiner wirklich sehr langen Spiele-Historie. +aeroslimshady,-,4,-,true,-,Even though I said it was the third part of a trilogy, this game boasts more content than the previous two entries combined. In short, this game is massive, and almost all that content is worth doing. I don't think it's a masterpiece like other reviews on here will have you believe, but if it looks like something you'd enjoy, then you most definitely will. +Indescribable,-,5,-,true,-,Great story, great combat, great graphics! What more could you ask for? Game has a few bugs, but provided they get fixed, 10/10. +StealthyBacon99,-,5,-,false,-,After completing the game, along with every possible side quest or activity, I was going to leave a long, passionate review, but instead thought I'd keep it vaguely brief: Never played a Witcher game before. Never been a huge fan of the fantasy genre. Due to insane hype of game, bought it on release day anyway. Instantly hooked*. Finished it after about 120hrs. Found out there will be no sequel. Cried in emptiness. Saw new dlc is out. Instantly bought it. There is now joy once again in my life... 10/10, my only complaint is that I cannot wipe my memory to experience this masterpiece for the first time again. *(Due to: Beautiful graphics. Stunning large open world. Countless meaningful and interesting side quests. Absolutely brilliant main story. Near perfect combat and movement mechanics. Varied range of great characters. Awesome soundtrack and voice acting. Compelling and exciting gameplay. Insane amount of content for the price. I could go on...) +dr904,-,1,-,false,-,I don't even own this game, but it is in my gog library. And the "hide game" button is for some reason greyed out. I will delete this review as soon as I once again can hide (or preferably delete) this game from my library. +Gworkag,-,5,-,true,-,The pinnacle of RPG evolution. +leon45,-,5,-,false,-,I am taking my very sweet time with game meaning doing all the quests and everything, trying to take all in as it is very beautiful world and dont want to miss anything. I wish I could be a part of that world, Peasant even haha. The quests are done in such a nice way, we all love rpgs but this one has nailed the poster to the theater wall like gum in blonde's hair. This game is huge and I guess the only disappointing thing is that it will finish at some stage unless I stop playing, which is impossible due to the fisstech addiction. I sometime think looking at games like dragon age 2 and Dragon age Inquisition, what the fuck did reviewers see in those games as Bioware boasted the huge world in number 3 and all they did was repeat shit in each zone apart from few strong characters. Anyway getting back to Geralt, I know this is the last game for his journey (haven't finished the game yet), but I believe we will get to see more games based in Witcher world, troll fingers crossed as you can break them. And I would like to thank the developers for their heart breaking work. And then to all the fans who made Witcher huge and if someone ever forgets this game they only need to look at Rose to replenish the Witcher senses. I will say I love The Witcher. +ClintCommander,-,5,-,false,-,127.5 hours. That is how long my play through of the Witcher 3 was. I've never spent that amount of time on one playthrough of a game. Usually I dive headfirst into an RPG, loving it, swearing that I will do everything the game has to offer. Then reality sinks in. Lulls in the story begin to wear on my patience . Repetitive tasks begin to diminish the amount of enjoyment I once felt. Slowly I begin to drift away, finding something more interesting to invest my time in. This was not the case with the Witcher 3. This game, or this experience, drew me in like no other game has done before and did not release me until I could find nothing else to do. For me, Witcher 3 will change how I look at games-especially RPGs-from now on. From the story to the sound/music design. From the gameplay to the art/visuals. And lets not forget the beautiful world and atmosphere. Almost everything about this game has been honed and polished to near perfection. I must stress that I did use "near" since I did encounter a few minor bugs during my playthrough, but nothing came close to derailing my experience. In fact, I do have to greatly commend CD Project for releasing a game that functioned right out of the gate AND proceeded to release an unprecedented amount of free content and patches that vastly improved the gaming experience across the board. This support of the game only added to my already immense enjoyment of it. I cannot stress enough how much I absolutely loved this game. I think it's one that everyone should experience. Both game developers and videogame fans alike. It's a game that I think shows just what videogames can become with a caring and talented company behind it. I hardly ever write reviews but I felt extremely compelled to do so in this case. If anything, I just wanted to offer up a small thanks for a job well done. They've created a masterpiece. Also, the Hearts of Stone expansion is incredible! Well worth the price! +pikey666,-,5,-,true,-,I've played so far just around 7 hours, and i'm amazed. Beautiful story, great graphics even on my machine (not greatest graphics settings) and 2ndary quests feels so natural I can't afford them. +GRASSHOPPER-BD,-,3,-,false,-,Das Spiel An sich ist der Hammer und der Support arbeitet auch gut mit, das kann man nichts gegen sagen! Mein Manko an der Sache ist das ich mit der Zusätzlich Software (GOG Galaxy) mehr als nur unzufrieden bin damit hat sich CD Projekt Red einen unentwickelten Vertragspartner gesucht. Und ich bin gezwungen mit diesem Unentwickelten Programm zu arbeiten. Fehlende Übersetzungen (Nicht 100% auf Deutsch Übersetz) Ich habe keine Übersicht über die DLC´c oder welche ich schon Installiert habe. Ich hatte Als Käufer der Kollektors Edition gewünscht über Steam zu laufen ein Programm das ausgereift ist und sich seit JAHREN bewährt, aber es gab nicht mal die Möglichkeit ich wurde zu GOG gezwungen wenn ich Online Inhalte und Updates Nutzen möchte. Dafür habe ich nun 140€ bezahlt und muss mich mit soh nem mist hier rumärgern. +Bank_k,-,5,-,false,-,Best RPG of the year +nakmo,-,5,-,false,-,Intense & magnific +Langaaa,-,5,-,false,-,The Witcher 3 is simply the best RPG that I played. It has stunningly wonderful graphics and atmosphere, but the thing that really keeps me playing is the quality of both the quests and the gameplay. The side quests are better presented and more diverse than the main quests of most of the RPGs I have played and the story quests are entertaining like a good movie and tell a gripping story that also newcomers to the series can enjoy. The gameplay is challenging but fair (on "Blood and Broken Bones" difficulty) and has enough variety to not wear off even after very long time of playing. After 100 hours I still love to play it as I haven't seen everything and I'm planning to buy the expansion pass to get more of the witcher. Thanks for this beautiful game! (Greetings from Germany) +IvanArtcimovich,-,5,-,true,-,Огромное спасибо разработчикам! Я считаю, что Ведьмак 3 - лучшая игра за всю индустрию игр! Ждем новых дополнений, Ждем новых приключеньй Геральта и его друзей:) +dethstrm,-,5,-,false,-,i cant express enough of my appreciation for cdpr to bring me a game with so much emotion and uniqueness and respect for the players. FUCKING MAJESTIC! +XxVirex,-,5,-,false,-,Excellent game and thats it. +blackz_5,-,5,-,false,-,Why are you even reading these reviews? Shame on you! Just go ahead and buy this piece of art! +SnakeS1985,-,5,-,false,-,Top Game make more! +Molicious,-,4,-,false,-,I recently played the main story, the side quests, and now I am about to finish the Add-on "Hearts of Stone". I have spent quite a bunch of time into this game and yet I am still playing this game at the time of this review. The story is awesome, the atmosphere impressive and the world is not just rich in quantity but also quality. The staging, the way characters behave - I think there are not many games where the characters appear that vivid and well-elaborated. It could have been a masterpiece, but this game is far from perfect. It has its technical flaws, its problems, especially the way it performs feels more like gambling: Some patches work super fluently, some and even newer patches can just kill the performance and there are many things that can destroy you the game. It might work, but consider the controls of the PC-version, the fact that not everything works properly and performance might strongly depend on things you cannot always control makes this game to something outstanding, but not perfect. To sum up, this game is a good game, but beware: It might perform badly, it might feel clunky, it just might disappoint you from a technical point of view. Except that the game shines and is for sure one of the best games this days. +no1knowmyname,-,5,-,false,-,интересует вопрос : будет ли возможность приобрести второе платное дополнение отдельно, а не в составе комплекта из двух дополнений, ибо "каменные сердца" я уже приобрёл отдельно +vgagirl,-,5,-,true,-,Congratulations on your Gold Joy stick award . +HardGaming,-,5,-,false,-,Probably the best RPG we will ever see ... 10/10 never played anything that good in my life +Er0Xan,-,5,-,false,-,Ich freue mich das ich das gekauft habe. Der letzte Teil mit Geralt ist eine komplett neue und große Erfahrung zu den vorgängern! +pearlsparrow,-,5,-,false,-,Epic Game!!! To be honest it is the BEST game i've ever played!! It is a MASTERPIECE!!! 5 STARS From me!!! +MatheoGamer,-,5,-,false,-,I have played all parts of this epic game and I think if you love RPG games you must buy it. It is the best game I ever played. Thank you CD PROJEKT RED. +Raikouza,-,5,-,false,-,test review +Unstable_Sorcery,-,3,-,false,-,ну и где же скидка 85% ? +flier123,-,5,-,false,-,This is definitely the best game I have ever played. Post-Game a bit shoddy but still excellent. +ltayl227,-,3,-,false,-,Would be a great game if there weren't so many glitches such as swimming through the bottom of boats in Skellige, falling through the ocean floor, dead Drowners suspended in mid-air, bushes floating above the ocean, boxes floating above the ground, getting shot up to the top of the map when attacked as you stand next to a mast of a boat, walking through the mast of a ship, boats that will (rarely) sink for no reason then float back up to the surface and a marker for a start of a quest and there is nothing there and also signs that cast during battle sometimes take stamina without actually doing a thing. One of the most glitchy games i have played. I'm beggining to think there were no alpha or beta tests for this game, on any givin day i would accidently find at least 6 glitches in 3 hours of play. terrible for what the developers claim to be next gen. in conclusion it is a fun game but a little to easy and glitchy as hell +property_live,-,1,-,false,-,it's almost 2016 and we're still waiting for the promised Linux port. +Dajmin,-,5,-,false,-,The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has a rich world and varied cast of characters. Some minor technical issues and a lot of stuff to collect, but it's a truly epic piece of gaming. Full review: http://www.therockstargamers.com/the-witcher-3-wild-hunt-review/ +Nyluj,-,5,-,false,-,Je sais pas trop comment commencé tant j'ai aimé ce jeu... On va essayé de faire simple : Histoire : juste extra ! Gameplay : dynamique et skillé Durée de vie : euuh, jsuis à 4 jours de jeux et il me reste encore pas mal de quêtes a faire... Ergonomie : très peu de bug, temps de chargement super cours lors des déplacement rapide sur la map, DLC et patch juste super Extension : je n'ai joué qu'à Heart of stone et croyez moi je n'ai pas regretté ! Conclusion : un must have pour tous les fans de RPG, vous ne regretterai vraiment pas +mementoz,-,1,-,false,-,i bought this game expecting awesome gameplay and immense story but the quest with the royal meeting the Chamberlain doesnt move and i cant progress into the game this is after i activated and downloaded the patches, waste of 40 quid +cleverwebhandle,-,5,-,true,-,What can one say about this game that hasn't been said already? The Witcher 3 isn't just a game, it's an experience. The story is top shelf, the characters are varied and engaging, the landscape is breathtaking, particularly Kaer Morhen and the Skellige Islands, the soundtrack is astounding... There are very few games I rate 5 stars. After all, nothing is perfect, but in my not so humble opinion, this is damn close. Even at full price, your money is not wasted here. If you haven't tried the Witcher 3, I envy you greatly. I would love to experience it all over again for the first time. Do yourself a favor and dig in. +MrBlizzno,-,5,-,false,-,This Game is great, really really great like unimaginable great. +davi.bermax,-,5,-,true,-,12/10 (and still rating...) CD Projekt Red did a crazy awesome job for a humble price! Best storyline I ever played and wonderfull cutscenes. From combat to romances, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt bring us joy and make us full in love with it. You don't just did a game, CD Projekt Red... You create a new era! +Zzonic,-,5,-,true,-,Everything in this game is amazing. The world is MASSIVE, the graphics are amazing, the detail in the the characters face, the women movement (Yennefer is probably one of the best characters design in the whole gaming history, so is Trist though, they both are so well designed), Roach's (Geralt's horse) walking feels so real, the monsters are truly scary, the water is just beautifully represent, the skybox... sometimes is breathtaking , the big cities are so congested, there's a conversation in every corner and the small town are just trying to survive, you can feel the sadness in the peasants, everything feels alive. Please buy, what are you waiting for? +RoyalAdam,-,5,-,false,-,Others already said how this game is a masterpiece, so i want just thank everything CD Project Red! +Jimi_Dave,-,5,-,true,-,A lot of positive comments have already been written about this game and I can only concur: this is one of the best games I have ever played, if not the best. +wojtas_92,-,5,-,false,-,What can i tell this game is amazing! every quest is on HQ! world is beautiful. fall in love on soundtrack! WELL DONE TEAM RED +Deadlin3,-,5,-,false,-,Everything in this game is incredible. The graphics are among the best, the story, couldn't be better, characters, gameplay, progression, UI, DLC and update support, all perfect. Thank You CD Projekt Red, You have amazed us gamers once again! WIsh i could give it 6/5 stars ... :) +Martin_01,-,5,-,true,-,- That's the only word I found the describe W 3: TWH. CD Project Red has "build" an enormous open world with a impressive, dramatic and mature story, escorted with a lot of beautiful quality content and ambitious side-quests. Nothing of TWH is cheap or fast designed... the world of W 3 consumes you for a great expedition. I started over 30 years ago with Lucas Arts titles as Maniac Mansion. - That's the progress I dreamed off. Respect, CD Project Red. ^^ +Goetten,-,2,-,false,-,Main problems: Boring and repetitive scenery... Story is not deep. Gameplay combat also repetitive and lacks precision! Don't recommend. CDPROJECT congratulations for over hype of this game but forgive me... It sucks. It is funny because I love RPG's, but this game lacks everything that made RPG's good. The sidequests are boring as hell. CDPROJECT did not improve this game in terms of inventory and alchemy it is the same as the last one. Finally, if you want to produce a game that tells you a real story as you guys always claim to sell this game stop with the loot system and repetitiveness. +Parakol,-,5,-,true,-,Ну постарарались славно! +zlluziferlz,-,5,-,true,-,I think its the best RPG i ever play, well its equal to GTA. But it has such a compelling story in a beautiful landscape, I felt bad for 3 days when i finished the last mission. Its really worth every cent. +trynoval,-,5,-,true,-,If you like gwent - play this game. If not - try, rules are simple. Noone force you to play it. +And78,-,5,-,true,-,best game all time of history!!!! +xdesplay,-,5,-,false,-,Climatic, original, nice replay ability, massive open world, GOTY 2015/2077 +Pazox,-,3,-,true,-,First of all: This is one of the best RPGs. Positive: Great story, a lot of content, beautiful graphics, short loading times, great soundtrack. Negative: A lot of bugs, popups of NPCs and objects (even with a SSD), a lot of similar looking NPCs (some quest NPCs look like common residents too), latest patch (1.21) removed the German voices on my save, quests may fail even if you have everything done, stuttering in bigger cities. +PilotDown,-,5,-,false,-,gra idealna +Hellblazer1,-,5,-,true,-,We have some good games this year. -Mad Max (yes, i think its a good game) -Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain -Grand Theft Auto V on PC And we will have som good games later this year. -Fallout 4 -Need for Speed -Rainbow Six: Siege But none of the above is or will be this good! I cant tell you how much i love this game. There is just no word for that. I LOVE YOU GUYS! +Freedomscalleuw,-,5,-,false,-,I thought the Witcher I and II were quite masterpieces (and they still are, in their own way) - but the third game is just mindblowing. Emotionally strong and intriguing main story, interesting side quests that don't feel like tedious sidequests in some other games, breathtaking graphics, exciting, strong characters - I don't exagerrate it when I say - be ready for an adventure of a lifetime as Geralt of Rivia :) +ilesha,-,1,-,false,-,un jeu surnoté a ne pas mettre en tre toutes les mains +MeganSterkenburg,-,5,-,false,-,I am really glad that I bought this game. The graphics are stunning and the storyline is awesome. I've played The Witcher and The Witcher 2 earlier and I really like to see some of the characters are back in this game. I would definitely recommend you to play this game and even more to play the previous two games, so you'll know better what the story is about. +Nefarfour,-,5,-,false,-,This game captures the essence of story telling. By balancing the main plot within many side missions all geared towards the end result of the game, the play through is and feels seamless. Along with this are the aesthetic features. A++ +GREGG1986,-,5,-,false,-,I liked the Witcher 2 a lot. I never got to playing the first one. I was gifted this as a physical copy from my girlfriend. I was planning on getting it anyway. So, Amazing graphics! Probably the best I have seen in a RPG ever. Running it on Windows 8.1, Intel i7 3770 3.40GHz, 8 Gigs DDR3 and a single EVGA GTX 960 OC. Couldn't max it all the way but it still was amazing to look at. Probably the best I can get without building a better PC, I'm using a premade Dell XPS from a few years ago. Only thing I could really get for a upgrade was the EVGA card due to low power needs. Also have been using a BenQ G-Sync monitor that can hit 144 Mhz. Story- Every thing in this game that is a side mission could have almost been it's own game some times. So much is packed in. I was 120 hours in before I beat it. I didn't even uncover all the areas, I got impatient since I did all the contracts and had almost all the best armor. I really don't like the card game and they kinda shove it at you, don't need to do it unless you can't pass up more cards to collect. I passed it buy as much as possible. Music/Sound- Amazing sounds in this game, also the music is great to. Coming by a live band really got me into just hanging out and listening some times. There is still a few glitches with some quest and some wonky things here and there. I think Patch 1.10 is days away from this post, maybe they will be fixed. Careful with the boats and sirens! I was warped into the top of the world twice fighting them on my boat! Just buy Witcher 3 now, give CD Projekt Red some cash to help their next, most likely amazing game! +Crisium_HD,-,5,-,false,-,I just love this game ;) +neilmccauley,-,5,-,false,-,2000 characters are not enough to describe this incredible masterpiece. +sutajo,-,5,-,false,-,BUY IT! +ChristJac,-,4,-,false,-,This game is close to being a masterpiece. The world is believable, the quests are wonderfully varied, and the gameplay can be excellent. However, certain circumstances make the controls utterly useless - like riding a horse, the game doesn't look nearly as good as it should given te hardware demands, and the world isn't anywhere near as open as it wants you to think it is. Most importantly, negative multi-GPU scaling is inexcusable. The superb story, characters and quests are enough to make this a very good game, but it could have been so much better. +manic221,-,5,-,false,-,What can i say thats not already been said abut this game already? After finishing the story i can say that this game without a shadow of a doubt is one of the finest video games i've had the pleasure to play and despite it taking much longer then it should have i've had this game since launch and enjoyed every second I've put into the game and i'm sure i'll be diving right back in to play the numerous side quests I've missed and who knows maybe start a new game plus. I would not hesitate in recommending this game if you don't already own this and you consider yourself a gamer even if your not into RPGs you owe yourself to experience this beautifully crafted masterpiece. +dvs.480,-,5,-,false,-,After finishing the Wild Hunt I can say that it managed to justify all its pre-release hype, and then some. A compelling, emotionally involving story with tons of intricate side quests, places to explore and things to do, rich lore, fantastic visuals, epic sword-fighting choreography and a brilliant soundtrack come from the top of my mind. The game runs smoothly on a mediocre system and hasn't crashed on me even once in two months of playing it. The few things that did irk me include: numerous typos in English translation, bugged targeting system, the broken animation of "crate-carrying guy" and a couple other graphical glitches. Nothing dramatic or irreparable. I've been a gamer for 20+ years and I measure games by the overall impression that they leave on me. Congrats to CDPR for making Witcher 3 topple Planescape: Torment as my all time favorite! +RagnarFenris,-,5,-,false,-,absulute kaufempfelung mer kann man echt nicht sagen :-) +Deanoe,-,4,-,false,-,One of if not the best story experience I've had in a game to date, excellent graphics, excellent game world, varied quests, lots of hidden loot. Weak point of the game is definitely the combat, which is shallow and easy, I only died a handful of times throughout the game and played it start to finish on the highest difficulty setting, which is a shame because the rest of the game is so damn good being weighed down by what should have been their key focus. In the end it's still an enjoyable game with lots to do, even at 50$ you'll be getting over an hour per dollar spent doing just the main story and light side quests. +Prian,-,3,-,true,-,As i´m nearing the 180 - hours mark for the game i realize i´m getting weary. People applaud for it, screamed "finally something mature". But hey. Just to use foul-mouthed words doesnt make you grown-up. And the women? People say, the women are proud and strong of character in this game. But in fact they´re all just there as delicacies for Geralt or NPC´s. Nowhere i can see a real strong woman, be it just a lady standing her ground. Even women which are fighting the evilst creatures doing that in dessous. (Yennefer, Ciri, and the woman which is so close to Geralt an i forgot the name... (that´s how deep the characters go) Someone in an armor like Johanna of Orleans or a queen like Elizabeth Bathory or anything real strong and credibly. So, women are the same thing as in every other game. They´re just there wating to get used. Real strong women don´t exist. Not Ciri, not Yennefer, not anybody. They´re just there to look at their boobs, and if their boobs are not visible right now - you just wait til the next sex-scene. The graphics are very great, the handling is ok, but if one´s fair - in the end it´s just another RPG, differing from others in the story, in the buttons, in the lore. Apart from that not much more to say. It was fun to play, sure, but the sensation everyone was shouting out loud - it´s definitely not. A good game, like many others. +Bonekit,-,5,-,false,-,Die Weltpresse hat es schon ausreichend erwähnt, dieses Spiel setzt neue Maßstäbe und setzt die Messlatte für kommende Rollenspiele nach oben! Die Entwickler sind stets dabei das Spiel immer besser zu machen und hört auf die Community. Und demnächst erscheint auch für einen wirklich kleinen Preis der erste große DLC. The Witcher Reihe war stets eine Marke, wo ich Blind gekauft habe. Um es kurz zu machen, lasst euch überzeugen und die Welt von The Witcher auf euch wirken. Je nachdem wieviel Zeit ihr habt wird das Spiel euch Wochenlang oder Monatelang beschäftigen. +papysoupape,-,5,-,false,-,excellent tout simplement. Le meilleur de la narration de mass effect, la ballade de read dead, l heroic fantasy d un skyrim poussée a donf et j en passe. Fantastique jeu qui rend les derniernopen world auquels j ai joué bien fadasse. Definitivement l experience witcher a essayer. +Alexander_Neiwar,-,5,-,false,-,•Ведьмак – это когда падаешь в обморок от 8 книг, написанных паном Анджеем Сапковским. Ведьмак – это когда узнаешь, что по мотивам сделают игру поляки, и ты веришь, что они проникнуться атмосферой книг земляка. •Ведьмак – это история, которую многие полюбили. •Ведьмак – это история, в конец которой никто не захочет верить. Он мастер меча, но он не рыцарь... Он адепт забытой магии, но он не волшебник... Для многих он стал последней надеждой, но он не спаситель мира... Он убивал, чтобы выжить, но он не кровавый убийца... Он уже стал легендой...» «…И теперь его история окончена». Самая ожидаемая часть серии, и одна из самых ожидаемых игр года, вопреки моде, вышла, пожалуй, самой лучшей игрой, которой пока что вышла в этом года, а для меня и за последние 10 лет, со времен Готики 2. Разумеется это дело вкуса. Но даже, если вы не признаете эту сагу, или жанр RPG, не отдать должное вкладу CDPR вы не можете, они выполнили все обещания до единого, и продолжают заботиться о своем продукте, прислушиваясь к мнению фанатов. Это достойно восхищения. Однако касаемо слов, однажды ими было сказано, что это в этой игре легко будет освоиться новичкам серии, может быть и так. Но я не соглашусь, вы не сможете проникнуться моментами, диалогами, встречами с персонажами, не сможете проникнуться всей душой, и восхититься этому. Такое смогут в полной мере сделать только те, кто читал книгу, знает историю, поведение и стиль персонажей (чтобы продолжить его и в игре). Что же касается самой игры, это баланс между первой и второй частью игры. Она не лишена неточностей, но они ничто, их не видно, потому что на первый план выходит атмосфера, музыка, решения, персонажи, ты видишь только их, и это заставляет наслаждаться. Не смогу забыть момент, когда в первый раз вступил на землю в Ард Скиллиге и услышал композицию The Fields of Ard Skillege. А когда вы встречаете старых знакомых, из книг, просто нет слов. Я написал бы больше, но слов не хватит. Спасибо CD Project Red. +skif_the_pagan,-,3,-,true,-,It's not about the game (the game itself is great), it's about controls. I *HATE* the person(s) who was(were) responsible for coding/testing the controls. Why does Geralt move forward when I press the "move backward" button (and it usually means - to get another hit in the face. And then another one. And another one. Oh, now Geralt is dead. Thank you.)? Why, when pressing, for example, the "roll right" combination, Geralt... rolls backwards (there's a chasm there, of course. Thank you for another "Load Game"). Fist fights starting with a hit in Geralt's face (with sometimes not even a chance to evade) are also very, *VERY* annoying (because after the first hit, Geralt gets another one, and another one, with no means to retaliate, and a fight is actually started with Geralt having 2/3 of his health). Getting stuck in a corner (yes, Geralt, of course, can't jump over that small small bench) always results in losing the fight. +SantaMonica,-,5,-,false,-,The Witcher 3 has a good gameplay, but the best thing in the game is the scenario and the writing. There is a lot of interesting characters in the game, and most quests have a good story. Some of them had the best writing i have ever seen in a videogame, with big surprises you don't expect. The game often asks you to make choices, and these choices have a real impact. The graphics are beautiful, and the design is great. Some armors are really, really good looking. The landscapes and big cities are great too, but little villages in Velen and Skellige are a bit bland though, they all look the same. The only thing i really didn't like about the game was the handling of Roach. This poor horse stops at every little obstacle and i found it to be nearly unusable. But using it is totally optional, so it's not a big problem. Except for the horse races. These races can be frustrating. What more can i say ? Geralt and Ciri are great characters to play, they're really charismatic. Fights are cool, and you will fight a lot. Gwynt is excellent. If you're looking for a game with a good gameplay and excellent story and characters, you will like The Witcher 3. +seita,-,5,-,true,-,私は非常にのめりこみました RPGが好きなゲーマーなら言われなくても遊んでいるでしょうが おすすめです。 +fletchmustdie,-,5,-,true,-,I will not say much other than to say that the Witcher 3 is one of the best games, if not the best game, I have ever played. I have read all the English books, played all the games, and I am always very impressed the amount of fan services that is in the game. If you can, read the books before playing the game. Even more so than in the previous entries the shear amount of references to the books add to the depth of the game. The story is fantastic, and unlike some games where secondary quests are throw away filler, they seem to have more meaning in this game. I also plays very well, better than Witcher 2, although I would tell you not to play on any setting lower than the second hardest or the game is too easy. Performance wise, I am running a i5 2500k, and a Gtx 780 ti. While running at 1080p at 60fps, I run a mix of Ultra and High with Nvidia hairworks off. The visuals are impressive and by far the level of detail in this game is greater than any game I have ever seen. It is beautiful and rich, and you will find yourself just staring at the scenery in awe. +Swaggerfagger,-,5,-,false,-,Veri guud gam i lik veri much +xordis,-,5,-,false,-,Like other people write, Witcher 3 is the GOTY. Finally i finished the game after 60 hours + gameplay. I've read the saga of the witcher and i can say that the story line written in this game is amazing. +chrstnmonks,-,5,-,true,-,One of the best gaming experiences I have ever had. It made me laugh, cry sometimes I was angry joyous. It was an intense emotional and rewarding experience. I would recommend in good faith to anyone this game.Beautiful world, Excellent combat great quest main and otherwise. Characterization was done superberb. Even just npcs like aka the baron I found myself caring about them and their woes. This is the new standard for RPGs from now on I believe. Good job CDPR. +rickybobby88,-,5,-,true,-,I think others have spoken plenty about this game. I have waited years for another title to immerse me. I have found it in the Witcher 3. I bought the Collector's Edition, Steam, and now GOG. Although I jumped into the Witcher world on 3, I've been slowly catching up through various novel/story outlets and am planning to play 1 and 2 soon, once I am done with 3. The story is the usual heroic fantasy type. It is how it is delivered, and the characters that deliver it, and the world surrounding these characters, their reaction to the environment and changes, that makes it truly epic. I mean, my first playthrough I had about 138 hours into it and I had just finished the main story, bypassing almost all contracts and side quests. This was probably due to the Death March difficulty, but nonetheless, I'm going through my second playthrough now on an easier difficulty, taking my time to soak in all of the content I had missed the first time around. The only disappointment I can say with the game is the absolute ending, when you continue playing post main arc. They remove all of the critical characters, and the immersion for me immediately stopped. I have seen numerous threads and pages of complaints regarding this and supposedly they will be adding some post-end game content here soon to alleviate this. If you haven't played any of the Witcher games, you do not feel behind. There is an option when starting a new game to simulate Witcher 2, in which some dialogue is tailored in reference to Witcher 2 and allow you to respond as such. With it toggled off, the game just skips or picks your responses to these lines. Not a big deal. I didn't feel one bit left out having not played any previous game or read any previous book. Witcher 3 delivered it's own story, and opened up the whole Witcher world to me. +lukekord56,-,5,-,false,-,i just wanted to do this because I love this game and I love CD Projekt Red. Im too lazy too write a review. +lololo123,-,5,-,false,-,It's the best and the most beautiful game i've ever played, thanks CDR ! I'm from Poland and I'm proud of you ! +Stanislav67,-,5,-,true,-,Ребята это просто вынос мозга,я конечно ожидал что она будет супер, но это просто превзошло все мом ожидания,такой затягивающей игры я еще не видел. Сюжет потрясает своими поворотами, а персонажи остаются в памяти навсегда.Каждый герой удевляет своей орегинальностью и не похожестью друг на друга как к примеру в некоторых играх.Короче советую всем и поклонникам мира ВЕДЬМАКА и новичькам кто еще не знаком с оным, вы не будете разачярованы. И хотелось бы сказать отдельное спасибо РАЗРАБОТЧИКАМ!!! ребята вы молодцы что проделали такую работу и порадовали нас таким произведением искуства, непобаюсь этого слова. СПАСИБО!!!! +VolatileSchemer,-,3,-,true,-,Game offers a sublime world, characters and a story which is both epic and very personal. Unfortunately, the mediocre engine, design and an apparently endless stream of bugs (as of 1.08) ruin the experience. The positives speak for themselves, are undeniable, and warranted widespread critical acclaim. The less talked-about issues, such as wonky camera, logic-shy quests, simplistic combat, very limited role-playing, terrible item management make this potentially grand game a chore. I think every gamer should grace themselves with this gem of storytelling, but be prepared - a poor video game beneath constantly ruin your experience. +Nick428,-,5,-,false,-,Nice Story, epic world, love the soundtrack and now with a new Game+ mode Juhu!! :D +zand89,-,5,-,false,-,GOTY 2015 - Best game I've played in a few years +Evilijo,-,5,-,false,-,I'll be brief. Game is absolutely amazing. One of the best games I have ever played. Graphics are first class, music, voice acting, story and gameplay all 10/10 I have played and finished both previous games and must say that The Witcher Wild Hunt is the best of them all. Don't miss out, if you're a fan of RPG, or even if you aren't most likely you will enjoy it a lot! +tw2kenryoku,-,5,-,true,-,No matter if Fallout 4 is coming also this year, Projekt RED just deserved with this piece the Award Game of the Year! I mean this game is just great in nearly every aspect. Soundeffects are just perfect fitting. The Music is amazing and dramatic and really deep. I catch myself sometimes starting the game, just to listen a bit into the atmosphere. The graphics are superior (if you have the machinepower), but even on weak computers you get something outstanding. Long time ago, a coworker told me to try the witcher. At first it was not on my radar and i just was not atracted to it. It came a time, when it was launched as Enhanced Edition on Steam with a price drop. I buyed it. I played it, i liked it. Later i did noticed The Witcher 2, but was sceptic to buy it. So i downloaded it and played a bit. After a while i buyed it (now i got even 2 buyed copies!). I liked very, how CD Projekt RED came up with the DRM-Free idea. So where was i after played and loved The Witcher 2? Right i waited for the 3. one and this time i pre-ordered it on GoG, hopefully the developer of this masterpiece got as much money as possible out of it instead of buying it on steam. I mean it is really hard to make a good game better. The developers managed it! And i played it insanely. 110 Hours for the first playing probably if i spend about 20-30 hours more i would discover every inch on the map and have just everything, but i am happy with this 110 hours. I will now post a list of pro and cons. Pro: Great graphics (but you need really good graphiccards if you have a 4K display!) Fantastic music. It let you feel free if you are riding from one place to a new one. Good combatsystem. It is quiet easy to learn but hard to master, which gives oppurtunity as a challenge. Thoughtfull characterdesign. You can decide quiet good if you want to be more into magic or swordfighting, or alchemy. MAGNIFICENT storytelling. I mean even the dubs and voices... perfect! Cons: The camera is sometimes stupid. +Soxism,-,5,-,true,-,Shut up and Take my Money. Best thing since sliced bread, hell, its even better than sliced bread or even toast for that matter. The real question is why are you not playing this RIGHT now? Because your too busy reading this, thats why. I once knew a lady, who used to cut her own bread. Sad were the times, There is a pestilence upon this land, nothing is sacred when you have to cut your own bread. Thankfully i discovered Geralt. He has two swords. One for cutting said bread when needed. The other for swinging around randomly looking like a crazy homeless guy who loves cats just that little bit too much. Luckly, i love cats too. I think i'll make some toast, The Quest my way through this dark, bread chopping land. +aaron_hayter,-,5,-,false,-,This is my first witcher game, I don't remember playing 8 hours straight. Please buy this game. TOTALLY WORTH IT ! +colpomighty,-,5,-,false,-,Amazing Game... one of the best game i ever played. What can i say more.. +origosis,-,2,-,false,-,-Horse - Calling your horse and he will tend to get stuck on a fence or tree. - Getting on your horse. The command may appear to get on, but you need to both face yourself and the camera to get on the horse, even then you may find you need to walk away and back upto the horse and try again. -The horse will randomly get stuck on invisible walls in the middle of a road. This is Rare though. -The horse will randomly stop running and slow down. -Other time the horse will run full speed into a wall and keep running at full speed unable to move. -Combat -If you like monster hunter the combat is ok. If you do not like Monster hunter the combat is shit. -He will auto aim at opponents he cannot attack or enemies far away vs enemies right near you. -Combat simply feels sluggish and not enjoyable at all. -Finishing a long battle will be a relief to finally be past an annoying spot as opposed to feeling accomplished. -Movement -If you slightly walk to close to something you will not be able to interact with it, you will need to turn around, walk away, then walk back towards it. -Interacting with objects is random. If the Key shows to pick something up you need to make sure you are facing it, the camera is facing it, and you are not too close.. Otherwise your character will simply do nothing. -Making small adjustments to where you stand is very difficult. Geralt wants to move in wide circles and will not simply face in another direction. -There is a physics involved with walking and running. Where after you stop moving geralt will still take a few steps, often walking past the thing you wanted to stop at. Quests and leveling -You will receive many quests far above your level and finding quests at your level are far and few in between. - Quest XP rewards and XP for killing monsters is very tiny. Leveling is slow. Which is fine, but with how hard it is to find quests you can do at your level it becomes frustrating. +karsman,-,5,-,false,-,Up there with Morrowind and Baldur's Gate II as one my favourite RPGs. Great story,graphics and gameplay. Runs nice and smooth on my 960GTX with ultra settings. Side quests are never boring and there is plenty to explore over the various maps. AI is not perfect but presents a decent challenge. +cb4elements,-,5,-,true,-,Vielen dank für eine wunderbares Spiel! +Nukez19,-,5,-,false,-,The best adventure i've ever had by far !!! Made me get the entire francise. Worth it ^^ Ciri <3 +jitorocr,-,5,-,true,-,Excelente juego, demasiadas horas de juego, a parte de la historia principal hay muchas misiones secundarias con historias variadas para disfrutarlo, el juego de cartas gwynt es excelente, seria muy bueno que en un futuro se tome en cuenta para implementarlo en linea y poder jugar con personas y amigos. Es agradable saber que aun hay compañias que se esmeran por hacer juegos con tanto contenido de gran calidad. Por el momento tengo más de 65 horas de juego y creo que no he llegado a la mitad de la historia, eso muestra lo mucho que hay por descubrir y hacer. Lo que no me agradó mucho fue la repartición de talentos y habilidades, pero no es nada grave... En fin, lo recomiendo para quienes gusten de la saga, y si piensan jugarlo sin haber jugado los anteriores pues lo pueden hacer pero no es recomendable, ya que no comprenderán a la mayoría de los personajes, la historia del universo, y otras cosas. El nivel grafico es increíble, y su optimización es muy buena. +Ser_Volodorn,-,5,-,false,-,Amazing game for all kind of players. More amazing for players who experienced the two previous (wonderful) titles of the series. Even more amazing for those who also read the books. This is the kind of game you'll definitely want to lock yourself away in your flat/basement/actually anywhere. And remember: something ends, something begins. +Woelfin,-,1,-,true,-,Ich habe das Spiel als download gekauft. Das herunterladen dauert zu lange. Das installieren klappt dann endlich nach zwei Tagen da dauernd patches fehlen oder sich überschreiben.(obwohl als kopie schon runtergeladen greift der load darauf nicht zu sondern lädt neu runter) blamabel.. auch das Spiel startet nicht. Nur schwarzer Bildschirm. Bin stinksauer... Pc ist neu und habe genug Speicher.. das kann es nicht sein. +Amaury.Garnier,-,5,-,false,-,Je suis un grand fan des jeux narratif et pour moi The Witcher 3 est le mélange parfait d'un scénario géniale, d'une mise en scéne sublime et d'un gameplay solide. Sans oublier des graphismes splendide. Jouez-y car ce serait un crime de passer à coté de l'expérience vidéoludique la plus pure du moment. +eJarkko,-,3,-,true,-,At core, game is about running/galloping/poleterting (teleporting thru road sign poles) around in kind of limitless world, even I seem to hit end of the world often.. Missions are executed with sword in hack&slash style without real alternatives how to proceed. Player may influence environment by clearing areas from monsters. You kill last monster and suddenly tens of people materialize and start to work in area like nothing happened... But oh my, why would any company let such combat system, user interface thru QA? Interface is plagued by unresponsive movement controls, incomprehensive combat system / buff management. I would actually like to use my 30 days money back guarantee as game is not really enjoyable, due lack of immersion, as it is now. But lets see, maybe there will be an update or two that improve the gameplay. +Ivan4gaming,-,5,-,false,-,After beating this game on Death March I've found myself in a position that there is no rpg worth playing anymore compared to this one. This game is slap in the face to all others of its genre, and it is not one of the best, it is THE best rpg (if not THE game) of all time. It has only one major flaw.. it has an end :) +nipplehunter,-,5,-,false,-,Before the release of this game I thought that having all the trailers on loop and replaying TW1 & 2 since their release would prepare me for this unholy experience in the last instalment of the Witcher trilogy, oh how I was wrong. Beyond a doubt this is the greatest RPG ever created with a world that will have you immersed from the beginning right to the end with a story that will grip you by the balls and keep you running back to your computer until finished. Constantly receiving updates from the most generous games developer CDPR that continue to deliver. This is a must buy for every gamer. Thank you CD Projekt Red. +yasharlei,-,5,-,true,-,I was playing Witcher 1 with various endings, then use the saves to Witcher 2 (played this one for both sides with various endings). Now the Witcher 3 comes and I am using the saved games to have multiple beginnings. Its great, how the story changes with this features. From the first minutes till the end, the game is breath taking. You feel the decissions consequences, you fear the monsters when you dont prepare for fight. You are hated and loved, and you hate and love others. Its not a game anymore, its interactive storyline with very deep and touching journey to find yourself. +BOLLA91,-,5,-,false,-,This game is absolutely amazing. +m0f0x,-,5,-,true,-,I have imported the saves from TW1 to TW2 and then from TW2 to this masterpiece. I regret no decision made. It was good to see characters from the prequels, the tattoo from TW2 :),... The game is very enjoyable and a true masterpiece to end this trilogy. Can't wait to play the expansions. I will miss Ciri! +Huybregts,-,4,-,true,-,Thrown in 200+ Hours now, after finishing the main questline i realised few games moved me the way TW3 did. Starting New Game+ after i've finished TW1&2 to grab a further hold of the story, in suspense of the coming Expansions...maybe i should buy the books aswell? 