title | description | published | date | tags | editor |
Analyzing Yeasts by Reconstructing Ancestry of Homologs (AYbRAH) |
Analyzing Yeasts by Reconstructing Ancestry of Homologs |
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2020-09-09 15:07:47 UTC |
2019, sequence alignment, homolog discovery, database, organism-specific |
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AYbRAH is an open-source database of predicted and manually curated ortholog groups for 33 diverse fungi and yeasts in Dikarya, spanning 600 million years of evolution. Information on homolog and ortholog groups can be viewed in the AYbRAH web portal, including functional annotations, predictions for mitochondrial localization and transmembrane domains, literature references and phylogenetic reconstructions.
Ortholog assignments in AYbRAH were compared to HOGENOM, KEGG Orthology, OMA, eggNOG and PANTHER. PANTHER and OMA had the most congruent ortholog groups with AYbRAH, while the other phylogenomic databases had greater amounts of under-clustering, over-clustering or no ortholog annotations for proteins. {.is-info}
- AYbRAH Main Page {.links-list}
- All fasta and alignments of the orthologous groups are available to download and analyse.
- Tree available to download, but not available to see online.
- Can access the database by term search (gene name) or lookup in the list.
- The ortholog group page contains all the information and literature of the gene.
- Correia, K., Yu, S. M., & Mahadevan, R. (2019). AYbRAH: a curated ortholog database for yeasts and fungi spanning 600 million years of evolution. Database, 2019. {.grid-list}