9/10 - Would buy a GTX 960 for this game again :) +dyddd1,-,5,-,false,-,So much to see, so much to do, and every piece fits together very smoothly. The world feels alive. I'm not a "hardcore" gamer and it's very hard to get me interested in new games, but this one is worth every cent. I have read (and loved) the books, and didn't think anything could be better than them, but CD Projekt Red proved me wrong. A stunning piece of art and entertainment for a mature taste. And "mature" doesn't mean just boobs and excessive violence, it means that this world also has dark philosophical themes, believable characters and all the unfair, gritty, disgusting and sad characteristics of a well-crafted medievalesque universe. The good, the bad and the ugly, all mashed into a tasty witcher stew. Flavored with feels. No comments on the difficulty though, because I've been playing on the easiest mode and it still gives me plenty of challenges. That's because I'm not a good player. 13/10 would murder newborn babies again. +olfosterlo,-,5,-,false,-,Where do I start? Well, from the beginning I suppose. I'd never played any Witcher game before TW3 but still decided to give it a go after one night craving to play a new RPG. I noticed TW3 and, one week after release, decided to give it a go. The next few weeks, I never stopped playing. Over the next few months, I kept coming back. Although others may not agree, I fell in love with the characters and story behind TW3. More so than I have ever done with any other game. After my first playthrough, I purchased the English translations of the Witcher books by Andrzej Sapkowski and looked for fan translations of those that weren't available. Then, I proceeded to buy the previous Witcher games and play them in chronological order carrying over my saves each time until I eventually got back to TW3. What then? I played it again. Not only are the characters and world beautifully crafted over 22 years through text, but also through visuals. Although TW3 does not look as good as some would've expected, It is still a beautiful world. There are magnificent sights to see and wonderous locations to explore. The art and design of the world truly reflicts a dark and dystopian world full of prejudice and racism. The world of TW3 is not afraid to show it's claws and is not afraid of scrutinisation. The closest comparison of the world of TW3 I can formulate is a cross between George R.R. Martin's GOT and J. R. R. Tolkien's LOTR. Both visually through the film and movie adaptations, and mentally through the horror and deep lore behind the world. If you enjoy RPGs or open world games, you would be a fool for not at least trying TW3. You will love the characters and you will love the world. I am almost sad that I will have to wait another 4 years at the least for another game and am definately sad to say goodbye to Geralt of Rivia. It is with 100% confidence that I can say, other games will have a tough time competing for Game of the Year. Yet, there is more TW3 content to come. +FancyGiraffe,-,5,-,false,-,I give it a 10/10. +Gomsei,-,5,-,false,-,It's a good one folks. +MinscB,-,5,-,false,-,Masterpiece +luka5z,-,5,-,false,-,I love how big the open world of the Witcher 3 is. +kdgog,-,3,-,true,-,But I just can't bring myself to play it any more. I had completed Witcher 1 (which was mostly a chore but I persisted) and Witcher 2 (much more enjoyable) but I think my expectations for Witcher 3 were just higher than it can deliver. Totally personal to me and my prejudices, but I just found so little niggling things that added up to frustrate me and keep pulling me out of the game. - The controls. Oh, how I hated them. My "use/activate" key to get on the horse - great. But pressing it again doesn't get off the horse - there has to be a separate key for that. Likewise my run/speed-up key should make the horse go faster - but no, that requires a different key (on top of the two speed keys you already have for Geralt). I jumped in the water - I have keys for down (crouch) and up (jump) - but no, you have to have separate keys for "dive" and "swim up". It all meant that instead of using a single set of controls I had to have more and more of them, spread out further and further. I felt like I was battling the interface. - There were all sorts of hovering text (names of people etc), continuously reminding me it was a game. I turned off the minimap, but the game took no account of what would really happen. Example - I was told "Ask the Nilfgaardians about Yennefer" I went up to all the Nilfgaardians I could find, and talked to them, but they didn't tell me anything. In real life they'd have sent me to their commander, or I could have asked where he was, but no - nothing. They were totally dumb. Frustrating. I hated having to bring up the map at all, it was full of icons giving away the locations of everything (including secret treasure caches - right there on the map, as if Geralt had been to Treasure Island and bought every map in the world, or was secretly plugged in to the Matrix. [Last two thirds of this can't be displayed due to arbitrary GOG review length, so I'll have to put the whole thing in my forum post instead: invisible walls, lack of choice etc.] +olo020,-,5,-,false,-,There's not much to say except that the games is excellent. The story is amazing, you love/love to hate the amazing caracters ,who are all really well writte. The map is huge and beautiful,the gameplay is solid( but let's be honest not without flaws). I just LOVE the game. I'd recommend it to anyone! +AndresCol,-,5,-,false,-,Simply, Amazing Work! GOTY!!! +Shisui970,-,5,-,false,-,At this point I don't think this game needs any more praise than it already had been given, however I just wanted to express my opinion; CDPR has nailed alot of things, let's begin; the combat animations are alot better than Witcher 2 or even Dragon Age Inquisition for that matter, the controls feel smooth and responsive, that goes for Geralt and every opponent including monsters, speaking of animations, I felt the mouth movements in dialogues were a little behind, so are the character animations when speaking, they just feel robotic and not very well polished, that, however, won't take away the cleverly and amazingly written dialogue, the jokes aren't cringe worthy they're actually funny and made me laugh several times, the spoken lines convery the game's story perfectly, adding to the atmosphere with interesting character personalities that actually carve a place in your memory, many other games don't do the character side justice, I also like the different accents especially the Skellige one, c'mon it's irish everyone loves the irish accent. Okay we're only at the tip of the ice berg, the character limit won't allow me to dive deeper so I'll "try" to make it as brief as possible, so, something else I'm sure everyone that played this game hates, is the "fall 5 feet and you're dead", the legendary Geralt of Rivia, the butcher of Blaviken, dies from a 5 feet fall in the grass, how's that for a news headline, I know it's a minor thing but I think it's worth mentionning, now onto the more good stuff; the story is very well conveyed and interesting, many many well placed plot twists even for secondary side quests, pretty impressive, the graphics are beautiful, armor designs are spot on, overall, it looks next gen and runs pretty well even on midrange hardware, no fps drops and such crap, it just works! although I wish the textures were a little bit more refined as in some places they look dull and dated. Come on, that's not enough characters :( anyways if you're still thinking about buying this game, just do it and make your dreams come true ;) +AlbertCole,-,5,-,false,-,The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has it all: Thrilling plot, memorable characters, complex moral choices, elaborate lore, rich and expansive open world, stunning visuals, excellent combat and so on and so on. Simply put: This game is the new gold standard for RPGs. A milestone and guaranteed classic of the genre. Thank you, CD Projekt, for this incredible journey. +lucasbredap,-,5,-,true,-,What can i say about witcher 3, so much emotion for a game the soundtrack is perfect with the environment, the immersion that this game brings in a whole new level, It's so perfect that I wanted to be able to erase the game of the mind and play again and again and again, becouse that brin a mix of nostalgia, curiosity, concern and willingness to explore all the possible possibilities for each specific scenario that the game brings. The only flaw, is at the end of the game, the characters full of stories that make you connect, and you will create a bond! They disappear and no longer appear in the game, there is no way to be their companies like npcs in the journey of exploring the game map that is huge. This game is a mix of emotions that I've never felt in a video game, it's like you are part of the world and everything that happens is important, I really hope to see new games from the witcher world because in the books the world is huge And there are so many possibilities to create a game or even with new characters created by CD projekt Red and not canonical, it is a very magnificent world not to be exploited. +counting2none,-,5,-,false,-,I'm going to be honest. I first pirated this game as the previous two titles in this series never really peaked my interest. I had purchased the first Witcher title on its release and was greatly annoyed with it's controls to a point where I simply didn't want to play anymore. The controls were addressed in the second title which I regretably never played through due to my dissapointment with the first. I played the pirated copy of Witcher 3 for a total of three hours before I could no longer continue without feeling guilt. These are developers that truly listen to the feed back of it's fans. Every issue I have had with the first tile is non existent. The story is amazing, the graphics are amazing and the controls (with a 360 controller) feel natural. This game is worth every copper at full price. There is so much story content and lore in this game, yet it doesn't overwhelm you or take away from the main plot. Everything has a way of just fitting into what you are doing and adds to the game. Even the treasure hunts and contracts, don't feel forced at all. The reactions of the npcs and characters are real, and you actually find yourself caring for these characters and wanting to know more about them. I haven't cared this much about a game's lore since Planescape: Torment. I will say, whoever thought it would be awesome to place interactive candles next to key npcs should get punched in jollies. They're everywhere, and they are annoying. I got this around release and have to say that I noticed few glitches and bugs. Those I did find were graphical issues and didn't take away from gameplay. Those have since been patched. RPG fans need to pick up this game, they won't be dissappointed. I can truly say, I can't wait for the expansions. +Xariez,-,5,-,false,-,As someone who havent touched a Witcher game before i really had no idea what to expect or what I was doing when i hit the Purchase button, but I did it. When I started the game up, I couldn't help but think it was a bad choice buying it. However, after a short while of playing, it really hooked me on. What can I say? HUGE Open world, great and solid storyline, allowing many situations where you actually have to think before saying your next phrase, or simply have to go on what feels better on the timed ones. The difficulty levels really do matter (Switched between Story & Sword aka. Normal and Blood and Broken Bones aka. Hard myself) for each step, and nothing gets thrown in your face as far as the story stuff goes. For example, you don't get introduced to a character in the same scene that you have to make a call that you would like to do first after knowing him/her for a while. As I said, great game, and definetely worth a shot in my opinion! +SpoilEverything,-,5,-,false,-,The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt es una experiencia única, la perfecta conclusión para una trilogía que nos acompaño por 8 años y el nacimiento de algo aún mayor. Un titulo imprescindible para fans del RPG y una obligación para cualquier otro jugador. Absolutamente inmenso y destacable como pocos, una maravilla audiovisual que no ha fallado en casi nada y que de no ser por algunos pequeños problemas en su contra estaría rozando la perfección. He invertido más de 100 horas de mi vida en terminar con esta aventura, y no sólo no me arrepiento de ello sino que te animo a que hagas lo mismo, Si hay un juego que puede plantar su bandera en lo más alto del género, es este. Análisis completo en Spoil Everything: https://spoileverything.wordpress.com/2015/06/15/review-the-witcher-3-wild-hunt/ Este análisis fue realizado con una copia del juego facilitada por el equipo de CD PROJEKT RED. +nimbold,-,5,-,false,-,I always tried some RPGs and after a while i was kinda bored about the game not having an actual point. you upgrade and get yourself some friends and dada dada dada. But this game has a great story and the way it tells the story is great. I can tell you i have never been bored in these 200+ hours of gameplay i had! The graphics, game mechanic and sound tracks are great and will keep you moving. already done my second play through and still thinking about the third one :D another thing worth mentioning is the company, CDPR. man, these people are great. they respect you not just as a gamer but an adventurer too. the game itself is finished and won't force you to buy season passes. after finishing the game i bought season pass and i can tell you that it was the best thing. it's not like some set of armor or side quests, it's actually another story that worth getting it. I hope CDPR keeps doing what they are doing not like other companies that see gamers only as wallet. #TeamYen +Nojd,-,2,-,true,-,Плюсы: - Графика. Картинка в игре просто загляденье. Таким красивым локациям, как в этой игре, даже не нужны квесты. Можно часами ходить разглядывая все закоулки и ничуть от этого не уставая. - Звук. Мелодии в игре приятные и запоминающиеся. - Озвучка. Актёров дубляжа в кои-то веки приятно слушать, а некоторые из них просто превзошли самих себя. - Гвинт. Увлекательная мини-игра. Минусы: - Сюжет. Именно ради него фанаты серии и покупали эту игру, рассчитывая получить продолжение лихо закрученного сюжета из второй части. А что же мы получили? Вместо того, чтобы рассказать о противостоянии королевств, о дворцовых интригах и заговорах, о которых можно было столько всего написать, нам дают каких-то стереотипных киношных злодеев, желающих уничтожить/поработить мир, а все остальные события отодвигают на второй план. Хотите решить судьбу королевства в два клика? Нет проблем! Может быть убить короля в один клик? Ради бога. Всё ради удобства наших пользователей. Многие интересные, харизматичные персонажи получили лишь по паре строчек реплик. Даже дикая охота, которая во второй части была каким-то непонятным, таинственным, пугающим явлением, в третей части превратилась в быдло-толпу мальчиков для битья. - Игровая механика. Отточенную, доведённую до ума боевую систему и систему раскачки персонажа из второй части полностью убрали и заменили чем-то невнятным. - Перенос сохранений. Сделан только для галочки. Почти ни на что не влияет. Вывод: Фирма CD Projekt погналась за прибылью и стала второй Electronic Arts. +Dephite,-,4,-,false,-,Great Graphics, but also a 500€+ graphics card for stable 60 Fps... Great story, decisions have an impact but not a gamechanging except for 3 of more than 100. +SoManyGoblins,-,5,-,false,-,This game is a masterpiece of the genre. The quests are interesting and actually meaningful, the dev team proved that even a small reward quest can be fun and engaging. The visuals are, in my opinion, unparalleled: stunning sunsets, wind moves trees and grass in a natural fashion, light rays pierce tree cups, it's simply amazing. The sounds and music are incredibly fitting, voice acting is superb for all NPCs. Battles are fun and challenging, this is not Assassin's Creed where you're invincible no matter how many attackers, you can be easily killed if careless. The potion and alchemy system in this game are an innovation (at least haven't seen it before myself in previous AAA RPGs), you brew the potions and get to use them over and over, they are auto replenished after resting provided you have some ingredients, so it's less of a hassle and is not like in other games where you keep saving your potions for that last boss. Gathering ingredients for crafting is thankfully not as annoying as in other games, though you're still forced to get down from your horse (which is a bummer), but alchemy ingredients spawn seemingly randomly all over the place, not exactly fun, but decent system (I still hate crafting, unfortunately they did not manage to make it fun, but it's not required). There is some hand holding, which is my main nuisance, you keep getting quests where you need to use your witcher senses, but you're prompted to do so, so it's completely pointless! other than that, it's tough enough and the hand holding is just a little patronizing and annoying, but can be easily ignored because of the overall quality of everything else. Huge world, epic storyline, awesome characters, great music, immersive world, this game has it all. Could live without the stupid crossbow and bombs, they serve no purpose and Geralt never used them, goes against the character. Oh, and the Triss Merigold alternative outfit is incredibly ill conceived, pure and pointless fan service. +Fenixp,-,4,-,true,-,Witcher 3 is one of the most disappointing games I have played in a long time, while at the same time being one of the best ones. There are many reasons for me coming to that conclusion, mainly weird open world design, the game pretty much ignoring all my previous choices in the game and CD Project turning away from what they turned out to do so well in Witcher 1 and 2 and jumping on the open world bandwagon for some reason. If you're interested in me somewhat expanding on these thoughts, feel free to look at my full feelz on GOG discussion boards - http://www.gog.com/forum/the_witcher_3_wild_hunt/witcher_3_my_favourite_disappointment +styxger,-,5,-,true,-,Ich war von Witcher 2 schon gefesselt und begeistert. Es hatte Macken - ja, aber hat trotzdem unfassbar viel Spaß gemacht. Witcher 3 hat dem ganzen jetzt die Krone aufgesetzt. Es könnte sein, dass es das beste Spiel ist, das ich je gespielt habe. Die Quests sind mit einer unglaublichen Liebe zum Detail gemacht. Nach gut 40 Stunden Spielzeit habe ich mich bei noch keiner Quest gelangweilt. Das Charaktersystem finde ich ebenfalls ziemlich gut und ausgewogen. Winziger Minuspunkt ist die Grafik, die ich mir besser vorgestellt habe. Das stört aber in diesem großartigen Spiel keineswegs. Wenn ich mein Leben lang nur eine Kaufempfehlung geben dürfte, wäre es The Witcher 3. +adilesen123,-,5,-,false,-,Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a masterpiece, i've never see that kind of rpg since witcher 2, but its different. You can do EVERYTHING, what an amazing world, amazing story and amazing gameplay. It deserves GOTY 10/10 +chiaz,-,5,-,true,-,This is the perfect combination of combat + exploration and story. I play games since before Atari. I can say that this is the best game i got my hands on. Amazing combat, great characters, i feel like i am in a true world and not the copy paste of many games out there. You cara about the characters and i just love to be Geralt of Rivia. For me is tw2 » tw1 » tw3. Take note rpgs out there! +patelsahil9,-,5,-,false,-,THE TITLE SAYS ALL...!!!! +DONOTSHAKE,-,5,-,true,-,Good game, yes? +cladoctb1,-,5,-,false,-,ХОРОШАЯ ИГРА +Limful,-,5,-,false,-,Крутая игрушка. +Wolf117Warrior,-,5,-,false,-,C'est l'un de mes Jeu RPG favoris :) +PRaetorian_13,-,5,-,true,-,Не особо ждал выхода, т.к. не играл в предыдущие части. Но после релиза решил попробовать, т.к. слышал много хвалебных отзывов об игре и не пожалел! Сначала играл в пиратскую версию, но мне очень нравится политика разработчика касаемо защиты (они ее не ставят), так что решил поддержать их и приобрел лицензию, о чем не жалею. Игра отличная, все советую! +Ryusakii,-,5,-,false,-,blablabla add me firend phil! +Frixsis,-,5,-,false,-,Funny Best game of the Witcher collection. 5/5 Best RPG this year. I love it. +UltimateBuitre,-,5,-,true,-,One of the best RPGs ever made. The love that CDPR impregnates to this, their magnum opus, shines above all its faults. A must for every GoG library out there. +ltm3x6,-,5,-,false,-,This game is hands down one of (if not the) best fantasy role playing games I have played. I don't need to tell you the good parts, this game has an avg rating of 5/5 for a reason, so I'll just say that your horse is an idiot, and that some pathing through mountains could have been done better. Everything else is stellar. BUY THIS GAME!!!! +chaoticgenius,-,5,-,false,-,There is almost nothing wrong with this game. It is amazing. Open world greatness. You will not regret this purchase. +turgot,-,2,-,true,-,this game is about "what a beatuful landscapes this engine alow to draw" worst level design: horse some times stuck on clear road. Sometimes you have to reload hundeds of times just because you die too easily (one or two hits) worst crowd control: Geralt can throw bomb just away from enemies, or can throw not in the one who you looking at (if you are using quick throw, auto). If you have time to aim > you have enough space (enemies can't get to you too fast) > you don't need to use bombs, just lure one, kill, lure next, repeat till all dead > boring. Fighting in close quarters becomes real pain: often you don't see where to jump to avoid been hit thus you dead. Riposte often just don't work > you dead. Avoiding being hit it's just one big mistake. It was good in w2 how did you manage to make it so bad in w3? retreat from fight: you just can't. Enemies allways faster than you. If enemie close enough you can't run. mini games, gwent. To play a card you have to click enter ot space 5 times or wait ~a minute! Seriously? All this "your turn"........ "enemie turn"....... "end turn"...... "start turn"...... just killing this game. Conclusion: wait till big sale and play it on some lower difficulty lvl just for story if you like previous games. +berans99,-,5,-,false,-,Game of The Year that's all I can say. +myachister,-,5,-,false,-,The Witcher 3 is overall everything I have ever wanted to have in a video game. It is beautiful, it is full of content, it is smooth, and a blast to play. If you like a game where the creators put so much thought and effort into pretty much every element of the game that it turns out to be of incredibly high quality you're at the right place. What more could you ask for in a game? Chances are if you do ask for it, they'll do it. CD Projekt Red is amazing, they listen to the fans, and they continually update the game. They include free dlc, and the paid expansion is actually an expansion. They are everything right with the video game industry. Count me as a fan for life. +freemanrc4,-,4,-,false,-,hey PP !! ;) je suis la :D +ETKiller,-,5,-,false,-,einfach ein Hammer Spiel +douw87,-,5,-,false,-,waouuuuuuu very good game +sephiroth87,-,5,-,false,-,very good game +alexjr1984,-,5,-,true,-,If you want to know exactly what this game is all about, Buy it. Don't look at the price, don't think, just buy it. :) Take a deep breath, you now have in your "hands" one of the top five best games ever made. Nothing left to do but start playing. Thank you CD PROJEKT RED. You are all awesome. Would have a snowball fight with Ciri again 1000000/10 +KiShoniak,-,5,-,false,-,Fajna bardzo gra, jeszcz nje przeszłem ale podoba mi sie ta graficka +koba123,-,5,-,false,-,Its a must have +SusBel,-,5,-,false,-,Este juego vale cada euro de lo que cuesta. Es el juego definitivo, después de él los demás juegos (los que ya existen) no se ven igual y al menos para mí, los que vengan, ya pueden ir aprendiendo. La historia, "el fondo" del asunto, es buenísima. Es cierto que se puede jugar perfectamente sin haber pasado por los Witcher anteriores, pero te pierdes muchas cosas. También es verdad que se puede jugar sin haber leído los libros, pero te pierdes todavía más. Tus decisiones importan. De hecho, muchas veces no eres consciente de que esa decisión que has tomado pueda tener alguna repercusión en el futuro, hasta que llega el momento. El Gwynt. Soy una maldita adicta al gwynt. Necesito el gwynt. Me encanta el gwynt. Si sacan un juego de gwynt independiente, me lo compro. El mejor de todos los minijuegos dentro del juego. Según le vas cogiendo el tranquillo, es como una droga.... Mmmm, ¿he dicho que me gusta el gwynt? La banda sonora..... Me parece buena, tampoco como para tirar cohetes como opinan algunos, pero para gustos están los colores. Las voces: Perfectas. De hecho, aunque hicieran una versión con el doblaje de las voces al castellano, dudo mucho que la utilizara. Los doblajes son perfectos, las voces son increíbles, lo hacen de maravilla. La voz de Geralt es simplemente maravillosa.... Veamos... ¿qué significa de verdad un juego de "rol"? Significa meterte en la piel del personaje, tomar sus decisiones sabiendo que son las propias, vivir sus cuitas como si fueran las tuyas, ser, durante unas horas ese personaje que ves en pantalla. Y este juego me ha dado eso. Hay misiones con las que he reído, otras con las que me he indignado, en otras me he sentido una marioneta, otras han sido un reto moral y ético e incluso hay alguna con la que he llorado. Pero sobre todo, las he disfrutado. No hablaré del "downgrade" gráfico de las narices, me parece una chorrada irrelevante. En resumen: PERFECTO. 10/10. +manonthemun,-,5,-,true,-,too busy playing to write a review :) +JahbuLP,-,5,-,false,-,BUY IT! +SoftisDeluxe,-,5,-,false,-,Controlls and combat is good. Much Interaction and a great story. I have problem with Performance but the game is extremly good. +JosephL,-,5,-,false,-,i got the game and it says there is nothing in my inventory, and when i click on play, after a few seconds it turns green again, pls help +Nich44556,-,5,-,false,-,This was simply the best game I've ever played. With a masterful story, amazing combat, and stunning graphics its a must have! +Frange23,-,5,-,false,-,First of all, I want to say that before I played The Witcher 3, I've never been a fan of RPGs, and I was not really familiar with The Witcher universe (I did not play TW1 or TW2, never read Sapkowski novels - just had some slight knowledge and that's it). I just saw ads on YouTube, then aI watched several videos on YouTube devoted to this game from developers (before its lauch) - and it attracted my attention, and I decided to buy it and play it. And I did buy it, and now I must say I was really impressed by CD Projekt RED game. Things I like most of all in TW3 are: - stunning graphics (I play on PC); - charismatic characters, especially Geralt and Yen; - diversity of quests and types of quests; - huge open worldability to decide yourself what to do and when, great freedom of choice for gamer; - interesting, immersive story (even for a guy who knew almost anything about The Witcher universe before to play TW3), ability to construct the storyline in your own way (I mean you decide yourself which quests to do and when: f.ex., you may just do the main ones, or you might do some main, then some side, some contracts and then return to main story); - a lot of ways to develop yout character in terms of appearance, skills, armor, weapon etc. Really, I have no words to express my delight and my gratitude to CD Projekt RED! Whatever I said, that would not be enough, probably. So I just give 5 stars to The Witcher 3 and write all that. Yes, at the moment, there are some other AAA-games to come in 2015, but right now The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is definitely #1 candidate for GOTY! +thepunisher7,-,5,-,false,-,jadiste +CptBarbossa,-,5,-,false,-,...mit wunderbarer Story und super Grafik. Manchmal mangelt es an der Steuerung (oder Plötze ist einfach nur störrisch) aber das merkt man selten, da man dermaßen von diesem Spiel gefessel wird. +Omnerabdator,-,5,-,true,-,Amazing...just amazing!! i cant think of any words good enough to describe how much i love this game. well done +fuggernugget4,-,5,-,false,-,I don't even know what to say. I love you CD Projekt Red! You guys constantly come out with the greatest games out there. And i love it. The games you guys create, they're just perfect. They're High quality, Rich in story, and always have excellent gameplay. Im gonna miss this franchise when its finished. Im gonna miss playing as Geralt of Rivia. And finally, i'm gonna miss Vernon Roche and his overly patriotic personality. +messala,-,5,-,true,-,From now, all new generation game have a star to follow. The Witcher 3 is the best game ever made! Not only by its astonishing graphics and animations, which per se are breathtaking, nor by the playability, that is a solid step forward in game evolution, nor even by the charismatics characters, that we loved since The Witcher 1 or by their backgrounds histories (which always was amazing, much before The Witcher 3 be imagined), and still not by the terrific lore from the Witcher's world... it's all about the storytelling! The Witcher 3 brought me from the laughs to the tears, from the scare to the jubilation... for the very first time, I've really felt the need to help people, to now what is happening to "my" (Geralt's) friends, to fight for the weaks (personified in Geralt), even in some side quests, I caught me so engaged to the gameplay, that I get to get really tired, sad, angry or frustrated, behind the control, while dealing with such pains resultant from the war in the game. And I also caught myself (as Geralt) being loyal to what I think be the most closest to the true love of Geralt: Yennefer. It's equally amazing the furious expression of Geralt when he's close to start a fight against a "monster" til the death and the expression of a silly boy staring his first love when talking to Yenn... it's so embarrassingly natural and real, how many times we fell in love this way? Most of the time it happens only once, and yet it may be so rapturous and so fleeting at the same time. This game was a gift. I can only thank you for that. =] +MPie,-,5,-,false,-,Ein sehr toller Titel. Macht nach 100 Stunden spielen immer noch gleich viel Spaß. Sehr gut optimiert und sehr hübsch anzusehen. Würde es mir immer wieder kaufen :) +disintegratorx,-,5,-,true,-,The best game ever. This is a perfect example of what time and dedication looks like. My favorite game. The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt. +oh_crispy,-,5,-,false,-,fdhdf +Monaytut,-,5,-,false,-,Gooood! +SantiagoG,-,5,-,false,-,The Best Ever +Linkz98,-,5,-,false,-,Undoubtly the best game I have ever played and a fitting end to the best dark fantasy RPG series that will ever be. 179.5 hours where put into the first playthough of this game. Im currenting waiting on New Game Plus to start my second play though. It runs at a constant 30fps+ on my Lenovo Y510p 755m SLI laptop with mixed med/high settings at a reduced resolution, a testament to the time CDPR spent on coding the game. The breadth of choices and openness in this game is astounding and the voice acting and beautifuly detailed world bring life to The Witcher in a way I never thought possible in a game. Bethesda and EA should sit up and take notice and salute what CDPR has managed to accomplish. They have set the bar higher then ever before for open world RPGs and did so on the heel of Fallout 4, unless they (Bethesda) have really upped their quility standards its going to look like we just stepped back in time whenever their game is released but then again Im sure nobody will notice and praise it blindingly. All in all this game left an impact on me that will not soon be forgotten and I look forward to the expansions with baited breath. Thank you CDPR for making feel like a kid again and not subscribing to the DLC and gold digging shenanigans of all the other game companys out there. You have a loyal customer for life. +DerDUDI,-,5,-,false,-,Hey guys, the Game is great, but I just want to add my buddy. Cya and buy the game +Abradolph_Lincler,-,5,-,false,-,This is like cocaine for my eyes. I r8 8/8, m8. Pass teh w33d +Druif,-,1,-,false,-,Oke, I love this game and before I instaled the 16 Free DLC my game worked just fine and I would give it 5 stars. But after... I pres play and wait 5 seconds. Then my screen turns black and I think "Time fore some monster slaying" After 2 seconds the game shuts down and I am back at the GOG page where I can click PLAY. I have the feeling that I can cry right now. I realy love this game and I just want to play damn it! After the black screen it even says that i have played just a second ago. So if someone knows what I need to do please, just please tel me. Cause I don't know. +LordBalder,-,5,-,true,-,Probably the best game I've ever played... The world is beautiful, characters realistic, quests are fantastic... It is amazing, epic RPG experience... Downsides include few bugs and that story is not so good as was the last one (Assassin of Kings)... +Sindalif,-,5,-,false,-,Ganz tooool +iMonkeyx3,-,5,-,false,-,Ich bin begeistert +stalone,-,5,-,false,-,игра вобще классная.вобще огонь.мне очень понравилась хотелбы чтобы еще одна часть вышла.надеюсь что выпустят.хочу сказать спасибо разработчикам за эту игру.а сечас жду оссенее дополнение сразу его куплю. +ALiHANDR0,-,5,-,false,-,Одная из лучших +xlodosx,-,5,-,false,-,BEST FIRM EVER I LOVE YOU AND YOU GAMES !!! YOU WILL RULE OVER ALL GAMES IF YOU MAKE SO GOOD GAMES +mjolnir91,-,5,-,false,-,After falling in love with the witcher series by playing hours of the witcher, I couldn't be more excited for a second part. After giving up half my social life just to play Assassin of Kings the time has come to say everyone goodbye... The wild hunt is here. Truthfully, I was possibly even more amazed by the fact my pc could run it, but I'm glad it can. Landscapes are hauntingly beautiful and detailed, facial animations are stunning, dialogues deep and intrueging. Every quest has a story behind it, choices you have to make meaningful. Combat is still a bit clunky in my opinion, but then again I'm one of the few whom liked the combat system from part one. This one is a little dodgier (literally) but has it grace as well. Must play for a true RPG lover! +gabrielhitman12,-,5,-,false,-,A lot of people will compare this game to the elder scrolls series, as they should because both are titans in this genre. Although i dont think anyone can deny that this game envolves you much more maybe not in his world ravaged by war like skyrim does well, but it sure makes you feel invested in the characters. You belive in Geralt, you believe in Vasemir and you believe in Tris Merigold. Characters in this game dont feel like mindless NPCs but sapient beings with structured personalities. You will like some characters and hate others and diferent people will like and hate different characters. This shows how much work has been put in character and story development. I believe this game will be played and remembered for many years to come and will be a beacon for all RPGs to come, CDP Red just raised the bar for the entire genre of open world RPGs. Couple that with the great talent that is CD Projekt red nad the respect they give to people who purchased their game by giving out free dlc content and taking their time to polish a game that is both beautifull as it is stunning. Will Miss Geralt and i hope they continue the series as the PoV of Ciri although this is an amazing last installment for Geralt i would like to see this company perfect their craft in the open world rpg genre and continue this big powerfull franchise they got in their hands Music is Orgasmic, Breathing world with breathing characters, Gigantic player control on how they play and costumize both their Geralt and their adventure. One of those games that when you see a image or video of it after you play that will make you want to play again. Congratulations CDP Red +Stysner,-,5,-,true,-,Way better than expected. Runs beautifully, even on midrange hardware (R9 270). Frequent updates, free dlc, DRM free if you want, the way it should be! CDProjektRed gets it. Now for the actual game. Incredible amounts of stuff to explore. Almost all sidemissions are stories, a lot of them need to be followed to uncover information that can be necessary to complete the quest through preparation (high difficulty setting, you're about the same level as the quest). They're not just blank fetch quests or dull fights in repeating environments, every one is truly unique. Gwent. A cardgame. Totally optional. Lame right? No. Deckbuilding, decent complexity, collecting of cards, fun rules, strategies will actually mean something, takes hours to complete the gwent-related sidequests, and doesn't feel like a chore. The main story... Wow. Great writing, interesting characters, incredible attention to detail. Can't talk negatively about this, it's just fantastic, go discover it! The gameplay. What you would expect after all the praise this game has been getting. The fighting isn't boring or buttonmashing (maybe on the easiest setting it can be, but you'll get destroyed on the two harder difficulties). The skill tree is kinda meh, to be honest, but it doesn't take away the fun of fighting. What I mean with "meh" is that you don't REALLY have a choice of what to upgrade. You can go full alchemy, but it won't help much. You just can't go full signs (magic), because fast stamina recharge takes longer to get, and all the while you'll deal little damage. But still, it's really fun and challenging to fight! The item collecitng / loot is really fun. You'll find a lot of garbage if you do it right (meaning crafting the Witcher Gear when you can makes a lot of magic / rare items of higher level redundant or even laughable). If you like atmosphere, great story and a challenge, this game is for you. If you wan't to play on easy and enjoy the environment, this game is for you. GOTY +Cmdr-Dan,-,5,-,false,-,JUST AMAZING..... It take some getting use to it, but when you get the hang of it, it's and incredible game. The storyline, the side quest, the sorcerer missions, and so on and so on.... pure magic. Again GREAT game and storyline. +Fenris1389,-,5,-,false,-,You get 5 stars from a guy who said: better RPG than Gothic2? Never! Good job RED you did it. +bconnors07,-,5,-,false,-,TLDR -Ran across a beautiful field -Spotted some wolves -Died -Restarted from auto-save -Died -Met a witch -Had sex with her -She killed me -Retry -Shot a crossbow to her face -Victory 10/10 Would killbang another witch ----------------------------------------------------- Honestly, Witcher 3 is fantastic. The dialogue is deep and emotional, the choices are difficult and impactful, and the soundtrack is more immersive than any other game I have played. You can hear the wind howling against the trees. You can hear Geralt's footsteps, his breathing, his sword as he swings it toward an enemy. The graphics are jaw-dropping and utterly amazing. I love this game, and I will support CD Projekt as long as they don't become Square Enix. Thank you for what you have created. +phogan,-,1,-,true,-,The camera bounces all over the place when doing combat with a mouse and keyboard. It's frustrating and has completely ruined this game for me. +UtileDulci,-,4,-,false,-,Still playing, will write more once done. +vondervattimeitis,-,1,-,false,-,I have 4 ghz amd processor 16 gb ram 2gb ddr5 nvidia but I cant even play it at very low settings btw I'm running gta 5 at high settings with 60 fps I cant write a review about this game because I cant even play it +Neverwinterx,-,5,-,false,-,The witcher 3 is an awesome game. The story is excellent and the graphcis are marvelous (the sunsets are a beauty to behold). The game world is large and there is so much to do (119h played, lvl35). The side quests are fun and the gwent card game is a fun game on its own. I had the good queen ending to the game and allthough that's a good ending, it left me feeling kind of melancholical and a bit sad, great that a game can have such an emotional impact. There are also a lot of funny moment in the game that had me laughing out loud and there are plenty of funny references to other games or movies. There are a few items that are not so good though: - What happens with Ciri in the end is determined by a few ridiculous micro choices from which it's hard to tell what the effect will be. It has a bit of the same problem as the original mass effect: the short sentences on screen don't reflect properly what that choice entails. You just have to try out both options and if you know what to look for then you know what effect it will have. For the biggest choice in the game that determines the whole ending this feels very unsatisfying and cheap. The biggest flaw in the game in my opinion. - Some choices in the story are more black/white than grey like in the previous games. - If you romance Triss and Yen then it's strange you are not forced to make a choice, the effect that has on the ending is strange and unsatisfying. It's also inconsistent: throughout the whole witcher series you sleep with lots of women and now suddenly there are consequences? - Lots of filler content. The amount of question marks on the map at sea on skellige is ridiculous. - You can't chose a lot of skillpoint and it doesn't feel like the ones you do chose make a lot of difference. It's the new weapons and armor and extra hp each level that make you strong. - Bugs. I played with patch 1.06 and then 1.07 after a whiel and there are still a lot of bugs. Patch 1.07 made it even worse and added more bugs. +IncredibleHawk,-,5,-,false,-,A huge thank you to CD Projekt Red! Thank you, for giving rpgs fans an amazing immersive experience with the Witcher 3. It's been a while since I been absorbed and invested in the characters, storylines, and lore within a game's universe. I've not seen such effort, thought, and polish put into a game in years. I often think about my journeys riding Roach across the fantastisical game world. Without a doubt, CD Projekt Red has risen my expectations in the rpg genre. +amandeepkumar13,-,5,-,true,-,BEST. GAME. I'VE EVER PLAYED. +HeRo2055,-,5,-,false,-,Best Game Ever +jipchen,-,5,-,true,-,I've been playing games and especially RPGs since around 2001, starting with Gothic 1. I have pretty much played every notable RPG ever since, and the Witcher 3 is the best I've ever played - it is exactly the right amount of open-world game where you can explore for hours and hours, but you're still drawn to the excellent characters and main-story of the game (unlike the Elder Scrolls titles, which I love - but the main quests are redundant) and you can't wait to find out what happens next. The incredibly detailled and rich background / world of the Witcher helps of course, and CD Projekt implemented it masterfully. The music and sound effects are incredibly good, the graphics are not just goodlooking but create a dense atmosphere and a level of immersion I have not witnessed before. Buy this game, support this studio because apparently they really care about good games and fair policies, and they seem to get better with every game they release. I can't wait for their next games (Cyberpunk 2077 *cough*) and addons. Keep doing what you're doing CD Projekt RED! +abramov,-,5,-,false,-,раз прошол играю самую сложную насмерть +DaniV3392,-,5,-,false,-,Titoooooooooo +canaithlydian,-,5,-,true,-,I remember so many failed sequels to great computer games. I remember Knights of the Old Republic 2 and Mass Effect 3.... such failures from the perspective of stories and ambitious projects. So when I started Witcher 3 and realized its ambition, I amost expected the eventual place in the game where things start to fall apart. That never happened. Everything about this game is well beyond any of its peers. The game feels open, yet there is a driving, emotional pull of the storyline. The story is huge. I kept expecting to be at the end, only to be led into the next chapter that was even bigger. The side quests are often big stories themselves, and often have a way of connecting to something else. You could wander the countryside for a week just exploring, too, if that is your thing. I think that after 2 play throughs I haven't seen half of what there is to find. The acting is awesome, and the animations are tremendously good at conveying emotion. Triss and Yen are both a very big deal that is very well done. The only thing that isn't perfect was that so many of the non-important characters share faces, not that it affects the story at all. My first play through was played on an older computer on low graphics and I loved the game. My second was on a new computer with a modern graphics card on ultra settings.... absolutely beautiful, and I loved the game. The second time I experienced many game crashes until I installed an Nvidia driver hot patch for chrome and alt-tab errors and patch 1.07. After that the game never crashed on me. I don't know how any game could follow this one. It is the most impressive and fun RPG that I've ever played. +pannonian75,-,4,-,false,-,I have all 3 of them now, and Witcher 3 is the best of the bunch, with Witcher 1 as 2nd. For some reason, I didn't enjoy W 2 as much, perhaps there was a great deal of lacking the hardware requirements at the time, but I did manage to put in at least 30 hours. For Witcher 3 - I'm beyond 70hrs already and I'm far from finishing it. I can't give 5 stars though and some may find, my criticism is just a certain point of view, or somehow the positives overshadow the negatives. I go with the negatives first: 1. Camera angle is something I'm not so found of, whether it's Witcher 1, 2 or 3. I'm just not fan of the over-the-shoulder camera, which could also become a nuisance in tight places and certain positions. 2. Picking up items can be annoying as well, sometimes the highlight (E) just doesn't want to work. 3. Inventory management can be a chore. Having only 2 potions hotkeyed is just as well annoying. Especially, if I have to go through 3 menu screens to equip something else. Crafting and figuring out what can be used as an upgrade can be also overwhelming and there are plenty of redundant stuff and nit-picking has to be done, before a single potion or an equipment can be created. The novelty wears off after the 10th sword or armor crafted. There are also some glitches and bugs regarding movement and function, which I won't go in, due to limited space for this review. Beside those points, everything else is a big positive, especially the amount of interesting missions with narratives and good rewards. +Zorbarg,-,5,-,false,-,Ya know, this game is a solid purchase all around. Playing as Geralt, the Man Himself, you get to travel the land of the Northern Realm, and then some! Alongside that, you get to bust everyones chops in anyway you please, creating a dynamic tale for Geralt and his pals. Don't forget about the sorceress pootang on top of it all! ;^d +Soroxas15,-,5,-,false,-,The Witcher is so far my GOTY for 2015 and was worth the wait. It is a masterpiece. Best RPG of this generation. +ForeveraPlayer,-,5,-,true,-,Imagine the perfect RPG, where there's this huge open world, with details at every corner, that has a strong narrative and high-quality side-quests. CDProjekt did the same, but they've actually made it happen. This is the first open-world that I actually enjoyed, the first that I found to be full of life. In this regard, it's like a skyrim that doesn't need mods. The landscapes are beautiful and they will hypnotize you into exploring them and you won't feel used, cheated, because there is something in every corner, whether it's a chest, monster, or a sidequest that despite the fact that it affects a small group of people, feels grand due to the high quality of the cinematics it involves. Their narative is surprisingly well written; you'll end up loving the world of the witcher. There are five and varied regions. There's White Orchards, where you start, a place where you can see how war changes people and ultimately, the place. Velen is a nice place to spend your summer and to visit ruins, villages, cursed towers. Novigrad is an elegant city, that fits into fantasy yet it looks stunning in modern days. Mages are hunted, there's a spymaster and some political game changers, there are brothels, high class and low, a cabaret and many other attracions. Skellige is one of the most beautiful places I've seen in a video game. So beautiful, that I'd give all I have to live there. It is a cold, colorful where it counts, with people that have their different customs, where things simply look more interesting to explore, due to the monsters that inhabit the place and the nordlings looking for glory. It's the place where the most of the strange things happen. Last, but not least, there's Kaer Morhen, the school of the wolf, where there is surprisingly a lot more stuff to do than you'd expect. In all those places, there are tons of things to do, all masterfully crafted. There isn't a thing that will bore you. When people tell how great the game is, none exagerate. +BoiNguyen,-,5,-,false,-,Spending the past 5 hours into the game so far, no rushing just chilling and immerse myself into this beautiful virtual world. Everything that seems unreal and never like anything i've played before. Things that i really love about the game are - The combat of this game feel so smooth and realistic, when i say "realistic" its more the movement of the main character from walk, riding the horse. The pace its not too fast but not too slow. Its the perfect kind of moment that i was expecting to have in an third person RPG games these day, -The landscapes are beautiful that makes me stay still just to watch it sometimes, not to mention the amazing dynamic weather system it does really makes me want to jump into the game to take a shower when it comes to rain. - Main story " well what can i say, simply i would give it a score 10/10 to make it short the rest you just gonna taste it yourself. But last not least while im writing this review my mind my soul keeps calling me back to the game to continue my journey to find the lost HOT looking CIRI. BTW thank you CD Projekt RED for creating this most amazing game. BEST GAME OF THE YEAR!!!! Worth every single hard earned penny of that 70$ ive paid for. +SiwyPatron97,-,5,-,false,-,Game Of The Year for me. Dziękujemy CD Projekt Red!!! P.S. Can't wait for Redkit. +Paesino,-,5,-,false,-,Best RPG, GOTY 2015 +NomAlc,-,5,-,false,-,Ok, so I have been waiting for this game with great anticipation since completing the Witcher 2, which was a while ago. And oh boy, did the developers provided us with an Absolute Masterpiece of a game. Firstly, the story is probably the most interesting in any game that I have played. Voice acting, the sheer amount of content in the game, and the graphics of the game are astounishing to say the least. I bow my head low to the developers for creating this wonder, for putting so much effort in perfecting the game in every aspect. Thank you CDPR for this absolute gem. And the support for the game is no less astonishing. 16 Free DLC's, with constant patching that makes everything even better. Once again, I thank the whole team at CDPR for creating this Masterpiece and concluding the series with a pure epicness. The best series and the best game I have ever played!!!!! +Lukewalker,-,5,-,true,-,The first RPG I played was Fable and the following in the Series. I really liked them. After that I played Witcher 2, but couldn't really find any other RPGs as good as them. Witcher 3 is different from Fable, but tops it, when I leave the nostalgic factor beside ;) The gameplay is really immersive, the controlling is better than in Witcher 2 and even the full price is perfect for the hours of good gameplay you can get :D To make the experience perfect, there aren't really any bugs (at least for me) and the soundtrack is super. So: 5/5 -Lucanus :P +Koopre,-,5,-,true,-,Oras, porque não existem review's em português? Pois bem, que seja o primeiro, então! A tempos que eu vejo bruxas acontecerem, sabia do que se trata e afligia o que se vê... e por mais que se mostra-se um bom jogo, não dava muita bola, até que um dia eis a promoção das GTX's... - Olha quem vem lá; o tal, bruxo que tanto se ouve falar.- Disse, sem hesitar. - Oferta tentadora, tô precisando de uma placa, acho que vou comprar. - Uns novos "Dragões e Fus Ro Dah's", preferiria mais no entanto, esta bonito, então tanto faz.-Pensei. E assim recebi e hoje digo que não me arrependi; todavia, depois de uma longa jornada posso dizer: "Dragões não batem Bruxas", se você quer saber! PS: The Witcher 3 é bem melhor que Skyrim! PSS: Chola mais! +GamerGrill,-,5,-,false,-,Amazing. It feels like everything I've ever wanted from an RPG. A deep and intricate story set in a dark, diverse, and morally indifferent fantasy world. A tremendous and obsessively detailed open world to explore that feels alive and pulsating. Great combat and character skill development, with complicated systems that are easy to grasp but require attention to fully master. Hundreds of different weapons and items to buy and craft. I've never seen a videogame this huge have such ridiculously beautiful graphics either. This game does everything so well, and if purchased will steal your life for months on end. There are so many things to see and do, and all of them exciting and interesting. 10/10 +Hueesos,-,5,-,false,-,Me encantó, el sistema de combate, los gráficos, la trama, las conversaciones, todo, quiza falta un poco de optimizacion, mi 970 + 1090T todo en alto y densidad de la vegetación en ultra, y tiene unos graficasos increibles. +greed0710,-,5,-,false,-,Не столько отзыв, сколько желание поблагодарить ребят из CD PROJECT за их бережное отношение к славянской культуре и фольклору. Я поиграл во все "эпохальные" современные РПГ, вроде Диабло, ДАИ, МЕ (отличные игры, и в них я провел десятки часов), но никогда, за последнее время, не было ТАКОГО желания вернуться в этот мир, прочитать все книги, записки или дневники, как в этой игре. Почти каждый сайд-квест - это увлекательная история, которую хочется до конца пройти, а в каждом диалоге выбрать пункт, не относящийся к заданию, а просто послушать историю NPC. Скажу сразу, что покупал на ПС4, так что проблем с оптимизацией почти не заметил, но, судя по прошлому опыту, с ПК-версией могут быть проблемы. До кучи, нужно учесть, что все обладатели ПС4-версии бесплатно получают кучу дополнений (что для консолей - дикая роскошь), которые, правда, нужно отдельно(за бесплатно) загружать в PSN. Отдельно, касаясь локализации, могу сказать, что сначала начал играть с английской озвучкой и русскими субтитрами - казалось бы, идеальный вариант для "слабо знающих" этот язык. Ибо русские актеры слабо отличались по голосам(я, к слову часто путал Геральта и Весемира в диалогах), ускоряли свои реплики (программно, видимо, чтобы в мимику попасть) - забавно смотрелись диалоги двух "бурундуков" по поводу будущего нашего мира. Один и тот же перс мог с АБСОЛЮТНО разной интонацией произносить две реплики одного монолога и т.д. Но... С середины я начал проходить на русском, не потому, что что-то изменилось, а потому, что перевели всё очень аутентично... И мат, и фольклор и "термины". Мне как-то ближе "Волколак", а не werewolf, прибожек, а не Godling и т.д. Бестиарий - блеск! Ощущение, что читаешь старые сказки. Так что совет - играйте на русском, если это - ваш родной язык. Поморщитесь вначале, зато потом сполна погрузитесь в этот мир. +ZEBRADOOM,-,5,-,true,-,Friggin Good +davidrdlo,-,3,-,false,-,I cant have shields, the horse teleports and the game is too big, but the rest is OK. Overall its a good game. +EnviousMeat,-,5,-,true,-,love this game +swimmingchan,-,5,-,true,-,GOOD +BL00DYCHERRY,-,5,-,false,-,Amazing Game 10/10 <3 +Gamerwolf29,-,4,-,false,-,Leuft ganz gut, ausser halt ab und an kleine abstürtze mit nvidia treiber, aber für das das ich mit ner gtx 960 4 gb the witcher 3 ohne große Probleme spielen kann ist klasse, mal sehen wann patch 1.0.7 rauskommt +VladfromUkraine,-,5,-,false,-,Это диск,или это код активации??? +shaderkul,-,5,-,true,-,I usually dont bother writing reviews of any sort but in this case, I will have to make an exception. The Witcher 3: wild hunt is one of the best games Ive ever had the pleasure of playing and Ive been gaming since the days of Famicom. CD Project Red have succeded in creating a genre defining game right here and this will be the standard to which all other RPGs and indeed other genres will be judged. The attention to detail, the engaging story, even the sidequests are almost better than the main story (and thats saying something) all makes for a pretty amazing experience. I particularly enjoy the fact that every situation and decision you make is not black and white, its all a delicious cornucopia of greys shades that you have to weigh and balance internally. Even the minigame (Gwent) is loads of fun! And this is coming from someone who despises mini-games in general. I cant count the number of times Ive just stopped in my tracks and just admire the scenery for minutes, it looks that good. Sure, there are a few problems like how I would have liked better control of my inventory and an ability to search within it, but these are minor issues that could be traced to the Game being multi-platform. What I am saying in essence is that this is a game that is so, so much more than the sum of its parts and its been a long while since a game has made me pause it and go: "Damn! I love this game..." +Aszczurek,-,5,-,false,-,I didn' t finish, but I love this game, CDP <3 +Carrotstew,-,5,-,true,-,Is this one of the best games ever made? ... Yes. The Witcher 3 is the epic and final chapter in the Witcher Video Game trilogy. It is a game that proves that you don't have to sacrifice good storytelling in order to give the player freedom. The main story is excellent, fun and well written, and the best part is, that so are the side stories. They all feel important and meaningful (except maybe the witcher contracts, but hey, witchers have to eat too.) This game like it's predecessors feature great and fleshed out characters, great story telling an fun gameplay. The Combat from the Witcher 2 has been perfected and polished, and the signs have been made awesome again. The menus are way better than in the previous game and Geralt finally has a beard. The game also runs smoothly and it's a well polished game, I've personally not experienced any huge glitches or bugs, there were some hovering guts once after I killed a ghoul, but that's pretty minor stuff. Ultimately it does everything the old games did, but better, and then some, you now have extra activities, such as horse racing and Gwent, which is the new minigame, which is probably one of the greatest games withing a game ever. I spent a lot of time playing against people, and I realized that Geralt had become me, a bearded bum that will never pass up an opportunity to play some obscure trading card game. But I digress. Dice poker is no longer in the game, so if you looksed forward to that, then I have bad news for you. But overall I got little to no complaints about the game, it runs smoothly, it looks gorgeous and it's tons of fun. It's not perfect, but no games ever are, but so far it's the best game I've played all year, and it proves that CD PROJEKT RED, knows how to deliver great quality games, and this was their first open world game, ever. P.S. Just a warning, having a relationship with both Triss and Yennefer will end badly for you. +keshon,-,5,-,true,-,And the game goes for hours.. and hours. Witcher 3 is one of the most amazing role playing game I've ever played. Was (and still is) a big fan of Witcher 2 but this time CD Project made a true gem of Witcher series. It's exceptionally good on visuals, art, characters, the plot itself - I enjoyed every piece of it and wish you could do too. This game shows what role playing game should look like giving the best immersive experience on this field. This game is highly recommended. +Smannesman,-,4,-,false,-,So the game itself is good, not great. It suffers from all the same things any open world RPG suffers from and some poor optimization. Any game this large will have its fair number of glitches and bugs and W3 is no exception. Graphically, the game is nice. If the engine could keep up the framerate consistently, it would be very nice. It still runs very acceptably, but spikes are noticeable and the settings make very little impact on the framerate. The next patch (1.07) is enormous so hopefully they''ll have smoothed out some of the issues. Story-wise the game is pretty good, with the side quests often having better stories than the actual main quest line. The Witcher world is very dark though, so don't expect any happy stories. The gameplay is pretty good as well, although the beginning is pretty unforgiving and unkind towards newer players. Nothing is very well explained either, making building a good character needlessly annoying. The extremely simple Gwent card game mini-game is fun to play and a nice diversion from the endless running/riding around you'll be doing. The horse mechanics are among the most annoying I've ever encountered and are about on par with those in Ocarina of Time which is about two decades older. Again, apparently there are several improvements to the horse in the next patch. Long story short, a good game with plenty of room for improvement. +LIONRUSEL,-,5,-,true,-,Лучшая ролевая игра последних лет! +Sidekick1050,-,5,-,true,-,This is a 10/10. Buy it now, don't question it. +mcpuffin,-,5,-,false,-,Its difficult not to like this game, i'd say impossible if you have a taste for medieval stuff. You can really tell there is a lot of depth in the game when you play it, which shows that some real effort was put into making it. major props to how well the finished product turned out. i remember being hyped about this game years ago and it was the only hype that actually ended up paying off. Honestly i believe this game series out to have infinite renditions of it like assassins creed is getting or call of duty is getting. And in future sequels they ought to add large scale battles. since there is a part of the map that shows somewhat of an "aftermath" of a large scale battle, i had really hoped the battle itself would be a part of the game. all the elements for it are already there. Also many parts of the game are locked or beyond the map and i wished you could go there eventually. like the military outpost for example. The game also needed to have a higher ratio of quests where you have a companion alongside you on the mission. or make it like optional to invite a companion to the mission with you. Also there needs to be dialogue during quests that could potentially lead to the death of your companion, or something tragic. not quite enough tragic stuff happening. but overall its still the best game i've played since ever. it is more than just game of the year. especially in these times when the expectations of games has been lowered by so many early access and triple A game companies. Usually i'm very wary of paying for DLC in a game unless it truly deserves it. well i'd definitely count this game as very deserving of DLC. its a justified purchase. hopefully they take that money and spend it on making more sequels to the series. i think this game beats assassins creed by a mile +CryZeX,-,5,-,false,-,<3 +DarkSharingan,-,5,-,false,-,Игра просто сногшибательная!!! Я бы назвал это революцией в жанре PRG!!! Прорисовка и музыкальное сопровождение просто кидают меня в шок! Эта игра с первой минуты поглотила меня с головой своим оригинальнийшим сюжетом, захватывающей атмосферой, единственной в своем роде боевой системой, глубиной и открытостью мира ! "The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt" дала очень сильную фору многим знаменитым проектам в этом же жанре! "Ведьмак" показал мне, какой на самом деле должна быть настоящая RPG! Игра оправдала количество полученных ею наград и я считаю, что "Ведьмак" является беспрецедентным лауреатом таких наград как "Игра года" и "RPG года"!!! +FabMan,-,5,-,true,-,It has been covered already, so no need to go into details but this set the bar for video games and I think most will come up short. +axiless,-,5,-,true,-,Zaebis! Chetko! Pacani voobshe rebyta! +Gwynbleidd0417,-,5,-,false,-,(A bit...) Lately 'wrought' rewiew. Game's been out for more than a month now (nearly two actually) but I didn't wrote the rewiev I wanted to. Couldn't really gather my thoughts, and had other things to do beside playing (school n' shit like that, you know how it is, end of year...) I feel it's right about time to get to it. Try it at least. This game is simply amazing. Can't say anything what could better describe it. I'm in love with it (and of course, the previous ones & the books :3 ). Liked the dice poker in the previouses, but I prefer Gwent (and can play it more successfully :D). I'm completely satisfied with the whole game, it's so detailed, and I feel how much love and effort was put in it. This is what makes this whole masterpiece 'live' for me. Glad I pre-ordered it. Always knew I could trust the CDPR's work. They've never let us down, and that's really honorable. Hail CDPR! ;) You are the best. Greetings, great respect & big love (personally, from Hungary)! +thion,-,5,-,false,-,A masterpiece. Rivals Knights of the old Republic in the pantheon of action roleplaying games. +Norwegian_Peanut,-,5,-,false,-,Jao +warami,-,5,-,false,-,ginial +fokalis,-,5,-,false,-,Perfect! +betodunadan,-,5,-,true,-,wow, an incredibly beautiful game! it's just gorgeous! it is also well balanced, and the world is huge. really one of the best RPG games seen in the last years. +moonflower73,-,5,-,false,-,Das ist der beste Witcher den es je gegeben hat. Die Teile 1 & 2 sind auch toll,aber dieser Teil 3 ist einfach unschlagbar.. Ein grosses Lob an die Entwickler & ich bitte Euch .öasst es viele DLc"s regnen ,damit der Witcher-Spass nie aufhören mag !!! Ich bin voll und ganz zufrieden ,deshalbvolle 5 Sterne !!!! +dforbes,-,5,-,false,-,great except i miss the dice game and idont like card games +Guyzm0,-,4,-,true,-,Excellent game but one bad thing : They have announced that we we be able t play any version but you can't. And since the patch 1.6 the game crash every 20-30 minutes. Can you please allow us to play with previous versions like you said ? Thank you. +DrBuzzKill,-,5,-,true,-,Witcher 3 is an Amazing game. The best game ever! + Amazing Story + Fun Game Play + Great Graphics + Good Sounds + 200 hours of game play + Nothing even comes close + A lot of side quests + Hard Moral choices - Minor bugs which are being fixed - Minor game play issues which are being fixed + All issues will be addressed in time +daviddxo,-,5,-,false,-,Great graphics and music, great gameplay, excellent voice acting. The list goes on, best RPG game I have played. +Revan96,-,5,-,false,-,Guter Spiel +PARTUEI,-,5,-,false,-,Meine Bewertung: Story: 10/10 Grafik 10/10 Gameplay: 8/10 Hintergrundmusik 10/10 Das Spiel ist einfach der HAMMER, ich empfehle jeden das Spiel und hoffe The Witcher 4 ist in Planung...! PS. I LOVE TRISS +Kuramyrsky,-,5,-,false,-,Best story driven rpg game in ages! +vitaliyz,-,5,-,true,-,I am a big fan of Witcher series since TW1...and this one Wild Hunt...its beyong imagination how good it is...normaly i dont write reviews and such but i feel like i need to say something because guys from RED made truly amazing unforgetable experience and gameplay! p.s looking forward for upcoming dlc in October and in 2016! +georgmartin,-,5,-,true,-,I remember standing still for a moment, on a battlefield, all the dead soldiers around me, their lifeless bodies lying on that thick and swampy ground, dirt and blood everywhere. I remember peasant women standing in front of their burned down houses, crying in despair. And this extraordinary atmosphere around the three witches, their grotesque stature and form, their bare cruelty. This part in particular, Crookback Bog, has become my very favourite in this journey. But I have to stop here, there are a lot memorable moments, and they would easily fill many pages. I think 'The Witcher, part 3' is by far not just only a game, it is entertainment the finest way I can imagine, and for this outstanding experience, I have to thank you quite a lot! +sleaba,-,5,-,false,-,Easily the Game of Decade. I had been waiting for a game like this for my entire life! A major improvement from the last two games and a huge leap for entire CD Projekt Red Team. A Big ovation for all you. Thank you for this masterpiece. 100 hours into the game and still - a huge amount of things yest undiscovered. Good luck in the future projects too! Love it!!! +apocolypsewow,-,5,-,false,-,Its amazing that after two reletivly linear but fantastic RPGs CDPR comes out with this one. That single handedly destroys the competition and sets a completly new standard for story telling in a vast giant open RPG world. BRAVO!!!! +Dorque,-,2,-,false,-,Yes, graphics and story and characters and voice are all AAA stellar. But the basic movement and fighting suck worse than any game in the last five years. Take one step forward and you take three because of a ridiculous skid-to-a-stop anim. Simply swing your sword once and you spin like a ballerina with your sword held above your head and take another three steps forward. Try to turn around and you move like a Tilt-O-Whirl with a two foot turn radius. The swordfighting is just laughably bad. Play Amalur. Nine weapons instead of one (equipping two at a time no less) and you actually move where you point the stick. If you want story, read a book. If you want steamy unicorn sex, surf the web. If you want a fun controllable game, stay well away from this. +Forkinator,-,5,-,true,-,Best RPG I have ever played and I have played hundreds of them. Thank you CD Projekt Red for giving me so many hours of fun. I have over 200 hours in the game and i am half way done with the main quest and have loads of secondary and side quests to do. The fighting is very satisfying with the way models gib. The story is another amazing aspect of the game that is very engaging due to the superb voice acting. Character facial expressions could be a little better and I think they looked the same if not a little better in the witcher 2. If you want a fun rpg where you can go quest and hunt anytime and anywhere, pick up this game. Also I have to mention the fact that this game is DRM free and has tons of free dlcs. I purchased 3 copies and gave 2 away just because I love CD Projekt Red. I have played all the witcher games and they just get better and better. The move to open world was a good one but I am sad that this is the last Witcher game that tells Geralts story. I also enjoy GOG Galaxy to download and install updates dlc's and expansions for my game. Also you can download a huge goodie pack that contains artwork, wallpapers, a huge map, the exclusive soundtrack (which is amazing) and more. Please pick this game up. It has good ratings for a reason. I can't stress it enough that you are doing a service when purchasing this game and from GOG.com as if you purchase through steam, Valve gets a cut of the profits so please purchase from GOG.com. +mhs619,-,4,-,true,-,awesome story and mind blowing visual.. game engine could be better but overall.. i'd recommend it.. +Fernand423,-,5,-,true,-,This game is formidable. I just finished it, and I will do it again, just to try other ways ! Really a marvelous game: fight system is nice, world is rich (almost too rich in fact !), but the adventure ... Ho God. Very well written, people are really interesting, sand and joy, face of main character are well done. Minor drawback is the inventory, would is really perfectible. But beside that, it's one of the best game ever. +OwnedForcE,-,5,-,false,-,Just buy and play it! 10/10. +Belzedar,-,5,-,true,-,The best Witcher! +kylemaksuta,-,5,-,false,-,This game truly gave me something in the end, something I had not expected. It gave me back what I've missed so dearly in games up to this point. It gave me a reason to care. While some have exclaimed that they never felt a true connection with Ciri throughout the game, I came out on the other side, feeling as though she was my own daughter, a young lass whom I truly cared for more than myself. ***SPOILER ALERT*** Watching her walk away into the abyss between world, and then having the flashbacks to the times we spent together was truly heartfelt. I'm not sure I've ever had a connection with a game like this before. When I found out she didn't die in the end, my heart lept from my chest and I broke down, crying but in that laughing relieved way, the way you feel when you come out on the otherside, alive when faced with certain death. A few things I should also comment on are related to the game mechanics. I've played the Witcher series before, and I feel this was by far the most polished of the series. Whether it be the engaging combat, easy to navigate inventory system, or the precisely made crafting system, all facets of the game work in tandem so as not to draw you away from the game itself. As for the performance of the game, I will mention that I had my fair share of in-game crashes, and other glitches which made the game unplayable until reloaded, but due to the sheer bastness of the game, I'll give CDPR a pass on that one. Overall this game gets a score of 5/5 stars from me. Truly great game, can't wait for the DLC coming down the pipe in October! I ran the game at around 60fps consistently with my rig. Here are my CPU specs: AMD 8350 8-core 4.0ghz Nvidia EVGA GTX SSC 970 16 gb ram +Haggan89,-,5,-,false,-,Best since BG2. +gmihai,-,5,-,true,-,I haven't been as immersed in a game since Morrowind. This game is a 10/10 for me. It's not perfect, but there's nothing in it that detracts from the experience. - Great graphics while running smooth - Top notch story, side quests and characters. Choices that really impact the world around you, and they are not obvious - Great soundtrack - The way you discover quests in the world and how they intertwine with the main story. - The cities are not small villages - Combat keeps you on your toes, monsters have different ways to fight. - World feels alive. - 80 hours in and still have a lot of content left (haven't even finished main story yet) Only a few small annoyances: - framerate drops a bit in novigrad (the big city) - some horse control issues +Turnip_99,-,5,-,true,-,This game truly is a masterpiece and everyone who likes RPGs or just games in general should play this game. Great work CDPR p.s. there some technical problems but i trust CDPR to fix those later +Zeliod,-,5,-,false,-,PRETTY DAMN GOOD GAME. 11/10 +2056452,-,5,-,true,-,Spent more time playing Gwent than playing actual game 10/10 would challenge innkeepers again +CharlesVI,-,5,-,false,-,игра супер +asiuniek10001,-,5,-,false,-,I love witcher III and im waiting for more :D +Brainded,-,5,-,false,-,i love it. +engels78,-,5,-,false,-,Now I have about 25 hours and 15% complete... I just love this game! Dialogues are great, You have real and quite though choices in them, and your choice will have meaning in later game... Fight is quite nice :) Graphic is really nice! however requirements are also quite big... And... It is Polish game!!! So me as Polish citizen, am VERY proud that Polish game is now well know ALL OVR the World and that is such good game! +axxionx12,-,5,-,false,-,Played the first hour and 15 minutes of this on 4k ultra. It caused my apparently very cheap PSU to overheat and basically explode. Once I RMA'd it and got back to playing, I had a blast hacking and slashing away at monsters. I'm even considering playing it with a controller as it looks like it would play well that way. Congrats on setting the standard Team RED! You are all my heroes. 10/10, would recommend to anyone. +fort-hobo,-,5,-,true,-,Game is fantastic except for the controls. +dLucs,-,5,-,false,-,A great game of great depth, beautifull environments and and characters, great story and great gameplay. There are so many hidden details that allow you to get lost in the game for hours on end. The combat is the best of the series as well. A true gem of a game +2FAST4LIVE,-,5,-,false,-,Das Spiel ist einfach der Hammer! Sehr innovativ und abwechslungsreich. Und allein die Geschichte... WOW... +IIOBAP,-,5,-,false,-,Очень жаль , что я прошел эту игру. Ощущение, что потерял хорошего друга. Каждый день захожу, чтобы с надеждой увидеть какие-нибудь дополнения сюжета... +Nudelsupp3,-,5,-,false,-,So Witcher 3 definetely has its problems by the time I write this. There are bugs and glitches (though nothing gamebreaking), the controls are sometimes really frustrating (especially near anything that resembles water) and the menu interface is consolized and pretty uncomfortable. However, the positives outweigh the negatives by far. I've played about 124h and seen probably the major chunk of side quests this game offers. It is the most immersive, best written and voice-acted RPG I have ever played and dethroned the Baldurs Gate series for me personally. Even little choices you make have an impact on other little things, that more than often dont reward you anything, but simply adds to the feel that you - as a player - matter in this world. The amount of attention to detail is astonishing. Everything in the Witcher 3 world looks unique and every place has it's story to tell, not like other open world games like Far Cry or Shadows of Mordor. I can't praise the writing enough, there are not good/bad/neutral choices as in your typical copy/pasta Bioware RPG, everything you are able to say during conversations is meaningful and contributes to the dialog, sometimes it is better not to say certain things but you must choose by yourself what those things are. The writing definetely follows the motto quality over quantity and I like this very much after playing games like StarWarsToR or Dragon Age, where there is way too much dialog for dialogs sake. Hell, even when asking for more money on witcher contracts, you'll hear variable voice-acted lines. That wasnt necessary, but such small things add a lot. The main story line was amazing, and the end very satisfying. Do you remember this one sidequest where you helped this old guy find a black pearl for his wife? I chose to tell him, that spoiled lady better be valuing our effort. After he told his story, I felt like a sack of shite for making that comment. It's just a game, but these kinds of moments let you forget that. +Grosbout,-,5,-,false,-,Un trés bon RPG, amélioration du system de buff, des quetes principale et secondaires bien faite, une réalisation graphique inpécable. La Pologne n'est maintenant plus connu que pour sa vodka mais aussi pour son studio de création de jeux video ! +Winc49,-,5,-,true,-,Great game that take you on breath taking adventure. +BKCBoboo,-,5,-,false,-,One of the best games I've ever played. Story line is very beatiful, graphics are very good. This is a very good game for a very good price. Don't hesitate, just buy the game! +Bilinux,-,5,-,false,-,This review isn't going to be very long, because I want to go start playing again so bad. This game is simply AMAZING! It's huge and filled with intense storyline's that will enchance your experience. Gameplay: Near-perfect (because no game is perfect in it's gameplay, this game however is near perfect) Graphics: This game is so well optimised that it can run on a toaster. Enough said. Still thinking of buying? Don't. Because this game is IMO among the best top 5 RPG games ever made. This one is a true masterpiece. +3_SiberiaN_1,-,5,-,false,-,Игра настолько зачётная,что даже баги в тему(добивание как в гольфе:зачёт)) +Smeggins,-,5,-,false,-,How is this even possible? A game developed by a underdog developer compared to others and a game with this quality is produced? How did they do it? Was it black magic? Either way i am in awe of how great it turned out. Fantasic story telling, great voice acting, a big open world to explore and just plain beautiful graphics and design.. And to top it all off no DRM either!!!!! This I will say. If CD Projekt Red stay like tis forever i will keep buying their games forever. A little bumpy start on pc with performance bugs fixed quick. Great support for the players and buyers of their game and an all around awsome game. Thank you CD Projekt. You have made me believe again that there are developers out there that care +CrestHD,-,5,-,false,-,Purchase it right now! No need to read any of this till the end just look at the ratings (stars)! + great story (even though this is the first witcher game I played to the end, now imagine yourself if you played the first 2 games) + great characters + great settings + very well done optimization (my 270X with 8gig ram and i5 3570 can run it almost maxed out!) - By the time I wrote this the GOG Galaly Client wasn't exatly perfect. Meaning: game time traking stopped at 22 hours no achievements earned That's it! I really recommend this masterpiece! After AC Unity this was great! Ran great since the start, a few bugs here and there but non that wasn't fixed later or made the experience worse. +HejJensJ,-,4,-,true,-,its a great game but nvidias driver for windows 10 doesnt run with it +AjioPek,-,5,-,false,-,Best of the Best +Sam980,-,5,-,false,-,The Witcher 3 is by far one of the best games I have ever played the game makes you care for certain people in the world and hate others the story is great the graphics look great as well despite the downgrade also there is so much to do in the world like Gwent,Witcher Contracts and alot of side quest which can change the ending in the main story. There are problems in the game like a few bugs that probably will be fixed in the future as well as once you complete the game characters just disapear even if they are supposed to be alive. I hope we also get a DLC or expansion with Ciri as the main character I know that in some endings she can die or becomes empress but it never confirms that she died or became empress it just says that she has the traits of a good monarch because hopefully we will see her in the Witcher 4 or a expansion. Overall the game is amazing and deserves GOTY. +Shamandura7878,-,5,-,true,-,Witcher 3 is everything I had hoped it would be: * great main story and also meaningful and interesting side stories which are connected to and affect the main plot; the story is emotional and also full of action; * fighting mechanics are satisfactory, skill system is good; * deep characters - even the secondary ones, good dialogues too; * there is continuity from the previous games; * one can swim under water and on a boat, also travel or fight on mounts - both of these make traveling and exploring much more fun. * Loot is plentiful and diverse; there is also diversity in the craftable items and runes ...I could go on forever - bottom line is I highly recomment this game. PS And of course the free DLCs are worth mentioning. +nostalgik,-,1,-,false,-,http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2upt0o_exclusive-interview-with-the-witcher-3-developers_videogames +dkorduban,-,5,-,true,-,Best modern RPG ever! It's a milestone (made of gems) in open world building. Hopefully it sets a new lower bound for further masterpieces. +magyar1997,-,5,-,false,-,Best game ever :P +Spycrab7410,-,5,-,false,-,mehr musch ma' net sag'n +Romeb101,-,5,-,true,-,This game is by-far the best game that I am currently playing as of right now. Treasure is to be found, monsters are to be killed, and quests are to be completed. This is what a Open World RPG is suppose to be! Nonetheless, there are pros and cons I would like to share with you in a simpler format for all to read: PROS: GRAPHICS: They are amazing! The weather is ever-changing, the foliage is beautiful, the characters movements and conversations are amazing to view, the sea is a blue-diamond with the salt-air wafting through your character. This game is a polished diamond ready to give to your special someone. And possibly, who could that be? (Just to let you know, I play on a AMD 6950 where the settings are on low with a 1920X1080 resolution.) CHOICES: Your choices play a major role only for your Major Quests and Secondary Quests as far as I can tell. The choices are adult-themed where you must decide heavily on what your next decision will be and once you finish that quest, you will wonder what would have happened if you chose the alternative. MUSIC: This soundtrack is by-far the most soothing and compelling that I have ever heard in some time now. Will update later. Got to leave. +zafaria,-,5,-,false,-,Super Game +sparkatus,-,5,-,true,-,I'm playing The Witcher 3 since launch and only now I'm settle down to write a review. Yeah the game is that good. I'm ~250h of playing time, 2nd playthrough and not even think of stopping now. Gameplay: The game improves quite a lot in this department. It feels more fluid and natural and not all about Quen + rolling. Alchemy feels more useful and not all "grindy". I rarely used potion in TW2, and in TW3 I'm using all the time since I don't have to grind the ingridients. Graphics: Don't listen to the naysayers. Yes, the graphics looks different from the earlier trailers, but it is still the best good-looking game I've ever played. There's some pop-in issues, but nothing you can't look past it. Story: The story I'd say is good. I only wish they didn't put much of it being about looking for Ciri. But the game have the best side quests I've seen, so you're not gonna be in a hurry to finish the main quest. Bottom line: This game sets the bar for other RPGs. VERY high actually, and CDPR still giving free DLC, showing other devs how to make a game. Can't wait for the expansions and, of course, Cyberpunk 2077 +elgnirp101,-,5,-,false,-,It just blew our minds, there's so much to do! already 60h played and I'm not even half through it! +chrno162,-,5,-,false,-,GOTY 2015 +Adamiak,-,5,-,true,-,I don't know what to say, I'll start with the fact, that this is the first Witcher game I've ever played. But the storytelling, the characters and the gameplay are all so beautifully well handled, that I couldn't resist and I immediately bought all of the Witcher games and books. This is a true next gen game. It runs perfectly even on lower-tier cards like mine, the graphics ale stunning and the story is so well written I can't stop thinking about the characters (Especially Yennefer and Triss). The game mechanics are also very good. Also the difficulty balancing is done exactly I imagined. The amount of content in this game is crazy, sidequests, contracts and treasure hunt at every single corner. You are literally overwhelmed with stuff to do. The size of the map is breathtaking as well as the views of it. For me, this is the game of all games. I highly doubt there will be one that will have better story that The Witcher 3. Maybe, if CD Project Red decides to make a prequel, that would be possible. Summary is that this is the best game I've ever played. +Merlkir,-,5,-,false,-,After the rather disappointing third Dragon Age game, I was extremely sceptical of Witcher 3 and only bought a heavily discounted version. Boy was I wrong! Enough has been written about its virtues and flaws, so I'll note merely my impressions of it. For the entire 120 hours I was entertained by the gameplay, the visuals (of course) look beautiful and it's one of the few games to have actually moved me deeply. The inevitable enhanced version will be something to look forward to, for sure. +adidedic,-,5,-,true,-,Spent 10 hours playing the prologue in White Orchard. Big thanks to every single person that contributed in the making of this game. It isn't a game at all, it's an "you become Geralt, live in North Realms during the war with the South" experience. Played the previous games as well and for all those who are big lore fans I recommend going through with those before playing this one. Don't be rushed as all of three Witchers are works of art! +RazeMixPL,-,5,-,false,-,Wow, what can I say about this game, just go and buy it. That's all. Go. Now! +daonlypoo,-,5,-,false,-,If you're a shite person who likes shite games then you probably shouldn't pick this game up as it's probably not for you. As it turns out and I've denoted in the title, this game is quite good, and I'm not sure a lover of shite games could appreciate it. That being said, I suppose you could be a shite person who likes good games. In that case you should probably purchase this game, as you may very well enjoy it. Who knows, it could even make you not such a shite person. +gameman11,-,5,-,false,-,I beleive this might be the best game of this generation. It drastically expands on the world of the witcher, it shows all new sides to the characters, and delivered everything, and more, that the developer's promised at E3. +grandmashouse1,-,5,-,true,-,My favorite witcher in the series yet, great story +ioinacho,-,3,-,false,-,dont know, didint play just want to add someone on galaxy +fourfourbeat,-,5,-,true,-,I've never played a Witcher game before, I prefer RPGs that give the option of a female character and will often choose a crappier class if it means I'm female. I decided to give this a go given how much praise it was receiving from my co-workers, and all I wish is that I had tried this series sooner. The world is so detailed and vast, there's interesting stories and characters to be found in just about every village you visit- and there is many villages in this game. The combat system is a lot of fun, but it's also somewhat difficult. I like the challenge, and the fact that I could die at just about any point in the game. Makes me think a lot more about just rushing into a battle and flailing my sword about. It's never too easy. It is by far one of my favourite RPGs I've ever played. I can't reccomend this game enough. +DragonHun1er,-,5,-,false,-,Cooles rollenspiel +ecsel,-,5,-,false,-,great game! +Einzi,-,5,-,false,-,Richtig nices Teil! +Nut13,-,1,-,true,-,This is old school and console game, with all worst features taken from both. Even after patches which will fix some problems, some core bugs will remain. Still good environment and visualization. Solid four. +IrregularJohn,-,3,-,true,-,Decent game that could've been timeless if it weren't for downgrade Let me preface this by saying that I'm a HUUUUGE fan of the Witcher. That first game was great, the devs themselves said that when making it they concentrated on pleasing the readers of Sapkowski novels while with the The Witcher 2 they had their newfangled engine and they basically went crazy with it. So not a fan of the The Witcher 2 where the trend of the game's westernization was painfully obvious. When I found out that the Witcher 3 is in the works I was extatic specifically because it was supposed to introduce pretty important characters from the books. And that mindblowing graphics level was just the cherry on top. CDPR were always known for pushing PC hardware to the limit and this game was supposed to be no exception. I won't get into graphics downgrade issue - there's plenty of info on that out there. But let me just say that the level of detail that is shown on the screenshots (taken from "Sword of Destiny" trailer) in the description you will NOT find anywhere in the game - what you will find though is its watered down version (e.g. extremely low draw distance of objects, horrible textures/NPC/foliage pop-in, the abscence of particle effects and tesselation). It's mind boggling that CDPR through its affiliate, GOG, still continues to use the screenshots that are in no way representative of the game's graphics. That is false advertising in its pure form. So don't make the decision of buying the game by looking at the screenshots on GOG or Steam, look at some footage on youtube and just Google the screenshots of the current version. To sum up, it's an OK game with a pretty good plot, characters and gameplay that was otherwise tainted by the visual downgrade. It could've been a timeless masterpiece and it can still be that if CDPR will return the game to at least the "Sword of Destiny" trailer level of detail (2013 VGX quality I think is completely out of realm of possibility). +Norikatel,-,5,-,false,-,Лучшая RPG на сегодняшний день +Tictac241,-,5,-,false,-,Sorry for my English. I am very angry at CD Projekt Red for the fact that the game presentedin bugs, which are many, and they spoil the gaming experience. Not satisfied with the optimization of the console. Not satisfied with that Triss, when there Yennifer, relegated to second place. Yes, I understand that Yennifer Geralt is beloved for seven books. But why pay so much attention to Triss in the previous games, if in the third part, you just forget about it? You just remember the erotic scene with Triss from '' The Witcher 2 ''. A erotic scene from 'Wild Hunt' with a red sorceress looks not so erotic. You can kill all in its path, to rob, to behave like a bastard, because the choice is important only in a couple of moments. But most of all I am pleased that the story of Geralt of Rivia came to an end. Despite the fact that I wrote above, this game is my favorite. The entire series of games of the White Wolf is my favorite. Such feelings from the game for a long time I was not. When the story came to an end, I even cried a little. For me this is more than a game. And Geralt more than character. I'll miss you, White Wolf. Thank you for all CD Project Red! I love you! Not so much as Triss, but love. :) P.S. I even bought a game twice. P.S.S. And I start to take off again. +WryZed,-,5,-,false,-,A truly stunning, fantastic acheivment. An instant classic of gaming history that truly deserves the title, where others in reality fall short. This is a game anyone who calls themself a gamer should own, regardless of whether or not you've played the previous titles or are aware of the universe, regardless of whether you consider yourself hardcore, casual, or any other classification; This is an ode to the gamer and a love letter to the medium as a whole. The Witcher 3 brings back that old-school feeling of being absorbed in a game so completely it takes over your life, inspires the imagination and succeeds in reminding you of why you play them in the first place. This isn't to say there are no flaws, there are; but they're so few and insignificant, with so much more to counter-balance them, that they can be easily to overlooked. 20 out of 10: This is art. +Whoo71,-,5,-,false,-,Words cannot describe how well-made Witcher 3 is. Everything from the immersion, to the sound-design, to the story is incredible. I have not enjoyed a game this much since I first played Ocarina of Time as a kid. Pros: - Sound design is extraordinary - Almost every character you talk to is unique and have their own story - The story doesn't hand out a fairy-tale ending. Unlike BioWare RPGs, even if you do everything right you're going to be faced with negative consequences - Gameplay is vastly superior to The Witcher 2 (minus the problems I note below) - Your choices matter to the story. The game will force you to make difficult decisions where it seems that neither option is the right one. Cons: - Story has several "it happened off-camera" moments - Final boss battle is veeeeery disappointing (strictly gameplay-wise) - Hitboxes are extremely exaggerated with some enemies - General balance issues with monsters ("oh let's throw 5 wraiths at him when he already used all his potions after he barely made it past 3 wraiths") - Movement is sluggish on M/KB. Even unresponsive at times - Where the hell is Iorveth? - Roach. 'Nuff said - Graphics were downgraded, but then again I wasn't expecting to be able to run the game with the original graphics anyway Strictly speaking, all the cons are nitpicking. I was very cocerned that CDPR wasn't going to be able to do an open-world game of this scale and maintain the ever-important story. But thankfully, my concerns were laid to rest. The Witcher 3 is a modern masterpiece and quite possibly the best game I've played in the past ten years. +BigZeus6,-,5,-,false,-,Simply put, this game is amazing. I was so pleased with this title and absolutely makes up for the disappointments we all faced this past year (Watch Dogs, Titanfall, etc.). This game stands above the rest as a benchmark for future "next generation" titles. +AlphaDragon76,-,5,-,false,-,I can run this game on my pc,just fine on med and heigh settings and get 50 to 60 frame rate. All yo uneed is a good I5 and good GPU and 8 GB of RAM you good to go. PC Specs: Intel Core i5-3550 CPU @ 3.30GHz ASUS STRIX-GTX970-DC2OC-4GD5 factory overclocked core 8 GB of RAM windows 7 +bikerangelo,-,5,-,false,-,Even though the graphics were scaled down to accomodate other platforms, it's still gorgeous. Pros; -Alternate endings, immersive worldspace, and a pretty impressive difficulty curve add to the replay value. -Visuals are amazing. The bloom effects and volumetric / dymanic lighting is so pretty. The sunrises and sunsets in this game have set the bar for RPGs. -Fantastic story, full of vibrant characters and old flames. -Meaningful choices, purposeful sidequests, although it's fairly easy to manipulate the story in the way you want it to go. -Triss. Merigold. Cons; -This is my only nitpicking issue. The levelling system is weird. As much as I appreciate the unlevelled encounters with beasts, guards, etc., some of the scaling is just ridiculous, even on easier levels. I was 20xp away from the next level and tried to take on a griffin 5 levels up. He kills me in 2 lunges after I've sliced into him 6 times and barely made a dent in his hp. After leveling to the next level with the exact same gear, I easily kill the griffin and the same sword I previously had is outputting significantly more damage. From what I remember in the commentaries, I believe this is CDPR's first attempt at unlevelled encounters, so that's understandable if it's a bit rough around the edges. Lambert's drunk impersonation of Vesemir / 10 +NiebieskiMak,-,5,-,false,-,SImply masterpiece +Lyly,-,5,-,true,-,superbe jeu :) +havramir,-,5,-,true,-,Fist i was afraid that I need to have high end machine but my two years old medium build PC can manage just fine even on ultra (thou it blurs sometimes). Game is absolutly amazing, characters are vivid, all voiced , main quest is epic but trully amaring are side quests that dont feel grindy at all. To complete game and 90% of sidequests on normal difficulty is about 100 hours of play. On top of that you will get hours of free roaming, sailing and so on. And yes your decision do matter here. +baerlauchbube,-,5,-,false,-,An awesome game with brlliant graphics and afantastic gameplay! +maktronik,-,5,-,false,-,For me one of best CRPG i've ever played. +covertdelta,-,5,-,true,-,I never bother giving reviews but I felt it necessary for this. I have played all the witcher games and enjoyed them for different reasons and read all the English translated books. There is so much in this game and there are subtle references to previous games and the books! It was nice to see characters returning and appearing like I remember. It feels like you are part of the world and fulfilling your role as a witcher or you can just get drunk in the tavern. I've already spent a lot of time playing the game and yet it still feels like I've scratched the surface. Environment, food intake and toxins all affect you including as always how you handle situations. The world feels alive. Well done to the team for this fine work of art. +WhiskeyJackz,-,5,-,false,-,For better or worse I have spent about 256 hours of time on this game with just one file, there will be other's I assure you for as I find this game to be of the utmost enjoyment. Realistically there is possibly only 150-180 hours of game play Because of times I have left the game on pause and have taken time about real life.... to my dismay, lol. I have played many of the top titles out there in the past few months from AC Unity to DA: Inquisition to something a bit more independent like Pillars of Eternity. I will say this game is the one I have put the most time in with the least amount of time for certain. For those who have not played and are looking into buying this game and whether or not it is for you let me explain why. Story and lore, rich and detailed, definitely some great story telling and the monster and history in the game is just as always, fascinating and captivating. Side quests and treasure hunts Can take a bunch of time to complete and grab every point of interest in each map. This give the player a ton of optional( but I highly recommend in regards to better manuscripts and gear not to mention more experience to do these, because there is plenty of time to work on the main quests). As far as the combat and gameplay I have to say I believe is was very agreeable with both controller and mouse and keyboard, this being said is it perfect ? of course not there is always room for imporvement. I would say if there was thing that cause ire with this game it may be targeting system(mostly switching targets easily to the target you wish is not easy, and though this would be an annoyance to some I have found that using the block keybind and using that to circle around enemies is an easier way to go.) It is probably one of the very few negative features I have experieced and that I have read about other's dea;ing with in the game. As far as I am concerned though it s far from a deal breaker, which from the amount I have played in the past coupe weeks I am sure other's can already see that. The other thing I would point out that there has been a couple noticeable glitches and issues with the UI and gamplay, regarding some of the alchemy and runes, but many of these have been fixed as the game has been patched and fixed. The Witcher 3 crew does listen to it's fans and players, thankfully. With these minor issues and the fact that this game has offered me more choices and impact than my own life currently, lol... I beleive that between the story/lore, choice and change you can make, abilities, loot, logevity, and beauty of the game it is very very hard not say this game is one of the best i have played this year and possibly of all time as far as PC games go. I highly recommend this game if like the things I have listed and if you are on the fence I still recommend giving this a shot because chances are you could possibly love the game as well. +hunnieboy,-,5,-,false,-,Can't go wrong with the game finished the game in 70 hours and it is GREAT the storyline is amasing and the only downside is after the game is finished there isn't much to do lots of quest but mostly witcher quests +MichiSoldier,-,5,-,false,-,Gut. +el_putisimo_rey,-,4,-,false,-,Great game, really inmersive with great grapghics even the downgrade. I really reccomend it. +artera42,-,5,-,true,-,молодцы команда cd project лучшая игра что я играл! еще и обновления постоянно выпускают! купил и наслаждаюсь игрой! еще наверное куплю обновление в конце года, просто respect!!! +FFFEEFEF,-,5,-,false,-,진짜로 제작하신분들이 하나하나 신경다쓰고 만든걸 느끼게 됨 명작입니다 꼭 하세요 +Svenos,-,5,-,false,-,I don't want to spoil anything, so if you like RPG and have a decent computer, well, if you don't have a decent computer, then you should really get one if you can afford it. Nothing to compare with baldur's gate 2, neither with Fallout 1 & 2 or a Deus Ex, not much to compare with Elder's Scrolls series. Some of the greatest references in RPG. In fact you can't compare this game to any other of this kind. Yes it has few bugs, yes graphics could look even better, yes etc... I think people have received so much of RPG love and insane work from CD Projekt in this episode, that they are now spoiled, and want always more. But this game has very little bugs as compared to how big it is. Graphicaly you could debate, but it's either first or second best graphics ever realised on PC. It is kind of already game of the year 2015, and obviously even more. Only mentionning Gwent (a game within the game) could be game of the year, and there's not much else to say about The Witcher 3. The rest I'll let you enjoy and hope you will as I do. Huge thank to CD Projekt. For me it's been 10 years at the very least I haven't played such a great game. +Andice,-,5,-,false,-,Beste Spiel wo gibt. +action12,-,5,-,true,-,It is the best game of the year. I love it, thank you CD Project RED :) +ellexy,-,5,-,true,-,Recommend it to Everyone......yeah!=) +RateViper55,-,5,-,false,-,yeah +ManuFaruk,-,5,-,false,-,Çok da güzel hoş olmuş helal.. +LazyTitan21,-,5,-,false,-,Witcher be hot. +nav4163,-,5,-,false,-,Where can I start? Kudos to CDPR who pulled this of. The sheer scope and magnitude of the game, the concept and the world is mind blowing. This is in my opinion the greatest RPG ever created to date and simply one of the greatest games ever. And to that the CDPR had pulled this off who has just has released two games before TW3 is unreal. This is my GOTY!! and a sets a new standard when its comes to RPGs which is think is gonna take a hell lot to overcome. +Jozefson,-,5,-,true,-,I think this is the best RPG to date. 11/10 +McAND,-,5,-,false,-,A MASTERPIECE!! this is my first Witcher, Beautiful dialogues , interesting history and many twists , adult content . I miss a little vision in the first person and the collection of each item and free will of Skyrim , but it's really a masterpiece , do not miss!!! +challe232,-,5,-,false,-,My favourite game...amazing story. It and w2 are the best +Darothar,-,5,-,true,-,Awesome game that deserves your time and money :D +C0l0r4d0.839,-,5,-,true,-,Beautiful story, great gameplay, supreme graphics, EPIC OST, complex and living world, huge map with tons of shit to do. AND FUCKING GWENT, I LOVE IT. This is a must play for any RPG fan out there. The best game I have ever played IMHO. Thank you CDPR, you're awesome. +sainthrax,-,5,-,true,-,As I was waiting for the release of Witcher 3, I've played through Witcher 2 and attempted to play through Witcher 1. The previous titles were good, but nowhere as good as this one. The open world, which in my opinion is one of the biggest differences from it's predecessors, is awesomely designed and provides you with countless hours of content. I also read the books and I must say that the main story isn't as gripping as the books are, but when you also do the side quests, which I do, as I consider myself a completionist, then they are able to rid the game of any shortcomings it may possibly have. If you're bored of questing in general, there are many side activities you can do, namely play Gwent, the game's proprietary card game, which is really entertaining. I personally play Gwent with anyone I possibly can and amassed some quite good cards. So in the end, the game was able to push Skyrim of my "best game I've ever played" pedestal and I believe it will persist there for some time. I also believe that it will be the game of the year 2015. If you are reluctant to buy the game, don't be, unless you completely hate RPGs in general, which I think is a huge mistake, because this genre is one of the most entertaining genres out there. +Alxandr13,-,5,-,false,-,Even with a hardware below the minimum specs (You can read "god damn! how can it run this?"), i give this a shot. "The Witcher" is a greatest serie, with a very addicting story line and lots of content to maintain us following Geralt for a long LONG time. Wild Hunt is a Master Piece between the master pieces in this generation. Even i, with only 6GB of RAM in my i5 3317U and Intel HD 4k, running it at ~20 FPS in a forced 640x480 resolution can say this. The "magic" added by efforts of CDPRed is there, and isn't a child play (Or even a game play)... I really could feel immerse in the White Wolf adventures on Northern Realms. It's so real and free that i almost loose myself when i'm playing. I only can say THANK YOU to the developers for bringing this wonderful experience to us. +TRuH,-,4,-,false,-,Wasn't exactly hyped when it was announced although I liked the predecessors quite a bit. Didn't watch the trailers that much, so the debate about any graphical downgrades didn't faze me at all. My rig is an older one (AMD Phenom II X4 940, GTX560Ti, 4GB RAM), so I was enormously surprised that it started at all. Games like Assassin's Creed - "Cash Cow's Destiny" or Watch_Dogs - "GTA without the fun" are becoming slideshows due to the old hardware... but wait! Ubisoft and many other game studios are just terrible at optimization, TW3 is running like a dream with minor acceptable restrictions... and it's fun to play (unlike the above mentioned)! You cursing a**holes bashing TW3 - supposedly 12 years old and virgins - should STFU about it not running with 60fps all the time on their awesome hardware bought by daddy or mommy, you know nothing! There are enough positives mentioned around here already to which I mostly agree (crossbow bolts are deadly underwater, ladies get nude, heads can be chopped off, unicorn, no cheating on your real girlfriend, still had sex etc) , so I just follow up with some minor annoyances: - Time: There's is simply not enough of it in reality - Girlfriends: depending on how much you like them they're either hurting or they hurt your progress by using up your spare-time - A real job: in general not as interesting (but less dangerous) as killing monsters and humping witches - Pets: taking the real dog is simply not as fun as killing wild dogs (while they're eating a dead horse) +vinzrox,-,5,-,false,-,The Best RPG open world game till now from one of the best DEVs . looks amazing and plays great. Even the side quest are fun to do. a needed successor of Witcher 2. it has raised the bar of open world RPG and other DEVs should learn from it. Epic journey . +traderofcheeze,-,1,-,false,-,The Game itself is amazing, If you Can manage to Play it. A lot of people has had severe issues just playing the game including myself, Game crashes about every 15 minutes or so and I run a good computer i7/gtx970 with all drivers and everything up to date. Ive done almost every kind of tweaking and troubleshooting and still have a lot of problems Have lost so much progress because of game bugs and crashes almost not worth playing the game. A lot of people seem to have no issue running the game but I also know a fair bit who has the same issues as me. Would like to give this game 5 Stars, but due to its severe technical issues, which has brought alot of frustration has made playing the game not an enjoyable experience. +Pilotaise,-,5,-,false,-,Been a long time ago not having such a great game !!!! +akkithechamp,-,5,-,false,-,There is nothing this game fails to deliver on. Amazing Experience and a vast open world. Apart from a few bugs here and there the game is a masterpiece. Only a very select few can match it. And the huge plus point is the side content this game has to offer. You never get bored of them. 11/10 for its content. Coming to the gameplay mechanics, they are well constructed and the combat is challenging on higher difficulty levels. The Visuals are an eye candy but do not justify the system requirements as stated by the developers in my opinion. But they are still a treat. All in all The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt is a gem of a game and is truly a masterpiece of modern day next gen gaming and an example of how games today should be. +Kamzor,-,5,-,false,-,After 50 hours of gameplay, it is an amazing RPG with involving and epic quests. +Pinball,-,3,-,false,-,I love the Witcher 3, it's one of my all time video games featuring tough combat (at higher difficulties) and a wonderful story. I love open-world games in general but CDPR did something special, they filled the world with content that matters. Each quest tells a story and even the side quests contain wonderful stories about the varied characters that make up the world of the Witcher 3. That said, ever since patch 1.07 was released, this game has been unplayable for many GTX 970 owners. Whether it's a problem with Nvidia's drivers or CDPR's engine, the game remains unplayable with massive frame skipping every second or third frame. I have gone back and forth with CDPR and all they tell me is "it's being investigated". Meanwhile the support forums are filled with complaints like mine. Most complaints about stuttering can be eliminated by using RTTS, enabling Borderless Window or setting the max prerendered frame to 1 in the Nvidia control panel. The only time these suggested fixes do not work are for the many users of GTX 970 video cards. Until this problem is fixed, this review will remain as a warning to any GTX 970 owner considering buying The Witcher 3. I will be happy to remove it once the problem is fixed. +ildrimor,-,5,-,true,-,It is just ridiculous how huge this game is! Not just in map size but when it comes to quality narrative and gameplay content this game is absolutely packed. However, this is not the sort of 'content' you might be used to from other open world games. All the quests side quests and activities are fully fleshed out and actually interesting. The way the quests are constructed is the exact opposite of the usual open world quests in that all the quests flow from one to the next whilst all seeming equally important or at least well crafted and written. Nothing is merely there for the sake of padding! Everything, and I mean everything, in this game is there for a reason and is interesting in its own right. If you have ever wanted a more intriguing and well crafted narrative experience from an openworld game without compromising on the gameplay aspects and content then definitely try this game! Excellent! Ridiculously Excellent! : ) +Matte30,-,5,-,true,-,Hej peter +SystemError514,-,5,-,false,-,The Witcher 3 is a beast of a game. I have only played it a little, but comparing it to Skyrim, it's definitely close, or even better. +EPiCFAiL3R,-,5,-,false,-,I am new to the witcher, i was not sure what to expect, but i can say, i was certainly not dissapointed. I am running the witcher on a MSI GTX 780 Lightning, i5 4670k, 16gb ram .etc. and the game runs superbly! Around two thirds of the settings are on ultra and the rest on high, getting a consistant 60 frames per second, i was quite suprised how much better this game runs compared to the recent dragon age installment, being in my opinion a better looking game grapichally yet still runs nicer. From what i have experienced of the game so far the story is interesting, the quests are all good and never seem to be similiar to one another as such, the lore feels deep and the enviorments and beasts are fantastic. Very good RPG, would recommend to everyone. +CableMelon,-,4,-,true,-,Lemme get straight to the point: THIS GAME IS DA CHEEZ Really, I haven't played a game with this much polish, quantity, AND quality in so long. The thing about open-world games is that I don't enjoy them sometimes because I don't feel the need to do side-quests that fill in the world (too repetitive or boring), but in this game, almost EVERY QUEST is interesting. The writing is amazing. I won't spoil anything, but one story quest had me help a certain character and after learning more and more, I came to actually care about what happened to this person. Now, at one point I had the choice to continue with the main quest but I also could help this certain person find his loved one. I decided to help him because the game actually made me care surprisingly. Don't wait, buy this game now. Do what you have to: Have a yard sale, take out a loan, heck, even sell your soul to the devil or something. Just buy the game lol I wish I could give this game five stars, but sadly, on Tonga based AMD gpu's right now, the game never fails to crash in combat. It's happened almost 15-20 times in the time I've played so far, so CDProjekt please fix this. I wanna play this masterpiece uninterrupted pls +Vader2022,-,5,-,false,-,Это лучшая игра 2015 года, даже в гта 5 нет желания играть, после того как попробывал ведьмака ) +LoneWolfSones,-,5,-,false,-,The Witcher 3 brings the final chapter in Geralts saga; as well as 2015's first true GOTY contender. The game improves on the first two in every way and offers a ton of content. Every sidequest feels significant and eschews the tired kill and fetch quests that have been present in most other modern RPGs. Each sidequest introduces new characters and springboards into its own unique little sidestory with cutscenes and excellent fully voiced dialogue. The combat is superb and even allows for horse mounted combat complete with exquisite finishers. And as you are killing drowners and helping people; you will make choices that will have both short and long term effects on the outcome of the story. With all the choices you can make, and multiple endings; the game offers a ton of replay value. Its also important to note the game has an awesome loot system that also has a crafting component with variations for different armor sets. The game is not without its flaws however. Some animations can feel a bit stiff. Especially when you are trying to call or ride Roach. Sometimes looting certain objects can be a bit fiddly too. And there is an occassional glitch here or there though I have yet to notice any myself. The game has already received a number of patches and CD Projekt Red are continuing to support the game with FREE DLC. That is something we don't see enough of in today's gaming industry; where so many publishers monetize their games through microtransactions. But then again how many other publishers/developers put a insert in their game thanking you for buying their game. Not to mention give you a full soundtrack CD. +JLJD,-,5,-,false,-,a steel and silver sword did not exist in the game but in gameplay videos +vonPyromanen,-,5,-,true,-,Unlike a lot of other open world games, with endlessly repeated fetch quests and dialog from the same three voice actors - Bethesda, I'm looking at you here - this game manages to feel fresh and new everywhere I go. The graphics are top-notch and it runs flawlessly. Running a GTX770 and can run it on Ultra settings - though I have it turned down to between Ultra and High to avoid the occaisonal stuttering when things get interesting. I think the Witcher Contracts are wonderful. Hunting and finding out about your prey. Choosing the right blade oil and quick items to use. You'd think they would get repetative, but there always seems to be something new to see, learn about and slaughter for money. The variety of creatures you run into is wonderfull. Also, the quests. I love the quests. Highly engaging, wonderfully scripted and voice acted. Best of all, none of the Bioware-endless-unbroken-eye-contact-with-random-hand-guestures style of dialog. Everything seems fluid and natural. One gripe: Combat can be a bit easy at times. I'm on the "Blood and Broken Bones" difficulty and just tore though a Cyclopes 5 levels higher than I. Although, stumbling onto a nest of wyverns (and a royal wyvern!) that were 9 levels higher than me and coming out on top was an absolute blast. +dr_antimon,-,5,-,false,-,Easiest game of my life +FrostyCheesecake,-,5,-,false,-,Extremely detailed sidequests and main story. Everything connects together anything you do has an impact. +mattruckus47,-,5,-,false,-,Just finished the game, really love it.. +91yobwoc,-,1,-,true,-,I'm gona make this simple, I don't use the forums alot, and so far I see alot of smoke and BS in the air. 1. You don't really control your destiny in any way shape or form through this game. 2. THIS IS NOT THE WITCHER 3... It's actually The Legend of Ciri, Part 1. If you expect to be the witcher and as promised play a story line about the witcher and be the hero who destroys/saves the world from The Wild Hunt... your wrong. It's actually Ciri who basically does everything, wounds all the bosses for you to finish off, saves existence as we know it, makes the Witcher himself look like a weak imbecile, and basically you spend the whole damn game trying to find Ciri OR basically being a lapdog for Ciri or any female who walks by with a leash for you. 3. The PC keyboard/mouse controls for this game are playable, but after half way through the game (alot of hours) you'll get extremely irritated that it still feels like a console despite Witcher being a PC game originally. 4. Walking a mile down the street takes hours if you zig zag, run in circles, and smell every plant you can find, it will take longer if you chase after cars passing by (the side quests). This game is all fluff and crap. You basically playing a single player MMORPG. 5. Gerald has no masculinity or balls anymore, apparently the amnesia had another side effect... Gerald now does what he is told by anyone who tells him, is treated like shit, and reacts in 2 ways: A) He is a good lapdog is says yes master OR B) He snivels like a B**** and still ends up doing option A anyway because "He has no other choice". 6. The actual signs and skills in this game once again, most of them are found lacking or useless when there needed the most. You really don't need most of your potions, and can do without 90% of the time even on the harder difficulties. 8. The spell effects themselves are average or crappy at best (Ultra Settings). 9. Politics, feminism etc I hope any old school RPG fans will save there 75$. +CrazyAngel4You,-,5,-,false,-,This is the game... For me, that would describe it, but let's put in atleast a few more lines to this one. This is a great game with a huge world that is filled with life (and death) and rich atmosphere. The world and its' inhabitants are deeply interesting and all you have to do is to soak it all up and enjoy. The new combat system, to me, feel a lot better than its' predecessor Witcher 2. It's more varied and flows like a river through all of these Northern Kingdoms' hostile beasts and beasty people. And last, but not least; the music. Love it! +Beautiful and living world +Interesting Characters and NPC's +New and improved combat system +Story +Music -Few minor bugs -Graphics (Need to optimized. Blurry/Sharpness.) +Nowax584,-,5,-,false,-,THE BEST <33333 +gaara87,-,5,-,false,-,Great game 10/10 ign. +Deywik,-,5,-,false,-,best RPG game ever...GOTY.. :) +VashCZ,-,4,-,false,-,3,5-4 Stars mainstream story, consoles, and good work as usual below 15 Euros I recomend it for anyone sometimes playing computer games below 25 Euros I recomend it for RPG players(action and story RPG) for Witcher fans it is musthave! Witcher 3 has great story development and what you choose to do influence the tale.(better than Telltale games). Just like with books I could not wait Fighting is enertaining and for me there was still something to learn. The game´s length is just to learn up all and not get bored. Game's RPG system, meaning talents, items... just fine and if the balance come in half a year or with mods... I am pretty sure it could be called perfect. Game is modable! Mods could be great, unfortunatelly yet no balanced mods for me in this time. Graphics are beautiful. With utilities, f.e. addon launcher "Hunter's config", you have lots of posibilites to set and so you can adjust it exactly for yourself. Together with Gameworks(at least I think it's because of it) game has BEST ragdolls I ever seen, actually don't think it's "ragdoll" anymore. Wind and hair/hairs(even without Hairworks) are best I've seens too. Fire itself is also very good but not affected by wind, otherwise it could be best too. The bad think about this is that for FHD gameplay you need r9 280/GTX 960 or higher. Well, high cost high experience. The game is unfortunatelly hybrid when we look at platforms. Inventory is clearly aimed to be for PC, but character movement and camera and "usables" are for XOne/PS4 controllers. Together with unpleasant keybinding(through notepad) it gets -0,5 star from me. And -0,5 star for all those small things. Often stupid human AIs(even role-play "skilled" soldiers like Elite nilfgardians or Wild hunt soldiers), f.e. whole group stops and wait until I come to them, but I shot all of them to death with crossbow, terrible. Some bugs. Not good sound... actually bad sound. Sound immersion for conversations are 0 *cry*. For me it was unoptimization for Kepler GPU. I was considering -1 whole star but... hell this is not 60% game, 70% is just what it worth in current stage. For those who read books and played games before(well it's me) it gets another -0,5 star for mainstream story and several nonsenses through the game. +ugur222,-,5,-,false,-,Well you can read more explaning reviews (and more reviewish reviews ) about how beatiful game is but I'm gonna tell you about how cdprojeckt patched this game . First things first ; I'm at very begining of the game .I was preordered the game so i played it first day it came out . I came to town after rescueing a merchant from a griffin and do one or two quest.And thats it . I was playing game at lowest settings and even at lowest setting game was like little slow-motion to me .My labtop was not enough for this monster game (btw I have nvidia 645m for gpu ).After that day i just patched game when patches are available but didn't play the game .And when patch 1.05 was out i patched game again and then i just say why not ? I clicked the play button , game opened and i was shocked.Game was so fluent so i just went to options and increased graphics setting from low to high (actually all setting is high now excluding shadow quality) and now i playing game fluently at high setting . Thanks CdP and keep patching this game even better expreince +Unwornjamiez,-,5,-,false,-,First witcher game I have every played and the first quests had me hooked. The story is deep and interesting, every choice you make can have serious implications on the ending (good or bad). Characters have rich backstories which makes all the quests you do that much more enjoyable as their personality comes across strongly when you are accompanied by them. This is one of the only games where I want to do all the side quests just to see all that it has to offer. Combat is as rewarding as it is punishing. The satisfaction gained when you block a strike to counter attack or dodge a huge strike from a monster is amazing. Also getting hit hard for one dodge too early or too late is great, although a little frustrating at time. Performs well, even on low end rigs, and looks fantastic. Voice acting is top quality which adds to the feeling that the world of the Witcher 3 is really 'alive'. The pre-rendered cut scenes are a little jarring at times though. CD Projekt RED doesn't shy away from adding sexual content and gore to enrich the experience, hence the 18 rating, and I believe the game is better for it. Absolutely fantastic game, so much content and all of it to the same high standard makes me want to do multiple play throughs to see how different decisions pan out for all the characters. Gwent is pretty fun too. +voidburn,-,5,-,true,-,Runs amazingly well with my GTX 760 with everything @ low + textures on high (1080p), looks great too! Amazing game, it's been a while since I had this good of a time with an RPG, look forward to Cyberpunk 2077! Highly recommended! +fleischjunge,-,5,-,true,-,Just an epic RPG +tbeykov,-,3,-,true,-,Not bad at all but certainly not worth full price. The witcher is feeling like a arend boy,he can't do anything worth while. And when you get to the first part as "ciri" you just wonder why do you play the underdog that is just an arrand boy and has no powers... If you attack the guards in the city they will own you but in combat where you should fight you could own 100 guards 10 times over. Why is that? It's like you have no choices i mean you 100% must care about "ciri". The witcher constantly whines that he hates teleportation it's not the player's choice.. It's boring you either do the main quest or the boring side quests in short a time waster.. +Funky_Monkey,-,5,-,true,-,Ist ein sau geiles game und wird auch nicht fad. Kann es wirklich weiter empfehlen! +baleens,-,5,-,true,-,Not only does CD Projekt set the bar for what games should be in terms of Quality, Game play, and Originality But you also set the bar for standards of excellence when it comes to your ideals for distribution, DLC, DRM, and just giving the customer exactly what they want from a retailer and development company. Anyone involved in this should be applauded at this modern day classic you have created. Given the size of the company this really is a masterpiece. It runs fantastically, is gorgeous as all Witcher games are, and is a silky smooth life like atmosphere which pulls you into this wonderful world they have woven. I for one completely bow to you as a gracious customer for the many hours of enjoyment you have brought me and others. Thanking you as well for not giving us the run around with a nonsensical add-on or cash grab system to boot. In conclusion, This game is an absolute work of art and obviously is a must buy and play title. It is a all encompassing action, drama, RPG, riveting world of monsters and the tale of a fantastic character we know as Geralt. You would be doing yourself a disservice if you did not purchase Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt. +redtoorange,-,5,-,false,-,Amazing game! +mortymere,-,5,-,true,-,Sending aside few small issues here and there-it's a very solid, nice to play, without any hurry, title. +EternalRemedy,-,5,-,true,-,Best rpg of the decade! Hope other AAA developers learn how to make games Ty CDPR +Inikah,-,5,-,false,-,Remember when playing Baldur's Gate and Knights of the Old Republic and imagining how it would look if they were rendered in, at that time, unconceivable graphics? 'tis Wild Hunt for you! TEH RPG game, the one you've been dreaming about, mixing amazing storytelling, insanely well fleshed characters, stunning graphics, killer music and a massive open world adventure which will keep you glued to the PC for days (first playthough was roughly 150 hrs long, w/o fast travel, because... immersion). Oh and you get Yen, Triss and Ciri and they're to die for, plus monster slaying and treasure hunting galore. Best 50 euros I've ever spent in my life! Ploughing fantastic! +The__Last__Wish,-,5,-,false,-,LOVE THE GAME, I preordered it long time ago and gonna buy expansion, game is amazing from graphics to story, but in the end I felt disappointment that it ended lol this part was really sad for me, definitely gonna repeat this epic adventure with Geralt and read the books :D. +FoolWolf,-,3,-,true,-,First of all - the game is great. So great in fact that many other games claiming to be triple A titles just don't add up to this title at all. There is a story that is compelling, intriguing and sprinkled with fun, sad, horrible, lovely and fun side quests and story. It has a rich environment and really fleshed out world to move around in. So why 3 stars? Well, the game is really really unstable giving a lot of players game-breaking bugs. It can't handle factory overclocked graphic cards and I haven't played a game this prone to lag out or crash since GTAS V or Morrowind. So while great and fun and gripping and all - having all these Game doesn't answer bugs is just now starting to get to a level where I no longer am interested in playing the game. There are no solutions that helps getting it to be stable unless you under-clock the card, have to exit a lot of things, have to quit NVidia experience, have to make certain settings - I mean sorry - but the game is like an ill-behaving hedgehog throwing tantrum and the slightest thing off-cue. I do envy those that gets to play this game without the hassles but for me - these bugs are now getting to a level where my experience is severally deteriorating. Without the bugs - this game is most likely not only game of the year but game of several years. I really hope for patches to come and save this title so I can play it soon. +KimInCheol,-,5,-,false,-,Best game I ever played. +yankeefan8189,-,1,-,false,-,The game looks very nice, and is fun. However i have gotten so frustrated with this game, to the point where i literally am breaking into tears, screamin at the top of my lungs. What do i mean? Well there are some parts in the game, specifically missions and bandits, that are literally impossible to kill. I mean the mission family matters, whcih i am stuck on for over an hour of gameplay, theres a point where you have to fight literally 10 + wraiths. Include the fact that you cant save in between, this mission is impossible to get past. Some of these missions are so diffciult, i cant have fun with this game. +Yorutamashi,-,5,-,false,-,Like not so many around, my favorite Witcher game so far was the first one... mostly because they RPG elements that weren't present in the 2nd game (amazing game also). This one now... fulfills every expectation i had... The one thing that i can't believe it's so amazing, is the fact that every side quest has more content than the main storyline of several of today's games! It's amazing! I can play most side quests for hours without getting bored or thinking it's just grinding for exp and gold! I can't give this game less than 5/5, even considering the performance issues, glitches and that stuff... haven't seen so many as most people complain about though... Anyway... BUY THIS GAME NOW! +Rixo,-,5,-,true,-,Einfach nur der Hammer! Empfehle es für jeden!! Ein Spiel mit richtig geiler Story +Claybeg,-,5,-,true,-,Лучшее во что я играл за последние лет 10 Полное погружение в прекрасный сказочный мир . Великолепная история,отличная графика. Есть конечно мелкие огрехи.Но где их нет?) Огромная благодарность разработчикам за столь кропотливый труд. +w1rbel5turm,-,5,-,false,-,It's just a amazing game 69/69 +Beanexe,-,5,-,true,-,I'm 100+ hours in an I still haven't finished it. Help me. +morrthal,-,5,-,false,-,Great game, best from the series! +cruel.frames,-,5,-,true,-,Yes, the hype is real! It is in fact even better. The Witcher 3 is not only the best RPG that I've ever played, it is the best piece of art I have ever been lucky to expereince. Even though I am still relatively in the "beginning" (over 20h), it just can't stop surprising me with it's amazing characters, storytelling and voice acting. Even the randomly encountered peasant on the road has an interesting story to tell, a difficult dilema to solve. And yes, all this takes place in a fantasy world full of monsters and magic but you can't help it but notice the horrifying resemblance with the world we live in. And this is one of the things that make it so special. The Graphics, sound and music are stellar. The Combat is challenging but not frustrating. If you invest your time to research what you're fighting and prepare for it - you can do it - and when you succeed, it is very rewarding. CD Project also did an amazing job supporting the game post launch. I won't even start with the 16 Free DLCs, because they merely a bonus to the massive value this masterpiece offers. A word of caution though - this game is demanding. If you want to experience it in its full splendour, you need to invest time in it. Don't be that guy that just buys games to gather digital dust in their digital Library and never plays them. Score: 10/10 P.S. Damn I wish I had more time for it. +Andrea.7x,-,5,-,false,-,this is the best game i've ever see highly recommend it! +GreenDamsel,-,5,-,true,-,Thankfully the developers of The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt enable me to write a review that can convince you of this game's grandeur without falling back on Spoilers. Why is that? The Game simply has enough positive points even if you ignore the story, which, by itself, would justify a purchase. So let's get it out of the way: The story as I'd define it includes the main quest plus the sidequests for Keira, Yennefer, Triss, Dandelion, Roche, Dijkstra and the Skellige politics. These quests left me breathlessly demanding for more. It is basically the same sensation you feel when you are reading an excellent book and ignore any time limits in order to finish one more chapter. Pacing, Voice Acting, Animation and Quest design are on spot throughout the game for these and other secondary quests. The only negative point I found regarding quests were the Witcher Contracts, which follow the same scheme for most of the time. 1. Go to the crime scene. 2. Use Witcher senses. 3. Find trail. 4. Follow trail. 5. Find & kill monster. It is still considerably better quest design than "Gather 10 wolf pelts", but got quite repetitive after about 60h of gameplay. (Yes, the game is so good that this point is my major negative one.) So besides that: What's to say about this game? + The graphics are stunning. + Gwent is a welcome addition and is a joyful experience once you acquire more cards. + The characters are really well written. (Well there're the books so...) + The world is mature and a real pleasure to dive into. + The way equipment is handled, as in you can upgrade sets of armor, is a welcome change that strengthens immersion. + Exploration is actually fun and the love for details is showing. + The combat and skill system is fun and worthy of experimentation. - As long as you don't go lazy mode and just spam the 2-3 overpowered attacks. - The controls can be real neckbreakers sometimes. I played on my keyboard and mouse only to have a quicksave button ready, when I go diving. +Genotype Jim,-,5,-,false,-,What a horrible game. Savage monsters, endless deaths and the necessity to become somewhat intimate with the manual save function. Oh wait!!! As it turns out I'm just really shit at this game. Turning it down to bog easy makes it a wonderful flit in the forrest where nasty beasties must bow before my mighty steel blade, in between me picking flowers whilst deciding which maiden to plow next. Game 5/5 Me 1/5 for hackey-slashey-blockey timing +PoorJoy,-,5,-,false,-,best game ever +Ssnakepit,-,5,-,false,-,RPG GENRE IS SAVED, SO F**KING SAVED +Arothar,-,5,-,false,-,Hy +Konstamonsta,-,5,-,false,-,New Milestone in the era of RPG. Fans of the Genre: this is a must have. +Nightware91,-,5,-,false,-,( French guy incoming ) Il y a énormément de très bon jeux qui sortent de nos jours, malgré l'avis de beaucoup de joueurs. Cependant, il est rare de se prendre une véritable claque. Je n'en avais pas reçu depuis Dishonored en 2013, et The Witcher 3 m'en a mise une énorme. Une histoire longue (30 heures en se concentrant uniquement sur la quête principale), halletante, sans réel temps mort, avec des personnages attachants... Un régal. Un gros point fort du jeu est qu'il n'y a pas qu'une seule histoire justement : chaque quête secondaire présente aussi bien que la quête principale, et il y en a un nombre a faire pâlir d'envie un Skyrim. De plus, les quêtes "de sorceleur", vous faisant chasser un monstre bien précis, vous mettent véritablement dans la peau d'un chasseur, on sent le plaisir de la traque. Ensuite, il y a l'univers du jeu. Impécable, avec tout un bestiaire, des croyances, de la politique, comme toujours dans The Witcher. Les fans des livres se sentiront sans doute plus intégrés à l'histoire que les néophytes. Le Gwynt va également vous faire passer des nuits blanches, sans réellement que vous compreniez pourquoi il vous semble si important de collectionner toutes les cartes de ce jeu de stratégie ( pas trop mon truc mais chacun son avis ) Au niveau technique, le jeu est tout simplement magnifique. Il était juste évident que le jeu n'allait pas ressembler aux premiers trailers, CDProjeckt n'allait pas se contenter de la clientèle de joueurs dôtée d'un SLI de Titan X( sans parler des joueurs consoles ). Le jeu est donc très beau, tout en étant très bien optimisé, ma petite gtx 960 le fait tourner de façon stable en ultra. Cette optimisation est d'autant plus impressionnante que les décors du jeu sont vivants ; il ne se contente pas d'être statiques, mais sont dynamique au gré de la météo ambiante, l'immersion en est vraiment renforcée. Franchement, le jeu mériterait d'être vendu plus cher encore. Foncez, voilà le GOTY 2015. +Destrono,-,5,-,false,-,Just under an hour in and I'm already hooked! Smooth gameplay, gorgeous graphics and no loading times! This game will eat a LOT of my time! +jeffreybernabe,-,5,-,false,-,+ Gorgeous and stunning open world game I've ever played + Strong and robust Main storyline (if you read the in-game books and understood Witcher lore) + Gwent + Quality crafted Quests and Witcher Contracts - Easy compared to the previous titles especially in the 2nd half of the game +SnoopyDog1212,-,5,-,false,-,This game is to mainstream and im a hipster soooo but my friends would slaughter me if i gave it a bad review so +eloquent_moose,-,5,-,false,-,There aren't very many games I give a perfect score to, but Witcher 3 has coaxed it out of me. I'm not sure if it's the compelling story, the fun sword fights, the breathtaking scenery, the bountiful world full of hidden treasures and secrets, or Geralt's exceptionally pointy chin; but this game has won my heart. This game rests in my hall of greatness next to epics like Baldur's Gate, Elder Scrolls, Jak and Daxter, and Dragon Quest. Games that made me feel emotions and actually give a shit about what was going on in the world they held. Games that captivated me and captured me - the kind of games that I couldn't tear away from, that held me in their grasp as I wondered "What next?" From the moment I stepped into Geralt's shoes I knew this was going to be a grand adventure worth remembering. The only thing I could think while I was exploring this new, strange world was that I had finally found it - had finally found the adventure game to rule over all others. Not since Skyrim had the thought crossed my mind that there could be another great adventure awaiting for me. I had become calloused at the lack of genuine games being pumped out of the industry. I like games that dare to tell a story and that just don't give a shit what anyone else thinks - games that are allowed to breathe and tell their tales. I take my adventures seriously, and this game understands that. Grand adventures can't be half-told, they can't be half-assed. Rest assured, Witcher 3 is THE adventure game to own and it's stories are fully told and it is full-assed. I can honestly say that Witcher 3 is the ultimate role-playing adventure game. It's nice to have a good game in my hands for once - games like this are exceptionally rare. Thank you, CD PROJEKT RED, for actually giving a damn about your game. +dimstog,-,1,-,false,-,It could have been a great game to finish off the series. Unfortunately, even with the configurable controls the PC version is a bad console port. - The graphics are nice - mind you, nice for ported console grapgics - The story is nice - if only it was told in an organic fashion instead of continuous console ported cutscenes - The combat is nice - if only it wasn't the same console ported hack and slash and mash the same button again again, since you know, this is a console port and consoles are not that great in combat gameplay - The world is nice - if only it was open. Mind you, I guess that;s what open is like on consoles. Oh, and of course the FOV through which you view said world is the claustrophobic one, the one ported from consoles. - The Hairworks is nice - if only it was enough to save this game. For all the art inspiration (and aspirations) that have gone into this game, I can only feel for the developers that had to make the game of their dreams a bad PC game in order to make it playable on "last generation" consoles. I won't even go into the classic inventory / controls / etc stuff, all set up for consoles, it's getting old. Who knows, maybe it's just me that's getting old. +butcer,-,2,-,true,-,It is a great game but it is utterly broken at its current state and the amount of time it has taken cdpr to get a patch out for the xp bug is utterly and completely indefensible , this is getting close to assassin creed unity territory +omgsaduku,-,5,-,false,-,Everything is pretty peachy so far. Movement is kinda delayed and lame though. +johnsontylerj,-,5,-,true,-,Was already obsessed with this series and this installment in particular - but there are so many fun easter eggs. Just playing the quest Tower outta nowhere - and the guy I need to free says I have to disable the Defense Regulatory Magicon...If only all fortresses were DRM free...hmmm. Well done CDPR. +bigwils1,-,5,-,true,-,Outstanding simple as that just buy the thing will ya +deadstr8shot,-,4,-,false,-,Not sure If i want this game or not. +TheSchleswigLp,-,5,-,false,-,The Witcher 3 ist wohl mit abstand eins der besten Spiele der Letzten Jahre, Atmosphere,Musik,Story ist in sich Super Stimmig. Die Steuerung ein wenig gewöhnungsbedürftig da kann man aber drüber hinwegsehen. Wer also auf RollenSpiele steht und ein The Witcher fan ist sollte nicht lange zögern und zuschalgen. 11 von 10 Wolfsketten. Lg: Jan R. +Cadestef,-,5,-,false,-,Bonjour à toutes et à tous, Fan de la série The Witcher depuis le le premier opus, je me régale tous les jours du troisième volet!! je n'ai que des superlatifs pour ce jeu ni intense, profond, noir et addictif!! Les mises en situation, la narration est d'une très haute qualité et l'immersion n'est que totale!! j'ai vraiment l'impression de participer et de vivre cette aventure!! Je remercie CD projekt de nous avoir fourni un tel jeu qui est pour moi le meilleur de ma génération!! J'espère que ce n'est pas le dernier finalement......;) +Cherkass,-,5,-,false,-,It's very cool game! but stil there are some bugs stoped on quest "Treasures of a Count Reuven" couse no dialogue on the continuation of the quest, namely branches. the graph reveals basement with Troll and we need to find the treasure. It all began after I had 2 times refused him, continuing the quest of a Bastard. After speaking with and receiving Radovids quest "Sheal" wanted to do "Treasures of a Count Reuven" but it did not work, he says "return to Dijkstra when he's ready." Q: What should I do? Game Version 1.4. +seenbefore,-,5,-,false,-,Best Role Game ive played since let me guess, Witcher 2 ! Great Work Team Red P.S: Already waiting for the next DLC Story plz Team Red hurry up :P i can not wait anymore ! +Fatina902,-,5,-,false,-,For me this is the best single-player game i ever played! It's simply amazing +Caveman03,-,5,-,true,-,This game is the RPG you always talk to people about making, this may be the best RPG ever made and it is terrifyingly amazing. +Arthas92,-,5,-,false,-,super :) +stebouane,-,5,-,true,-,I thought Skyrim was amazing when it came out... I loved Witcher 1 and especially Witcher 2... Expectations were huge for Witcher 3 and after playing since launch, I know this is what I wanted when pre-purchasing. Gameplay is really good, fighting is challenging and fun... but even those moments when the rain starts, or when the wind ruffles the leaves around you... you can just stop and look around and enjoy just the scenery, and the sound... Frankly this is by far the best game I have ever played in ages... Updates seem to come on a regular basis, showing that the developers are taking care of us... My computer build is maybe a little above average, but the game runs smoothly and looks fantastic... I'm thinking of buying the expansion pack but what if I finish the game before it launches in October... will I be able to play other games that will look so dull compared to this masterpiece. This is the first time I've ever posted about a game, but this game is just amazing... +gicu,-,5,-,false,-,Awesome game, big open world and story!. Good job CD Project RED! +Assterics,-,5,-,true,-,What can I say? I've played 60+ hours (due to job and exams) and feel like i can't get enough done in the time i can sink in... Easily took the top spot as answer for the question "Now what am i gonna' play today?". +slcheldon,-,3,-,false,-,Needs more rabbits. +CheekyMarv,-,5,-,false,-,I love it. +Man_with_a_Plan,-,5,-,false,-,What to say about the Witcher III... This game is incredible, the amount of time and effort that I can see has gone into this game is amazing, no, BREATHTAKING. This game is worth every single cent that you spend on it and much much more. However, tackling some things that people have against it: Bugs. Every game has them and they almost always get flattened so dont get worried about bugs so much that you hate the game for it because ignoring this game will do more harm to you then to itself. I give this: 10 out of 10 WELL DONE CDPR AND MANY MORE SUCCESSES TO COME! (My computer is a Asus G750JS laptop and it runs the game at 30FPS at ultra detailing eg, enviroment, characters and high everything else so dont worry if you have a laptop either it looks BEAUTIFUL) +jordanzarb,-,5,-,false,-,Heavy game +benny912,-,5,-,false,-,this game is heavy!!!!!! +nepublicenemy,-,5,-,false,-,Just a quick word for anyone that might be on the fence about this game - just do it. The wait was worth it. Its absolutely massive, fleshed out, quality from every corner - a game that was clearly a labor of love. I'm currently 45 hours in, have not quite finished the main story(actually, I dont know how much is left), but suffice it to say, I wll be fininishing the main story quests and much, much more. In the era of Beta games being released as "complete" and quality seemingly in the gutter, The Witcher 3 stands out as a testament to what gaming COULD and SHOULD be in 2015. AWESOME. +SkepicIV,-,5,-,false,-,Great Game, Great Story, Great Boobs. +Telecenesiz,-,5,-,false,-,Игра- шикарная. Сюжет, геймплей, графика всё на высоте. Однозначно РПГ года и пока что игра года +Giovanni1983,-,5,-,true,-,In a few and simple words, this is the best open world RPG you will probably ever get your hands on. The world is amazing and feels alive, the character design is top notch, the dialogues are extremelly well written, the combat is really fun and challenging, the crafting system is extensive and the quests (both main and side) will make your eyes pop at how well designed they are. You owe it to yourself to try this game out. +humparn9,-,5,-,false,-,good game +Malcory,-,5,-,true,-,This is a great game! +Daredevil81,-,5,-,false,-,It took me a while but I've finally finished The Witcher 3 Main quest. It has been a full experience made of incredibly well written stories, magical haunting atmospheres, beautifully crafted graphics and deeply emotional music. This is an opera that definitely transcends the fact of being a "simple" videogame. Superb!!! and now...let's start Hearts of Stone!! :) +Zetril,-,5,-,true,-,This game is just awesome, I've already over 75 hours ingame and I'm just level 22 and there is still so much to do... this story, this music it's an epos! +thainej6,-,5,-,true,-,At this point there is nothing I can add that hasn't already been said by someone else about this title so I will keep this short and sweet. In my entire history of gaming I have never played a game as EPIC as TW3. The story, the music, the quests, the lore, fantastic job by CDPR, and well worth the asking price. +DerMichi83,-,5,-,false,-,This Game is absolutly Perfect. +Griever_PL,-,5,-,false,-,Still playing it, but cannot imagine a better RPG these days. ^^ +Sevrale,-,5,-,false,-,you get to play never have i ever as a witcher +vango003,-,5,-,true,-,My total play time up to the the credits was 57 hours and loved every minute, Always seem to find a new quest while travelling and always well fleshed out stories for each. Haven't even touched the card game so far and looking at the long list of challenges for it, ive got several hours still got enjoy. Only problem I've experienced is the annoying crashing that is still happening as of version 1.04... Thankfully the game loads very fast so I'm back into the game in less than a minute. One of the Best games ive played in years! +Alfheira,-,3,-,true,-,If you played The Witcher 1 and 2 the story of The Witcher 3 starts kind of weird. You need to start completely from scratch. All knowledge of monsters and potions from Witcher 2 is gone and it's not explained why Geralt suffers from amnesia. A better way for veterans would have been to give them a headstart (some bestairy entries, some recipes, some skillpoints) and make the monsters more difficult in the starting area. The biggest disappointment for me are the game mechanics. I don't like the alchemy system at all. The number of potions is limited even if you got the ingredients to create more. This punishes a players decision for a certain playstyle. The number of potions, etc should be limited by the ingredients I got to create them, the number of potions I can stomach limited by toxicity and the number of potions I can carry limited by their weight. The skill-system is botched. It's not enough to level up a skill you need to "activate" it as well. Only a maximum of 12 skills (of 70) can be activated at a time. So you constantly need to switch "active" talents depending on what enemy you are facing. One skill enables you to deflect arrows. It's only useful against enemies with bows (afaik). I need to constantly switch this talent from active to inactive and vice versa depending of what enemy I fight. This is completely stupid. Either Geralt knows how to do it or he doesn't. It makes no sense. The A.I. is broken or very limited at least and keyboard input still feels clunky. I'd like to rebind the "C" key but can't. Why do I need "C" to sheathe my weapon if "1" and "2" do the same? The game is fun nonetheless, the quests very well written and the voice acting very good. But unlike the trailers it looks now more like Whimsyshire. I really liked the washed out and darker look seen in the trailers more. After 25 hours of play I now leave this game and hope for a better version. I do this reluctantly cause the story is awesome and I'd like to see more of it. +rhinoman22,-,5,-,false,-,The story was so heartful of action,adventure,drama that makes u feel like crying,love one of the best RPG out there +nubcak,-,5,-,false,-,The beard, it grows. 'Nuff said. +jander13,-,5,-,false,-,I have been playing RPGs since Eye of the Beholder and this is the best RPG I have ever played, I am hoping Witcher 3 will create e revolution in RPGs much like Baldur's Gate 2 did. I bought the collectors edition in addition to regular edition to support the company. I don't even understand how they pulled this game off. +Kelbros,-,5,-,true,-,I love this game. I never played the predecessors, but I highly recommend this game to anyone out there that loves RPGs. Excellent in depth stories and a beautiful environment. My playing experience and story results have been very different from all my friends that I talk to about this game with. 5 Star game! I've already lost 2 weekends in a row to this game-I haven't played a game this hard since Skyrim! +paw123,-,5,-,false,-,This game is amazing. It's the best game I've played since Red Dead Redemption. The amount of care and effort put into this game is mindblowing. Despite some minor bugs, I'd give this game a 9.5/10 +solid5886,-,2,-,false,-,This game is not finished yet.Although it is an amazing graphical rgp marvel top notch of the era,most of the game is bugged from top to toe.From ledges that you cant climb after 40 hours gameplay. Suddenly pop up characters 1 m away. Drowners(type of amphibian creature) falling from the sea while you are travelling by boat.They should have waited 1 year for the release instead of hyping the media full of videos and using gamers as a test subject for endless patches that fixes something breaks other things. +swhenley,-,4,-,true,-,To start with: I've played witchers 1 & 2 repeatedly, probably to the point of obsession. Witcher 3 is a beautiful game with a great plot, and runs great on my machine (about 4 years old now). That said, the actual controls in the game feel incredibly awkward. Whether it is trying to go through a door, make a quick turn, or stop before jumping off that cliff, Geralt doesn't quite react the way I expect him to. There are other difficulties with movement as well as selecting what you want to interact with (no, I don't want to blow that candle out...). Overall, the game is worth it - however there are some issues that make me feel as though the game is still in testing. There could be workarounds as well, I just haven't found any that worked. +diekolonel,-,5,-,false,-,Entrez dans un Univers extraordinaire, ou vos choix influent réellement sur la suite de votre aventure, ou les villes sont réellement animées, ou le jour et la nuit ne changent pas seulement la luminosité. Incarnez l'anti-héro le plus Badass de sa catégorie, et surtout retrouvez ses conquètes les plus belles que vous puissiez trouver dans un jeu viéo. Si vous rêviez d'un autre monde, d'aventures épiques, et de magie, ne cherchez pas ailleurs : C'est beau, c'est bon, et c'est immersif. Foncez ! +Xhan2000,-,5,-,false,-,I had to save a Goat named "Princess" and she tricked me leading into a Bear which treid to kill me. Would not trust Goats in this game. 10/10! +Totsch,-,3,-,true,-,It is the best looking role playing game I've ever seen. It tells a good, gripping story. I hate it anyway. Because the fighting system is made for these mentally less privileged console players. Boss fights (a ridiculous concept anyway) can last 5 minutes and more - and than you get killed just before you succed. Oh - what a load of fun... It's deplorable that a game with such a long, well told story needs boss fights at all. But these are frustrating to the bone - I don't like to be frustrated. Game deleted. Sorry for the money. +Bleede0548,-,5,-,false,-,The game that brought me to GOG; The Witcher 3. After playing the first two (and being a little disappointed in the second) I feel like they've finally nailed down the series. A Vast, truely open world reminiscent of Red Dead Redemption, dotted with tonnes of small towns and settlements greets you almost as soon as you start the game. The landscape is beautiful, and even on Ultra the game doesn't require you to have the most top of the line hardware. +Yawoon,-,2,-,true,-,I believe that most of the reviews here were added after like 10 hrs of gameplay. It breaks my heart to say this but its one of these games where at a first glance its a 10/10 game and the further you go the more sad and disappointed you get. The main plot is realy unlogical at times. Especialy the second part of the game feels very rushed. Its filled with quest and characters that realy make no sense (Don't want to write any spoilers but I'm sure everyone that finished the game can give lots and lots of examples:P). Also the romances are terribly written. Game almost forces us to love Yennefer with little to none interaction with Triss (aside for a few quests that end with one romantic sequence). Aside from all that plot stuff the monster killing and exploring is realy fun but... it realy just has no purpose (aside from exploration for exploration itself). You just don't need money in the world of witcher because there is nothing worth spending it on. Same is about the gear. You can craft the best armor and weapons yourself (witcher gear) which you can upgrade throughout the game. So all the items you'll find will most likely be sold to a merchant giving you even more cash that you don't need... :P So If you're about to buy this game and you're reading this then please don't do it. Just spare yourself the frustration and wait for the enhanced edition in which hopefully some issues will be fixed and the game will be more enjoyable. +CSPSpy,-,3,-,false,-,good things: -story and storytelling -graphics (downgrade is obvious though) -character development (not leveling up and shit) -dialogue -general writing -great conclusion to the series decent things: -voice acting -some sidequests are interesting, most are not bad things: -overabundance of repeating content (think far cry 2, instead here you have a fuckton of content that is simply not interesting) -lack of interesting content -alchemy system -character progression system (leveling up and shit) -clunky combat controls -shit-tier auto-lock feature that constantly snaps from target in front of you to target a mile away from you personal opinion: good for one playthrough +xGUNZx,-,5,-,false,-,Amazing game must own GOTY 2015 ***** +Wrex2099,-,5,-,true,-,I realy don't know what else to say. CDPR is clearly the new kings of RPGs and it's time for BioWare to retire and close its doors, cuz TW3 is just unbelieavly better than DAI in every aspect (except maybe the water quality), and those who are awarded DAI for GOTY of last year should be ashamed of themselves, cuz this game does not deserve that at all, it was not even the best RPG of the last year. Anyway, congrats CDPR! TW3 is the best game you ever made. Keep up the good work and don't let anyone buy the company EVER or it will share the fate of BioWare. +Djole09,-,5,-,false,-,Amazing! +dedication21,-,4,-,false,-,4 / 5 - The game is fantastic fun, it really pulls you in and wont let go. Think most of us can agree on that. But it like all games of its kind have many issues, things lacking. There are alot of weird issues and bugs. Things that I dont get how its not in the game, basic things like cooking and being able to have fun with the ladies of the night in the cities, there is alot of them, why cant you interact with them? Might not seem like a big deal, and not that I have a need for it other then it bugging me they ask me if I wanna ... you know, and I cant do anything. There is a million items, food, drink, meat especially, you cant prepare it. There is alot of graphical issues, pop in, and I know the devs are aware and working on it, and since this game will be moddable, already have many mods, I'm sure modders will sort out some of this. But this feel like another recent big open world game, a city full of bus stops, but not a single bus? How the f***? I really hate such things, and The Witcher 3 while lovely has alot of these things aswell. I often wonder if the developers play their game at all beyond making sure it runs. I know they do, ofc, but still I cant help thinking they dont. This goes for a ton of games, not just this. Right now CPR are everyones favourite, everyone love these guys, hell, I love them, they try to do the right thing while everyone else seem hell bent on destroying everything, so props to them for that! Took me 60 hours of game play until the game crashed for the first time. Now it has crashed 6 times at random for no apparent reason. I'm sure that will be fixed too so not too bothered, after all, it was flawless for 60 hours, more then can be said for most games aswell. (in the stability department) One thing that I'm really happy to see, the ability to respec... Huge thanks for that!! I can go on forever, but I'll stop here. I'd say its a must buy for anyone who loved the previous games or other big open world fantasy games. +bakaIQ,-,2,-,false,-,If all the bugs are fixed. No XP gained in main quests,,, Can't play without messing with my progress. Very disappointing. Except the bugs, the game is awesome. Still, do not buy until game breaking bugs are fixed! +realsmilingwolf,-,5,-,false,-,Finished leisurely in 25 hours and this is by far the best RPG I've ever played. Its story writing is top notch (novel like; which is obviously one of the most important aspects about a long haul RPG) with very engaging main plot with masterfully interwoven subplots that influence one another and respond to your choices and then affect the world around you. . The characters are excellently portrayed and voice acted and really feel alive which endears you to them ( first time since mass effect series that I cared about the characters fate). Without mentioning any spoilers there are many truly memorable bittersweet emotional moments in this game which play on your heart strings. Just like previous Witcher games there is a grey morality action and consequence system with later unexpected repercussions depending on your choices; this truly is an RPG that responds to your choices with 3 different playable epilogues with hundreds of sub variations for the ending meaning the replay ability value is vast. The only story improvements I would have liked would have been there ability to meet in game characters at the end of the game when its still open world otherwise its very lonely wandering around the map. Also depending on who you romance during the main plot it would have been nice to have had a bit more romantic closure at the end (a cut scene or two rather than just voice over) otherwise it can feel a bit abrupt The gameplay is fresh and engaging without being repetitive, the world is a truly MASSIVE open world that rewards exploration and questing (no repetitive fetch quests here), and the graphically options on the PC mend bendingly comprehensive and rewarding. Ultimately a masterpiece. Lastly I continue to be impressed by the genuine conscientious approach to game development that a small company like CDPR has pioneered, towards fairness and quality in the industry. No money grabbing poor quality half finished product producing by massive corporations here but a really commendable attempt and developing at supplying a top notch product. THANKS CDPR! +breahnaradu,-,2,-,false,-,I have to say : this game is the best single-player game i've ever played. It has everything from the amaizing graphics and sound quality to an atmosphere full of danger. But it's almost unplayable because of those crashes ! Diving or even just entering the water and some cutscenes cause instant crashes. This makes some quests impossible to do. Hope that upcoming patches will solve the problem and I'm sure this is not happening just to me. +Mud1,-,5,-,true,-,Beatiful game. Graphics and music are great. There is plenty to do around The Witcher 3 world, from gather ingredients for potions to hunt treasures and slain monsters. The story is awesome and the characters are really well done, voice acting is superb and the card minigame is fun to play. Combat could be a little bit better. +nikkoship,-,5,-,false,-,The Witcher 3 takes the best parts from action, character-driven and sandbox RPGs and throws it all together inside two massive open-world zones. The game easily contains over 100 hours of content without having to start a new save. Both of the two main zones - "Velen" and "Skellige", feel like the entirety of other open world RPG's on their own. Both zones deliver a masive amount of content all at once without loading screens interrupting your experience. Loading screens only trigger when transferring between zones/story segments. Other than that, you are free to climb on your horse and journey through this incredible open-world that CDPR has crafted for you. This causes the game's quests/events to truly feel natural and organic. You actually do get to immerse yourself in the role of a "traveling witcher". What's more important than the sheer amount of content, is that it truly does feel like meaningful content. You are constantly stubmling upon quests in the open world that feel highly detailed, similar to what you would expect from the "main quest/storyline". Of course every game has technical issues and TW3 isn't any different. I've personally run into visual glitches, NPC pop-ins and a couple of "day-one" crashes - but nothing has rendered the game unplayable. For the most part, the game feels very polished with a few bumps in the road here and there. The game runs smoothly and the crashes/lock-ups have been solved by CDPR's patches. It's easy to be skeptical of games that promise huge amounts of content. Of course, most start out strong, but it's very common for the experience to "burn out" or to become repetitive. The true value of great open-world games is when the game keeps you engaged for dozens of hours past the point where most games end up repeating themselves. The Witcher 3 started out as a very strong open world RPG, and after about 100 hours (still not finished), I now feel like it is one of the best open-world games I have ever played. +danielcofour,-,5,-,true,-,It's been years, years, since the last time something like this happened. For a game to be hyped this badly and then to not only live up to it, but actually surpass it and surpise me... it is almost unheard of. This game is the pinnacle of RPGs, nay, dare I say of all third person open-world games. Masterfully crafted story with so much attention to detail, so well written, so well acted, so well presented it's downright criminal, and for the first time in video game history: a proper choice system. No longer are you forced into a good-evil dychotomy, no longer are you forced into a bad-worse dychotomy, no longer are the consequences of your choices made readily appearant to you(random joe approves +10!), but you make choices in a nuanced, believable way. Sometimes the consequences are immediate, sometimes you may just be exploring the world hours after making a choice and you'll come across something that shows what the effects of that was. And this is true not only for the main quests but even the smallest ones. As for the combat, I personally like it. It isn't the best, nor is it the most demanding ever, but it's great fun nonetheless and complex enough to keep you on your toes all the way through. No idea what people are complaining about, it is a better version of the Witcher 2 combat system, so it's good. And if it ever gets stale, you can always try a different method, go sign-heavy instead of melee. This is becoming long, so I'll list the rest of the pros here just quickly: characters, graphics(yes, even with the unfortunate downgrade of the particle effects, still amazing), aesthetics, the open world and the size of it, and the soundtrack... have I mentioned how amazing the soundtrack is? But that is not to say the game doesn't have it's flaws. Some pretty big ones as well. I'll not list them, since I don't have any more space, but I'll say this: while annoying, they don't in any way negate the achievment that this game is. So buy it. +Faethor93,-,5,-,false,-,I could write a Book about why The Witcher 3 is one of the best games ever made but i'll just cut to the chase and directly recommend it. There are Bugs, but they really really don't matter, because the game itself is a masterpiece ! If you've read the books the game will absolutely enchant you with thousands of detailes and the perfect adaptation brings you to a perfectly established and atmospheric world. I'm not done taking my walk through the sunsets of Velen ! Thank You so much CD PROJECT RED ! <3 +MichaelV,-,5,-,true,-,This game sets a new standard for RPGs and games in general! Very immersive, excellent storyline and fluent combat. +RattleHead6bav,-,5,-,true,-,Maybe this game is overrated a bit, but i'm fan of witcher game series and cannot stop to play >_> PERFECT!111 +stassix,-,5,-,false,-,What can I add . Not that much but... DISABLE question marks and use quest tracking only when you are lost. Seriously- do it- this alone will elevate TW3 from GOTY to once lifetime experience. Apart from that .......this game, this game is one of these you may, if you are lucky, play decennial. For me it's up right there with FF7 and, seriously, I never thought I will say sth like that. Sure, leveling could be better so could be the crafting. Fighting may be more varied when it comes to enemy skills and tactics (please note expansions are much better here) but.... The storytelling is easily second to none in gaming, each single character is deep, mature and just realistic. The immersion of the world (again when one turns off question marks and quest tracking) is unparalleled. The quest composition and moral choices OMG are hands down the best I have ever seen (TW1.. Red dead redemption and Persona come close but no cigar...). So many times I walked away from my rig to think what just happened or which choice I should pick and so many times it was like ....wow DID I really do that? Really? OMFg...... This is one of the games that define genre and will be remembered for years to come... +slasheh,-,5,-,true,-,Quickly becoming my favourite single player game ever. Love everything about it. +Murdo265,-,5,-,false,-,Game of the year. Don't need an argument. +diablos2525,-,5,-,false,-,I want to tell a little story that reveals how much love and attention to detail was put into this game. I saw some witch hunters burning a guy outside town when I fast traveled there to do some side quests. I was captivated by this little detail as I was running around the outskirts of the city of Novigrad. I thought to myself, I wonder if I kill these guards if I can use AARD(a wind spell) and blow out the fire. I thought in my head surely this wouldn't work, there was no quest marker, and it was probably just a prop scene that I couldn't affect in any way. I am so glad that I was wrong, not only did I kill all the witch hunters and save the man but it turns out I had met this fellow earlier in the game although briefly. There wasn't even any quest markers, I just thought to save the guards and see if AARD worked. It was at this point that I felt confirmed in my belief that this is truly an RPG that the gaming industry hasn't seen in years. On the scale of PS1 Final Fantasy titles or Legend of Dragoon. With so much love and attention to detail put into the game. There are some bad points, the controls especially on the horse can feel clunky, there a bunch of bugs that still need fixing, but the world is so vast and with so much detail and love put into every inch of it that these flaws are to be expected. I haven't completed the game yet because I aim to do 90+% of it, my original aim was to 100% it, but there is literally so much to loot and so many little things you can miss out on I plan on just doing a second playthrough once I finish this one. Thank you CD Projekt for not making a game motivated by political correctness or by greed, thank you for making an RPG which is a love letter to the genre, reminiscent of old games like Final Fantasy 7 in scope and epicness and love and attention to detail. +TheSkateyBird.105,-,5,-,false,-,Title says it all, there is nothing about this game that falls short. This is a game that will please everyone from a casual RPG player to a hardcore Witcher fan. As with the witcher series I feel that they have constantly been improving on the predecessor and this is definitely the case here. CD Projekt Red have managed to make this game beautiful on any system, I've been running the game at Medium/High and the quality is what other games would call ultra and it looks immense. The world is vast with lots to explore and monsters to hunt. Please, do yourself a favour and buy this game. +Bennylinsin,-,5,-,true,-,Best Witcher yet +Zombober,-,5,-,true,-,Поразительная игра, дарящая невероятное количество эмоций. +Daniel.B123,-,5,-,true,-,Best RPG i have ever played. +kretas95,-,5,-,true,-,WoW, Just WoW! I never thought there would be a game like this. I played since I was a kid, but I never had played such a good game like the Witcher 3. Thanks CDProjekt. +jao2828,-,5,-,true,-,I'm 37 hours in and fearing the day I run out of things to do in this seemingly endless game. Great work CDProjektRed! +Fontz,-,5,-,false,-,There is no better RPG out there then this game! I've played alot of rpg's but Witcher games have always suprised me and with Witcher 3 we have the ultimate rpg of all time! +SeinGalton,-,5,-,false,-,CD Projekt Red have humiliated their competition. And their detractors. And also everyone else too. Bioware's salty as shit. You can taste their shame when you play this game and that's not even the best part. Buy it. +OrangeCrow,-,5,-,false,-,CD Projekt Red have shown how to make a Sequel. The witcher was a decent game, great story, gameplay was meh, The Witcher 2 was a good game, great story, gameplay was decent. The Witcher 3 is a fantastic game, amazing story and amazing gameplay. CD PRojekt Red are constantly improving their games and the Witcher is one of the best games I have played in years, the last time I had as much fun in a game was the release of Assassin's Creed 2 when Ubisoft showed that they knew how to make a Sequel (and then it all went to shit when the promptly forgot). Now that I have the praise for the company out of the way onto the meat of the game. The saying, 'You get out what you put in' is so fitting, you want to just play the story on the easiest difficulty fine, it'll force you to diverge a little to level but otherwise it's a decent game, but where it really shines is when you explore and talk to people all these interesting stories and ways to do stuff, roleplaying is fun and some of the choices are grey or just difficult others shape who you are and I even had a choice form the tutorial area come back to haunt me many hours later. This also stretches to combat, explore and get alchemy ingredients and you're going to have fun from bombs, to oils, to decoctions and potions and some of the craftable armour is just so nice but it's all satisfying and that's what the strength of the game is, I feel satisfied playing it, even just dicking around the map on no particular quest is fun and I feel like nothing is wasted. Complaints, this is the interesting bit because there's very little I could complain about, mostly involving a few glitches with npc's I'm meant to follow, particularly triss and some floating npc's which shouldn't be where they are. Other than that aiming to loot stuff behind things can be a pain and I found myself stuck on a few objects. Going into combat caused me to die a few times as I was jumping between ledges as it'd happen at the last second and instead of jumping I'd dodge off a ledge and horses can be a slight pain to control but other than that it's all put together pretty well. +Shlyven,-,5,-,false,-,After my last game purchase (MKX) I was left with a very sour taste in my mouth, and let me tell you this game is a breath of fresh air. Best RPG I've ever played. I've always loved MMOs and never thought a single player could offer the same feeling of near endless shit to do, but this game hits the nail on the head. Side quests are actually fun and have lots of variety so you never feel like you're grinding. Theres always cool story lines to go down and often times you find awesome rewarding stuff on the adventures. I found myself stealing from all the houses of every village I came across and playing gwent with every elligible character I could find for the first 30 hours and said to myself "Holy fuck 30 hours and I'm only level 5". Buy this game it runs smoooooooth on day one and it is apparrent how much love the developers poured outta their hearts into this title. +NocturnousX,-,5,-,false,-,The Gwenter 3: The Wild Hunt for Cards is a game about Geralt of Rivia, a master card player on a quest to be the best across all the realms. There is also this other mode, in the game, where you wander around a bunch of trees and talk to boring people that don't play Gwent or have Gwent cards for sale. I don't really understand this part myself, but some people really seem to like it as well. +tek4life,-,5,-,true,-,I love this game. Voice-acting is superb, graphics are great and there is plenty to keep you busy for a very long time. I am running an AMD 8320 CPU at 3.5 Ghz with an Nvidia 780 video card. In my particular case I found limiting the frame rate to 30 fps and turning off the Nvidia hair setting really made the game run more smoothly with "High" settings; your mileage may vary. Only criticism is Geralt moves sort of... wonky, at times. Sometimes it feels unresponsive and it is like he "over-steers" or has too much momentum when trying to navigate a room or during a fight. Hopefully it'll get smoother as future patches/expansions arrive. It isn't enough to hurt the fun I'm having exploring the world, though. +DrTulupov,-,5,-,false,-,Шедевр. +Xmorphs,-,5,-,false,-,GOTY. The Best game i've ever played. period! Seriously, voice acting, sheer quality and quantity of quests. Story line. Combat. Graphics. Optimisation. It ticks all the boxing. nearly 60 hours in and haven't barely touched the main story. +snowg,-,5,-,true,-,отличная игра =)правда комп нужно мощный. +Pug.,-,5,-,false,-,I'm about 40-60 hours into the game, and haven't even completed the first act. Pros: - Extremely gripping story with memorable and endearing characters. - Rich world with NPC's that you actually empathize with. - Engaging combat that never outstays its welcome. - Mounts are actually necessary and useful. How refreshing! - Side quests are integrated into the main story line and never feel like filler. - Having never played a Witcher game before, I thought that Geralt was going to be a curmudgeon, but he actually has a hilarious personality. I really like his dry, sardonic sense of humor. - Triss is super cute. Just sayin' - Superb voice acting and an excellent soundtrack (although I recommend turning it down a notch so that it doesn't interfere with dialogue). - Difficulty feels just right. I'm playing on "Blood and Broken Bones." It's a nice challenge without being insurmountable. Might give "Death March" a shot on my second play through. - The game is pretty flexible in terms of how much time you have to invest in it. If you only want to play the main story on easy difficulty and blaze through things, you're probably looking at 40-50 hours. For a completionist playthrough (exploring all of the question marks, doing the side quests, playing on a harder difficulty, etc.), I'd say about 150-200 hours. Cons: - I wish the game was 400 hours long. Still can't believe this is CD Projekt's first stab at a truly open world RPG. It feels like they have years of experience. Definitely better than anything Bethesda or Bioware pumps out. Looking forward to the two expansions! Now back to Skellige! +kifka_rules,-,5,-,true,-,Отличная игра +leolopez,-,5,-,true,-,Excelente Juego. Muy recomendado! +MikeMousePT,-,5,-,false,-,This is how all open-world-RPG's should be. Gigantic zones with lots and lots of places to discover as well as beautiful landscapes. Side quests that are more than "kill 5 wolves and return to me"; they actually have an impact on the ending and if not, then later in the game. And thousands of them - well written, interesting and/or funny. The game also has lots of easter eggs and references to pop-culture and well blended into the game atmosphere, not breaking it. Lots of weapons/armors and you can upgrade witcher set items. Potions give an edge in combat but with that comes toxicity - you'll suffer if you overdose it, bringing a certain sense of tactic to what to use and when. Gwent, the card minigame that it's in the game it's VERY addicting. You can challenge vendors/innkeepers and if you win they give you new cards. It doesn't give you the depth of an Hearthstone but sure has its tactics and root of it all - it's very cool. You can expect a good 100 to 150 hours of gameplay if you explore everything that The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt has to offer and my god, it's been a great ride until now. I can't really remember a RPG that gave me so many hours of fun. RPG makers, be prepared to raise your quality bar on future RPG's because this one, my god, is set way high. +caciophaia84,-,5,-,false,-,Ich liebe The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt <3 es ist sogar mein Lieblingsspiel geworden. Mega Großes Lob an das Entwicklerteam und 1000 Dank für die Arbeit und die Liebe die ihr in dieses Spiel mit einfliessen lassen habt <3 Man spürt es an allen Ecken <3 Liebe Grüße <3 +Treyza,-,5,-,false,-,This game is totally awesome and worth its money thank you CDProject for this Great Game ^^ +Stolperstein,-,2,-,true,-,Sadly, the sluggish controls result in awkward movement and really awful combat. Otherwise 4 stars. Also, Skyrim horses are so much better in mountain climbing. +dejier,-,5,-,true,-,Отличный вышел продукт. 5 дней в игре практически живу) Спасибо, 10 из 10. +Inspirations,-,5,-,false,-,GOAT +CosmicEngine,-,5,-,false,-,Full Video - https://youtu.be/O5UTk8ATEGI t's good to be back in the boots of the white haired Witcher alongside his iconic two swords. There was a lot of hype about the type of game that CD project Red was aiming to create for the third instalment. Contrary to the previous games, The Witcher 3 has a massive open world to explore which is a sharp departure from the seconds hub based level design. In fact the world is 35 times larger than that of the second instalment, which is all well and good but we've all played plenty of games with open worlds that have a lot of space but not much to do in it. Thankfully however the world is brimming full with locations and places to explore which in itself is frequently rewarded, something which many open world games fail to do. In my opinion CD Projekt RED have crafted one of the best role playing games ever made. Like any other it has it's flaws but its quality is ultimately undeniable. It's engaging story mixed with its immersive world and challenging combat makes for an incredible experience. It is one of those games that even at thirty hours in, you fell like its just starting to open up. Its has hours and hours worth of content and the choices in the game make for some interesting playability. The game is a true work of art and I cannot recommend it enough. With 16 free dlc's on the way and two expansions adding almost 50 hours between them, there's plenty on the horizon for the Witcher 3 and I just hope this will not be the final instalment for the franchise. +Alcatraz1024,-,5,-,false,-,The best studio, the best games. I <3 CDPR! +williamwb2,-,5,-,false,-,I cant install the game! +gomagic,-,5,-,true,-,Merci CD Projekt, ce jeu est un régal. Vous faites honneur à l'oeuvre d'Andrzej Sapkowski. +IFrAgMenTIx,-,5,-,false,-,I had such high hopes for this game! I was hyped to the point where I when i stood up in the morning I was like: Is it may 19th yet? so here i am, 75+ hours into the game and still amazed beyond the borders of the blue mountains! Thank you for that awesome experience and keep it up! P.S I hardly use the fast travel button, only for traveling between the continent and skellige... the environment you created is something I have never seen in videogames! Thank you! +BobLewis,-,5,-,true,-,The best game ever made, and the benchmark for every new rpg for years to come. There's been enough said by others, so I'll just say that you could not possibly spend your money any better. +HendrikenVivian,-,3,-,false,-,Where can i find: a small piece of the game The Witcher(wild hunt). The message that you give my: Thank you for installing the pre-download version of the Witcher 3:Wild Hunt. All you need to do now to start your adventuer is download and install the last small piece of the game.........But where????????? +Lumsie,-,4,-,false,-,Hopefully we can start playing as sorceresses in their future installments! +spreadsheeticus,-,5,-,true,-,I've been impressed with CD PROJECKT RED after Witcher and Witcher iI, but had quite a few complaints about both games, particularly the strange approach to combat controls. After more than 20 hours of game play in Witcher 3, there are more side quests in my queue than have been completed. Every single side quest still has kept my full attention. Most importantly, Witcher 3 is amazingly polished. The world is much much bigger, and unfathomably more immersive, than the previous titles combined. Bread-crumbing would be the only complaint I could makeI was honestly worried that being told where to go would detract from the fun, but it actually helps maintain the pace of the storytelling. +bloodborne_2,-,5,-,false,-,самая лучшая игра десятилетия!!!!!!!!!!!!! +Ekin781,-,5,-,false,-,Effin Great. Enough Said +andreabinda,-,5,-,true,-,Playing 'The Witcher 3' let you feel the love the developers put in their (great) work. The same feeling you usually have when ,at the museum, you stare at some paintings or sculputres. +harrisben,-,5,-,true,-,This is the most incredible awesomest game ever! +Valixx,-,5,-,false,-,This game is simply amazin. My first RPG and it runs very smooth and the quality is awesome. +Popuaka,-,5,-,false,-,Хочу сказать БОЛЬШОЕ спасибо CD Projekt RED в первую очередь. Новый Ведьмак - это квинтэссенция идей первых двух частей, здесь все сделано, если не идеально, то очень к этому близко. Это RPG, которая возвращает лет на десять назад, когда RPG дейстивительно были ролевыми и мудреными (не сложными). Помимо сюжета (котрый я еще не прошел) здесь огромное количество побочных заданий, каждое из которых может кончиться неожиданно, охота за сокровищами, выслеживание монстров, моральные дилемы, в обще все как я люблю, если вы тоже - берите! +gustavocubas28,-,5,-,false,-,The Witcher 3 is not only the best Witcher game to date, it's also one of the best RPGs ever. Probably the best Action RPG ever made. It realy sets a new standard for the industry. +dicarve,-,5,-,false,-,Little bit dissapointed with graphics, but great game anyway, performance is also good on Ultra (mix with high) on my GTX 980. Can't wait for modders to enhance more in term of visuals and performance. +n8ofsp8ds,-,5,-,false,-,WITCHER 3 IS SO BOSS IF IT WAS ANY BOSSIER MY HEAD WOULD EXPLODE. +spydre2007,-,5,-,false,-,I'm loving the open world and endless things to do. Combat is fluid and feels like a real fight. Definitely worth the wait. +peperohnie,-,1,-,false,-,Having a bug where the game crashes while in the inventory. Annoying as fuck. Can hardly imagine it is so difficult to program an inventory. +Aninymous,-,5,-,true,-,Hands down The Best Game i've played so far and i've played a lot! +Rubberdude,-,5,-,false,-,Only a few hours in so far but im enjoying it more than any other game ive played recently 10/10 buy this if you are thinking about it +MiiKeeeY_x,-,5,-,false,-,Good Game. GG +Onlyprime223,-,5,-,false,-,Just one word... AMAZING +Svenne02,-,5,-,false,-,I highly recommend this to everyone! +aKeZ,-,5,-,false,-,This game is out of space :) +Troll213,-,5,-,false,-,Breathtaking grapics, incredible gameplay, mind-blowing storyline. Best game series I've ever played. 11/10 +FrostiWitcher,-,5,-,false,-,kt +Umpa_Lumpa,-,5,-,false,-,lalalalalalalalalalala +Lucian0o,-,5,-,false,-,Love it! +ollischulz,-,1,-,false,-,Der letzte Scheiss,sogar nach 4 Monaten ist das dumme Spiel immernoch verbuggt...."lies das Dokument",obwohl man schon alles gelesen hat,sogar mehrfach.Dazu ein Bug dass man besstimmt Quests nicht abschließen kann(wer mehr wissen will,im netz suchen) Eine Schande das diese Polen genauso scheisse sind wie alle anderen Publisher...erst schön hypen und nichts läuft einwandfrei...35 euro für diesen Dreck...schämt euch ich Penner....Nie wieder GOG... +Yoozero,-,4,-,false,-,Great game! The best of The Witcher series. Pros -Amazing combat mechanics -Great graphics (Runs smooth on a mid-range machine) -Potion system revamp (Once you learn it, forever in your inventory. Only medidate to refill again!) - Top-notch atmosphere -Your decisions really have an impact on the outcome. You wonder what would have been if I chose the latter. (A must second time game!) Cons -Too much mmo "WOW" quests.. kill this, bring this, get back for reward (It can be repetitive) -Quite buggy considering that the developers said they were "polishing" the game like 2 months ago the game release. (Come on! Its only a week and we are already in patch v1.04) -Movement mechanics seem a bit clunky. Especially the horse. +matthewzz,-,5,-,false,-,I don't play many other games besides CS:GO as it's got a lot of replayability being an esport and all but I can safely say that The Witcher 3 has broken that habit. I've got about 10 hours on this game so far and I am already very impressed by the vastness and depth of the world. Although there are some things like the damaged or broken items aspect of the game that are quite annoying, the game overall has a large amount of depth with the number of oils, potions and magic you can use and upgrade before fighting monsters. I'd definitely recommend this to anyone I know! +Cousken,-,5,-,true,-,I just wrote this one so i can get friends to add me on Galaxy :) The rating is true thought, probably the best game ever to day, been playing all my availible time and loving it. A lot of skill is needed but you never feel frustrated. +Lumpowood,-,5,-,false,-,sick game +kevoooooooooo,-,5,-,false,-,love this game +Bateluer,-,5,-,true,-,Once, every so often, there comes a game that defines a genre. Witcher 3 is that game. Once you play it, almost every other RPG is going to be ruined for you. +Trooper040898,-,5,-,false,-,The best game ever. +mad2gamer,-,3,-,true,-,With all the media hype and a long period of marketing, who can blames us for been excited about this game?...Sadly, once again, a AAA game is released with all its bugs and glitches, again...The game is bad: Voice recording DO NOT match characters lips movements, I have to wait up to 9 seconds after the voices finished for characters lips to stop moving and their corresponding body language! I have seen characters riding invisible horses, characters riding with their horses deep into the soil/road, sometimes I can only see their heads moving through the soil, and sometimes they are floating in the air! Characters response to movement/actions lag so much, it is so frustrating! Sometimes npc go through each other as if they have no body...and sometimes npc get stuck into a loop of a mad``dancing`` because the game ``pathing`` is just bad! npc walking and bumping into a player stationary character and getting `upset`...again ``pathing`` problem. These are just the technical issues, as there are many `game-play` issues that are as bad: You can only fast travel when you are not on a horse! Really??? Crafting items/gear has no mention that you need a Blacksmith of a SPECIFIC level until you start the converstation with the Blacksmith...No mention that `amateur` Blacksmith can degrade your weapon/gear. Too many cut-scenes with actions that your character can do under your own control. With a player character Lev5, I have not seen any improvements in character performance...It is as if all those points I earned with leveling are of little importance. As I said, my character reached only Lev5 and this review is written based on that experience. So far, the game has quashed a lot of my enthusiasm for this game. +Merxes,-,5,-,true,-,The best storytelling is I've ever seen in RPG. +Narusin,-,4,-,false,-,Great game. very well done. Best of the three hands down IMO. +backpack1313,-,4,-,false,-,It is very pretty but i need a better computer to run it well. +pottedPlant,-,3,-,true,-,Pros: - Beautiful landscape/architecture - Fantastic storyline - Great dialogue - Interesting characters with genuine motivations - Original/inventive main and side quests - Charming and sexy girl NPCs Cons: - What Assassin's Creed should strive to be (but for the Witcher, this isn't a compliment) - Console game combat, for button-mashing "comfy-couch" Dorito-fed gamers - Stupid-ass Ubisoft like markers for things you aren't supposed to know about, for example a "?" where a hidden treasure is. - Controls are god-awful, especially underwater swimming. You are never in control of the character, it's either lagging, moving as on ice skates, too far to left, the right, too fast, too slow, anything but what you want. I've played for 25 hours and I just came to the conclusion I'll never get used to it. - World is waaaay too big for what's in it. There isn't enough unique content to justfiy the size, here. Once you've seen a farming village, you've seen 'em all, but there's like a hundred! Gets repetitive quickly, and I feel like my time is being wasted (bit like Dragon Age Inquisition). Some villages have absolutely no interactions save for looting junk, for example. - Ridiculously abusive amount of junk to loot and sort through, and nobody cares when you steal their stuff. I'd much rather containers were rare and their contents meaningful. Not sure I'm done with this review, I'll update it later as I keep playing. +AceDynamo,-,5,-,false,-,Fantastic game, Highley reccomended +Antherios,-,5,-,true,-,I have played every RPG and MMORPG under the sun, and I was finally getting tired of RPGS with fetch quests and games on which no matter what you did, you didn't have an impact on the world. The Witcher is completely another game. You know you are having fun with a game, when you realize that you have been playing non stop for 5 hours, and you still want to keep playing, because of how immersed you are in the world. Gwent, fist fighting, side quests, cave exploring, bandit slaying, and a bunch of other things. Basically, if you played Witcher 2 and liked it, you should absolutely play Witcher 3 (buy it here on GOG.com), and if its your first Witcher game, don't worry, it explains things well enough for newcomers and the tutorials are really straight forward. Prepare yourself for a masterpiece of the RPG gaming genre. +M3ND4C17Y,-,5,-,false,-,The game runs brilliantly on my rig - i5-3570K, 8GB RAM, SSD & HD7970. All settings on ultra @ 1080p with Hairworks turned off. The world of The Witcher 3 is enormous, beautiful and filled with stuff to do. I'm 13.5 hours into the game atm and the main story has largely been fetch quest after fetch quest. This means little in light of how entertaining the main and side activities have been though. I sank around 150 hours into Skyrim and I'm sure that this game will be no different. Like Skyrim, I hope mods appear for this game to make it even more amazing. +Vakr,-,5,-,true,-,Incredible. I'm one of those guys who likes to rush through the main quests not caring about secondary ones, but this game got me: first time i'm actually completing a game 100% and i'm loving it! Can't wait to check out the expansions. +Zoli7,-,5,-,false,-,I'll be busy with this game for years. Thank you CDPR! +werasdwer,-,5,-,true,-,Not much that hasnt been said already.. This game is a new milestone when it comes to story-telling in RPGs. Even those so called "Secondary Quests" tell fantastic stories with all the characters you know and love. I'm not playing this trying to complete every map and every little contract and already gotten entertainment for over 50 hours. What was most surprising to me is the small amount of bugs I encountered playing on day 1. This is not some shitty release that needs several patches in order to work properly, the game is finished and as close to perfect as it gets these days. +Albatrosse,-,5,-,false,-,This game laughs in the face of Skyrim and spits in the eyes of Oblivion, it's truly one of the best RPGs I have ever played. +sandor555,-,5,-,false,-,Best game ever!!! Just buy it! +Jedarus,-,5,-,true,-,Immersive open-world gameplay in the vein of Skyrim/Dragon Age Inquisition, filled with tough enemies and entertaining side quests. Good graphics and runs fairly well on my mid-range PC. Liking the storyline so far. Only downside is that the camera is often too close to Geralt. +Joha92,-,5,-,true,-,The Witcher 3 is now my favourite game. No kidding. I have been playing this game on Saturday for straight 12 hours and I could not notice that I was playing for so until after I was done and needed to sleep. First things first: The graphics... simply amazing. Away with those that claim this to be heavily downgraded from the trailer we saw in 2013. Let's face it: No one would be able to run it. And while the game may have some spots which are weak, the overall look and feel of the game is simply mind blowing. Oh and the weather... the weather is implemented in such a way that the first time I was going through a forest in a storm my jaw dropped. The soundtrack is amazing as well. Combination of folk songs from Polish band "Percival" and original soundtrack, and even mixes of these two, blend well with the world, the setting and situation you are currently in. Now, before I will talk about main storyline quests, I would like to tell you how The Witcher 3 handles side quests. You will not find the RPG classics "Go there, kill 10 bandits" or "Bring me 10 swine husks, I need them for [insert generic reason]". Each side quest has a story of it's own and each of them is amazing, very well written, sometimes funny, sometimes serious but what is most important: worth going through. Now to the main storyline. Without spoiling anything, the story is immersive, each decision is difficult and has really unknown outcome and you will find yourself thinking about what should you do. There is no black and white, good and wrong here. Everything is grey and has consequences. The dialogues are very well written and Geralt's sarcasm is a nice touch (hell, some of the puns I heard here I used at work and was always successful). You can really notice that you are are starting to care about the characters and want to know more and do more for them. There are also some minor issues here and there (ie. inventory) but overally this game is: AMAZING! Go buy it, go buy it now! +McCloudaFoxySwag,-,4,-,false,-,pretty good game, love it +SSAlex,-,5,-,false,-,Игра супер!!! Купил себе на PC (GOG) и на PS4)ВСЕМ ПОКУПАТЬ В ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНОМ ПОРЯДКЕ! Не качайте с торрентов а купите игра шикарная! +Acasnn1,-,5,-,false,-,This game has made me play like no other RPG has ever made me play. In most RPGs, doing side quests or reall anything except the main story has always been hard for me as I look for deep story, and most side quests have never given it. The Witcher 3 has side quests that are just as story filled as the main quest. This game is the first RPG where I have wanted to read books that I find, and wanted to go back and do every little side quest. That is only one real aspect of the game, but for me it is the most important. If I has time to write about the other parts I would praise them just as much. Any RPG players, BUY THIS GAME. And any non-RPG players, BUY THIS GAME. +Locki29,-,5,-,false,-,Just need to play ;) +FaLL6n,-,5,-,false,-,I didn't play witcher 12 and i get witcher 3 with nvidia gtx 970 but now i ready to say that i totaly want buy season pack and all dlc to say THANK YOU GUYS FOR THAT GAME! Amazing graphic gameplay and storyline and of course brilliant MUSIC!!! and ambient sounds. This is mix of impressive idieas and hand from right sight. STRONGLY RECOMMENDED TO BUY!!! +Kojobu,-,5,-,true,-,Just a great game! +Trak3n,-,5,-,false,-,Ca fait longtemps que je n'avais pas joué a un jeu aussi interessant. Bon scénario, des missions secondaires qui n'ont de secondaires que le nom. La map est tres grandes, possibilté de se promener ou d'effectuer des voyages rapides. Et graphiquement on en prend plein la vue, c'est vraiment apréciable. Pour couronner le tout la durée de vie du jeux est estimée entre 100h et 150h, pour ma part le jeux indique 12% et j'en suis à 12h de jeux. A recommander d'urgence! +Double_Dee,-,4,-,false,-,One of da best rpg ever! GOTY 2015 ^_^ thx u CDPR +Lazary,-,5,-,false,-,Отличная игра! Хотя графику к релизу сбавили :( +doomed666,-,5,-,false,-,oediiiiiii +Konsul_k8,-,5,-,false,-,Best game I've ever played !!Thank you so much !!! +Junky.T,-,1,-,false,-,Dieses Spiel ist dermaßen überbewertet das ich kotzen könnte. Es hat zwar eine hübsche Grafik und schöne Vegetation, aber was nützt das wenn das Gameplay lahm und langweilig ist. Es ist mehr ein Hollywood-Film als ein Spiel. Man verschwendet die Hälfte der Spielzeit mit Gelaber und durch die Welt wandern. Oder auf der leichtesten Stufe von einer billigen Wache mit 2 Hieben niedergestreckt zu werden. Da kann man sein Geld auch gleich in den Gully werfen und es den Ratten in der Kanalisation spenden, dort ist das Geld besser aufgehoben als bei den Entwicklern, die es verdient hätten pleite zu gehen. +AmanoShiyaku,-,5,-,false,-,Coming from the TES series, I'm discovering the Witcher universe with this game. This gives me the will to play the two first games. The graphics are great (2560x1440 on a GTX970), the side quests, contracts and various places to find really give depth to the game (and they are n ot stupid farming/collecting quests), I had to get used to the combat tactics (big difference from the Elder Scrolls). The crafting is also a major strength of this game. The only negative point for me is a lack of character maneuvrability/precision - I tried both pad and keyboard and I still wonder which is the best. +Smaug20.06,-,5,-,false,-,Это....Блядь...АХУЕННО!!! +Elinathen,-,4,-,false,-,Costumes use in Witcher 3 Wild Hunt are outstanding really superb, Sky-Seller online store made this for all +DreamSec,-,5,-,false,-,This game is just perfect in every single form. The made me feel emotions I didn't know existed, it made me sad, happy, angry, cry, and laugh. I HIGHLY recommend this game to anyone who is looking for a good time. And a tip, don't try to love Triss and Yennefer ends bad. +Spikey_Spike,-,5,-,false,-,Within a week, weve had graphics improvements, bug fixes, and performance improvments, honestly, its not often a game gets a graphics boost with HIGHER fps, quite the opposite, the game has so much for you to do and the world does feel alive thanks to wolves hunting deer and rabbits, monsters that have taken villages for thier own nests and people who have emotions and loved ones to lose, I truely believe if your a self respecting, true gamer, you owe it to yourself to play the game and give it a good couple hours of your time, even if you dont like it, play it, learn its intricacies , breathe its vast world and understand why others love it, then, at the very least you will be able to judge games more thouroughly, but for me, this game deserves the praise its getting and i hope CD Projekt bring out more and more content beyond the 2 expansions planned for this year. +blzd,-,5,-,false,-,Each Witcher game has brought a new spin to the series and this one does not disappoint. +Daniel12055,-,5,-,false,-,Sehr super spiel macht echt spaß ;) +maxsonlee2,-,5,-,false,-,One of the best RPGs I have ever played in my entire freaking LIFE!!! This game is gold, so please treat it like one. +Archivus,-,5,-,true,-,Je fait très court, jeu parfait en tout point certains diront encore quelques mini bugs mais rien de méchant. Jamais vu un jeu aussi abouti aussi bien techniquement qu'au niveau du gameplay, de la narration etc... +++ Durée de vie éstimée pour moi à plus 150 h +Darth_Mcsaggy,-,1,-,false,-,amazing +HunterofShadows85,-,4,-,false,-,Gefällt vom ersten Moment an. +LordDova,-,5,-,false,-,Now thats a Game!! Could play Gwent the whole day! +bart1996,-,5,-,false,-,such game very wwaaooaoowwooawoawoaowowao jeffreynoticemepls this game is so amazing +Catabu,-,5,-,false,-,good game! +deoee,-,5,-,false,-,Sehr gut glaub ich! +rigard80,-,5,-,true,-,Игра отличнейшая !! Все работает идеально, карта огромная и действительно живая!! происходят постоянно какие мелкие события квестики )) Такого же класса игрой был Скайрим в свое время, но Ведьмак уже более совершенен и более красив, пейзажи завораживают ! Всем рекомендую ! "Утонете" в этой игре на сотни часов ) +lukasyek,-,5,-,false,-,Good game but a lot of surprised me and was surprised when I finish the story, I can not figure witch you should visit as Yen,Triss,Zoltan,Merigold thats big one - just for me.:) +ScooterDelta,-,5,-,false,-,Only played 8 hours so far, but loving the game.. Unfortunately reached the point where I realised I need to play the first two games to really get into the story. +DeeOne,-,5,-,true,-,This ist not a game! This is a piece of art! +Jamys,-,5,-,true,-,Благодарю за замечательный проект! Отдельное спасибо за реалистичность, атмосферу и открытый Мир в Ведьмаке! Я этого проекта ждал с 2011 года!) +meteorponyn,-,5,-,false,-,Rank one swag game of 2015 +Killian264,-,5,-,false,-,This game is AMAZING Its huge with tons of stuff to do 200+ hours. It also plays well combat is fluid and when you die its never the game's fault. SO many backstories all the charcters in this game are intresting and the voice acting is great. It does need a bit of polish small bugs but never game breaking in any way. Also CDPR is patching those very quickly. Also lots of sex and even bunnis xD 10/10 A MUST BUY +graymolho,-,1,-,true,-,I have a pretty much brand new system and this game crashes constantly. First it would just crash in one place in the first 10 minutes of the game, just straight to black screen every time. Tried changing everything and researching on the internet and nothing works. Now more recently, it just crashes instantly on start up. Horay! +HSDemon,-,5,-,false,-,Très bon jeu !! je le conseille !! +ektoplazm37,-,5,-,false,-,pas encore joué. mais super +Dake,-,5,-,false,-,Ein Meisterwerk! Mehr kann man zu diesem Spiel nicht sagen. Unglaubliche Erzählkunst und künstlerische Gestaltung der Welt. Ich werde es nie vergessen! Vielen danke CD Projekt und Andrzej Sapkowski. +tempoJT,-,5,-,false,-,A rich, immersive story with complex and interesting RPG systems and excellent combat mechanics. It feels like a living, breathing world. +sirjere,-,5,-,true,-,Oh my god this is amazing game! 5/5 +stegraa,-,5,-,true,-,Only a week in but i'm certain that this is one of the best games i've ever played. The Quests, be it main, side or contracts are on a whole different level compared to other open world games. The World is vivid, sprawling and filled with great little details. The storytelling is superbly executed without the pandering or clichés that usually inhabit videogamesstories that try to evoke an emotional response. The characters are deep and even what would normally be "evil" characters have a depth and humanity about them that is very refreshing to see. I'll be sure to get the expansions when they release and also buy more games from GOG because, frankly, CDPR deserves it, not just for creating this game but also for being awesome, transparent and, from what i can tell, honest. +BlaZZor,-,5,-,false,-,Macht richtig Spaß +Masterofchamp,-,5,-,false,-,Best Game since years, back to FF7 +Chokimbo,-,5,-,false,-,Simply AMAZING +Przemolass,-,5,-,false,-,Świetna grafika, mechanika. fabuła, Świetna gra +sanuis,-,5,-,false,-,Amazing +Vabern,-,2,-,false,-,Криворукие поляки просто всех развели на бабки. Те кто корчатся в экстазе - разуйте глаза дебилы! +AlexBrand,-,5,-,true,-,1-е Мир действительно открытый. 2-е Сюжет восхитителен 3-е Здесь можно гонять гусей 4-е Случайные события очень интересны 5-е Великолепный саунд трек. +kuyaho,-,5,-,false,-,Best game ever. I felt really empty after finish. 10/10 Snowballs Kind regards from Germany (so excuse for mistakes in writing) +IIpLaYmAkErII,-,5,-,false,-,Great Graphics, Great Gameplay and even better story! This is GOTY material. +Malchidael,-,4,-,false,-,would be 5 star if not for the potion system they destroyed it was one of my favorite thing from the first and second game now it is just a potion chugging mess and underpowered compared to what it was before the oile are worthless regardless of what difficulty you play and several bomb scale very badly with the difficulty and level of the monster and are awkward and bugy to use , +minedwiz,-,5,-,true,-,It's simply great. Not only does it run far above expectations on my min-spec system, but the story is engaging, pretty much all gameplay elements are highly enjoyable, and the world-crafting feels flawless. I didn't feel like even a single location or "set piece" was out of place. I would recommend to all looking for a deep game experience, not just RPG or Witcher fans. +wastelander8899,-,5,-,true,-,It seems that lots of people are only focusing on the bad parts of this game, and not the good ones. Sure, this game feels somewhat consolized, with the movement feeling like it was made specifically for controllers. Sure, there was a huge downgrade in graphics. Sure, there are people in the streets who would rather walk directly into your horse and saw "Ow!" rather than walk around it. But what about the wonderfully constructed side quests, the gigantic areas that you can explore, the amazing characters, and the much improved combat? I do agree that the horse controls are pretty bad, and that the open world really isn't as open world as it was advertised, but what about all the great things about this game? This game is flawed in a few areas, sure, but the big picture is absolutely amazing, and it definitely doesn't deserve a 1, 2, or 3 stars. +Mastercritic,-,5,-,true,-,good game +funkmaster,-,5,-,true,-,Amazing! +Arxy223,-,5,-,false,-,Probably the best Witcher game to date. +Sepichat,-,5,-,false,-,There is one thing to say: The Witcher 3 is the best game of 2015 and one of the best games ever. Beautiful, epic story, superb gameplay. Just what one can hope for. Team Red FTW! +CalmLlama,-,1,-,false,-,Same old crap that one would expect from any other thrown together game. Weird animations of characters, very limited interactions with the environment. All of these visual flaws make it impossible enjoy the game, every couple seconds its another weird looking thing that shouldn't be. +mralphacake,-,4,-,false,-,Great game, not perfect as there are graphical bugs, some bad voice acting and sound effects missing so it sounds a bit dumb. Minor nitpicks, hence the 4/5 (Would give 9/10 if the rating was availible) And the game doesn't feel like a witcher game. +Daem0n7,-,5,-,false,-,Игра шикарная!) +Arznei,-,5,-,false,-,Find es zu 100% geil! +heartrange,-,5,-,false,-,everything has its own unique story, and you'll always be surprised by the quests that you get. 10/10 +numacraw,-,5,-,false,-,This game is gr8 m8. I rate this game 9/11! +dieter4902,-,2,-,false,-,my PC: Windows 10 NvidiaGtx970 IntelcoreI7 8Gb Ram and enough SSD memory to download the game 10 times (second ssd on my computer) the problem is that it needs to long to start and the sequences need to long to load what can i do ? when the game came out it was running perfect then i uninstelled it to make more space for other games but now i wanted to reinstall it for the start on the witcher hearths of stone but it wont work right +Morlok,-,1,-,false,-,To jump over objects in tutorial hit S & space. So I face the object to climb & hiot S & space. Geralt turns & jumps over a barrier to his death. Twice now in first 5 minutes of play. Poor controls. +Alex321go,-,5,-,true,-,Ну вот, к большому сожалению, подошла к концу и моя история The Witcher 3. Первое ощущение после прохождения - опустошение от того что всё закончилось и продолжение истории мы вряд ли увидим. Да оно, наверно, и не нужно, потому что разработчикам удалось поставить точку в приключениях Геральта, чего, на мой взгляд, не было в книгах. Игра подкупает всем - и невероятной атмосферой, и вниманием к деталям, и бережным отношением к книжному оригиналу, и динамичной боевой системой, и, конечно, захватывающим сюжетом, который, кажется, по накалу ничуть не уступает оригинальной саге, а к финалу берёт еще большую планку. Жаль, что в мире остается всё меньше игровых компаний, которые делают действительно Большие игры (не по кол-ву игрового времени), а не сбиваются на ежегодное клипание сиквелов из уже давно себя изживших серий. CD Project RED, пожалуйста, никогда не изменяйте себе! Ведь именно такие игры оставляют надежду на то, что с игровой индустрией все будет хорошо. +SkyhBlue,-,5,-,false,-,Pros and cons after I´ve spent some hours with Geralt: + Graphics + Story + Open world feeling + Card game Gwent (it´s cool) + Combat (fast paced) - Some keys cannot be rebound, it´s tedious to manual rebind those keys with a editor - Camera is to close (like to see more of the environment, sometimes I feel motion sick), need more distance between Geralt and me ;) = Congratulations to this amazing game Team RED! Nevertheless, please check the open issues and rethink the Camera view (need zoom options) and improve the key binding. Thank you! +littleplayer,-,5,-,true,-,5 stars. +djuku,-,5,-,true,-,Amazing game, i am enjoying every little bit of it :-) Cool storyline, nice graphycs and that mimics is amazing. Thank you team RED, you are genius! +yoroobs,-,5,-,true,-,Fantastic game, and a great sequel. This game has it all for RPG fans. An amazing story, beautiful graphics, absorbing music, smooth combat, satisying crafting system, and a vast open world filled with so many monsters, new & old characters to love & hate, and quests that really make you think before making a decision that'll change the course of your adventures. I haven't been this absorbed in a game like this in quite some, and I'm certain without a doubt that I'll be replaying this game throughout the years. Well done, CD Projekt Red. Well done. +derTho,-,5,-,true,-,Moin, ich bin einfach begeistert. Ob es die grafik ist oder das Gameplay. Das Erzählen der Geschichte, einfach alles Top. Außer die Charakterentwicklung (Skillung) ist für die Katz. Das gefällt mir nicht. Eigentlich ist es vom Anfang bis zum Ende fast gleich zu Spielen. Man fühlt keine Entwicklung. Das ist aber zu verkraften. Das Spiel ist einfach nur gut. Würde ich mir immer wieder kaufen. +dolphin48,-,5,-,false,-,This is a big leap from Witcher 2. I didn't like wither 2 much, didn't even complete it fully because I didn't like the combat especially. In Witcher 3, the combat system has been vastly improved and this game is definitely a big achievement from the CD Project Red guys. The graphics even in medium compares to ultra from many other games like Far Cry 4. In ultra(for those who can run the hairworks at 60 fps), its taking the level up by a notch. The storyline is amazing, the quests, the crafting, everything. The side missions are so good they don't feel like side missions. Let me finish this game before I eagerly wait for Witcher 4 in a couple of years or a bit more, I love Witcher 3 so far. +Patflute,-,5,-,true,-,A better The Witcher 2 in every way. The little jitters will definitely be fixed. +JAmoreno97,-,5,-,false,-,30 hours in and still have not cracked the surface of this game. The Witcher 3 is a work of art. +eskimopie,-,2,-,false,-,Another console port game that requires a controller to play. Keyboard & Mouse a mere afterthought. Also this isn't a game, it's an interactive movie. I spent much more time watching cut-scenes than actually in control of my character. When you do finally get to comabt, it's often buggy, selects the wrong mob, and is generally lackluster and boring. The graphics are great, but once that wears off, there is nothing left. If you liked Skyrim, you'll probably like this game. If you enjoy playing PC games with a controller, you'll like this too. Now get off my lawn :) +MagnarofThenn,-,5,-,false,-,As some one who was only lukewarm about the first 2 games in the series. This game is a genre defining achievement. This game will be the standard against which future RPGs will be compared. Just like the last 15 years all RPGs gets compared to the BG and Fallout series. +ruthlesschoy,-,5,-,true,-,i like this game so much i bought a second copy (physical) to leave wrapped on my shelf like a piece of art. picasso aint got shit on this +icicles00,-,5,-,false,-,hey decker add me +urispro,-,5,-,false,-,Восхитительная игра +blackhorse86,-,5,-,false,-,Witcher 3 is a Masterpiece. It is, simply, THE greatest game ever made. Gaming will never be the same for me. +idiotech,-,5,-,true,-,I provide an in-depth review of The Witcher 3 for PC: https://youtu.be/AL7eoeX6sP0 +dmitry07,-,3,-,false,-,hgjghjhgjjhjkhkhjkhjkhjkhjkhjkhjkhjkhjkhjkhjkh +Shiosai,-,5,-,false,-,The very Best Game I've ever played. (The previous ones were W1, W2 and RDR). It has everything from these two: open world + horses + swords + etc.. It's literally the Masterpiece! From the time, I’ve been a little kid and first played a computer game I dreamt of something like this. Very doubt I’ll ever see anything as much that great as it is or even close enough to it, in my life. (probably, W4=)) However, till then… I’ve seen everything on this planet. Now I can die in peace. Anyway, CDPR – YOU ROCK! YOU ARE THE BEST! From the very beginning You are the №1! I love you guys! The whole crew! Just continue do what you are doing and we will support you forever! You are on the right course! You've made my chilhdhood dreams come true <3 +richymun4,-,3,-,false,-,Its a really good console port that should be played with a controller you even get free hats and beards with free DLC Oh yes but the real DLC oops sorry expansions will be available next year can not wait. +Doomlocke,-,5,-,false,-,This game is actually fantastic i will actually give it a 10/10. But i won't write alot since i only did this so my friend can add me on this client. +DMaschine87,-,5,-,false,-,It's a really good game. +GhameBoi,-,5,-,true,-,Ich habe bisher zwar nur ein paar Stunden gespielt, aber ich bin sehr begeistert. Es ist sowohl grafisch als auch spielerisch einfach nur der Wahnsinn. Vielen Dank CDPR für dieses geile Spiel! +Kardes,-,3,-,false,-,Great game. Controller required Keyboard and mouse controls can be very Frustrating. Occasional crashes even after patch. Still, much fun to be had. +leao39,-,5,-,false,-,In my opinion this is the game of the year 2015. The witcher 3 is the best RPG that ever exist, good grafics, giant open world, good combat mechanics, tons of quest and an exelent story beind this amayzing game. If you ever play The Witcher 1 and 2, you have to play this one. I totaly recomend this game! +a1up,-,5,-,false,-,Good story, gameplay, and visuals. +Sun6eam,-,5,-,false,-,I want more of it +polyakoviv,-,3,-,true,-,the game is great but full of bugs, gamebreaking ones. can't play it further, waiting for a patch. +TheRagingCelt,-,5,-,true,-,me: I'd like to invest some time into this game. game: Okay we'll just introduce you to some amazing graphics get you hooked on the intuitive but challenging combat system throw you into a few side quests aaaaaand its gone. me: Wait what's gone? game: Your time. Its all gone. me: I don't understand, I have 5 more hours game: Not anymore you don't, its all gone. Please move out of the way for people who actually have time to play this game. +doomdoom11,-,5,-,false,-,I was hyped for this since its initial reveal and I can happy confirm that it was worth the long wait. My PC is aging and I don't have the money to soup it up at this point, so I went with the PS4 version, and I can tell you, the game looks stunning even on consoles. The game play is smooth as in Witcher 2 with some tweaks and there's so much exploration and adventuring to be done, it's insane. If you love open map RPGS with tons of quests, you will love this game. +MarsHoppus,-,5,-,true,-,Я счастлив +darioeasy,-,5,-,false,-,Tank You CD PROJECT. 10/10 the best rpg, intense, beautiful, poetic, mature, visually splendid. +Blair_180781,-,5,-,false,-,Perfect Game +ZeniuZ,-,5,-,false,-,Like it! +atylerblack,-,5,-,false,-,This game blows me away everytime I load it up, I'm running GTX 970's with SLI and the game runs perfect at 60+FPS on ultra. I never even use fast travel because the game is too beautiful and has too much to offer to skip any time in this world. Outstanding visuals aside, the story and characters in the game feel real and intriguing. Whether you're on a Witcher Contract to figure out how to remove some spirit from a town or playing hide and seek with children to bribe them into helping you, this game seems to always have some enjoyable piece of content to keep the adventure fresh. +Gwynbleidd117,-,5,-,true,-,A huge thanks to all the creators of this true Masterpiece ! You made something unique and stunning ! All the facets of your game is wisely done. You didn't make a fool of us. Keep being the last gaming company working for true games ! *Thumbs up !* I've heard about the be-called "downgrade" controversy rising through some people. Please don't take this seriously, even maybe ignore them.. they don't even know something about all the work you've done and why there is a difference between the final graphics and the VGX trailer. Your game is the best u could do with the technology, the money, ect.. u had. Ps: to support you i bought TW3 2 times (Gog version and collector version) i could so i did it, your earned it ! +Nesbin,-,1,-,false,-,Startup Crash all the time...Thanks for nothing CD Project Red. +elderwal,-,5,-,false,-,Wow - this game is immense and incredibly detailed. Rather than the plethora of fetch and gather quests that other open world RPGs seem to thrive on, every quest in this game has meaning and purpose. The characters are well designed and well rounded, and the world is bursting with life. I have played Witcher games since the first and this is a perfect ending to an excellent series of RPGs that other designers should take not of. Contrary to the requirements stated on the box, I can run this on my laptop and it looks absolutely beautiful without even being on top specs. Although it can be unforgiving and cruel, the game rewards patience, exploration and thought - a rare thing in today's gaming world. The writing is top notch and the plot opens perfectly, and continues to play out well. I only have a few hours on this game so far, but I am very impressed. Bodes well for Cyberpunk 2077. +cemetarion,-,4,-,false,-,goodgame my deary +juank480,-,2,-,false,-,how can i download it in spanish? +CSrew,-,5,-,true,-,Любителям РПГ точно не стоит проходить мимо. +d4nlo,-,5,-,false,-,Was für ein Spiel! Ich habe nun schon einige Third-Person Spiele gespielt, aber sowas ist mir noch nicht unter die Finger gekommen. Kurz etwas zur Vorgeschichte: Eigentlich sind dunkle Kreaturen wie Wasserleichen, Menschenfresser, Werwölfe, Geister etc. gepaart mit jeder Menge Blut nichts für mich. Ebenso Magie und der ganze Schnick Schnack drum herum. Allerdings habe ich an jeder Ecke etwas von diesem Spiel gelesen oder gehört. Also habe ich mir dieses Spiel einfach mal zugelegt und wollte schauen was wirklich dran ist. Man muss dazu sagen, dass ich die beiden vorherigen Witcher Teile nicht gespielt habe sondern mir lediglich ein 9 Minuten langes Zusammenfassungsvideo angeschaut habe damit ich den Zusammenhang verstehe. Was zeichnet dieses Spiel so sehr aus? Meine Top 3: 3. Platz; Die Konversationen: Eigentlich habe ich Gespräche immer als langweilig empfungen und meist geskipped, anders hier: Seitens der Entwickler hat man sich wirklich Mühe gegeben. Du als Spieler kannst entscheiden welche Antworten Geralt (und andere Personen, ohne spoilern zu wollen) gibt. Damit beeinflusst du die Handlung, die Spielwelt, den Ausgang des Gesprächs... einfach alles! Soll Geralt nur ein Auftragskiller sein? Soll er den Menschen helfen? Dafür ihnen ihren letzten Groschen nehmen oder sie ihnen lassen damit sie ihr zerstörtes Haus wiederaufbauen können? Ob Gut oder Böse, die Entscheidung liegt bei dir. Phantastisch! Habe ich so noch in keinem anderen Spiel gesehen. 2. Platz; Spielfigur/Gameplay: Geralt von Riva oder auch 'Der weiße Wolf/Der Schlächter von Blaviken' genannt ist ein Hexer wie man(n) ihn sich vorstellt: Charismatisch bis in die Haarspitzen. Kräftig. Clever. Wortgewandt. Zuverlässig. Ein Meister im Umgang mit dem Schwert und der Magie. Furchtlos aber auch herzlich, die Entscheidung liegt bei dir. Geralt hilft überall da, wo Menschen versagen oder sich nicht trauen. Er macht die "Drecksarbeit", traut sich in Höhlen und Nestern wo Menschen nicht mehr heile rauskommen würden. Verzweifelte Gesichter flehen den weißen Wolf an, seine Hilfe als letzte Rettung anzubieten. Wo wir auch beim Thema "Nebenquest's" wären: Diese finde ich fast noch interessanter wie die Story (bin noch nicht durch mit der Haupthandlung). Kleine, niedliche und spannende Aufgaben. Alles dabei, vom Suchen einer Pfanne einer alten Dame die sonst verhungern würde bis hin zur Bekämpfung eines riesigen Greifes der das Dorf tyrannisiert. Gute Abwechslung und ein tolles Gefühl als Spieler zuhause, wenn du der einzige bist der noch helfen kann. Personalisierungen für die Kleidung, für das Equipment, für die Haare ja selbst für Plötze das Pferd sind möglich. Ich kann den Spieler so erstellen wie ich das möchte. Fabelhaft! Eine Stelle an der Assassins Creed: Unity kläglich versagt hat. Vielleicht noch eine kleine Sache zum Thema Technik: Auch hier ist die eigens entwickelte Engine klasse. Durch die optimale Mehrkern Benutzung läuft das Spiel wunderbar flüssig und zuverlässig. Man braucht nichtmal einen High-End PC um das Spiel zu genießen, denn auch bei niedrigen Grafikeinstellungen soll es noch schön sein. Hier ein großes Lob an die Entwickler. 1. Platz; Spielwelt/Grafik (Spieleinstellungen: Hoch (Hairworks: deaktiviert, 60 FPS+), nicht Ultra (Hairworks: aktiviert, <40 FPS)): Zurecht auf Platz 1 ist die wundervolle Grafik. Egal ob morgens um 6 Uhr wenn die Sonne im kleinen Weissengarten aufwacht, 12 Uhr Mittags oder ab 19 Uhr wenn sie sich schlafen legt... zu jeder Zeit ein wunderschönes Bild. Selbst in den Dialogen merkt man die Zeit anhand von Sonnenstrahlen auf der Haut/im Gesicht oder an den Lichtverhältnissen selbst. Dynamisches Wetter mit Regen. Auch hier wieder werden NPC's alias Händler, Schmiede uvm. nass im Gesicht beim reden mit Geralt. Am liebsten reite ich stundenlang durch die Gegend und genieße die Welt. Die Gesichter sind sehr detailliert und realistisch gestaltet, allen voran das von Geralt. Immer wieder angenehm ihn in seine katzenartigen Augen zu schauen. Ebenso die Städte und Dörfer. Sooo wunderschön mit Liebe und kleinen Details gefüllt. Das ist echt unglaublich. Ihr merkt, ich wiederhole mich mit ein paar Wörtern, aber ich kann es einfach nicht anders beschreiben. Fazit: Alleine 1,5 Millionen Vorbestellungen sprechen für dieses Spiel. Es gibt noch genügend andere Punkte über die ich erzählen könnte, aber dies würde erstens den Rahmen hier sprengen und zweitens ist es viel schöner diese ganzen Sachen selbst am Computer/der Xbox One oder der PlayStation 4 zu erleben. Der Hype hat mich genauso gepackt wie Millionen andere Spieler und auch bekanntere Persönlichkeiten aus der Gamingszene. Ich komme mit den Gedanken teilweise nicht mehr weg vom Spiel. Was ich zum ersten mal erlebe. Die Zeit außerhalb des Spiels verfliegt leider wie im Flug und man muss echt aufpassen das andere wichtige Sachen nicht hinten runterfallen. Man kommt nicht los vom Spiel weil es an jeder Ecke was zu tun gibt. DANKE CD Projekt Red für dieses liebevoll und durchdachte Spiel! Ihr habt mich als Kunde der Spielereihe gewonnen. Sollte es eine Fortsetzung geben was ich mir jetzt schon sehr wünschen würde, werde ich ebenfalls wieder mit im Boot sein. Holt es euch! Ihr werdet es nicht bereuen. Hoffe dass ich euch helfen konnte. Danke fürs Lesen... Gruß PC Hardware: Intel i5-4570 (3,2/3,5 GHz), GeForce GTX 970 Gaming G1, 16 GB RAM +ash373,-,5,-,false,-,ÉVTIZED JÁTÉKA! +Gafster,-,5,-,false,-,Great game with continued support from the developer. GOTY for sure! +roronin,-,1,-,false,-,I WILL BUY THIS GAME ONLY WHEN TRESSFX WILL BE INCLUDE WITH UPDATE. +stewscotia,-,3,-,true,-,So far ive been enjoying the game, the only big issue im having is the videos where they tell you an overview of what you did last when you continue from your last save game. Ive tried hitting esc,spacebar, anything i can to bypass these videos because almost every time they crash my game. Now im also using a lower graphics card than is reccomended, BUT im using 2 of them in crossfire mode, so I shouldnt have an issue.Im using 2 AMD Radeon HD 6670's in crossfire (which is 2gb total memory on the cards) I have no issue running Dragon age 3. I have no issue running the witcher 3 once I get past those blasted intro videos (which honestly I DONT need repeated over and over). I would give this game a definite 5 stars if they got rid of some of these bugs and made it so you could bypass those videos. The only other issue I have (and its due to not having brand new graphics cards) Is the characters lips are out of sync with the dialog. (which dont bother me, I just hit space and go through it). Hope they improve things and get the bugs out. +TiEstet,-,5,-,false,-,Отличная игра, давно так не увлекал сингл. А те кто ноет по поводу пошла/не пошла, идите лучше вы .... и посмотрите минимальные системные требования к игре.! +Ross.if,-,5,-,true,-,Very beautiful game I must say! I spend my firs hour of gameplay only for looking around at gorgeous Witcher 3 nature, especially sky and sun effect... Haven't seen such beautiful sky in any other game. And also I must admit that CD Project RED did a great job in optimizing the game - I get stable 45 FPS on high settings on my 4 years old PC with only graphic card upgraded (2GB Radeon R9 270x). And I just love the new combat system! It was worth to keep my saves from previous games for so long! Thanks for such great game (and free DLC's :) ) and keep up the good work! P.S. The only think I was angry about is that in the beginning after conversation with Vesemir you are thrown right away into the battle without autosave and with no ability to save the game, and on the hardest difficulty (for insane people as it said in the description) it forced me to go through that conversation with Vesemir 8 times! I know you can skip dialogue by pressing the spacebar, but it's time consuming nevertheless. +adiekspert4,-,5,-,false,-,I'm not easy player. Couldn't accept Gothic series, traditional RPGs like Baldurs Gate etc. I haven't finished The Witcher 1 and 2, so, what actually happened here, that Ive changed my opinion about last The Witcher game? Oh boy, first things first. World - most immersive, beautifull and complex world out there. There are so many breathtaking moments, small things - details. Graphics - this is outstanding. Sky, weather, shadows, wind that moves flags, trees, grass. You have to feel that: cold, windy and stormy night, lots of sounds of monsters. Really awesome. Story - WOW. Just wow. No spoilers so... how to describe it? Complex, compact with a lot of sense, also very immersive with awesome characteres. I killed someone that I didnt want, what happened to me? I miss that person. About how many games can u say that? Sounds and music - same level as graphics and story. You gotta hear that. Many themes are playing by my head all the time. Love it. Game as a whole. Oh my god. This game is owning everything. I was waiting for this game whole my life. Period. To play? Yes! I lost myself in this game and Im not a fan of RPGs, so for fans of RPGs will mastu*bate to it :) Cant waste more time, its time to kill some mosters! +icerobot,-,5,-,false,-,TEST +DrGazooks,-,5,-,true,-,I think this is one of the greatest games I ever played... From the story to the characters to the locations to even Gwent (I hope there is an actual physical release in the works because I would buy the cards in a heartbeat) I am simply astounded by how good this game is. Sure there are the glitches here and there, but it does not compare to the enumerable amount in say Skyrim, which a lot of people I have talked to have compared it to. It is in fact better than Skyrim. I got bored wandering around day 1, I am still in wonder day 4 +Extreme96PL,-,5,-,false,-,ta gra to dzieło ma wszystko czego potrzebuje porządny rpg bogaty świat świetną fabułe mase rzeczy do robienia znajdźki questy poboczne które nie są zapchaj dziurom w stylu zabij 20 wilków pozycja obowiązkowa polecam też zagrać w dwie poprzednie części nie mają co prawda otwartego światu ale też są zajebiste 10/10 GOTY 2015 +Art2beGuru,-,2,-,true,-,Спасибо за бессмысленную покупку, при ПК (Intel Core i5 - 4670K 3.4GHz, 8Gb Ram, Nvidia GTX 650 Ti) и при низких настройках игры максимальное количество фпс 15-20. Низкий поклон за выброшенные на ветер деньги, думаю в следующий раз я воздержусь от покупки игр вашей компании. +RED_ALLIANCE,-,4,-,false,-,Игра потрясная, но из за остутствия поддержки dx9/dx10 вы теряете огромное количество покупателей. Надеюсь мой отзыв дойдёт куда надо) +Unfoundeddeath,-,3,-,false,-,I love the fact that it either crashes or exits my game to download a hair dlc when i'm about to beat a very hard monster +Galuwen,-,1,-,false,-,They are cheating on us > No free Content DLC's as promissed. Only small "beards and hats" but you have to pay for each extra adventure. Even if it is STEAM game you can polay the boxed Version only wir GoG Client. +m1ke1992,-,1,-,false,-,Downloaded 95% of preloaded files and now its redownloading all the files again for no reason. +OxyRzZ,-,5,-,true,-,The best of Saga for me ! +Bazetts,-,5,-,false,-,Good game etc +Arush,-,5,-,false,-,Also mir gefällt es seit der ersten Minute sehr gut, und ich freu mich schon die Story weiter zu verfolgen. Könnt ja selber mal gucken habe die ersten schritte mit aufgenommen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAy2R1KxHPo +iasniy,-,1,-,true,-,нет русского языка.о чем говорить.Будем ждать +NightmareChild,-,3,-,true,-,It's by no means a bad game but it's clearly NOT what we were "promised" with the trailers. The main goal for the devs was to make it run on the consoles, which shows. Here's the Eurogamer interview. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2015-05-19-cd-projekt-red-tackles-the-witcher-3-graphics-downgrade-issue-head-on Quite frankly, next time they should just come clean before release that the game will look nothing like the trailers instead of being silent. Anyways, this was the last game I preordered from CDPR and unless there is a patch that actually utilizes what a PC can do I can't and won't recommend this game to anyone. Not because it's a bad game but because of the blatantly false advertizing. For consoles, it probably looks perfect. For the PC, it's simply mediocre. +Kamikave,-,1,-,true,-,No rebinding of WASD possible ! What is this ? 1995 ? Screw you ! +Terrorzwerg,-,5,-,false,-,Umfassende Aufgaben und Eintscheidungen +Mandroin,-,5,-,false,-,Just an amazing game! +FATSACKOFCATS,-,5,-,false,-,Absolutely amazing, I can't stop exploring and keep saying "Just one more mission." Suddenly it's 5 am and I have to wake up in an hour. +AlexKhvorov,-,4,-,true,-,I would like to give it a 5 star if not the obvious combat flaws: 1) Garrett of Rivia likes to sneath his sword right in front of attacking foe 2) Target selection based on pure line of sight: thus if two wolves attacking from one side there's a 50% chance it would select the one farthest, no matter how far it is. It's ridicoulus considering most beast attack in packs. I can't describe how inconvinient it is. I think targeting should be based rather on line of sight AND proximity. Got that feeling combat was not tested properly beyond "Normal" difficulty level. I wish it will be fixed, and do something with match-stick trees, please! +AluGamingShow,-,5,-,true,-,Super Spiel das beste das ich je gespielt habe! +Yoofaloof,-,5,-,true,-,Loving my time in Witcher 3, and by that I mean taking my time. I'm walking not running and hardly ever use Roach, the horse. Scouring every inch is a treat. Sometimes I just stand and watch the view and enjoy the passing weather. Superb. I really hope fellow players aren't just rushing through, if they are it would be a travesty, more fool them I say. Graphics are truly awesome and so is the sound...just beautiful. There is tons to see and do, and I've hardly scratched the surface of the main storyline. I'd write more - but I've got to get back... +Tremandus,-,5,-,true,-,Supi Dupi, dieses Spiel :) +DarthCruciare,-,5,-,true,-,I haven't purchased this game yet. I don't even have the specs for it. But I'm posting a 5 star review, if only to cancel out the trolls who have given this game an illegitimate one star review, just because Korean gamers had to wait two lousy days for it to be out in their language. TWO...DAYS. Not years, or months, or weeks, TWO...DAYS. News flash: NOT EVERYBODY SPEAKS KOREAN, nobody gives a shit about your complaints. North American gamers waiting for Final Fantasy games often need to wait anywhere from a 1 1/2 to 2 years for an English translation, and in the case of FF V needed to wait more than a decade. Good Old Games really needs to clean up their review system, so that good games do not get bad scores they don't deserve. If you are going to give a one star review, make it for a legitimate reason. Critic bombing a game just because you have to wait a little longer than the rest of the world makes you look like a spoiled, entitled, whiny, petulant, child who must have everything right now. I really hope the moderators read this post, and clean up their faulty system. If I hadn't taken the time to read the real reviews, I might have assumed that from a 4.5 star game opposed to the 5 stars that Witcher 2 got, that the game was worse in comparison. Grow up, people. The review section of the website is not the place to air your grievances. Take it up in the forums, or with customer service. Good Old Games should have a system where those who abuse the review system are suspended or prohibited from posting reviews, as it can affect the sales of a game. That's my two cents. +Nizza,-,5,-,false,-,Amazing cuz! +Killcomic,-,5,-,false,-,This is absolutely the best game I've ever played. No, I'm serious. I've played over 200 hours and I'm addicted to it. Amazing visuals, story, characters, the whole lot! This game broke my Dark Souls addiction, which is no small feat. Now I have to wait for a game to break my Witcher 3 addiction. It's going to be a while. +Daltair,-,5,-,false,-,Best game ever +infid3l,-,5,-,true,-,This is the only game I ever stopped and grabbed screenshots because of how good it looks! I purchased Witcher 3 when it came out and finished the main story before DLCs came out so did not get then until now. I have seen a comment by someone being disappointed that W3 did not convert to GOTY automatically if they own both W3 and the DLCs. Well, I purchased the Season Pass today and there is GOTY Witcher 3 in my library nowm so CDPR listened again! Thank you guys! +Dragstery,-,5,-,false,-,Создатели Ведьмака вы лучшие, все 3 части получились просто ШЕДЕВРЫ. Продолжайте в том же духе и не останавливайтесь на 3 части, ждем продолжение. Ведьмак это ЛУЧШАЯ ИГРА В МИРЕ!!!!!!! и 3 часть не подкачала +AaronH,-,5,-,false,-,Well done CD Projekt Red, you achieved a truly amazing RPG here. The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt is an immense, interesting, gripping, dangerous and sometimes downright brutal experience. The zones are huge with varied locations, lots of different quests which offer interesting backstory and developments, a lot of them with later consequences, they will really make you think about the choices you will have to make. The level of detail, care and love that went into this game is obvious from the get go, right at the start I had the awesome feeling of The Witcher 1, leading straight into some tough combat. The combat itself is in my opinion the best I have come across in an RPG, it's challenging, you need to prepare before fights, (oils/potions/foods), and check your bestiary to see how best to tackle an enemy, there is a lot of strategy and tactics that go into this! I have progressed a little down the main story path, but I keep getting pulled into the huge world, picking up quests, monster contracts, exploring different places, it seems to offer hundreds of hours of gameplay, having said that the main story is keeping me very interested, if you've played the previous games or the books you will love this. If you've never played the witcher games or read the books, do yourself a favour and play this, it's an amazing experience that will keep you occupied for a long long time. 5 stars - Much Recommended - 10/10. +Alex_Kuleshov,-,5,-,false,-,Игра шикарная!!!Атмосфера затягивает с первой секунды,отличная боевая система,интересный сюжет и классные побочные задания!!!Открытый мир огромен и наполнен интересными событиями,алхимия и крафт сделаны очень классно!!! +night-fury,-,3,-,false,-,The gameplay and story itself are good not great, but all the crashing and stutters are making it very difficult to enjoy. I also don't care much for the obvious graphical downgrade, but at least I got it for practically free with my gtx 980 Minus the crashing and stuttering 6.5 / 10 but I wouldn't recommend purchasing this game until they at least fix the crashing / freezing problem. +Skismo01,-,5,-,false,-,ggg +Lumar31,-,3,-,false,-,aaa +Tenacious_D,-,4,-,true,-,I don't really know how to write reviews so I'll make this quick. The game looks quite well even with all this talk of downgrades and parity and whatnot. One of the gripes I have is the combat system. The game plays like it was designed for 1vs1 combat, yet enemies, large groups at least, constantly swarm and attack the player and potentially stun-lock you to death, especially on higher difficulties. Here the game could have proffited from a more free-flow combat system like in the Batman games or Middle-Earth in this case. Alchemy has been made more 'complicated' as different potions/oils/bombs now require specific ingredients instead of 'generic' chemicals making gathering a bit of a chore since the placement of plants is rather random and not following any logic whatsoever. Additionally, there's no personal stash to offload to, slowly degrading your carrying capacity. Unless you sell those crafting mats for 1 gold apiece, degradingly grinding for cash, since merchants fall over themselves to cheat you out of money when buying/selling. +Kathorsen,-,5,-,true,-,I have played around 15 hrs of this game and it it continous to amaze me. Absolutely worth the price, and with the free DLC plan and upfront mentality towards those subjects by the developer, they deserve support! This makes the experience even more rewarding and one you can enjoy without even a drop of sour taste in your mouth. Enjoy! :) +tebro,-,5,-,true,-,The game is beautiful and very well done, performs perfectly all maxed out for me. The dark setting of the game will make you realize that you are a bad person when you laugh. +cozmec,-,5,-,true,-,Have spend a decent amout of time in the game. It is outstanding! Congradulation to all the devs! The game is refined almost to the last detail. It is by far the best game of the last decade! I have an Alienware X51 with GTX 670 and game runs in 35-40 FPS with all setting to Ultra except Shadows (High) and Hairworks(Off) Goodbye Social Life! PS. Things that need fixing: -Horse calling -Camera Control +Bladesteel,-,5,-,true,-,It's been over 20 years since I ever made a major purchase on video games. Simple answer is since the introduction of Steam and various other intrusive DRM implementation just killed gaming for me. I just simply wanted to play my game in peace. If ANYONE that have saved gaming IT'S GOG. I avoided purchasing any AAA Title simply I couldn't stand the DRM and I don't regret it one bit. I can finally play a brand new AAA Title in peace without annoying connection requirements. GoG delivers a great game that is also made with passionate people. This game is gorgeous when I first fired it up. I encourage everyone to support GoG and their CD Projekt affiliate by purchasing The Witcher 3. I'm a GOG fan for life as long as they hold true to their values.. +gyrosc,-,5,-,true,-,The Witcher 3 is quickly becoming one of my all time favourite RPG's. +IMScientist,-,5,-,true,-,For me The witcher 3 is one of the best games ever made,really good quests,story,combat.... The combat is much better than the one in the witcher 2 but i think you still can overuse the roll if you like or don't know any better. The best way to fight is to use sometimes the roll if the enemy is charging at you, but use the side step most of the time. +LuKi965,-,5,-,false,-,GOTY 2015 and BEST RPG EVER. +groba,-,1,-,false,-,Witcher 3 Is The Most Overrated Video Games Of All Time !!! Total Waist Of Money & Time !! NOT RECOMMENDED !!! :( +il-100,-,5,-,true,-,Recently, I have lost interest to gaming, did not want to play anything. Everything seemed so boring, and unappealing. Until I started playing Witcher 3. Sure, it is spec-demanding, but after a few adjustments it runs great on my 660 and still looks gorgeous!! And now I simply cannot turn off the game, it's too good! It's addicting, atmospheric, exciting, fantastic and beautiful! +Erestun,-,5,-,false,-,This... this is like taking drugs...or makin' love to sweet sorceress o' mine, or both at the same time. I'm over-hyped, I can't express myself in words about this game, getting goosebumps, butterflies in my belly... Emotions, freakin' emotions everywhere. While I'm trying to share in-game experience with my friend, my voice becomes incoherent screeching. what have you done CDPR, I haven't felt this about game for a long, long time. Thank you, thank you 1k times. 11/10 +acco2oo2,-,5,-,false,-,i feel its heavy on gpu right? +creativin,-,1,-,true,-,Korean strings 2MB........fuck +engage_weakness,-,5,-,false,-,Game looks great. Just installed a gtx 960 and it runs like a champ. Looking forward to getting through the story. +karloslim,-,5,-,false,-,I've been playing games a VERY long time; my first computer was an ZX81, and so far The Witcher 3 has completely blown me away. It does almost everything right and CDPR deserve every plaudit possible for their achievements. Ignore the naysayers about graphics, they are breathtaking and the character models, faces and animations stand out as especially tasty. Considering this is an huge open world game I would of thought CDPR would of copy and pasted some of the characters but all of the ones I've seen so far seem unique. Bethesda has a lot of catching up to do here! Combat feels visceral and all of your abilities have a part to play in downing your foes. It's so good that I generally look forward to combat which isn't something I felt about the Witcher 2. There are some areas where there could be improvements such as enemy AI; they occasionally stand around not attacking but on the whole the battles are fun and engaging. I'm not far enough into the game to say whether the story holds up all the way but so far it has grabbed me and makes me want to know where it's going to go next. The characters and voice acting has really helped pull me in here. It's the best I've ever seen. The soundtrack is amazing...nuff said. There are a few rough edges, such as the UI and occasional crash, but they never get in the way of having fun, and I know that CDPR will sort these out over time. You can tell right from the start that the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a labour of love from CDPR and the amount of work and craftmanship which has gone into it is mind blowing. Some people may say it is the best game of its type ever made, and I would agree. All I can say for certain is it is the best game I have EVER played. +johcy1111,-,5,-,true,-,10 hours in, and so far it has blown away every other RPG I've played. It's a beautiful looking world, and Geralt is one of my favourite characters, having played Witcher 1 and 2, but it is the level of detail in the characters and quests, especially the side-quests, that I love. I think a lot of care has gone into this game. I have only scratched the surface so here's hoping the next 190 hours are as good. If they aren't I'll be back! +hasaosan.972,-,1,-,false,-,this is a 1/5 because its the MOST ANTI-OPEN WORLD GAME i have ever seen. Monsters and side quests give almost 0 XP (would take 2+ hours of mob farming to lvl from 1-2 in this game) For this reason it makes the "300" hours of gameplay a LIE. the open world is a lie aswell... they made it so if you do not do the story missions you literally cant do anything else. as you cant get stronger and you cant fight stronger mobs the 1 star is for the story.. its decent... not the best ive played but its better then alot +ummagoomba,-,5,-,true,-,Words fail to describe how amazing this game is. The Witcher 1 has been my favourite, out of the first two games because I preferred the overall mood and style of the game. The Witcher 3 somehow manages to capture this perfectly without feeling dated and infact seems to blend the best of the two games into one. The game is flawless in every way. An absolute must have. +janishewski,-,3,-,false,-,I pre-ordered this game on Steam. I listened to CDPR talk about how this was going to be the next level in open-world rpg's. I watched the videos and got excited. The finished product, while a really good rpg, is not what they showed and not what they hyped. Now they are saying that the trailer was not indicative of the final product. Then why not just show us the game the way it would turn out? Because they tuned it down for consoles, and despite all of their posturing otherwise, they went consoles first and made people who spent money on a good PC, the audience they have always claimed to cater to, get less of a product. On top of that, the hype machine is going full blast. Aside from graphics and characters, this game is not the Skyrim killer we were promised, and that they made plenty of jokes about at Bethesda's expense. The cheap shots about bugs are now laughable as there are plenty of immersion breaking bugs in my time with the game, now about 19 hours. The simulation of objects in the world has not changed since Witcher 1 and is no where near the type of environments we could interact with even in games like Ultima 7, let alone Morrowind. The open-world is only semi-open with more than a few areas walled off. We get Ubisoft like map checklists that go against everything they said they were about. This is all style over substance and everyone giving it perfect reviews is going against why they said they loved this franchise and this company in the first place. The positives are that, while the story is functional at best, the characters and side quests give a sense of character and place not seen yet in an rpg of this scope. The game systems only really work if you adjust the difficulty level accordingly as you go. The easy settings are beyond pointless as many of the game mechanics become useless and the higher difficulty levels don't add more challenge to encounters, just more time. There used to be 3 companies on my pre-order list. CDPR, Sega's Total War series, and Bethesda's flagship Fallout and Elder Scrolls series. Sega lost me after the still broken Rome 2, CDPR is now off the list for falsely advertising and hyping Witcher 3, and Bethesda is off just because I don't trust any of these companies anymore. Stop hyping things you cannot deliver. Just be honest and don't show anything until you know what the end product is going to be like. Id, and other companies, did this for years with the "when it's ready" slogan and it did not hurt them a bit. This is a decent rpg and an okay story, wrapped in a great, but hollow, presentation. Hopefully Cyberpunk and Witcher 4 will finally make CDPR's product equal their ambition and hype. I just hope this review is allowed to stay up amidst all of the lunacy of perfect scores. If you think this game is perfect and no aspect can be made better, then by all means give it a perfect score. I think it is being dishonest and it is a disservice to anyone that is thinking about the game. +Refeldr,-,5,-,false,-,Okay, let's start with the bad things. - the performance optimization could be better - it feels that there is way less to do on Skellig then in the rest of the world And that's it xD From the beginning of the game I was totally amazed by the amount of detail, which it offers. It starts with the graphics that is gorgeous continues with the great written Quests and NPCs and not ends with the story which is told so great, that I nearly shed tears at some points. (That scene when Ciri hugged Geralt gave me the rest ;__; ) Especially when you have read the books, you will love the story. The controls (Mouse+Keyboard) are a bit strange at the beginning... but you should calculate 100 hours or more to finish the game. So there is enough time to get used to it :D 5 hours later I it worked pretty well. The combat can be tough, but if you are well prepared you should win every fight easily. Overall.... I would rate this game with 10/5 Stars :D Because I've NEVER seen a game that feels so realistic when it comes to dialogues, which throws you deep into its world and doesn't let you go until you did everything that is to do. Not even Dragon Age Inquisition (which I loved) can be compared to it. +dezyturat,-,1,-,true,-,Before patch 1.03 I just couldn't play this game. Honestly I couldn't even tell how it looks or plays, because it was constantly freezing and crushing. I was really angry and frustrated. Everything changed after patch. Game is just THE BEST gaming experience I ever had. Played just around 2h so far, but hugeness and way it feels real is unbelievable. I'm stunned. Exceptional work CDP Red! PS. I just don't understand all this folks whining around about graphic downgrade. This game looks awesome (I'm playing at ultra w/o hairworks in 1600p). +thewulfe,-,1,-,true,-,I've tried to play this game maybe 10 or so times but each time it ends up feeling like a really poor creed game. Its slow slow slow to do anything. Absolute garbage controls. +krolme,-,5,-,false,-,This game is fantastic, one of the best I've ever played in my life. +EL_Chrys,-,1,-,false,-,I wish it was working.. I wish it had support. I wish never bought it.. oh wait I can return it.. +codpeace,-,5,-,true,-,Y'know, the usual RPG stuff. Only... This one's actualy quite good. Actualy, it's fantastic; even stupid fetch quests turn into something interesting and memorable, the world is massive and packed with more detail than most, far smaller, games. Come to think of it, it's probably the best game ever. A little bit. Also it has moral ambiuity. Also bewbs. +Zaybatsu,-,5,-,true,-,игрушка круть просто получилась... давненько уже таких игр не выходила, уходишь туда с головой, управление не привычное консольное правда, но привыкаешь со временем. +satanspetpenguin,-,5,-,false,-,I don't want to go in to detail, as there are plenty of reviews already for that. I do however feel the need to echo the thoughts of many and say that this game is a masterpiece. Gaming doesn't get better than this. Every facet of this game is expertly and lovingly crafted. Worth every penny and then some. This is how a proper AAA+ title should be made. 5/5 +Dienasty,-,5,-,false,-,Great! +DraconioPL,-,5,-,false,-,best game ever +SchwoartZ,-,5,-,false,-,... can't explain it with words.. it's sooo awesome! The atmosphere and everything. wow +karoollo,-,5,-,false,-,I say this with full conviction and responsibility. The Witcher 3 is the best, the biggest and most complete game ever made! Even better than GTA V. And I am proud that I come from Poland, country in which this piece of art was created. +Ghost_1843,-,5,-,false,-,mein spiel des jahres mehr brauch mann nicht sagen +FlappyPaddle,-,5,-,false,-,If you loved Skyrim style games , you are gonna love this! +deke913,-,5,-,false,-,I built me a system with AMD 8320, 16g ram, GTX 960 SLI with this game installed on SSD and I can tell you that this is by FAAAAAR the most beautiful game I have ever played. Amazing performance on this setup with all set to high. I spend time hiking in North Carolina and Kentucky and this game has made me stop at times and just stare with my mouth open while drool runs down my chin. No online requirements, no DRM, just fun on top of fun with fun drizzled across the top. BUY THIS GAME! Support these developers in every way possible because believe me they are worth it. +AbyssFIN,-,5,-,true,-,Definitely Game Of The Year 2015. + Fantastic graphics. + Excellent audio and voice acting. + Great story, with interesting characters. + Vast "open world" with a plethora of side-quests and other activities. + Optimized. (Patch 1.10 did lower my frames a bit, but i bet that'll be fixed within a week.) + Committed developers. Constantly releasing hotfixes and patches. - Glitches and bugs, here and there. Didn't run into anything gamebreaking though. - Lip-sync is quite awful at certain points. Can't really think of anything BAD about this game. Fallout 4 will have a hard time to topple this. +Arthur030393,-,5,-,false,-,Best RPG in the last 10 years : D +temerius,-,5,-,false,-,More witcher, more monsters, more weapons, more polygons, more Gerald... more more more!!!! Get it, or miss one of the immersive´s worlds, you´ve ever seen!! 9.9/10 +HugoReis,-,5,-,false,-,good +CrakFoxx,-,5,-,false,-,game is fun. much wow, so graphics +Nicedy_Spenit,-,4,-,false,-,Сойдёт. +Diamondsays,-,5,-,false,-,Thank you for making this amazing legendary game!! I strongly recommend that you buy this game as soon as possible! +Samoht97430,-,5,-,true,-,La map est immense, les graphismes sont superbes, les doublages sont super en Français, le scénar est superbien écrit. CD projekt RED fait un coup de maitre avec the Witcher! +ThatDixion,-,4,-,false,-,Gra jest naprawdę dobra ale jakby była trochę bardziej płynniejsza. +KaOzZGaMeRGR,-,5,-,false,-,YENEFER +Reclam,-,5,-,false,-,Nice Game +NicoBoyXD,-,5,-,true,-,just awesome, fantastic +bjordgoltor,-,5,-,false,-,Remi c'est pour toi +brandonhalcyon,-,1,-,false,-,Been playing for +ahemd146,-,4,-,false,-,ich vinden das spiele eigentlch einbissen zuleicht aber es ist immer noch ein gutes spiele das kann man schon zugeben die haben sich echt muhe gegeben . Aber noch eine 4k leg bei mir das muss gepacht werden +edaknik,-,5,-,true,-,Das schönste Rollenspiel, dass ich je gespielt habe! Atmosphäre und Story ziehen mich einfach nur in den Bann und bis auf eine feststeckende Bäuerin ist mir noch kein Bug aufgefallen. Überhaupt hat sich bisher noch kein Spiel direkt nach dem Release so rund angefühlt. Die Performance ist für das gelieferte Ergebnis geradezu überirdisch gut. Mein System erfüllt nun wirklich nicht die Mindestanforderungen (HD 7770 1GB und alter Phenom II ), nichts desto trotz läuft das Spiel geradezu butterweich auf Full HD (natürlich nicht auf max oder so ;) ). Wenn ich es nicht vorbestellt hätte, würde ich es auch für den vollen Preis kaufen. Hut ab. +zuluwoffle,-,5,-,false,-,I'm not a typical RPG gamer but this game is awesome +sander9702,-,2,-,false,-,This game is absolutely amazing it even has actors from Game of Thrones in it but my biggest gripe with this game is the performance, on my GTX 760 the game starts with 60 FPS on high-medium settings but after 5 minutes the game slows down to 20 FPS even if I have all the settings on low and I know that it's not my card overheating nor is it a problem with memory, I've contacted both GOG and CDPR but I've recived no help so far so because of this bug and the lack of response I'm forced to remove a point from this amazing game, but just to be clear this seems to be some wierd bug with just this game and my settup so everyone else should be fine as long as your settup matches the requirements! +WickedLarkin,-,5,-,true,-,...It would be undoubtedly The Witcher 3: amazing graphics, amazing optimization, amazing gameplay, amazing story, amazing universe, amazing characters... I've been waiting for this game for years and here it is at last... And what a mindblowing experience it's gonna be... What else to say? Just buy it! And if the perfect developping studio had a name... It would CDPR! Love you guys, I knew my faith in you was not in vain! Gonna play this game for thousands of hours... And thousands of hours after that! Thank you so much CDPR!! +dXtee,-,5,-,false,-,The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, at first getting to run stable without crashes and freezes was a slight pain but though a couple of google searches they were easily fixed. Getting into the main aspects the Game looks absoulety top notch with its grand and spectactular world and a clear point of the "next generation game". The combat has taken the combat system from the previous Witchers and made it into a reworked and extremely well made system which is fluent while not being easy. The controls at first took a bit to get used to because of myself being used to Witcher 2's controls but when I got used to them they are great. This put simply is a masterpiece. CdProjectRed lived up to the hype. Won't talk about story for spoilers stake +randomhkkid4,-,5,-,false,-,"I want an open world" we said, "I want free roam and traversal" we said, Fighting a group of deserters on the top of a cliff, cut one in half and decapitated another. Fell off the cliff whilst taunting the last. 11/10 would unicorn again +UnholyChocolate,-,3,-,false,-,A good RPG, not as good as the witcher 2. Lacks the depth and direction of the second game, at least the combat is better than the first witcher +Protokohl,-,5,-,true,-,So I started this up, I've played it a lot and I love it!! This is seriously the most insane game I have ever played. There are no loading screens in game, which add extreme immersion (Can you imagine reading a good book and pausing every 15 pages for a minute or two...yeah? Thanks Skyrim) Also Horse Combat, it is insane and utterly badass. I found a bandit camp I jumped my horse over some wagons galloped through the camp while lopping heads off and cleaving bandits in two...all in slo-mo haha!! I absolutely love the horse combat mechanic. The extensive, well written enjoyable lore is very nice. In Skyrim books were for nerd and you being a dragonborn and all powerful superhero didn't need them, in the Witcher, don't read books? You die, they give solid help on what monsters are weak too for example and provide clues, written between the lines so to speak, for quests. There is no magic marker telling you were to go. No, instead, say your searching the forest, you have a big yellow circle on the minimap (This is your area so to speak) and using your Witcher sense you discover clues and track animals etc. It also touches on darker for realistic aspects, Skyrim had racism is like saying the school bully teased people, in the Witcher that school bully? Yeah he beat everyone to a pulp. Racism is strong, violence and tensions are intense. Storyline is important and immersive. In every way this game is targeted for older gamers looking for mature and deep storyline. Its tough and brutal in parts, you will die, a lot if you don't prepare. I can't tell yet if monsters level up alongside you but I do know that running through a forest, fighting wolves (level 8) when suddenly this huge level 23 (I'm level 6) monster charges outta the bushes and hands my ass to me. Frustrating yet satisfying, it feel real. Also the world in super dynamic, abandoned village? Clear it, people move in, rebuild. Also dialogue is super important and can heavily affect outcomes!! +topgamerptz,-,5,-,false,-,хули вылупились сыны говна, найс лимоните этой сраной студии, даже не установлю это говно из жопы, гуляйте +Ingratus,-,1,-,true,-,Do not buy this unless devoloper will pay you for that. PROS. -none whatsoever CONS. -same old story with ripped of gameplay from previous games of Witcher -horrible voise acting -Not open world game ( player limited for some areas and could go to any other location of the world map unless he will solve some quests ) -Stupid AI ( AI does not live its life, and put in game as an enviromental part like trees into forest) -too much "blah" talk -Console port ( not optomized for use of mouse ) -3D engine (cartoonish, no physics, no interruption with the enviroment) -not optimized 3D engine cause of heavy 3D lags and chops even on high end hardware. -horrible 3D models of females and other charaters of the game. -etc... P.S. (for those who read it. LOL) 64 bit requirement is laughable because game does not use that and the only thing why it has been added is keeping compatibility with consoles, this is an evedence that CD project just did not want to split team for making PC version of the game and they just made console port to PC or how everybody could say just cheap on that and spit into PC gamers faces. All started good, Witcher 1 was not pefect game but this game at least was not console port, also voice acting and 3d engine was way better than that what we see in Witcher 3, but how this always happens CD project just gets fat from money which they get from selling witcher games and simply does not want to do anything new. Witcher 3 has nothing new the only thing which it has this is 3D engine which is also not new and look like has been taken from Skyrim with its shinning armor and other metalic part of the enviroment, LOL, plus add another useless features like real hair movement and etc. Horrible voice acting another "feature" of the Witcher 3, people which gives voices to game characters just do not live this game, look like CD project took somebody from the street without explanation and gives them to read some part of the text. Too much "blah" talk with poor dialogues which make game more longer and more boring, this part, I think, has been made special for asian customers which like meaningless, long and poor dialogues. Speaking of 3D engine and open world game, Gothic 3 this is the game from 2007 has a real 3D engine with physics changing weather conditions and the sky, open world where you can go from the start to every areas of the game. Gothic 3 might have graphic perfomance issues and AI issues but this is just because Gothic 3 using real 3D engine. Voice acting of the game is amazing and you really feel like characters live in game world. Gothic 3 has a massive battles where you could fight and where even general characters of the game could die unfortunately causing problem with finishing game. That is an example of the open world game with real 3D engine. CD project promised much with Wicher 3 new 3D engine, open world, AI which lives its life and etc., but in final we have game which deliver nothing from that. In Epilogue from artbook of Witcher 3 says "We are rebels...", well, ABSOLUTELY!!! rebels against GOOD and MEANINGFUL GAMES. +Baby_Puncher007,-,5,-,false,-,Only just over a few hours in playing for the first time, and I must say... Damn... Buy this game. +BadiDea328,-,5,-,false,-,Amazing. The feel, the atmosphere, the graphics, the combat.... everything. It really draws you in. Also GOG is showing great promise. No problems with pre-download or release. Game started right up and have had no problems so far. Looking forward to what GOG has planned for us. Keep it up +ironttm,-,5,-,true,-,The game is very well made, the gameplay is really good so far, and the immersion you get from the music, dialogs and storytelling is also very good in my opinion. A word for our Korean friends who complain about the language. Here is a review page for the game itself and not of your opinion about the company. In my opinion any complaints about CD Project should go to their forums and definetely not impact the rating of the game. And even though you might be right, 2 days waiting is not that much. Don't act like spoiled brats and just rate the game when you experierce it as a whole. Cheers1 +metalos,-,5,-,false,-,The Witcher games are one of my favourites video games. I played through the previous games many times. Unfortunatelly, i have just a Geforce GTX650 and i had to set the lowest graphics option now but the game looks great on the lowest settings too. Especially the face animations, they are very realistic. The new combat system is brutal and tactical, the vast world are very interesting, there is always something to happen, the map have many and more interesting location. Ghost towns, magical places, sinister swamplands, big towns with full of life, dangerous woods, and so on. The new tracing system is a good feature, with this, maybe Geralt better than the World Greatest Detective :-). I played a lot of secondary quest and all of them was unique, there is no repetitive quests. My favourite side activity is the treasure hunting, i like them. There is a lot of useful items if you find these treasures. So, the Witcher 3 is the best to me in the series. I think i will spend a lot of time in it's vast, beautiful and dangerous world. Great job CD Projekt Red, thanks for the great experience. +Noituri,-,5,-,false,-,There is no words to describe this Uber Epic Greatness. Game runs very well with my old computer Phenom x3 720 3.4 GHz & GTX 560 ti wich doesnt even meet minium req, i can use medium settings and fps is around 30-40. The game world is huge and interesting and every area have so much to explore. Visuals look extremely nice especially characters and monsters and whole world with great music and wildlife sounds wich adds great immersion. Combat system is best i have ever experienced on rpgs. Thank you CD PROJEKT RED +vence,-,5,-,false,-,They managed to keep reinventing the serie and making it better at each iteration, wich is rather rare and precious to witness. The witcher 3 is a lot better than the Witcher 2 on every level, no more linear questing or limited areas that feel like tunnels, you play in an open map and you pick your own adventures, the game is beautiful, the UI is sleek and functional, the crafting and gearing hit the sweet spot between complexity and simplicity, the lore is rich and the world feels alive not to mention all the gorgeous ladies, this game is a must have for any RPG, dungon crowling explorer out there. +Bloodlips,-,5,-,true,-,Beautifull game from my country. I was wondering if it can work on my pc. I have i3 4150 + radeon r9 270x + 8gb ram and game is working on medium with 40-60 fps (medium 55 but sometimes in more crowded places its 40). Im totally excited about this optimalization amd whole game. GJ CD PROJECT RED! +FateZero815,-,4,-,false,-,This is, no doubt, one of the funnest and greatest rpg I have EVER played, and I've played a ton out there. Much content, big world, extroardinary graphics, pretty much everything else about this game is absolutely amazing. But before I go on about my opinion, let me explain on why I removed a star first. First off, the reason why is because some cutscenes go down in frames, alot. The first one jumped between 60 down to 30 and was basically bouncing back and forth. I don't know what's causing this, but since it did just come out I guess I can let it slide. Hopefully a patch will come out to fix this. An another reason is the horse-riding. Nothing wrong with the controls or anything, but for some reason every time I go the slowest while I'm riding my horse, every split-second the whole game stutters for less than a split-second. When I'm running on my horse it's smooth, but walking is when the stuttering comes in. This I find kinda immersion-breaking, so like I said, a patch is predicted on my part. Now that the bad is out of the way, let's go to the good part, which I can sum it up into one word. Everythin. Yes, it has it's downsides, like I just explained, but the rest of the game itself is absolutely brilliant, a true masterpiece from CDPR. Getting constant 60 fps on all ultra @ 1080p with sli 980s, which I also want to explain as well. What really makes this game stand out is that it's possible the ONLY next-gen game that didn't come out so damn BROKEN. I had my fill of broken games like ac unity, DA inquisition, Far cry 4, etc. etc...but this game cured my loss of hope for this generations games, kinda. Yes, the port on this game is great, just needs a patch to take care of the small but big parts. CDPR definetely did a good job with this one and took there time with the optimizations, unlike some careless developers who rush there games into development really badly (ahem ubisoft). My rating: Without the issues, 9000/10. With issues: 9/10. Deserves to be GOTY. +dilwad,-,5,-,true,-,Good game. Much Action. Wow! +WigglyDiggly,-,4,-,false,-,The only problem ive honestly found within the game is that theres no benchmark tool. Ive found it rather difficult to find the exact settings that will make my rig run at 60fps while looking seamless and beautiful. Regardless of that fact, It's a cinematic beauty, combat is seamless and heavily updated from the witcher 2 and solid. the thing that really sets witcher 3 from the rest is that even on a low difficulty, its a challenging game that makes you utilize all your skills and everything a witcher has including potions and the beastiary. OH!!! and like no other game, the chainmail finally looks like chainmail instead of weird scratchy shit! +Ryudo47,-,5,-,false,-,It's alright..... spotty sound design. 10/10 - IGN +kamber87,-,5,-,true,-,After really great first two games, which I consider one of the best (if not THE BEST) games ever made, I have wondered how CDPR can improve over perfection. The only con of previous games was that they were too short (if a 30 hour playthrough can be considered short), and lacked more exploration of a wonderful world that is presented to us through the Witcher lore. After completing the first two games multiple times (3 times each), to experience the consequences of different choices in game, I was desperately in a need for a new Witcher game. I tried to scratch the Witcher itch with other games, but never really succeeded. After a really long wait, CDPR answered all my questions in a form of a new game that is Witcher 3 - Large world that just begs to be explored; great, well thought out quests (the most bland quest here would be a main quest in any other RPG); memorable, fleshed out characters; and loads, hours of wonderful fun that everyone was waiting for. Witcher 3 took everything that made the previous games great, and made it even better. Nothing is out of place in this game. Every "Why" has its "Because". You will ask the question "Why?" and a lot of times you will find its "Because" very intriguing. As you progress through the game, you will feel the world evolving around you and shaping based on your choices throughout the game. This game concludes Geralts story, and I hope this is not the end of the Witcher games. I can already see the new game with Ciri as a main character. The only two things that I mind about this game is that they took away the ability to play dice poker (a trademark in previous games if you ask me); and the sex scenes seem more toned down when compared to Witcher 2, but they definitely look more tasteful. A big recommendation for those new to the series, and even bigger recommendation to the old fans. Definitely worth the asking price, and Game Of The Year material. +jktorres28,-,5,-,false,-,Awesome game. One of the best I've played, still need to play it more of course but runs great, and looks great, haven't had any problems crashing or glitching at all. I love the way the map is setup and how you can see quests and stuff on it. +mateush20,-,5,-,false,-,This is awsome game... Best rpg when im play on my hole life;)... Great Job CD Projekt:). +tb.tom89,-,2,-,false,-,If you want a really expensive movie, this is fantastic. If you want to play a game, look elsewhere. Wasted an entire day downloading this huge title, to just waste the last 30 mins watching a poorly made film with an incoherent story line. If after 30 mins it is still showing nothing but cut scenes, I really don't have high opinions of the game play (if any actually exists as I have yet to get there). Will probably be uninstalling as every other movie on my system is only 1 - 2 GB in size and this one is 25 GB. +Fox_Hollow1,-,5,-,false,-,Absolutely everything about this game is amazing - Graphics are absolutely stunning (Never have I seen a better looking sunrise/sunset in a video game) - Combat is really fun, fast, and deep - Huge improvement from the 2nd game - The world is huge and detailed and feels so alive - So easy to get lost in - Story is gripping and I actually feel for the characters - You really get to choose what kind of person Geralt is and how he impacts others - Really well optimized - Runs great at ultra w/ my 970 Honestly, the best RPG I have ever played and definitely one of the best games of all time +Everytimefoo,-,1,-,false,-,redeemed nvidia code, and game never downloaded, and isnt available on my machine zzzzzzzzz +rickytherapper,-,5,-,false,-,amazing +jahearne,-,5,-,false,-,tis a cracking game 10/10 +slugnasty,-,5,-,false,-,hey ricky add me to your friends list +Relyson,-,5,-,true,-,I'm only 2 hours in but I'm already saying "Yes, it is." +bass_girl09,-,5,-,false,-,Pros: *Fantastic graphics (gpu: Nvida GTX960 cpu: Core i54690 at 3.5 Ghz) - Most settings on Ultra and a few are set to High, Facial expressions are vastly improved upon from tw1&2 *Truely open and dynamic world *Importable tw2 game *Choices still matter a lot more though now *Great voice acting *Horses, what can I say? *Nice inventory system compared to tw2 *Not very consolitisy for those PC gamers, very servicable menus *The world feels huge Cons: *Graphics are not as pretty as the trailers and were somewhat overhyped in the advertising - I tried to not watch too many of these for fear of the game being ruined since this is the way that games are going :( *Leveling "tree" is now more of a grid *Not being able to harvest herbs while on horseback (its just annoying to get down is all like in Skyrim; however it adds to realism) I have played tw1&2 before this and I have to say that CD Projekt Red really did the witcher trilogy justice. I look forward to the DLC and hope that they release an enhanced edition with the graphics that we saw in the earlier lets plays while it was still in production. I only hope that the game continues to be as fun as it is right now as I type this only about 4 hours in. I suspect that this will be my next Skyrim and hopefully it will be that for many people. +Ulluc,-,1,-,false,-,Why don't you all get it, these games are bad... bad.... BAD +Pi_Conspiracy,-,5,-,true,-,This game is one of the best RPG's I have played in a long time. Great story, atmosphere, enjoyable characters, and amazing side quests. I will remember this games for a very long time. I highly recommend this game. For me, this game has become a new benchmark. +vostoceq,-,5,-,false,-,´Must have for every RPG fan.. amazing game :) Runs great on my older rig (phenom ii x6 1090t, r9 270x , 8gb ram) High details, lowered shadows and grass to medium. Disabled hairworks = 50-60 fps :-) +-Blodsvept,-,5,-,false,-,The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt marks history of RPGs. Best Witcher game so far. It really reminds me of The Witcher 1, a more RPG game than The Witcher 2. Graphically stunning, technically impressive, a story told like only Witcher games can do. Every character is so detailed that even in the side quests, you forget that actually you're doing a secondary task. Performances are great, CDPR should teach others how to program a videogame. TIP: Save the game as often as you can. Sometimes, Geralt get stuck and doesn't move anymore, the only way to go is to load a saved game. I had to do a side quest twice because I forgot to save over 10 minutes of playing. Wild Hunt is the best Witcher game yet, for me it can easily be the 2015 Game Of The Year. This is not the case where I say "If you loved previous Witcher games, this must be yours", because there's no need. If you played previous witcher games or not, it doesn't matter, You will love this game as you start to play it. +Zheiren,-,5,-,false,-,The RPG we were waiting for. 10/10 +tiaroi88,-,5,-,false,-,The best game of 2015 +skonvolt,-,4,-,true,-,Well first and most important, up to now i completed many " quests" before get them and not 1 time the quest is locked or something like this, than the combat system is far better than other Witcher, and even if graphic is 5 % less than expected the character are the most expressive ever seen. There are still some problems like sometimes when you jump on horse it take a long time or turn around 2 or 3 times before jumping on , or maybe you can get stucked on in a house between the bed and the chair, but still is far more well crafted that others RPG Well done CDPR but not i really hope you know that raising the level to here with this game let you with a "No Mistake Option" on CYBERPUNK 2077, is like at school when you show to the teacher what you are able to do, the teacher will expect always more, we are the same. +MadeMan47,-,5,-,true,-,Best game in the world! +ThunderGrayPL,-,5,-,false,-,Best game ever :D What can i say more :D +mrvinil,-,5,-,true,-,Русская озвучка в игре ужасна, а в остальном все супер! Некоторые реплики как будто проговариваются с перемоткой х2, ужасно бесит и рушится легендарная атмосфера "ведьмака". Надеюсь этот косяк разработчики исправят. +katomaster,-,5,-,true,-,Fucking love this game!!!!!!! +magicluka,-,5,-,false,-,... But the new interface that came with the latest update is awesome, really enjoying my experience with the new DLC! Good job ;) +zeromadx,-,5,-,true,-,greatest game of all time +Fluptu,-,5,-,false,-,Bardzo dobra produkcja polecam i pozdrawiam +jubonga,-,5,-,true,-,The game is beautiful. They took everything I loved from The Witcher 1 and 2 and then made them way better. If you remotely enjoyed either of the first two games you should really consider getting The Witcher 3. Definitely my game of the year! +baee1030,-,1,-,false,-,2days are very short. even though we are already got so mad about it, we will wait till update of korean language pack. but this is matter of trust. game is wonderful. but by promise which didn't you keep. We are very disappointment to CD. at least should write official apologize words at twitter or wherever. otherwise, Korean users will never forget this. +Nicholasng94,-,5,-,true,-,Dark and gritty storyline ? Check Interesting and not boring sidequests ? Check Fun combat and monster varieties ? Check Impressive world building and immersion ? Check NOT HAVING A SOCIAL LIFE ??? CHECK !!!! BUY IT +tubbyhey,-,5,-,false,-,So far everything's exeptional. My rig - AMD fx-8350 GTX 770 2gb 8 gb ram This system can't handle ultra, but is very playable on high settings all Nvidia features turned off. +NineArtDragon,-,5,-,false,-,Top Spiel +olivierj70,-,5,-,true,-,Certainly the most beautiful game I ever played. All seems alive, the immersion is complete. That's become rare that a AAA game is also well finished. After several hours, no bugs ruining the pleasure and that a very good point. Congratulation CD Project, and thank you very much for this perfect game. +Otsy,-,5,-,true,-,Thank you, CDPR. Thank you for creating this fantastic masterpiece. I know I haven't even scratched the core of the game, but from what I've experienced so far I am almost certain that The Witcher III - Wild Hunt will be the successor to Dragon Age: Origins in terms of 'my personal best role playing game after the year 2000'. And this is a statement I do NOT make lightly. I love it. Thank you again, people. I mean it. +kreaqkil,-,2,-,false,-,리뷰하고싶은데 한글이 없었다. 그래서 별을 하나 주려고 했다. 근데 보상으로 1,2편을 준다고 한다. 그런데 나는 1,2편이 이미 있다. 그래도 보상을 해주니 별을 하나 올려주었다. +PerryPlopper,-,5,-,false,-,Just wow, this game, so much hype, and all worth it. +Cedup,-,4,-,false,-,Man, I waited for the game. And it was worth the wait. This is one hell of a good open world game. An epic story, a really living world, reasonable graphics/performance, What else could you care of? Yes, thrusty dev's who really LOVE their game, with their whole heart. A fair price, tons of fan service, DRM Free. What the heck are you waiting for? BUY THAT DAMN GAME TO SHOW DMR IS NOT NECCESAR, BUT PUTTING YOUR HEART AND SOUL IN A PROJECT IS. CDProjektRed, you really show the way to go. Tripple A-Title with this indie mentality. Plain awesome. My 5 Star rating is a leap of faith though, than even this masterpiece could use another 1-2 month to really get polished. We want those E3 Trailer Graphics ;) +DerWarwas,-,5,-,true,-,This Game is very amazing i love it so much ... Huge Map Huge Story and the Design is fantastic. +NosWolf02,-,3,-,false,-,j'adore ce jeux +Kotlovan,-,5,-,false,-,This game is a perfect gift for a dear friend who loves the Witcher & CO < 3 +funk309,-,5,-,false,-,excellent donte déno +killerslava,-,5,-,false,-,https://youtu.be/GLZtxESAW_8 гэймплэй +JRCOBRA,-,1,-,false,-,Freezes constantly in menus and during game unplayable mess requiring you to use task manager to kill the process. So it makes me wonder what that 3 month delay to "Fix bugs" was all about since this is a common issue. If it was not for the fact that I got this for free I would demand a refund. Game runs great at 60fps but the freezing kills it meaning you can only put in around 15 to 20 minutes before it crashes. Day one uninstall. +ElsTandem,-,5,-,false,-,test +methoz,-,5,-,false,-,I played Witcher 1 & Witcher 2 and I really enjoying Witcher 3 +Don216123,-,5,-,true,-,This is by far the best RPG / Game I have played in over a decade . Visually stunning, and an outstanding combat system, the Game sucks you in and never lets go. I literally spent 30 minutes just Looking around in awe ! I never met a side quest I did not like , in this living, breathing and totally immersive game. It makes you FEEL ... even for some of the monsters you're contracted to kill . Sets the standard for how all games should be made! Game of the Decade for me. Outstanding Job for CD Projekt Red! +rodazol,-,5,-,true,-,Really REALLY worth all the wait since W2. About Graphics: Graphics are simply beautiful. I DON'T recommend nVidia's suggestion on graphics. I'm running it very well on a i7 4770k @ 3.7ghz, GTX 760 AMP and 16gm ram, with a very decent fps (around 38 to 45 with drops down to around 23 but rarely). Here's my config - GRAPHICS: 1080p; Uncaped fps and Vsync Off; HairWorks Off; textures on Ultra; Numbers of background characters, Terrain, Water, Grass Density and Detail level on high; everything else on medium and a couple things on low. POSTPROCESSING: Bloom, Sharpening, Light Shafts On; HBAO+ and everything else off. Will buy a more powerfull nVidia GPU soon but, for what it's worth, this game does look great on a medium-high end machine. About Combat: Reworked combat system feels very good, better even than the Combat Rebalance Mod for witcher 2 (which was awesome). The parry and counterstrike feels solid, new Yrden sign is much more usefull now and the new "dodge" adds more depth to combat than the old "rolling" system (which you can do but it's kinda meh). On thing I didn't like: the jump, while standing, feels very weird. But that's it. All characters feel alive, every single weareable item I tried looks awesome. Dialogues and soundtrack is superb. Can't say much about the story as a whole, but so far I'm really liking it. The fight against the Griffin was AWESOME. I SHOULD BE WORKING RIGHT NOW DAMN YOU CDPR!! Worth every penny!! +sebbuku,-,5,-,true,-,Every time I was hyped about a game I have set myself to be disappointed, pretty normal if you ask me, nobody can fulfill your unrealistic dreams. While I was awaiting an halfhearted effort from CD Projekt RED, I must say I am now standing corrected. CDPR delivered, it is all I have hoped for and more and probably my first game that was worth being pre-ordered. Take note EA, Ubisoft and other companies: this is how you make a RPG, this is what it means to be a customer friendly company and this is how you can get my money. +SquashedPossum,-,5,-,true,-,I'm not going to go into an in-depth review of the game seeing as how I'm only a short way in and there will be thousands of folks that will do that better than myself. I will say that this is how a modern RPG should be released, **ahem...EA/Bioware please take notice**. The performance and stability of the game has been rock solid so far. Even on medium settings with my mid-range rig, it is beyond beautifully done. The level of detail in every aspect of the game is nothing short of astounding. I mean, even the smallest of things. Just stand next to a grassy field with a grove of trees in it and watch. Even the programming that controls the freaking wind is well thought out and seriously impressive. Even from the short time that I've played, the story has drawn me in and I'm comfortable with the control mechanics. This IS the RPG I've been waiting for since Skyrim (which I never finished because the story was seriously lackluster). If you have even the smallest interest in modern RPGs then you really should buy and play this game. I don't see how anyone could be disappointed. +Spellbinder77,-,5,-,false,-,heute nacht schon kurz getestet und jetz ein wenig gezockt muss schon sagen dafür das es grade erst raus ist läuft es für so eine grafik schon rund hier und da noch ne ecke aber ich denke das wird bald behoben. wie das spiel an sich ist bleibt noch abzuwarten aber der erste eindruck ist mehr als traumhaft. +Junkykreeg,-,5,-,false,-,Übelst geil! Hexer und so ! +diurates,-,3,-,true,-,Good. But where where is located czech language? In install files download isn't an option choose czech. Missing! +oluu,-,5,-,false,-,Luce brutal... y va fluido +tefajl,-,3,-,false,-,Купил в магазине оказалось для ГОГ, как можно поменять на СТИМ версию??? +threadedhitman,-,5,-,true,-,Я не буду печатать, где, что и, как? Да, как такое возможно? Я не буду печатать о игре - потому, как ранее уже всё - рассказали! Я просто поставлю 5 звёзд, выпаду из жизни на неопределённый срок и скажу Огромное Спасибо - CD Projekt RED! +deviak,-,1,-,true,-,Remember, No Korean... +TheFreeman.212,-,5,-,true,-,Best game of the year ! The Witcher 3 is a beautiful game. Witcher 3 is phenomenal. Witcher 3 is a beautiful open world that juxtaposes violence with beauty. It's a fantastic detailing reveals the consequences of your actions. Armor designs, potion system, and sign upgrades provide an excellent sense of growth (I agree with Gamespot) The Witcher 3 have a fairly monumental life. Art direction that pushes to contemplation, a dense open world in which we like to get lost in the discovery of new places. Witcher 3 have a unique atmosphere, with very striking passages. The quality of the writing of quests and their interconnection is amazing ! it's a masterpiece ! ----------- Français : Meilleur jeu de l'année! The Witcher 3 est un beau jeu. Witcher 3 est phénoménale. Witcher 3 est un monde ouvert magnifique qui juxtapose la violence avec la beauté. Il est un fantastique détaillant révèle les conséquences de vos actions. La conception des armures et leur beauté, le système de potion, et les mises à niveau des signes fournissent un excellent sens de la croissance (je suis d'accord avec Gamespot) The Witcher 3 a une vie assez monumentale. Une direction artistique qui pousse à la contemplation, un monde ouvert dense dans lequel nous aimons à se perdre dans la découverte de nouveaux endroits. Witcher 3 a une atmosphère unique, avec des passages mémorables. La qualité de l'écriture des quêtes et leur interconnexion est incroyable! C'est un chef-d'œuvre! +erohinag,-,5,-,true,-,Много писать не буду. Ибо для описания моего восторга не найти столько слов. Я просто восхищен. Игра супер. 100 из 10. Шедевр. На радостях, в честь выхода игры, купил теще квартиру:) +Arox42,-,1,-,true,-,startet nicht, selbst mit day one patch Aron +Pentatronik4D,-,5,-,false,-,It is a really GOOD game!! I love it !!! +Blaines,-,5,-,false,-,I love this game, really. Dragon Age Inquisition is a joke compared to this... +Samco005,-,5,-,false,-,After incredible Withcer 1 and Withcer 2, CDPR brings us the new king of RPG genre. This game has everything you can wish for in RPG game - immersive story, beautiful visuals, great characters, incredible atmosphere, amazing combat, large open world, interesting level system and many more! Even optimalisation is top notch - runs great on my low budget GTX 960 with 1080p, almost everything on high with AA. Sometimes a framedrop can appear, but what should I expect from 2GB GPU? Thank you CD Projekt Red! It's really great to see that our neighbours made maybe my favourite game of all time. Kind regards from Slovakia:) +Jacon6,-,2,-,false,-,It looks like a great game. The little I have tried draws you straight in wanting more. So far so good. But had to just stop, could not play it anymore. My PC runs with fx-8350@4.2 ghz and R9 290@1100mhz, I get solid 60 fps when foliage at high and no hairstuff, all else ultra. It is really well optimized that way. But the framepace/frame latency, its maddening. In my case it renders the game absolutely unplayable. On lowest setting, highest, radeonpro and all its tweaks, latest drivers, CCC on/off, it doesnt matter. Fps is great, but the pacing is so inconsistent its just a mess. Its strange because I cant be the only one with this problem, still I see no reports of this issue. Happy for those who can play anyway! Will update the review if and when any patches and/or drivers get released. +Dhuri,-,5,-,false,-,Love it. Graphic effects are brilliant. +Esett,-,5,-,true,-,My first impressions are positive. I hear quite a lot about downgrading but in the end i think the game looks better than any other game released ever. Just my 2 cents. Also on the technical side although its quite hot where i live the game is very well optimized. It uses the CPU and video card properly unlike other games from other publishers and my computer keeps cool. Overall i was shocked at how smooth the game runs on my rig considering the fact my video card is just above minimum spec. The game play is good, i find the controls precise and the difficulty just right on Blood and broken bones. Its too early to give a definitive verdict but as it stands now it is better than any other RPG i have ever played. So for now its 10/10 +riceshaftik,-,5,-,false,-,Great game ! I like it +sleepless00,-,5,-,true,-,This game is exactly what I wanted and expected to be: mindblowingly vast open world game with adult story and believable characters. I enjoy every moment in it. Game Of The Decade. +wangsaida,-,1,-,true,-,You guys promised release witcher 3 on Korean language version at 5.19. But, You guys broke your promise to korean gamers. I was loved very much witcher franchise, but not any more. Very disappointed in CD PROJEKT RED. +pingu53,-,5,-,false,-,Will be remembered as one of the great games and RPG's of all time +DrBlackJack,-,5,-,true,-,From the way the characters emote during conversations to the atmosphere, this game has one of the best presentations I've seen in gaming. Combat is fun and dynamic; Boss battles are tough and daunting. Witcher 3 is a fun challenge with a intriguing story, and in my opinion, a great addition to the Witcher series. +shanti77,-,1,-,false,-,한국도 출시일은 19일이라고 했다. 그런데 한국어는 왜 21일이냐!!! 너희들은 약속을 지켜라!!!! +davidp57,-,5,-,true,-,Despite a true lack in handling (Assassin's creed has a new challenger in the "clumsy feet" department), Witcher 3 is the best Witcher ever. The story is top-notch; the graphics are beautiful, especially the lighting effects; the combat is thrilling and gratifying; the huge world that is here for us to explore is the best ever done. This is Skyrim meets Monster Hunter meets Grand Theft Auto in the world of Witcher ! Thank you CD Projekt Red for the best RPG of the decade... +Jardak,-,5,-,true,-,Игра великолепна, оптимизация радует, играю свободно на ноутбуке на средних параметрах (Lenovo Y580). +hkw87,-,1,-,false,-,It doesn't support Korean. They deceived me. +ronnetanel120,-,5,-,true,-,My first RPG game ever and ITS FOCKIN AWESOME !!!!!!!! +XclanOrigin,-,5,-,true,-,It's a lot of fun and is gorgeous, even on my gtx 760 2gb I'm able to rung high/ultra at a steady 30fps +NLLung,-,5,-,false,-,I loved the witcher 2 but the combat system wasn't the best of. However, the Witcher 3 has an interesting story and good combat system (for example the new dodge mechanic), and while you play you can hear a great soundtrack. Well done CD projekt red. +wwfdlstn,-,1,-,false,-,Korean language did not apply. Liar !! +Mner,-,1,-,false,-,Korea release 19th,but no korean language. Delay 21th, no notice. Bad Company. +BOYFROMNASHUA,-,5,-,false,-,Less than an hour of gameplay, and I've stolen everything in town and picked a fight with every guard I've seen! 10/10, would pillage villiage again. +Luxsu,-,1,-,false,-,Korean did not apply. Liar. You make me angry. +fkfvmzmffkr99,-,1,-,false,-,You are liar. +cabooselol22,-,5,-,true,-,Really, it is. As someone who has played video games their entire life, I've had my fair share of favorites. I started with the NES and played every console that has come out since and owned almost every single one (missed out on owning a Dreamcast). I ended up becoming a PC gamer as I grew older and as the years went by, most games didn't have the charm they did when I was growing up. I still played video games daily as I'm not very social, but I always felt they were missing something or have been done before. I could never keep my attention on one game for too long, I basically had video game ADD. But, then The Witcher 3 came along. Never have I loved a world, the characters and the lore as much as I did. The only game that I felt that way with prior was Baldur's Gate, since then I haven't found something that gripped me the way that game did. Whelp, The Witcher 3 was it. I've played 1 and 2 and never have I seen a series improve so much over each iteration. Most sequels tend to be slightly better or worse but usually aren't very drastic in either direction. However, TW2 was a vast improvement over the first (imo) and 3 not only trumped the first 2, but trumped almost ever RPG that has come out in the last 15 years. The combat, while hit and miss for some, to me is strong. It's not the best, but it's certainly not the worst and is definitely fun when you get the hang of it. Having to understand your foe and plan according to the situation is an awesome feeling I haven't had since the days of oldschool RPGs. It may not be as prominent in Normal and Easy, but you better bet you'll need to be prepared on the harder difficulties. I've never played a game in which each character has something I enjoy about them. Whether it makes me hate them or love them, I haven't met a major character that I felt could have been left out. I'd write more, but I don't have much more room to go on. But, the game is a solid 10/10 and I recommend to anyone, even newcomers to the genre +kingcasual,-,5,-,false,-,Its the first good rpg in the last 5 years ( skyrim was the last ) tbh i just play it on a gtx 750ti so its under the minimum reqs but i have terrain and texture quality BOTH on high , most other stuff on medium/low but it looks amazing AND it never lagged ( for now :) ) everyone who thinking about if this game is worth the money: Is Christmas in May? Yes it is but just this year. Thank You CD Project +Southpaw.Gamer,-,4,-,false,-,Visuals / Sound aside the attention to detail is astounding, while Skyrim remains the king of "Loot everything in sight" type of open world games I would argue Witcher 3 is the new king in regards to the game world feeling alive. My only complaint thus far is that a lot of the NPCs feel like filler content (As in they serve no purpose), I wish they had stuck to their roots from Witcher 2 where every NPC had something meaningful to say. I removed a STAR because according to the developers everyone should be using WASD as their movement keys, as there is no OPTION to rebind those keys. I had to use my keyboards software to change the controls to how I like them to be.... I shouldn't have to go through that to play comfortably. Some people may not even have the software or knowledge to be able to change the controls outside the game so to me that is a BIG negative mark for a game that is otherwise flawless in many ways. On a side note with an OC MSI GTX 980 I was maintaining above 30 FPS on ULTRA but rarely did it pass 60 FPS. I'm playing on HIGH and getting 60+ FPS but do notice huge spikes in FPS change, I was somewhat hoping for better performance in that sense, FPS shouldn't frop from 70 - 80 all the way down to 40 - 50 for a cutscene. +dblmstr1,-,2,-,false,-,I am frustrated that this game is crashing every 10 minutes. Holy crap it is bad. I also hate the stutter that the cut scenes are giving. It is breaking my immersion. I'm also unimpressed by the visuals. What the hell did Cd Project Red mean that they were intentionally not showing us max PC settings so that we could be awe-stricken? Max PC settings are barely better than PS4. There is not much of a reason to own a GPU that is barely stronger than the Ps4 if you want 1080p. Not only that, the max settings only work for Nvidia current gen GPUs. Older gen cards are having a hell of a time despite having enough power. They said there was no downgrade, but that is because they defined the concept to require a previous build of a game to compare it to -- Something the community was not talking about. Meanwhile the community was talking about the obvious visual downgrade from the 2013 "in-game trailer" that was advertised and promised to be. Then when the fans begin to complain about it, CDPR denied there was a downgrade and that it was just click-bate rumors, and refused to show the max PC specs so us PC gamers can be awe-stricken at release. While the game will probably be a good game. I do not like how shady and deceptive CDPR was. I can honestly say that I no longer see them as the good developers anymore. They are now just another Activision, Ubisoft, EA to me. Community downgrade definition: obvious scale down of visuals compared to earlier +crimsoner,-,1,-,true,-,unsupported KOREAN???!!!!!!!!!!!! +Magistr6,-,5,-,true,-,Сегодня завершил прохождение. Обычно не пишу комментариев, но эта игра достойна исключения. Спасибо, CD PROJEKT RED! Вы создали лучшую игру всех времен и народов! +SenorRambo,-,5,-,false,-,Good! +kenji1245,-,5,-,true,-,A gift from the gods. +hwanghwejae,-,1,-,true,-,where is korean language? CD PROJEKT +jameslee,-,1,-,true,-,실망스럽긴하다..제작사믿었는데... +byezed,-,1,-,false,-,Where are you? Korea localizing +JINSEOKBAE,-,1,-,false,-,don't buy korean language user +lolwtfno,-,5,-,true,-,I SHAT THEM +cikcom,-,1,-,true,-,Korean Language coming soon?! Fuck!!! +bluetale,-,1,-,true,-,I really sorry for you, CDPR, I couldn't realize that just adding some translated text is too difficult for you guys ; even you have to spend TWO DAYS ! to just make a smal PATCH - even smaller than DAY 1 PATCH - for Korean players. Of course, Japanese players also will receive the game with their mother language, but they also can get the game full of new japanese voice :D And, to tell you the truth, they even cannot get their stuff until May 21st - AND KOREAN PLAYERS GET THEIR DISAPPOINTMENT TODAY, IN MAY 19TH :D I really wish that you guys, CDPR will get some great future - without any support from Korea from now on. Until yesterday, you are the savior in Korea, but you transformed yourself into a betrayer. Really amazing, and amused. Cheers. +wales2004,-,1,-,false,-,No korean? what the fuck!!!! +SunMyung,-,1,-,false,-,Are you Kidding me? This is cheat korea release is not 19, 21... Shit! CD project: "Korea? kkk. just Kiss my ass hall" +silverius99,-,1,-,false,-,Korean support was promised before 19th, may. But coming soon now. It is a big cheating and dishonest business. +Hawkek,-,5,-,false,-,I r8 8/8 no h8 Game of the year 2015 man +CosmicDashie,-,5,-,true,-,I've only been playing this game for a few hours as of now, but so far this game is really good! Everything seems way more fleshed out than the previous games, and the visuals are gorgeous. Definatly worth the purchase! +soldier5637,-,5,-,false,-,I wasnt looking forward to this game really, but it came with my brand new GTX 960 and im glad it did! Fantastic game. Everything looks excellent graphically, but the foliage could use some work. You need a good PC to play this enjoyably, no doubt. Im running a GTX 960 EVGA SSC 2GB GPU, an FX-6300 OC to 4.2 GHz with water cooling, 8 GB of DDR3 RAM and i set it myself to ultra mode and it plays very well. no stuttering with the frame rates 98% of the time. Runs smooth, so as long as you have the same as me or above, you should be alright! One thing though, it froze a few hours into it. Might not be the games fault though as i only just overcloked my CPU for this and it may have been that. (I torture tested it beforehand, it shouldnt be the CPU but might be, its worth mentioning.) +sparcer,-,5,-,true,-,Such a gorgeous game. CD projekt has done it again...pumping out success after success...Just dont become like UBISOFT and please please please stay away for EA...i beg u. Also unrelated to this awesome game...It seems to be crashing to desktop every now and then...any ideas why? +The 1nteger,-,5,-,false,-,Possibly the best RPG ever made! +skywalkingdead,-,3,-,false,-,all the other sounds and such work. but when someone speaks nothing happens +mainfighter4,-,5,-,false,-,im playing this game on my 2005 gaming PC at 30 fps on 1600X900 lol i think its pretty well optimized with my Pentium D 945 at 3.4GHz and my GTX 750 1 GB Vram +disporting,-,5,-,true,-,Rarely games come out now with such depth. EA/Bioware have basically removed the RPG aspect from many of their "Role Playing Games" but CDPR, a small (relative to most other AAA developers) company comes out with something I thought not possible, and surpass Witcher 2. No longer are you stuck in a small town or area, you have the whole world to explore. And TONS, TONS, TONS of side quests. There's so much to do it can be overwhelming. And everything in it is so well done. My favorite aspect is the side quests. It's not a simple "Hey go here and collect 20 roses and come back." The side quests are long and can often spur other side quests. Dang, I love this game. I would write more, but I want to get back and become engrossed in it again. Other people have more depth in their review. Read those. +odomi2,-,5,-,true,-,Content, detail, gameplay, story, voice over, music, graphics, replay value... everything is a 10/10 The game feels almost exactly as the books (this is what impresses me the most), making a perfect ending for the series. Most satisfying puchase of a game I´ve made. +gogwitcher300,-,5,-,true,-,Good price for and open world game with climbing mechanics and swimming, horse combat, day and night cycle and lots of quest's. Very good game. +simonspie,-,5,-,true,-,BEST. GAME. EVER. You made it CDPR! Everything in this world and especialy in storytelling is so lifelike and moving. This game is a gem and the best that i have ever played! (Im 25) THANK YOU FOR THE 21:9 Support!! [ SLI 680 4G @ 21:9 (3440x1440) all Ultra, Works great for me! ] +MaxOrlov,-,5,-,true,-,Идеал играю с момента выхода )) Лучша рпг которую я видел )) +dunamis1382,-,5,-,true,-,The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt it's a masterpiece, and that's it. +megacopy,-,1,-,false,-,집나간 한글을 데려와라!!!!!!! +ghi81,-,1,-,false,-,A peine lancé, et je me rend compte que le jeu est assez moche, beaucoup plus qu'un GTA 5 par exemple, l'effet du vent dans les arbres et feuillages est à mourir de rire, pire que gothic 4 faut le faire, en plus pas de voix dans les cinématiques, bug ou pas, peu importe c inadmissible !! +pt196,-,5,-,false,-,The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a thoughtful, diverse, and frequently awe-inspiring adventure. Its stories are deep and satisfying, unafraid to touch on themes of personal character, presenting players with choices and consequences that aren’t about turning into a hero or a villain. In the end, it’s quite simply one of the best RPGs ever made. Its shockingly cohesive world is as beautiful as it is demanding, and it's packed full of mature content that throws you from one emotional response to the next. Its storytelling is superb, its combat is grippingly refined, and its often unforgiving nature only lends itself to a brilliantly rewarding experience. +tklee000,-,1,-,false,-,Korean language options were missing...Korean language options were missing...Korean language options were missing...Korean language options were missing...Korean language options were missing...Korean language options were missing...Korean language options were missing...Korean language options were missing... +vToXicRaiNv,-,5,-,false,-,This GAME is awesome 10/10.. Game of the year! +winterplay21,-,1,-,false,-,한글 어딨냐???? 예약구매한게 잘못이라니.... +74romeo74,-,3,-,true,-,Может ли игра не запускатся с 4 гигами? +PlayAlive,-,5,-,false,-,This game is fucking awesome !!!! Graphik= 9/10 Dialoges= 10/10 Story= 10/10 good peace of work ! POLISH POWER +KaNeXP,-,1,-,false,-,I have x2 Titan X in SLI, and one of them doesn't work with this game, forcing me to run it in medium graphics at 3440x1440 resolution. We are in 2015, what are the programers thinking, and NVIDIA? Wich is the future of SLI, really worth it? +Lonewolf1044,-,5,-,true,-,I was really shocked at the visuals and how sharp and realistic my graphics are. I am playing a 980 4 gb and must say from the little bit I played, this game was well worth the wait and money. I have no problems playing in ultra with no lag. Well done CD Projekt Red! :) +livioverlord,-,1,-,false,-,REALEASE THIS FUCKING GAME TO BRAZIL! G-ZUS F!@#$ C!41235! +Rassol,-,5,-,false,-,как включить русский язык в озвучке,кто знает?(насколько я знаю,превод должен быть дублированный) +He-Toad,-,5,-,false,-,Though wither 3 is big, it lacks polish. +mcgeehe,-,5,-,true,-,TW3 GOTY 2015 I'm probably one of the few that believed TW1>TW2. For me, TW3 is the sequel TW1 deserved. I miss dice poker... Performance is great minus the pre-rendered cutscenes. Something needs to be fixes there. 1080p 60fps[locked], all 'Ultra' settings with 'High' shadows and 'High' foliage draw distance. No fancy hair either. GTX 970 + 3570K. +SaintPain,-,1,-,false,-,장난도 아니고 한글 공식 지원이면 가른언어들이랑 같이 나와야 하는게 기본 아닌가? +tanatana,-,3,-,false,-,숨은 한글 찾습니다 나와주세요 +frasch,-,4,-,true,-,great game sadly quite downgraded +legendruin,-,5,-,false,-,왜 한글이 없나요? +lance.echo,-,1,-,true,-,Its now 8:07 p.m eastern time and still not playing.... +win1win6,-,5,-,false,-,잃어버린 한글을 찾습니다 +MacGyvers_Mullet,-,5,-,false,-,They have a button prompt for skipping the launch videos and splash screens. 10/10 +jincloud,-,4,-,false,-,I couldn't find it !! +Dmitryifly,-,1,-,true,-,Я после релиза так и не смог скачать ни обновление ,ни патч !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! +FTL,-,1,-,false,-,where neverwinter nights diamond edition? +Fowlmove,-,5,-,true,-,What can I say? Runs excellent on my machine, very small load times, reworked combat system feels more natural, great addition of the new dodge mechanic, beautiful and detailed world, great sound track! This is how a modern day game should be. Well done Team RED! +lcoghks,-,5,-,false,-,한글내놔 이놈들아...ㅠㅠ +p9615014,-,3,-,false,-,ah? it not in option.... why? +Switchbakt,-,5,-,false,-,i like poo but this is not poo so my hunt will continue for poo +pbeverywhere,-,1,-,false,-,I cant play, failed to download update \ No newline at end of file